Wednesday 31 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 October 2018

The Curse of De Facto status
Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa leads his voters to override the logic of law. It happened when he  declared himself as the Joint Opposition in Parliament despite Tamil National Alliance (TNA) becoming the Opposition on merit basis. But that is also his truth as per his mind structure. The current situation is another example of  such conduct. Tamils were the first group to become victims of such ‘justification’ in 2009. Now even the duly appointed Prime Minister and the Cabinet are facing this ‘ouster’.

De facto relationships are valid so long they do not take higher status than their parallel lawful relationships. They could at best be ‘facilities’ but do not rank higher than the official leadership. This is true also of families when children become independent of parents and contribute at equal or stronger level as the parents. To override and take higher position damages the structure and therefore the Energy that went into the development of that structure. Following the law prevents such damage.
The current crisis is an eye-opener for Tamils who seek to self-govern. If we take higher status than the structured position  - we lose the support / blessing of our ancestors – including of other cultures – who contributed to our Diversity. It was therefore  heartening to read the following about TNA:
[Veteran Tamil politician has questioned the unprecedented move of former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, de-facto Prime Minister appointed by the President Maithripala Sirisena in a “constitutional” coup, during the meeting held in the morning, a reliable source in Tamil National Alliance told the Sri Lanka Guardian.
“We are not going to accept the President’s decision as well as the unpleasant political move of the former and incumbent Presidents. Our leader, Rajavarothiam Sampanthan, has questioned Mr Rajapaksa over this unprecedented acceptance to be the de-facto Prime Minister of Sri Lanka,” the source said.] Sri Lanka Guardian article ‘Sri Lanka: TNA leader questions Rajapaksa

One of the main avenues through which Mr Rajapaksa empowered himself was the position of Opposition in Parliament – through which he took higher status than TNA leader in Parliament. To my knowledge there is no lawful  position as Joint Opposition.  Allowing that has now resulted in this De Facto state – including by the President. When a mistress has  status above the lawful wife – the family earns the curse of  all those who respect the lawful structure of marriage and  children/citizens inherit  the mind-structure of cohabitation and fail to inherit and  develop structured families./institutions/nations.

Northern Tamils voted in 2015 for a structured community that would inherit the Energy of official structures of the past and develop younger continuations of such structures.  This has been highlighted by Groundviews as follows:
[With the change of government in 2015, there was a significant change of policy by the Government towards the Northern Province. For the first time since 1999 and only second time ever since 1982, the Northern Province had voted for the winner of the Presidential Election in Maithripala Sirisena, and that by a huge margin of nearly 75%; President Sirisena was duly grateful to his constituency ]

Now that trust has been damaged  beyond repair by Mr Sirisena who has used the Tamil vote to support the very leader who takes credit for war victory and therefore for the suffering of civilians due to de facto power. If this is the way Sinhalese leaders are treated by that partnership – we Tamils would be fools to vote for such persons or their associates. If we seek an official solution – we must strongly oppose any de facto leadership and show unanimous support to those who demonstrate commitment to lawful structures and positions. That is when we would be blessed by all those operate within the law – as our ancestors did. The only time we would set aside this code would be when we have to uphold the Truth which cannot be expressed through the lawful pathway – as Gandhi did and accepted the punishment that came with it. Minorities  need the law and Truth to defeat de facto operators driven by immediate benefits, with little regard for ancestral blessings – in this instance that of Lord Buddha himself.

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 October 2018



After being appalled by the way Dr Laksiri Fernando – who as per my understanding is by law Australian – interpreted the ‘legality’ of the decision by Mr Sirisena who holds the position of president of Sri Lanka, I felt hope in my heart – reading Mr Jayakody’s work in this issue. I was able to identify with Mr Jayakody’s interpretations as if they were mine. The name indicates that  Mr Jayakody is of Sinhala origin, but the mind is certified by me as being global.  To my mind,  Dr Fernando on the other hand has demonstrated withdrawal into ‘Sinhala Nationalism’ and has demonstrated strong subjectivity and hence identifies blindly with the thinking of Mr Sirisena.
Knowing the way such minds work is important to Tamils, Muslims and Burghers to preserve their Diversity in this highly subjective environment – especially if Mr Rajapaksa is accepted as the Executive leader.

Dr Fernando states in terms of the application of Article 47(2):
[19th Amendment 
There is no question that many of the powers of the President are reduced under the 19th Amendment. However, nowhere it says he cannot remove the PM. There are two Articles where removal is mentioned directly and indirectly. 
First is Article 47 (2) which says “Notwithstanding the death, removal from office or resignation of the Prime Minister, during the period intervening between the dissolution of Parliament and the conclusion of the General Election, the Cabinet of Ministers shall continue to function with the other Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers as its members…” 
This is of course during the intervening period, as it is clear from above. However, this is a proof that the possibility of removal is still there even after the 19th Amendment. There is no hard and fast rule on this matter. ]

Article 47 is about ‘the period intervening between the dissolution of Parliament and the conclusion of the General Election

To my mind the above comes from a mind  that places benefits (including imaginary benefits) before rights. Each one of us earns ‘rights’ as per our true respect for Common structures and values. As I recently said in the case of a stepchild – that child has accumulated natural rights by respecting the position of the stepparent and the stepparent’s system.  The Constitution is to be interpreted on the basis of our belief that we are Sri Lankans. Every such interpretation is valuable and would naturally merge with other genuine interpretations – at Energy level.

This Article 47 (2) confirms that the existing Ministers SHALL continue. – ‘ the Cabinet of Ministers shall continue to function with the other Ministers of the Cabinet of Ministers as its members

But Mr Sirisena has  appointed new ministers while the existing ministers are still in their positions and Parliament has NOT been dissolved. This confirms serious disrespect for the Constitution which every Sri Lankan has the right to interpret as per their Belief. True Belief will merge naturally. Between Dr Fernando and I only one of us has the right to claim to be Sri Lankan. If that is Dr Fernando due to his position and majority power – then Separation has already happened – with my part of that land being called Eelam. This could very well be in the middle of Colombo.   

Young  Mr Jayakody shows another interpretaion through the following interpretation of the law which comes from a global mind:
[However, Article 42(4) refers to the president’s power to appoint as prime minister, a member of parliament who in his opinion can command the confidence of the house. There are no provisions in the constitution concerning the removal of a prime minister by the president.  A prime minister can only cease to hold office through one of the stipulated means in Articles 46(2) and 48]
I therefore conclude that whilst Tamils who are genuinely committed to integration – are overridden by the likes of Dr Fernando whose interpretation is contradictory to that of  the mind practicing global principles of Equal Opportunity and Diversity – there can be no ethnic reconciliation, leave alone solution whilst such minds ‘possess’  power – by majority and/or merely by status – especially status that has gone past its validity date.

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 October 2018


I met  Dr Laksiri Fernando at the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum, Sydney. While I noticed him ‘taking over’ leadership and felt perturbed by it – I went along because many of the young organizers seemed to respect him for his intellectual status as an Academic. But today’s read of his article headed ‘Ranil holding on to power is unconstitutional and undemocratic’ confirmed to me that this man was fooling the Australian Public about upholding democracy through Reconciliation.

Democratic wisdom

Once, when a representative of SPUR (which is considered by Tamils to be pro-Sinhala Nationalist group) spoke and I tried to explain about ‘Project based approach’ to post-war development work – Dr Fernando cut me short and tried to ‘train’ that young member of SPUR – a group that Dr Fernando also confessed to being part of.  More to the point, when I responded to Dr Fernando about my pain and suffering to uphold my Equal status at the University of NSW – Dr Fernando brushed it aside – confirming to me that he did not share commonness with me in terms of  Democracy.  But my book ‘Naan Australian’, found its way to the National Library of Australia along Gandhi’s pathway of Truth.

I concluded that Dr Laksiri was not interested in the challenges that Australian migrants were facing towards practicing Self-Governance.  I concluded that he used his academic status to assimilate with Australians of White-Australian mentality of ‘telling’ those who seem to be of lesser status than himself.

One who fails to uphold Equal status with one of lesser apparently lesser status, but ‘assumes’ higher status on the basis of past is undemocratic. He has been denied the authority of Democracy to ‘judge’ another  about whether s/he is democratic or not.


Wisdom in Constitutional Law

My early response to the Sri Lankan President’s recent move was based on my identity with relevant sections of the Constitution and various legislations that I had to use in relation to challenges to my ownership rights in Northern Sri Lanka as well as in Colombo. I learnt the provisions of the law and interpreted them as per my direct experience based needs – as I had done in Australia also. That was needed for me to connect to law-abiding fellow citizens in both nations. Dr Laksiri shared no such experience with us at the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum.

The law must lead us to the Truth and such Truth would in turn become the measure for rights and wrongs through belief in a common group such as the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum. I enjoy such with some members of that group – even though I do not regularly attend the meetings as I did previously.  Dr Fernando is not one of them. To my Australian mind,  Dr Fernando  seems to live in his own little world of yesterday’s glory.

Dr Fernando’s  lack of wisdom is strongly demonstrated as follows:

[The present turn of events undoubtedly is not ideal for the country, but perhaps inevitable. If the UNP could have changed the Leader, Ranil Wickremesinghe, as he was straying away from democratic norms and interests of the country, it would have been a better option, much earlier than the present.

However, that was unfortunately not the situation given the poor internal democracy within our political parties. Equally worrying is the appointment of Mahinda Rajapaksa as the Prime Minister, although it is Constitutional.

The following was what a defiant UNP MP and a State Minister, Vasantha Senanayake, has told the Daily Mirror (27 October): “It is with relief that I welcome the change of a most shameless and selfish man that ruined the great party built by my ancestors and damaged seriously, the wellbeing of our motherland. I pledge my support to the Prime Minister and congratulate the President for his wisdom

‘Buddhism foremost’ Article in the Sri Lankan Constitution is most undemocratic and yet I am yet to hear / read Dr Fernando making his contribution to right that wrong – not even when  law experts spoke to the Forum.  The question here is not whether or not Mr Wickremesighe is an effective leader – but whether or not he is the lawfully appointed leader. As per my interpretation of the law – he is. According to Dr Fernando – Mr Rajapaksa is the Constitutionally appointed Prime Minister. Dr Fernando lacks the experience based wisdom nor academic knowledge in law to make such a judgment.  He is entitled to state how he interprets a particular section of the law but not make conclusive judgments as he has done.

Under the heading - Constitutionality of the move? – Dr Fernando states:

[Because of the ambiguous nature of the 19th Amendment, the decision to remove Wickremesinghe as the PM has now become a controversy. However, until this matter is settled amicably, or in the Supreme Court, the President’s decision has to be upheld. Otherwise, the country would plunge into unnecessary chaos. Wickremesinghe appears to claim he is the arbiter in deciding on the Constitutional issue. He dismisses going before the Supreme Court. ]

Mr Wickremesinghe’s position has not become a controversy. It is Mr Sirisena’s secretive moves that have caused this chaos. If Mr Sirisena was so confident that he was acting lawfully  and democratically – he would have been TRANSPARENT about the process. Obviously Dr Fernando’s mind works along the same path as President Sirisena’s in Politics. What a waste of academic resources if all one needs is the selfish mindset of Mr Sirisena!
This kind of thinking is damaging to Australian Democracy and Dr Fernando is benefiting from Australian Equal Opportunity values without having contributed to that system through regular practice as an Australian. Now we are learning that he is importing Sri Lankan political values into Australia. He has the moral duty to renounce all such democratic benefits before promoting the personal Subjective system from Australian soil.

Saturday 27 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

27 October 2018

If Obama Can  - so can CVW’s Heirs

The 2015 Government was formed on the promise of unity between faith based power and intellectual power. Shocking as it is – the new development in which the former President has been made Prime Minister by the current president of Sri Lanka, was bound to happen as per the vibrations we have been receiving. True owners listening to their intuitions would have known. We had similar ‘takeover’ here – by Ms Julia Gillard in 2010. But Ms Gillard did not last long in that position.

The surprising part is that with all its ‘Freedom’ the Sri Lankan media did not see this coming. But the Island did project the probability  of  Tamils fielding their own candidate at Presidential level:

[If the Wigneswaran-led political alliance manages to improve upon the performance they put up at the local government elections, there is the possibility that by the time the next parliamentary elections come around in mid-2020, it may be the largest Tamil group in Parliament, representing the North and East. Before the next parliamentary election, the Wigneswarn-led group needs another election which they can fight under Wigneswaran’s leadership and make their mark. If the government does not give them the provincial council elections that they are obviously expecting, Wigneswaran may be compelled to put himself forward as a candidate at the Presidential elections to show that the people of the North and East are with him.] Island article - Wigneswaran’s new party: Debut at PC polls or Presidential election?

Mr Wigneswaran’s thought structure would work more naturally with majority Colombo Tamils than with majority Northern  Tamils. As Governors it is not necessary for us to show ‘wins’. In fact under the Sri Lankan structure – a true governor would not have the status of Governor. It’s the Governor in everyone that works the system beyond place and time borders. That is Universal power that all of us are capable of achieving.

Like Ms Gillard, Mr Sirisena also ‘overtook’ his leader to get to this position. Those who are disrespectful of their elders need strong lateral power to sustain their leadership positions. Ultimately Sri Lankan positions are transitional positions in today’s climate of globalization. Those of Sri Lankan origin living overseas are continuously making connections with their relatives and friends and to the extent they are true – to their current nations that are more orderly in global terms – they would naturally lead Sri Lanka’s globalization. That was how South Africans also empowered the Black leadership in America. Tamils have this much more strongly now than ever before. In fact with Mr Rajapaksa in leadership – that investment would be more passionate than before.

We all contribute to Universal Governing force through genuine self-governance – not for position or money but due to our inner Divinity. It was on this basis that I wrote as follows to a Sri Lankan Professional who to my mind was disrespectful of this Universal power of the media and wrote to me to take his name off the list:

[ I believe you have a duty to at least mentally contribute to Public Debate on issues that affected your family and community. I notice that you also write to the public and that you are in the ‘Professional Lankan Group’.  There are inner workings of the Tamil mind that you could access only through persons like myself – common to both groups. You have a DUTY to not ‘tell’ such people. If you do you lose the protection that comes with us to the Public.]

True Governance power in Sri Lanka continues – despite the changes to the structures for the purposes of status and money. That was Gandhi power – the Power of One.

Friday 26 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

26 October 2018

Development of Healthy Opposition

The ‘one and only’ Chief Minister of Northern Province of Sri Lanka is being seen differently by different persons and groups. Each one would ‘see’ Mr Wickneswaran as per the glasses s/he wears and v.v. – illustrated as follow by Swami Sathya Sai Baba:
[One day Krishna summoned Duriyodhana and Dharmaraja and asked them to make a study of the People in the kingdom. He asked Duriyodhana  how many good people existed in the country. He asked Dharmaja to find out how many bad people were there in the kingdom. Duriyodhana went round and reported that he could find no good man anywhere. If there was any good man that was himself he said. Dharmaraja reported to Krishna that he could find no bad man anywhere in their Dharmic kingdom. He could find some badness only in himself.] A Compendium of the Teachings of Sri Sathya Sai Baba – compiled by Ms Charlene Leslie-Chaden
Each person’s ‘kingdom’ is the group that the person thinks he leads.
As per yesterday’s Daily News report headed ‘Wiggie to form party, contest PC poll’:
[Former TNA Northern Provincial Councillor M. K. Sivajilingam yesterday said that the Tamil people do not want to have another party or new Chief Minister but they want to have a permanent solution to the ethnic issue.
“There is no point of forming political parties. All parties should get together to achieve a permanent solution to the Tamils’ issue,” he said.]

Obviously, ‘seeing’ togetherness at physical level is important to Mr Sivajilingam – leader of a group with its origin in militancy.

Mr Wigneswaran has shown that he sees TNA as follows:
[The TNA has accepted the unitary system of government and that it is a Buddhist country. They should explain their state on this matter] he said.

To my mind, it looks as if  Mr Wigneswaran sees the absence of passionate opposition to carrying ‘Buddhism Foremost’ article in the Constitution as acceptance. TNA may or may not have accepted Buddhism Foremost Article in the Constitution. But as a Hindu – thinking at Policy level  I have continuously opposed this through many avenues – including for the sake of Buddhists whose belief-based Energies would be blocked from flowing through to the Government which is dependent on the ‘shown’. In Truth the two would not merge.  This therefore is a continuous disturbance to the minds of those who rely on the Constitution to think logically.

Obviously the two groups are projecting along two different pathways. The question is – which is the pathway that the current  population of Northern Sri Lanka would identify with and therefore naturally follow? Unlike Mr Wigneswaran, TNA has the responsibility for all Tamils of Sri Lanka. Unless we have strong independent mind, physical togetherness would often influence us to see the picture that is ‘shown’ to us especially by majority in a group.

Majority in the current population of Northern Sri Lanka are driven by ‘outcomes’. To a degree, Mr Wigneswaran has  responded to this through his identity with militant groups and the victims of war – without disciplining the militants for their excesses. He also therefore could not ‘deliver’ as per the expectations of this group. It is Truth alone that empowers at root level. This group has an inner need to overcome their ‘Terrorism’ label. This needs to be satisfied by leaders within those communities and not by externals like Mr Wigneswaran who does not live as part of those communities. Feeling sorry for them can provide at best – external repairs – including that militants were freedom fighters. But the real cure will happen only when we live ‘freely’ in one environment – as their internal leader. Living in the disenfranchised communities as part of them – is not an option that Mr Wigneswaran outlined as one of the options he considered. Bringing large communities into his structure is a massive operation – considering that majority do not want to become structured. That is the reality in today’s Northern Province. We are not alone. Australians have been fighting against this Indigenous folks who are the first owners of this land. But that alone is not enough to merge with wider world. Mr Wigneswaran in Northern Province  is the parallel of migrant Australians – especially from Britain and not Indigenous. This Separation needs to be maintained in our minds if we are to honor our total civilization. They are internal separations needed for each section to produce their own outcomes through majority in that part of that structure.

I said to my husband recently when I got upset that he had messed up my kitchen – that it was MY kitchen. He said he also had the ‘right’ to cook in that kitchen. I asked him what percentage of ‘cooking’ he had done over the period of our marriage?  He said 10%. I said he was entitled to only 10% of the total benefits of the kitchen activities if he were not ready to follow my form of the Common structure. One has to surrender to the common pool one’s contribution to a particular group. When we divide and use a different pathway – we are no longer common. The pathway is naturally developed by one who makes the deeper/deepest sacrifice. In the above domestic example that is me with 90% input for more or less equal enjoyment. This formula is needed by our Women headed families living in an environment that has long been dominated by males. I counselled one such group this morning using Skype.

Mr. Wigneswaran’s best contribution would be as Opposition to TNA until he matches intellectually the majority power that TNA has due to ITAK – which in the minds of indigenous Tamils is the main party representing Self-Determination of Tamils in Sri Lanka. Most of them do not want to change and would be easily bought over by outsiders – including those who have gone overseas and desire quick status through folks in war affected areas. One such person asked me whether he would be able to find from within war-widows ‘domestic’ aid for his relative in Sri Lanka. But Mr Wigneswaran has demonstrated respect for them. We need to value that. 

Thursday 25 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

25 October 2018

Coalition of Tamil Opposition

Equal Opposition is essential in Democracy at the primary level. Opposition at the primary level is disastrous to Autocracy. Jaffna during militancy did not enjoy the practice of Democracy and the various freedoms that came with Democracy. The leading Tamil Political Group TNA,  has facilitated opposition and that is a huge improvement in Democracy. This was possible only because we included the Truth of militants as part of our Community’s Energy.

Mr Wigneswaran whose term as Chief Minister ended this week is taking rebirth as head of  Tamil Makkal Koottanii. Mr Wigneswaran states about this:
[I would have retired if the Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Members were loyal to their policies. It is the TNA that forced me to form this Party. I did not wish to split the TNA. People will join me if my objectives are correct, and if not they will walk away. It is the choice of the people]

TNA cannot be split in terms of its powers with the People. TNA is the face of  the struggle for Tamil Self-Governance through the Political Pathway. Policies are like Budgets. One has to relate through actuals towards which Budgets / Policies provide a common pathway. Be they Policies or Actuals – they  would be read by various ‘investors’ as per their own needs and desires. Those interpreting on the basis of their need would make the ‘right’ conclusions which must be included in the new policies.

The lesson learnt here by some of us – is that Northern Province operating as a stand-alone unit lacks the self-determination ability to maintain itself at standards acceptable at global level. TNA at National level is more senior than TNA at Provincial level. Mr Wigneswaran had difficulty merging with TNA as it was when he first became a member. When we join any new institution, we have to first merge ourselves with the existing institution before we set out to make structural changes. Sometimes those new institutions may be headed by our juniors. The rule of Democracy is NOT to tell such ex-juniors but become their Equals. The excess credit – if true will become Energy – as confirmed by the woman-head of a household being considered Energy / Shakthi.
In his speech, as head of new party, Mr Wigneswaran outlined the options that came to his mind:
1.     To go home quietly to be with his family
2.     To stay with the existing  Party and stand in the next elections
3.     To form a new Party
4.     To head a People’s Movement.

Gandhi chose the 4th option. In my own small scale I also chose this pathway. I must say it happened. But this option would be preceded by sacrifice of opportunities that we know to be within our reach. I made that sacrifice and hence function independently and live out of the credits I allocate myself from time to time rather than those allocated by others – many of whom allocated for their own purposes.

Our brains function actively under different structures, based on the depth of our investments in the common pool. Some of this comes from bowing to our elders who contributed to our current environment. Bowing to TNA may have been difficult for Mr Wigneswaran but as a woman in Jaffna community including the one led by militants – and as a migrant professional working under seniors with less wisdom than I in Financial Management, I am used to the pain of sacrifice towards ‘commonness’.  I objected to discrimination against me as a woman by an office boy who placed the Agenda before the two males on either side of me but not me – probably because he thought that I was a secretary assisting one of the males. Thamilini was present at that meeting in Vattakachchi and promised to internally take up the issue.

The way Mr Wigneswaran had direct experience with leading Tamil politicians, I had direct experience with some of the militant leaders in Administration. The Truth we learn could sometimes be ‘shown’ only through Opposition.

It may be true to say that TNA is not open to change. But it is true also that Mr Wigneswaran was telling the TNA at National level – especially through Mr Sumanthiran – his ex-student. That  to my mind, confirms attachment to the form of the past which gets a ‘wrong’ in Hindu philosophy. The state of ‘Tat Tvam Asi (thou art that)’  is achieved by Truth alone. One we merge with through our Truth – we work the system naturally – often by just being there.

Recently, a White Australian lady said to me that she had thought from her conversation with me,  that I had eventually won in my Court Challenges against the University of NSW, the Police and the Government. The lady said she could not find that in the book ‘Naan Australian’. I said – the victory was in the fact that the book is now with National Library of Australia, without any direct or indirect influence on my part. It was NOT in my Policy / Budget. But it happened through Natural Forces – during a period when the Australian Judicial system was incapable of upholding the outcomes of experiences through Racial Equality laws in which majority victims are non-whites. But my Truth as Australian about Australia, would support anyone seeking to uphold Racial Equality and therefore Diversity.  I had to truly become Australian to work the true Australian system that was not receptive to painful Truth. That is self-determination through self-observation. Thus I became both sides – the perpetrator as well as victim.

I do believe that Mr Wigneswaran has value to add to the Tamil Community. Unlike mine, Mr Wigneswaran has chosen the active pathway of Politics with its benefits – especially in terms of status. Since Mr Wigneswaran identifies with the direct victims of the war – I would strongly recommend that he starts with communities which provided manpower to the militants – so they do not get left behind in a political solution that they cannot relate to comfortably. Mrs Ananthi Sasitharan performed poorly during the post-mortem debate headed ‘Closure of Incomplete Provincial Council’. That appointment by Mr Wigneswaran was the litmus test about the independence of  Northern Province in terms of women – especially war-affected self-employed women who have the duty to not take handouts from men. One who is truly committed to eliminating race based discrimination would naturally be committed to eliminating gender based discrimination which exists more in the less educated sections of the Tamil community. They also actively practice the dowry system. It is therefore important to distinctly recognise the success of women leaders in that area through those special issues governed by the Laws and Principles of Thesawalamai until they are ready to practice Common Laws and Principles. I know through direct interaction that some leaders within militants – did subconsciously use caste and gender when making decisions.
As Mr Christopher Pulle of St Joseph’s College Colombo quotes   "One swallow does not a summer make, nor one fine day; similarly one day or brief time of happiness does not make a person entirely happy." - Aristotle

Mine, however small it may seem is known as the grassroots movement. To be successful in his new phase – Mr Wigneswaran needs to seek and find partnerships with those doing likewise – including as part of their paid jobs/work. We find politically motivated young lawyers representing our community at global level through emotional speeches which at times are not even technically accurate. They need grounding through the wisdom that Mr Wigneswaran naturally carries through his first career. This new formation may pave the way towards such a merger – one hopes.

The Natural Opposition to TNA that already exists is healthy for the Tamil Community. This is also part of our evolution towards Democracy. 

Wednesday 24 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

24 October 2018

Thank you Our First Tamil Chief Minister

Yesterday being the birthday of the individual Mr C.V. Wigneswaran, I prayed for his inner peace and fulfilment of the purpose of his role as the first Chief Minister of Northern Province of Sri Lanka. I believe that to the extent Mr Wigneswaran believed in Jaffna, Jaffna delivered to fulfil this pioneering role which confirms the need for Separation of Powers from Central Administrators driven by culture based majority power. Whether Mr Wigneswaran realized it or not – he naturally included common Sri Lankan values during his period as Chief Minister and strengthened the global connections made by the folks  of Northern Province to wider world, through Sri Lanka. Not many Sri Lankan Tamils living in Jaffna would have become such a bridge between Jaffna and Colombo which is Mr Wigneswaran’s home. Hence ‘Thank you Mr Wigneswaran - from all of us – who have come together beyond time  and space borders – to form the Diverse identity - Common Sri Lankan Tamil.  

Daily News published a ‘factual’ report headed ‘Term of NPC ends tomorrow’. But Global Tamil News published the final speech by Mr Wigneswaran to the Provincial Council and through the Council to all of us seeking to preserve our Diversity as self-governing Sri Lankan Tamils.

One identifies with many deeper   Energies that Mr Wigneswaran has actively contributed to, during his tenure as Chief Minister. The main one is to empower the Jaffna Tamil to place their demands in a peaceful manner. The Colombo government may or may not hear them. But all owners of the issues concerned would combine their powers with them. Mr. Wigneswaran has certainly contributed to intellectual expressions of the pain felt by Jaffna Tamils.

One who contributes Naturally through her/his Truth is a Governor. As reported by Daily News, this position may be held by Mr. Cooray who is currently appointed by the President:

[The term of the Northern Provincial Council (NPC) ends tomorrow (24) and the administration will be vested with Northern Province Governor Reginald Cooray until the elections are held.]

Between the two – Mr Wigneswaran is the real Governor. Mr Cooray is an appointed Administrator. He lacks the independence to identify with the owners of Northern Province which does not include any Southerner of current times. As a White Australian said during my battles with the Central Administrators of the University of NSW – Northern Sri Lanka is where the ‘Bad Tigers’ are from, to many Southerners. Any person who recognizes her/himself as a person  elected who identifies more with Southerners than with Northerners – would not qualify as Governor of North. Without such local governing power – Provincial Council Administrations are extended Administrative units of Central Government. Elected members would continue to make unilateral declarations as  Northern Tamils did in Vaddukkoddai and later Mr Annamalai Varatharaja Perumal did in 1990. But the latter lacked the belief of self-governing Tamils of Sri Lanka. Mr Annamalai Varatharaja Perumal is more Indian Tamil and hence was driven by the urge to form Majority Tamil Power which is now producing results in India’s favour. Jaffna Tamils do not carry the name of their home district in their personal identity. Annamalai is such a representation.

Mr Wigneswaran has by his very nature uplifted the structure through which we group ourselves as a diverse community eligible to Administer ourselves independently. He himself lacks the higher Administrative skills to develop appropriate systems that would,  by diligent practice, connect Jaffna and Northern Province to global democracies. But he himself stayed within the borders of the Administrative system  known to him. His warnings that the current appointed Administrator – Mr Cooray would tend to not uphold lawful processes – is valid. Truth alone is higher than Administrative outcomes. Northerners have the duty to actively reject such projects. The Tamil Diaspora also has the duty to not contribute to such projects that are lacking in Governance power of  Tamils. If driven by ‘seen’ outcomes – of money and status  - the risk of assimilation is high. This is the case with most Sri Lankan migrants living in Western nations. The problem with such assimilation was confirmed recently here through Mr Nizamdeen – the ‘foreign’ student from Sri Lanka, used by New South Wales Police in a ‘home-project’ needing Australian migrants. Money and status can ‘buy’ our skills. We need to protect ourselves from those who promise money and status without common belief.

Thank you Mr Wigneswaran for sharing your insight.

Tuesday 23 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

23 October 2018

Australia-Sri Lanka Partnership Against Terrorism

When there is a Common outcome – each contributor is entitled to take ownership at her/his level to complete the experience. When each contributor does this – the whole group is naturally united through such ownership and the individual members naturally share their energies in other issues also. Developing the lines of separation of ownership towards this ‘privacy’ is as important as transparency of outcomes at the common level.

As per the latest news report:
[Government of Australia has affirmed its commitment to support Sri Lanka in capacity building and legislative reform to combat people smuggling and other transnational crimes.
At the 5th Session of the Australia-Sri Lanka Joint Working Group (JWG) on People Smuggling and Transnational Crime held recently in Colombo, Sri Lanka reiterated its commitment to combat transnational crimes and share the knowledge and experiences with Australia.
The meeting was co-chaired by Secretary, Ministry of Defense Mr. Kapila Waidyaratne, P.C and Mr. David Wilden, Acting Deputy Secretary (Policy Group) Department of Home Affairs, Australia
Australia-Sri Lanka partnership at ground level recently produced the outcome in which a fee-paying student from Sri Lanka was arrested on suspicions of Terrorism. This confirms that at ground level – this partnership is not working – due to mind-smuggling in the name of ‘foreign education’. As per my own study, mental illness is extreme disorder of thought-process of the brain.  When the root of Truth is missing – such disorders are highly probable. They are harmless when one lives within one’s space. They are harmful when the local borders are crossed indiscriminately in the name of ‘freedom’. Truth is the source of independence. Physical ‘freedom’ is often used to damage independence.

Those who are mentally ill/disorderly, infect others in that environment. Those who are mentally healthy / strong and are caring, would absorb the ‘infection’ and naturally diffuse the disorder in the common space. To the extent we lack such preventive force – we need to firmly take a position as per the Truth we know about ourselves in relation to the common area and operate within that position. The first area that Mr David Wilden, Acting Deputy Secretary (Policy Group) Department of Home Affairs, Australia, ought to have covered right now is University of NSW where the environmental protections in terms of Sri Lankans are weak. They are weaker when it comes to Muslims and Tamils who are minorities in Sri Lanka. Both communities tend to be closely knit at family and community levels and in Nizamdeen’s case – knowledge that he was relative of Sri Lankan Minister for Sports Mr Faiszer Mustapha would have added to that ‘family/community protection’.

Given that the Police have searched the house of Mr Arsalan Khawaja, whose brother is a cricketer of Pakistani origin, one needs to understand the way Australian Police mind works when there is evidence that invokes thoughts of Terrorism suspicions. Many of us are carriers unless we actively invest in Prevention of Terrorism – including by Australian Authorities who get excited or become fearful at the sight of such indicators of terrorism. We the Public are yet to learn about measures taken by the University of NSW which carries negative karma in relation to migrant students – as demonstrated by the Bruce Hall scandal. That would have not surfaced – if they had not hurt this caring migrant worker with strong investment in Australian commonness. My genuine investment in the University of NSW eventually became ‘Energy’ which carried my book ‘Naan Australian’ (I am Australian) - to the National Library of Australia – without any effort on my part.

In turn, custodians of  Administrative power at the University, who failed to do their duty, continue to suffer downgrading through this globally common ethnic divide.

Australians who are forming partnership with Sri Lankans at policy level – need to first ensure that the likes Mrs Vijayakala Maheswaran  are treated in Sri Lanka, on the same footing as Mr Mustapha’s nephew. Otherwise, Australian ministers also would intervene in Sri Lankan processes. They should – to keep the balance of sovereignty. If the Australian Government is not ready to so influence – such partnerships would lead to mental imbalance and therefore false sense of security until it is too late to prevent Terrorism.

Fee paying students from Sri Lanka are not exempt from security checks that boat travellers suffer. Sri Lanka is yet to restore its reputation as a nation upholding law and order. Hence boat travellers may carry stronger resilience power that would be healthy for Australia, than would pampered foreign students.

The saying ‘Comment is free, but facts are sacred’ comes to mind in this regard:
[Neither in what it gives, nor in what it does not give, nor in the mode of presentation must the unclouded face of truth suffer wrong. Comment is free, but facts are sacred. “Propaganda”, so called, by this means is hateful. The voice of opponents no less than that of friends has a right to be heard. Comment also is justly subject to a self-imposed restraint. It is well to be frank; it is even better to be fair. This is an ideal. Achievement in such matters is hardly given to man. Perhaps none of us can attain to it in the desirable measure. We can but try, ask pardon for shortcomings, and there leave the matter.] Manchester Guardian Editor CP Scott, 5 May 1921

To Sri Lankans Australian experience is ‘fact’. The above mentioned Australian-Sri Lankan policy is mere ‘comment’ to real Sri Lankans.

Monday 22 October 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

22 October 2018

Tamil Militants from Mars and Politicians from Venus???

John Gray claimed that Men were from Mars and Women were from Venus. In terms of the Sri Lankan Tamil Community, our militants seem to be  from Mars and our Politicians seem to be  from Venus.
Mrs Ananthi Sasitharan seems to  confirm this yet again through the manifesto of her new political party – in which she ‘talks about’ the standardization and quota system to University Entrance in Sri Lanka – with the claim that the numbers from Jaffna entering the University had dropped drastically, due to the change in policy. As per published details – Mrs Sasitharan was born in 1971 – just two years before my eldest child was born. My siblings and I grew up in Jaffna and all of us completed Tertiary Education. Our family’s investment in higher education was pioneered largely by my mother. We have treasured this Jaffna heritage through our children and now grandchildren. In contrast, Mrs Ananthi Sasitharan has demonstrated her failure to inherit and nurture the most valuable heritage of Jaffna Tamils – formal education.
There is a saying in Tamil – ‘Kallai Kandavan Kadavulai Kaana Maattaan; Kadavulai Kandavan  Kallai Kaana Maattaan / one who recognizes the stone does not recognize god and v.v. Using the language of science – one who recognizes matter does not recognize energy and v.v. The quota problem is the parallel of Mrs Ananthi Sasitharan becoming Minister at Provincial level – based on her husband’s active participation in producing wins  through ‘possession’. Mrs Sasitharan’s appointment  was NOT on merit. A member of the Tamil Diaspora highlights this as follows in response to the latest move by Mrs Sasitharan:
[The TNA is helping the government to help the Tamil people to improve their shattered livelihoods and secure their political aspirations through a new constitution.
Ananthi is a woman who bit the hand that fed her. She is a political novice and it was TNA that elevated her from obscurity to be a member of the Provincial Council.
By co-operating with the Government, we have built 60,000 brick houses in North and East. Another 28,000 houses each costing Rs.1.2 million will be built during 2018/2019.
Additionally the Cabinet has approved the reconstruction of KKS cement factory, Paranthan Chemical factory and Vaalaichenai Paper factory. Many more.
The Tamil Diaspora must be realistic. They should learn from Muslim politicians when it comes to development.]

All of the above are also confirmation of ‘matter’. The real value of the merger of Tamil Energies to offset majority power by Sinhalese,  is being written through Indian investment in Sri Lanka – especially in East. Mrs Sasitharan as part of LTTE that sought to ‘show’ matter by killing the Hon Rajiv Gandhi, on Tamil soil, carries negative genes in terms of this power. Her hasty accusation of Indian Tamil political  leaders for the disappearance of her husband and some others during the last phase of the war, disconnects her from the Indian Energy that supported / supports Sri Lankan Tamils naturally – through their common cultural investment and the realization of self-governance through such investment.

Every individual / group achieving and sustaining self-governance – naturally empowers those who have faith in her/him /it – and also the places that are home to them. It was for this reason that the woman who quietly supported man – was/is  recognized as Shakthi / Energy, by Hindus. Mrs Sasitharan who inherited her husband’s militant genes lacks the Energy to invoke the Venus / Love power of Jaffna women – especially the educated Jaffna woman who quietly grooms more and more heirs of Mother Saraswathi (Goddess of Education).  They are the real politicians who bring about commonness in the community by accessing our ancient heritage.