Saturday 14 May 2022




“When Karma takes over, it means that the human system has been stilled. Then the truth manifests Itself. Ranil is the medium because he was wronged more than once. Sajith missed for the same reason. Karma is a Universal power driven by Truth alone and not rights & wrongs”  - my comment to Daily Mirror article headed ‘Be a statesman Ranil, take one step at a time’


I posted on 13 May 2022 : at



 ‘Most  Sri Lankans believe in the system of karma. To my mind, if we keep a still mind, our karma invokes itself. Hence we meditate. The blessing with Karma is that when we go into the experience in ‘virtual-reality’ mode, we own the ‘issue’. When we experience both sides of the effects at the same time, we do not experience pleasure or pain. If indeed we enjoyed unearned pleasures then we would experience its other side as ‘pain’.  The return to power by Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe is an example of karma works even when we are a minority of one – especially when we are a minority of one.’

Later yesterday, I had lengthy communication with a Tamil Diaspora group. This communication is also posted at the same website under today’s date. That conversation began with the message ‘The fate of MR - a song in Tamil’

This meant to me that all those accepting the current happenings as ‘fate’ have no more contributions to make as per their human system.  This would include the contribution to a Political solution or legal action. Their truth will go to fate – also known as ‘Karma’

The subsequent conversation was based on video footage by another member of the pain and suffering of Tamil civilians during the last stages  of the war in 2009. I worked out the motive as the claim that Karma was the driving force and hence the downfall  of Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa (MR). This meant also that Karma being an Independent Judge would use the same yardstick on the LTTE. Hence I wrote – ‘the LTTE killings were also inhumane and cruel.

To my mind, if I mark myself wrong and go through the pain from loss of  status, health and /or wealth – I become immune to external judgments.  When we extend this to community  level –  the community becomes immune to any loss from outside the community.  That is the value of discipline.

Those who rejected me and claimed that I was an ignorant ‘junior’ to them  deprived the community of this ‘internal clearance’ of wrongs through the same measure.

Later today, I came across the Daily News article 37th anniversary of Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi attack: ‘The LTTE’s brutal attack on Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi’ by Nadira Gunatilleke. This article confirms as follows:

[The LTTE hijacked a bus on May 14, 1985 and entered Anuradhapura. As the LTTE cadres entered the main bus station, they opened fire indiscriminately with automatic weapons killing and wounding many civilians who were waiting for buses. The LTTE cadres then drove to the Jaya Sri Maha Bodhi and gunned down Buddhist Bhikkus, Buddhist Bhikkunis and civilians as they were worshiping. Before they withdrew, the LTTE strike force entered the Wilpattu National Park and killed 18 Sinhalese in the forest reserve. The LTTE cadres massacred 146 Sinhalese men, women and children in total, in Anuradhapura.]

As per Hindu culture – a soldier shall not attack an unarmed person. Ramayanam’s ‘Indru Poi Naalai Vaa /go today and come back tomorrow’.

Rama said, ” You are now left alone and I do not want to kill you now. Remember, without Dharma, even Devas cannot win any war.”  (Valmiki Ramayanam, Yudha Kandam, 59.154)  -

 The LTTE attack 37 years ago was in breach of Hindu Dharma.  By disciplining them posthumously I was saving the community from negative karma.

Thus the Community karma’s positivity would be stronger. In turn, by facilitating Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe to be PM – Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa negated the sin through the collusion between his brother Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa and the LTTE to deny Tamils their voting rights in 2005 Presidential election through which Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa became President.  Now they are even.

When each one of us disciplines our own community by using the same yardstick as we use on the Opposition – we will live in harmony. When we live in harmony our economy will naturally support our life as Sri Lankans. That is how Truth works. I know this through my own difficult experiences here in Australia. I thought we would need to ‘sell’ our home unit. But we saved it and we get enough income to maintain it. That is the beauty of true sacrifice for the common good.

Everyone of us can contribute to the economic recovery by contributing as per our conscience. That Soul Power would then bring us the opportunities from wider world through our ancestral powers also.




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