Wednesday 30 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 30 Sept  2015

Hybrid Counselling Service

The changed wording of  the American led UN Resolution in relation to Sri Lanka, is the hot topic of discussion within the Diaspora. As per Reuters Report on this:

[Sri Lanka war crimes resolution softened before UN debate

A U.S.-backed resolution at the United Nations that seeks justice for victims of Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war has been softened to keep its government on board and allay the concerns of powerful neighbour India, sources say.]

Kashmir to Indian Government  is Jaffna to Sri Lankan Government and Muslims to American Government. One could take that as the reason why the wording of this proposed Resolution has been watered down before it goes before the UN for adoption. As per the above news report:

[A Western diplomat in Colombo and a source at the Tamil National Alliance, an opposition political party, said India had been at the forefront of efforts to ensure there was no full international war crimes probe in Sri Lanka.
This included lobbying by India to change the description of judges from "international" to "foreign" in the draft resolution, reflecting concerns that India could one day face a similar judicial reckoning in its disputed territory of Kashmir.]

When it is a Resolution – each investor in the issue is entitled to give it form as per her/his own investment. To the extent such investment is True – the value would merge at the highest level in that person’s natural environment. The Hybrid Court thus would appeal to investors in global Administration  but the direct parties concerned would derive very little value from this. Hybrid Counseling Services to the Victims would be more valuable and I believe that I already am one such counseling service . I am UN due to my investment in UN values in Eliminating all forms of Racial Discrimination. Every unit of investment I made genuinely believing in the UN principles – gave me ownership shares in the UN. By Law and Culture, I am Australian, by Culture and Ancestry I am Indian and Burmese  and by Education and Birth I am Sri Lankan who evolved as Sri Lankan Tamil due to the war. What can be more hybrid than that? A foreign lawyer – would need to demonstrate personal achievement higher than mine and covering wider area, to have the moral authority to be included in the above  group proposed by America. Anything less would be an invasion. Sri Lanka is before the world community because its Government failed to use ‘internal’ reconciliation processes to settle the dispute internally. If Americans take the place of ‘foreigners’ or the International Court – then the problem would continue in different clothing. The ability to work psyche of the Tamil villager is the key to the solution. This is not easy even with those who migrated to various parts of the world due to the war.  The US led solution needs to be of value to the Diaspora groups also.
Following is the essence of Tamil Diaspora opinion captured by my efforts:
Member of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora: [‘Were not S.J.V.Chelvanayagam and hundreds of thousands of his fellow satyagrahis staging protests till 1977 in Gandhian way gave it up in vain. Now the Commissions circus and the delaying game has started under M.C. Ranil aided and abetted by the  so called Intl.Community. By the way does 'Intl.Community' mean western countries &their interest geopolitics And China factor?]
Gaja: [Yes, they did observe Sathyagraham. As per my belief – it did not go in vain but resulted in the 1977 outcome followed by 2015 outcome – sadly after more heartache and loss.  We often give up when we do not ‘see’ outcomes. But Truth does not give up on those who uphold the Truth.
In terms of the International Community - I think that the Government is avoiding the Nations that are part of  the UN in this issue. They are using the divide and rule policy – and hence the provision for ‘foreign’ countries to get involved.]

I fully believe that the genuine contributions voluntarily made by us without being conscious of a position,  and status and cash benefits that flow from such position,  go straight into ownership Energy which ‘works’ the system of Truth – often without us being conscious of it.  In the case of those who consciously or otherwise draw more than the position – as the position  is during the time of their occupancy – and fail to correct any wrongs during the time of such occupancy – develop a DEBT to the ‘system’. When such DEBT is not settled despite the debtor having the opportunity to do so – it becomes a sin. Sins deteriorate our ownership value and we would not truly experience the FEELING of belonging – Love for our Nation. A person carrying such Sin would naturally pollute her/his environment. Every person who gained from this person being in that position – naturally shares in the sin and carries the sin as ‘genes’. They become activated each time someone tries to make a quick profit of the problem. This was confirmed by the current President’s son when he joined his father in the UN Delegation and tried to define nepotism as :

[What is nepotism? The real meaning behind it is the abuse of power with influence favoring one’s children, relatives and friends especially by giving them occupations]

That was the litmus test needed to project the real value for Sri Lanka from the Presidential influence to dilute the American proposal.

During a recent meeting of a Diaspora group – a young Sinhalese confirming this ‘defining-attitude’ said that the current Government was a disappointment. One of the measures given was the 100 day program set by the government after the Presidential elections. This young Sinhalese could not see how a resolution could be brought about to right the wrongs of 30 years during such a short period. One did not need even 100 days to identify with the Structure that would be workable in Sri Lanka by Sri Lankans – if one Believed in Sri Lanka and invested in Sri Lanka mentally through the leadership position, including from the Opposition side. Such a  mind would project the right solution.
The President may not have had this despite having been part of the Government team before the Presidential Elections 2015.  But the current President certainly would have prevented any member of the Family other than his wife joining his official team to the UN if he did have the ‘ownership’ powers within himself in terms of the war.

I believe that we the ordinary citizens-without-portfolios who have received less than our dues from our leadership investments carry the good genes in relation to this war. We work the system through any medium that is ‘open’ to us at that time of our need. When we therefore have a ‘need’ we would naturally move those forces to manifest themselves. I realized this inner power through my own experiences including at leadership level. I was able to identify with that power when Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala pulled out of the race to the position of UN Secretary General in 2006. At that time I was in strong pain due to Discrimination Pain (as per my belief) as a Sri Lankan professional in Australia and when I learnt that a fellow Sri Lankan of Sinhalese origin was being promoted to the top position in UN – I applied for the position as per my belief. That was my parallel of the Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976. Later when I met Dr. Dhanapala through the Friday Forum – I was already an ‘ownership’ contributor with ‘observer’ status in relation to UN. I included Dr. Dhanapala in my email list from then on.

As per Wikipedia ‘Dr. Dhanapala is also the Senior Special Advisor on Foreign Relations to President Maithripala Sirisena

It is disappointing that such a high level ‘influence’ did not go deep enough to prevent ‘nepotism’ genes from manifesting themselves through the President’s son.

If Tamils Eliminate all forms of Nepotism from their official life – however small their positions may be – we would have Natural Victory over ‘Sinhalese only’ leaders.

If this is to be temporary measure only – then locally – there needs to be amnesty to all those who have been punished as if they were the LTTE – for alleged acts committed during the Rajapaksa regime. Otherwise Tamils must reject the proposal and rightly so for it effectively becomes Racial Discrimination when one side has a head start due to its proximity to the Government of America.

Tamils through LTTE proved how talented they were at the technical level. We would produce the right kind of army when we clean up the mental environment to discard the ‘lies’. All we need is our own Truth and nothing but the Truth to do this. Most villages with little access to National Government mechanisms are entitled to Govern themselves through their Truth. Unless therefore these villages in war-torn areas of Sri Lanka are facilitated to access National level Government, leave alone International  facilities,  – they are entitled to cure themselves privately.

This Quid Pro Quo needs to be Transparent in the proposed Resolution. Without this – the Zero Base Budgeting would fail to balance the system. The funds saved in this process could be allocated to war affected Tamil areas under the Administration of  a group with a leadership in proportion to the current ethnic make-up of the geographic area.  Folks of that area would then be the heirs of the war heritage/lessons.

Addressing the National Management Conference in Colombo, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe stated that we were perceiving the U.S. led UN Resolution each one as per own minds – like the blind men touching the elephant and describing as per his touch. Given that we are blind – we can only perceive through our ‘touch’. As per my knowledge there were 6 blind men in the parable. As per the philosophy of Lord Muruga with 6 faces – Common Deity to Sinhalese Buddhists  and Tamil Hindus – when we bring all our perceptions together we have the global view with its built-in solution:

Those who have had the direct experience at the time and place of manifestation take the Center place of the brain – which makes the observations ‘Common’. If this is the Lankan Government, then Tamils are the eyes; US and  UN are the ears; India is the ‘touch’ and the foreign participants the nose; the media is the mouth.  If that Common sense is weak – each perceiver would claim that her/his/its observation is right. This is fine so long as they do not enter the functional areas specially allocated to others. Intellectual leadership requires discriminative thinking as to ‘right and wrong’. Towards this the information needs to be converted to ‘common’ language – with the Lankan Government using only an Equal part of the Responsibility and no more. When each one of us goes into our observation-as in meditation, search within and then publish the Truth at the deep bottom – until zero level – that Truth becomes the solution due to the work done. When all such findings are published independently, we would be a truly Democratic society. We do not need ‘agents’ to speak for us. As Swami Sai Baba said in rebuke when someone claimed that Swami was speaking through another ‘body’   - Swami did not need another body through which to speak to the needy. Swami goes direct and this has been my experience – despite not being a devotee when Swami came first.  Independence will come directly and naturally  to those who invest in Independence/Self-Governance. When the section that publishes and shares that with others is Democratic – we would have Democracy in place to support us. Autocracy has failed in Sri Lanka at National level - due to Subjective Leadership enjoying excessively. Hence the need for Democracy and a Democratic Leader. Thus far Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe is ahead of any other Politician in this regard.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 28 Sept  2015

LTTE Leader – the Sole Leader of SRI LANKA?

At first glance of the Colombo Telegraph article ‘Daham Sirisena Responds To Nepotism Charge’, I thought I was disappointed that the son of the current President of Sri Lanka was following in the footsteps of the former President’s son. But when I looked inside myself a bit deeper – I was no longer disappointed but realized that that behavior was to be expected due to the infection in his environment. This confirmed to me that wherever the current occupant of that position took leadership – we would need to strengthen our leadership contribution through other positions – in this instance the position  of Prime Minister through Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe. That is what self-governance is about. As per the above article:

[Daham Sirisena, son of President Maithripala Sirisena, who came in for a lot of flak for accompanying his father to the UN General Assembly although he had no official representative status has posted a ‘rebuttal’ on his Facebook page (where he describes himself as a public figure). The following is the full note posted by the young Sirisena;
Dear friends,
What is nepotism? The real meaning behind it is the abuse of power with influence favoring one’s children, relatives and friends especially by giving them occupations. Open your minds to this definition and take a moment to think whether this is being practiced in Sri Lanka now. Many have been criticizing my visit to the Delegation, saying that it is nepotism and that i am unjustifiably abusing my father’s power. Let me put my friends’ minds at rest, by firstly saying that i was officially invited to the Delegation since my mother couldn’t attend. Secondly by attending the event i got the opportunity to attend the youth-led event of SDG which made me understand the goals which is needed for the country to be more prosperous. How could my attendance be a negative effect to the country? How could my attendance be the downfall of the country? I urge you all not to compare me and my family with the past regiments as we are far different from them.
At the event The officials stated that, next time to bring in more youths with more innovative ideas which could in turn enrich our country by seeing my presence. I believe that this is a great opportunity to give positive recognition to our country.]

In contrast let’s look at the feelings of appreciation for the Prime Minister’s wife, quietly  shared within the Diaspora:
[Sent: 26 September 2015 21:24
Subject: Re: Prof. Maithri Wickremesinghe
 [Exemplary act by PM’s wife!]
 A function took place at committee hall A of the BMICH yesterday 12  September 2015, to launch a compilation of articles of P. Malalgoda,  compiled by Dr. Hansamala Ritigahapola. The keynote lecture was  delivered on the occasion by Prof. Sunil Ariyaratne. As Dr.
 Ritigahapola is a lecturer of mass communication at the Sri  Jayewardenepura University, lecturers and professors from universities  across the country were in attendance.

 As participants were having refreshment following the book launch, they   were surprised to find Prof. Maithri Wickremesinghe, wife of prime   minister Ranil Wickremesinghe, among them. Prof. Ariyaratne asked her,   “I didn’t see you in the front row. You came just now?” In answer,  Prof. Wickremesinghe said, “I arrived a bit late. There were no vacant  seats in the front row. So, my friend and I went to the balcony and  watched the entire programme. Professor, your lecture was very good.”

  Surprised by her answer, the guests talked among themselves, “This is   what you call “the filled vessel makes no noise”. Had a previous VVIP   lady been present, two rows would have been reserved for her and her   security. The ceremony would not have begun until her arrival. Ignoring   the writer of the book, all the media would have shown her. This is the
  difference between then and now.”]

 In a Democracy, Families of Public Officials have the duty to not only know that they are independent of their family elders but also Demonstrate it in action if they seek to be in public life. Bringing the spouse to public functions is an inclusion of family to relax the mind of the leader. In the hierarchical system, this is often reserved for the wife who supports the husband who is often officially ‘lonely’ at the top. But the current President through the makeup of the Governance structure already has such an Equal Spouse in the Prime Minister. Mr. Wickremesinghe was the only person entitled to be present at equal level as the President at the UN. By going to India to work out the real solution – through the concept of ‘Community of Nations’ Mr. Wicremesinghe confirmed to us that he was the real leader of  Democratic Sri Lanka – acceptable to Tamils.

The President’s son is reported to have stated:
 ‘Let me put my friends’ minds at rest, by firstly saying that i was officially invited to the Delegation since my mother couldn’t attend. Secondly by attending the event i got the opportunity to attend the youth-led event of SDG which made me understand the goals which is needed for the country to be more prosperous. How could my attendance be a negative effect to the country? How could my attendance be the downfall of the country? I urge you all not to compare me and my family with the past regiments as we are far different from them

In one stroke this young guy has undone the good name earned by the current President as a humble leader. True humility is born in the home of Truth. Gandhi’s Sathya Graham (Home of Truth) was confirmation of his humility. Such humility at public level happens when one renounces benefits earned from a higher position to become common at the lower level. This in a subjective environment is made up of People – and hence Government takes Equal position to Opposition ;  and in an objective environment is as per the measures/laws used.

 In Truth – Mr. Wickremesighe who was denied the position of Presidency back in 2005 due to collusion between the Tamil Tigers and Mr. Rajapaksa did not lose his earned status. It was ‘in-waiting’ earning interest until Tamils could be facilitated to vote – free of LTTE influence. Without Mr. Wickremesinghe – the current Sri Lankan Government would not have the support of self-governing Tamils. Self-Governing persons naturally influence their environments by their mere presence.

At a recent meeting of the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum – Sydney – a young Sinhalese participant stated in relation to Sri Lankan elections - that as per statistics a significant percentage of young voters did not vote. But there was claim that youth influenced the current outcomes. As a person investing in seeking Truth I attributed the cause to be a true feeling of identity with global education – including through war related activities. This young participant however went on to state as part of this youth-group – that the country had suffered for 30 years and that all they (the youth group) knew was war. I could not believe that someone could make such claims – having some of us Tamils in the group. I was acutely conscious of the difficulties Tamil youth had to go through relative to Sinhalese youth to preserve and keep our tradition going. I recalled how young ones had to cross Kilali lagoon to cross over to Jaffna to do their exams. I recalled how medical students who were running away from Jaffna were rounded up and shot dead in front of their colleagues. I was conscious of the loss and pain suffered by some of us due to this particular war, participating in that forum.  I felt really offended by the presentation of that Sinhalese youth leader without depth of experience but wearing the status as if that person was an authority. On the way home when I shared  this pain with my husband he said that his batch-mate had shared with him similar experience – when he took his baby from Colombo to Jaffna, to get the blessings of his mother. They covered the babies and some babies died due to choking. These are experiences – real experiences that have earned almost every Tamil family in Sri Lanka’s North & East the entitlement to govern themselves.

The following media coverage confirms the above youth’s ‘attitude’:

[Wednesday, 12 August 2015
The youth vote is crucial in this election.
Currently there are 2.4 million or so youth between the ages of 18-24. The oldest among this group turned 18 during Mahinda Rajapaksa’s first presidential term.
This group witnessed the cruelty of the LTTE and the war that brought devastation to both sides. They also experienced the relief that came with the demise of Prabhakaran, the LTTE leader. During the 2010-2015 this group also learned to accept, by choice or otherwise, Mahinda Rajapaksa as the uncrowned but seemingly unassailable king of the country. ]

The above group is not inclusive of  Tamil youth. To Tamil civilians – LTTE was an army government and no Tamil would think that LTTE was capable of  being CRUEL to the whole of Sri Lanka!  This kind of blaming it all on LTTE – if it were genuine – would have influenced the Sinhalese to stay away from any war-related activity. Instead, they are now trying to ‘tell’ Tamils – even self-governing Tamils like myself – that they were the victims of war !!!!!  LTTE if it were so powerful to Terrorize the whole of Sri Lanka, then only a Tamil who has the Trust of LTTE qualifies to lead Sri Lanka. Otherwise Sinhalese would continue to have greater fears of invasion from LTTE than they had before the war!

We do not need any Truth and Reconciliation Commission to know this! A senior participant who spoke on behalf of rural Sinhalese – stated that there was always the fear of India taking-over Sri Lanka. Those who are driven by majority would be fearful of a majority greater than themselves. This fear as per this participant increased after they had knowledge of Indian Government’s support of the LTTE. But it was not strong enough to turn the tide of Tamil Nationalism to Sri Lankan Nationalism. It’s an emotional reaction that isolates them if they fail to raise it to intellectual level or join forces through true humility.

A Tamil participant stated that we needed someone like Gandhi to develop a common National identity. This cannot happen from youth participants who think faster than their belief nor Political leaders with commitment to Representation of the electorate as is ( before personal Truth). It is more likely to happen from within the Tamil Community of the Generation that suffered most. If the civilian deaths within the Tamil Community is taken as being due to LTTE – and ONLY LTTE – then no Sinhalese is entitled to be part of the solution. We are capable of developing our own solution with the little we have – based on the same principles of ‘Community of Nations’ through which Sri Lankan Government escaped International scrutiny. Only a true Sri Lankan Tamil can turn the tide of Tamil Nationalism towards Sri Lankan Nationalism which would by its very nature preserve and promote Tamil Diversity which would be attractive to Sri Lankan Sinhalese who stay within their earned borders of self-governance and not ‘Tell’ Tamils including Sri Lankan Tamils,  Jaffna Tamils or Batticaloa Tamils or Hill Country  Tamils that they – the Sinhalese have suffered in the war – as if they were the sole-representatives of the war-victims!

The young one highlighted that we now call ourselves – not Sri Lankan but Sri Lankan Sinhalese or Sri Lankan Tamil.  This is our reality and it honors those who suffered due to the ethnic war. I then asked the senior who presented the rural Sinhalese mind – as to how he would describe himself. He said ‘Sri Lankan’. In that case – the presentation was more intellectual than being based on shared-feelings. I said in turn that before the war – I described myself as Sri Lankan. But now – I describe myself as Sri Lankan Tamil. If I identified with the other person – there would be no reason to expressly state it. But in the position I have taken in this issue – Sri Lankan Tamil is the most appropriate description and that would also distinguish us from Indian Tamils.

A senior Tamil married to a Sinhalese demonstrated this beautifully – through her experience at one of the conferences organized by the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum. The lady said that during the event a young Australian Tamil had helped her take down notes and comfortably participated in the event. When it came to talking about Reconciliation the young lady had protested and said ‘NO’. When asked by the senior as to why? – the young lady had said words to the effect - ‘I would be dishonoring all home folks who suffered’. It is the Beautiful Truth that has evolved and stated so comfortably by young one and heard with belief  by a senior.

Recently, a young Sinhalese artist claimed that the performing arts in North was not as well developed as in South. One example given was the poor attendance at special screening of films during the recent  film festival in Jaffna. I pointed out that Tamils usually follow Indian leadership in Performing Arts. In terms of their war pain Tamils were more likely to share it with Indian Tamils than with Sinhalese. Given that our own experiences (including through family and community)  are often the basis of Performing Arts – it is more likely that Indian films would depict our pain more Truthfully those made in Sri Lanka. I pointed out that there were already such films available to the Tamil Public. They have deeper meaning not only because of Sri Lankan Tamils but also due to the large intake of Refugees by India – on emotional links which lead to Political bondage.  I pointed out that Truth was the basis of real art and stated that my art was my ‘writing’.

The war experience would be shared by parents with their children over many decades to come.  It’s part of the healing process and needs to be facilitated more at the private level through small groups at village level.  I listen to war widows and observe orphans through such community network. In turn I share my strengths with them. My children who are themselves parents now – remember with appreciation that I told them stories of Krishna and Rama while feeding them as children. I seek to contribute to such heritage development based on our Truth. Some such legends may show up  Tamil Tigers as heroes and that also would be healing in all its sadness – once we have an alternate less violent pathway.

It would be difficult for Tamil Professionals to lead Sinhalese and v.v. – without this kind of common belief.  That was one of the main reasons why I had to take the Administrators of the University of New South Wales to Court through Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission. I did not know it then but now I believe that my investment in Professional Dharma/Ethics was accumulating and was in-waiting to empower me to redeem myself from a system that was not true to itself. When leaders – be they Australians or Sri Lankans - get their remuneration the easy way – they do not have the motivation to change. From the time we realize their limits, we need to become Observers of the system and not be providers, beneficiaries or perpetrators or victims of the system. When we cease to expect even our earned benefits – we know we have crossed the border to be entitled to ‘free-observer’ status. That’s when we make Policy contribution that would strengthen the old values and restructure the pathways for young heirs of the system. All others need to stay within their Institutional structures when speaking and sharing publicly. That is their PROTECTION from being infected by the diseases in their environment – especially that of mental instability – hallucination for the perpetrator and depression for the victim.

Separation of Powers is needed when we are in a subjective forum. In a forum of Sinhalese and Tamils we need to arrange separate seating for Sinhalese, Tamils and ‘others’. No Sri Lankans. Within Tamil only forums – the seating needs to be men on one side and women on the other. As an honest member of the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum declared ‘ All Senior, Sinhalese, Males’ must effective ‘retire’ ! But then there would be no active participants who have had the experience of perpetrators of Subjective Discrimination!!! I would say seating arrangement to remind us what we are dealing with, lest we forget when we do not ‘see’.

Most of us do not know the causes of the suffering during the war.   Yet  blame is attributed by both sides on each other. The reasoning by those with status in that group – is taken as the ‘right’ reason by those without deep investment in the issue – as confirmed by the President’s son who explained how his presence at the UN was beneficial to Sri Lanka! One must have the dignity of one’s own contribution to the UN to be physically present there – above anyone else who is not going, and known to that person in that person’s group – the youth group in this instance.  To my mind it is not different to the young Sinhalese participating in the Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum, Sydney - explaining the war situation to those of us who have had the experience and still carry the pain.

Where it is difficult to identify through the Causes – one has the duty to identify through  the Effects – as the UN has finally done. Where the Sinhalese are claiming that  the Sinhalese Community suffered more than the Tamil Community – due to the war with the LTTE – then they are claiming that their Government which despite majority power could not bring under its control an armed group of Tamils who are only a small proportion of the Tamil Community in Sri Lanka – is indeed a weak Government. It’s not about numbers. It’s about the mind. The more consolidated the mind, the higher the thought-order. Those who rely on majority power defeat themselves unless they stay local. Sinhalese soldiers in Tamil areas with strong Tamil mind would be open such weakness if their government has received money and status on the claim of Democracy. All Tamils have to do is to continue to pursue higher education and develop strong minds – minds that not only Indians would be attracted to but wider world too, to help Sinhalese defeat themselves.  

Sunday 27 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 27 Sept  2015

Community of Nations & Land Rights

The amended wording of the US led UN Resolution in relation to Sri Lanka has generated further discussions from various parts of the Sri Lankan Community. As per the Political Editor of Sunday Times:

[The word “international,” was replaced by “foreign” paving the way for the inclusion of mostly Commonwealth judges and others.
During interactions with both Washington and London, Premier Wickremesinghe is learnt to have pointed out there were Constitutional provisions under which the alleged crimes can be investigated and those responsible punished. Thus, there was no need for changes in the law. An Operative paragraph (7)
which states that “The trial and punishment of those most responsible for the full range of crimes under the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations relevant to violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, including during the period covered by the LLRC (Lessons Learnt and Reconciliation Commission)” could be executed. This, he had pointed out, was through Article 13 (6) of the Constitution which said, “Nothing in this article should prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission which, at the time when it was committed , was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations.”]

The pathway of Truth is the highest Law applicable in any environment. No reliable law would produce actions that contradict the pathway of Truth. Article 13(6) states:
[ No person shall be held guilty of an offence on account of any act or omission which did not, at the time of such act or omission, constitute such an offence, and no penalty shall be imposed for any offence more severe than the penalty in force at the time such offence was committed.
Nothing in this Article shall prejudice the trial and punishment of any person for any act or omission which, at the time when it was committed, was criminal according to the general principles of law recognized by the community of nations.
It shall not be a contravention of this Article to require the imposition of a minimum penalty for an offence provided that such penalty does not exceed the maximum penalty prescribed for such offence at the time such offence was committed.]

The first and last paragraphs of this article confirm the importance of limiting punishment through time boundaries. The second paragraph confirms the importance of place boundaries.

Place based boundaries include Persons and groups bound by Common belief. Each such group is a Community. Hence the principle of ‘Community of Nations’ applies to cultural groups that live together – naturally bound by Common Faith just as much as it applies at Regional level for  Country Governments. The Sri Lankan Government promises Devolution of powers to Independent Communities when it claims to be eligible to apply the principle of ‘Community of Nations’ to members of the Government. A person who has enjoyed the protection of parents has the natural duty to provide that protection to her/his child.  This applies also to Counties. Sri Lanka is taken as a child of the Indian Subcontinent. To the extent Sri Lanka enjoys the Regional protection – Sri Lanka has the natural duty to be a protective parent to the Communities within itself. Political Devolution gives structure to this so the primary level members would ‘see’ and know that they are protected.

In terms of the LTTE – the yardstick for this is JVP. LTTE should not be punished more or less than the JVP for actions against the Government. Yet LTTE and the Tamil Community they are a part of,  are called Terrorists by Sinhalese who seek to score a cheap point. Within LTTE - punishable actions start from the time Karuna – the Eastern head of LTTE,  was made part of the Government.

Sri Lankans may never come to a just conclusion on the application of law in relation to this war. But inquiring into it – through our Truth -  purifies our mind. Once the order of thought is raised to the higher level our enjoyment is sweeter. But this requires discipline and sacrifices at the primary level. When we respect elders / seniors – we respect their sacrifices and the structures through which such sacrifices are  ‘seen’ by us. Former Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa failed to respect the nations that had sacrificed local pleasures towards becoming regional leaders and beyond. The reason was the excessive enjoyment openly at the cash level.   The application of the Rule of Law has since changed. Any punishment to other citizens needs to be proportionate to the punishment of the President and his men.

Instead, if we are facilitated to seek and find the Truth and discipline ourselves on the basis of our cultural laws – we would merge naturally at National level. Devolution must therefore give recognition to such demonstrated performance in ‘Internal Discipline’ details of which need not be known to outsiders. Sauce for the Government is Sauce for the LTTE also.

The first duty of the Current Government is to facilitate the restoration of Home Environment for those who were displaced from their ‘homeland’ that entitles them to the protection of ‘Community of Nations’. Given that this is based on Land – there needs to be recognition that civilians were unjustly punished and are continuing to be punished due to their homelands being occupied by the army. All Buddhist places  that came up during this period of conflict confirm this enforced occupation and remedies need to be worked out to balance the thought-order.

The principle of ‘Community of Nations’ would be a reliable pathway only when the concept of Tamil Nationhood and Sinhala Nationhood are firmly recognized as Equals at Community level and the opportunity for development of Muslim Nationhood is facilitated whenever there is a legitimate claim.  

Saturday 26 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 26 Sept  2015

US Discrimination against Tamils

Relevant excerpts from A/HRC/30/L.29 - HRC 30th Session – Draft UN Resolution -Item 2:  Promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka

Recalling also Human Rights Council resolutions 19/2 of 22 March 2012, 22/1 of 21 March 2013, and 25/1 of 27 March 2014 on promoting reconciliation and accountability in Sri Lanka,

Reaffirming its commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Sri Lanka,

Reaffirming that it is the responsibility of each State to ensure the full enjoyment of all human rights and fundamental freedoms of its entire population,

Welcoming the historic free and fair democratic elections in January and August 2015 and peaceful political transition in Sri Lanka,

Welcoming the steps taken by the Government of Sri Lanka since January 2015 to advance respect for human rights and to strengthen good governance and democratic institutions

Pp 10 Welcoming as well, the steps taken to strengthen civilian administration in the former conflict-affected provinces of the North and East, and acknowledging the progress made by the Government of Sri Lanka in rebuilding infrastructure, demining and resettling internally displaced persons, and calling on the international community, including the United Nations, to assist the Government of Sri Lanka in furthering these efforts, especially in expediting the process of delivery of durable solutions for all internally displaced persons ]

The above confirm that the onus has been placed on the Government and hence when there is progress the Government gets the credit – using UN status.  There was room to highlight the role of Tamil voters in bringing about the Political Leadership changes – through Presidential Elections followed by Parliamentary elections. This could be known through Experiencing Sri Lankan Governance  and not by the visible measure of majority votes. Natural cultural Diversity needs to be  recognized in working out the borders of each Electorate. That is when the Sovereignty of each electorate is confirmed. Each electorate is the parallel of Religion and the Nation is the parallel of God. The Sovereign powers of any area must be preserved for its sacredness to naturally merge with the Origin.

The Sovereignty of Tamil areas was confirmed through Natural powers – in 1977 when Tamils became the Leading Opposition in Parliament and this has been repeated in 2015. One who truly believes in Sovereignty would recognize this Natural / Divine Power and ensure that human structures do not interfere with such Divine Powers. This is very important in the case of Sri Lanka which has included Religion as a relative power in its Constitution and hence Requirement to recognize the natural borders of religion based Sovereignty. The more diverse the culture – the stronger the border needs to be.

Tamils by participating in the Presidential elections and the Parliamentary elections despite the suffering have confirmed our investment in seeking Sovereignty through the secular pathway also. Had we not invested deeply and voluntarily as per our Truth in this Common Global pathway  - Tamil Eelam as a separate country is a strong possibility. Whether others, including the UN recognize it or not is secondary to Truth. The UN resolution ought to include the Sovereignty of each culture in Multicultural Sri Lanka. Whether the UN does it or not – those of us who value Sovereignty need to include it and be conscious of it when making contributions to developing harmony in Sri Lanka.

Now that North and East have been specifically recognized as war-affected areas – the bondage between the two is stronger and there is a natural merger through common experience and common status. This is of heritage value to us.

Reaffirming that all Sri Lankans are entitled to the full enjoyment of their human rights regardless of religion, belief or ethnicity, in a peaceful and unified land]

Sovereignty and Human Rights are like Government and the Voter. Both are untouchables by the system of  Human Administration . Their power  could be experienced but not proven. When the Vote is based on Belief – Sovereignty is naturally present.

In Sri Lanka which has experienced ethnic war – fully recognized by the UN also – there is a need to rephrase the above as follows:

Confirming the recognition of  Sovereign Territories within Sri Lanka, through religious borders of electorates where majority voters are of a particular religion – the responsibility to ensuring this falling upon the major religion of Buddhismthrough Article 9 of the Constitution which states:

[ The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).]

Once ‘status’ or ‘cash’ benefits are allocated the value is no longer Absolute but becomes Relative. Hence to preserve the Absolute Value – we need ‘internal’ Governance through local borders confirming Sovereign Territories. Given that the above does not fit into the UN structure – upholding Sovereignty through country territories – one could conclude that the following proposal would not address Sri Lanka’s problem at the root level:

Recognizing that the Investigation into alleged serious violations and abuses of human rights and related crimes in Sri Lanka requested in Human Rights Council resolution 25/1 was necessitated by the absence of a credible national process of accountability,
5. Recognizes the need for a process of accountability and reconciliation for violations and abuses committed by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam as highlighted in the OISL report;

6. Welcomes the government’s recognition that accountability is essential to uphold the rule of law and build confidence in the people of all communities of Sri Lanka in the justice system,  takes note with appreciation of the Government of Sri Lanka’s proposal to establish a Judicial Mechanism with a Special Counsel to investigate allegations of violations and abuses of human rights and violations of international humanitarian law, as applicable; and affirms that a credible justice process should include independent judicial and prosecutorial institutions led by individuals known for integrity and impartiality; and further affirms in this regard the importance of participation in a Sri Lankan judicial mechanism, including the Special Counsel’s office, of Commonwealth and other foreign judges, defence lawyers, and authorized prosecutors and investigators]

5.-above is outside the moral authority of a Government that sought ‘foreign’ armed forces to defeat a local group and ended up seriously damaging the enjoyment of cultural sovereignty provided for by the Constitution. The UN abandoned this group when its powers were most needed by civilians. Only Tamils who included the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) as part of themselves as a  Community have the authority to Discipline the LTTE. Politically speaking this is the TNA at all levels of Governance. National Governments do not have the mandate to do so except under the leadership of TNA.

6.-above is the external parallel of this in relation to ‘foreign judges’. Sovereignty and Human Rights are untouchables in the secular system of relativity. The proposed Draft UN Resolution is based largely on Human Rights Breaches. These could be inquired into only through a higher authority that has preserved and upheld its own Sovereignty as an inclusive and independent wider body – called Sri Lanka in this instance or by the local leaders through an alternate pathway – in this instance the religious pathway. Given that this is bottom-up it needs to be voluntary and not mandatory – for non-Buddhists who do not have the responsibility to Administer through Article 9. Nallur Hindu Temple in Jaffna and Madhu Catholic Church in Mannar are good examples of such places of strong faith in war affected areas.

Foreign Judges in the above mentioned group need to take ‘Observer’ status and no more. If they deliver judgment then they are acting in breach of the very Sovereignty of Sri Lanka that they are claiming to help protect.

Yesterday I was invited  to make submissions to the Australian Government
in relation to our Government’s  inquiry into Australia's Advocacy for the Abolition of the Death Penalty.  I was informed that the inquiry, led by Hon. Philip Ruddock, wanted to hear from the Public on what our Government should do to lead the fight against the death penalty.  

Such invitations have happened previously through my regular feedback to the Government through my belief that I am Australian. Through my own voluntary contributions in the case of Death Penalty to Bali 9 leaders – I believe I developed this opportunity to contribute at policy level – so others would be prevented from Damage to their Sovereignty. This includes Governments. Our immediate past Prime Minister the Hon Tony Abbott has accumulated good karma in this regard to purify that position, of any previous negatives and also to purify the Australian Federal Police which colluded to damage the Sovereignty of Australians.  

The war related deaths of all Sri Lankans of the following categories are Death Penalties by the Government of Sri Lanka actioned unethically to damage the Sovereignty of the following groups and therefore the Sovereignty of the People of Sri Lanka:

1.      Those who did not have the protection of the Government
2.      Those who lived in the LTTE zones but did not declare themselves to be relying on their own  Sovereign powers and/or the powers of the LTTE
3.      Those who did not obstructed the Government except to Defend their own Sovereignty

 Such unethical imposition of Death Penalty has the effect of damaging the self-confidence of  the living who are part of the families and communities of the Dead.

The Bali 9 Death Penalty is unethical and is violation of Human Rights for the same reason that the two groups are not bound by Common Faith. Indonesia and Australia are two different entities so far as the UN is concerned and yet one does not hear UN recommending Corrective Measures to Indonesia and other member countries  enforcing Death Penalty on Foreigners. Hence one has to conclude that the UN is lacking in wisdom in regards to Natural Sovereign Rights.

A member of the government does not have the right to practice the Death Penalty  except through deeper faith in Sovereignty of her/himself as a citizen, relative to the Lowest Common Perpetrator of that crime within that Sovereign Group. In terms of Policy – the Government in common is taken as One and the Public as a whole is taken as One Citizen – each representing their grouping respectively.

Birth and Death are recognized as happening due to Divine / Natural Powers. Mercy killing could happen only when such killing is more painful to the killer than not-killing. Such is the confirmation of the moral authority to kill even in combat. In Mahabharatham – Prince Arjuna killed Bhishmar – the General of the Opposition Army – with such pain. Bhishmar was Arjuna’s family elder and they were very fond of each other. Yet – due to his vow to protect the throne – Bhishmar  became the head of the other side Armed Forces. Bhishmar being noble – not only accepted fall in the battle field by Arjuna but asked Arjuna to prepare a bed of arrows as his / Bhishmar’s deathbed. Bhishmar had the boon of dying as per his will. Hence by lying on the bed of arrows Bhishmar delayed his death until he endured enough pain to wash off his negative karma through failure to uphold the Sovereignty of the individual – especially when the First Lady of the other side was stripped naked in public by the prince and his mates – the parallel of  the rape of Tamil women by the Lankan armed forces.  

The current occupants of the positions through which members of the Sri Lankan Government committed the above – is tainted with the blood of the victims. Every time an occupant of a position is abusive of the position – without deeper belief that such violation is needed to uphold Dharma/Righteousness – the Divinity  of that position itself  is damaged.

Like many educated Sinhalese desirous of Ruling power – who ask Tamils to go back to Tamil Nadu in India  - the architect of Presidential system  - Mr. J R Jayawardene demonstrated anxiety over India’s power through Tamils. In his interview to the BBC in 1985, Mr. Jayawardene revealed his fears that LTTE – with the help of India - would takeover the whole of Sri Lanka and make it a Marxist State. But what really happened was that LTTE killed the Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and made a Ravana (King of Lanka) of itself.

When asked whether he would not be alienating Tamils by taking strong military action, Mr. Jayawardene stated that he did not think so but  was more concerned of alienating the International Public. Time has confirmed that a Government through its fears of the mighty neighbor – made a mountain out of molehill. Fear is the twin of Desire.

That position created by the desires of a man who failed to value the Westminster heritage became the seat of that mind riddled with suspicion – contributed to by his own conversion from Christianity to Buddhism. Even though the current occupant is not of that nature – the damage to that position is irreparable. Not so the Prime Ministerial position and hence the positive contribution by Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe who is a reported to be a biological relative of Mr. Jayawardene but seems to have the influence of Kelaniya. To my mind the following connection to Kelaniya is no coincidence:
[In some period of history Sinhala people have considered Vibhishana as one of the Four Heavenly Kings (satara varam deviyo). This belief was more prominent in the Kotte period. According to the Ravana Katha of Wickramasinghe Adigar, after the defeat of Ravana, Vibhishana transferred the Yaksha capital from Alakamandawa to Kelaniya. In the 15th century poem of Totagamuwe Sri Rahula, the sælalihini sandesaya, the Myna is ordered to carry the missive to Vibhishana at his temple in Kelaniya. After the 16th century he was replaced as a God of the four warrants by the goddess Pattini. He continues to be worshipped by a diminishing number of adherents, mainly in the Kelaniya area.] Wikipedia

As per Wikipedia [Mr. Wickremasinghe joined the United National Party (UNP) and progressed through its ranks. He was appointed as the chief organizer of the Kelaniya Electorate in the mid-1970s].

To the believer it is a Spiritual connection. To the non-believer it may seem superstitious. Such connections would be wasted on the latter.

No true Hindu would invade the Sovereign territory of another. A true Hindu would believe in Rama Who did not takeover Lanka after eliminating Ravana. Tamils who voted to remove the Rajapaksa Government believing him to be Ravana – were part of the causal forces that resulted in Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe becoming the Prime Minister and effectively the occupant of the stronger  Political Leadership position in Sri Lanka. Like Bhishmar – Mr. Wickremesinghe stepped down to clear the pathway for Mr. Sirisena and facilitated Dharma and has become the ultimate winner.

Indians who are true Hindus – would NOT invade Lanka or any other  Sovereign Nation. Even if  a country is not Sovereign – a true Indian would follow in the footsteps of Rama – and India would get involved to restore the Sovereignty of that nation and confirm it by crowning one of their own as leader. Those who desire other’s earnings would fear that other’s more powerful relations. Indian politicians may not have these qualities but Spiritual India would continue to be the soul of that region and the source of our belief in Sovereignty.
When Sinhalese lose their fear of ‘invasion’ by India – they would lose their fears of Tamils of Sri Lanka. Until then no UN measure would work towards long term solution.  The UN group has the opportunity to be the umbrella under which Sri Lankans could work out their own solutions through their respective religious groups. But this umbrella must not judge nor participate at ground level.  All such bodies must come at their own cost.

In the meantime if North and East are recognized as One Territory – as per the essence of the 13th Amendment to the Sri Lankan Constitution, that would clear the fears in Tamil minds to a large degree. Even if One Tamil believes in Sri Lanka as it is – no Tamil group would invade other parts of Sri Lanka. I believe I am Sri Lankan and that my belief is absolute and spiritual enough to protect my community from committing such a sin. If there is one Sinhalese who believes s/he is Sri Lankan and is able to declare that no Sinhalese group would invade Tamil  or Muslim or Burgher parts of  Sri Lanka – we already have the Spiritual Blessings for all human structures of the  solutions.

There is a Natural Sri Lanka different to the Political Sri Lanka. It is this Natural power through the belief of the individual that gives Sri Lanka its dignity as Sovereign Nation. This Natural Sri Lanka is Different to India in form. Spiritual India would always protect this Natural Sri Lanka which includes Buddhists, Muslims and Christians and Hindus against its own Ravanas who have the tendency to ‘possess’ and increase laterally – as depicted by Ravana’s ten heads – 5 senses x 2.  Rama was able to invoke the Divine power of animals Monkeys and squirrels – to defeat the sense driven Ravana and his massive human army. That is the power of One and that alone is enough to restore and uphold Lanka’s Sovereignty. 

Friday 25 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 25 Sept  2015

Media Watch by the Tamil Diaspora

As per the New Indian Express about the Sri Lankan Government’s stand ‘ No Proposal To Build Bridge Across Palk Strait, Says Ranil

[Making a statement in parliament on his Indian visit from September 14 to 16, Wickremesinghe said that he was “surprised” to read in a newspaper about a proposal to build a bridge.
“This news item has been published without verifying the facts and it could breach the confidence of readers,” he said.
Lankan Foreign Ministry officials confirmed to Express that neither the bridge or the Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) was discussed at Delhi at any level.]

This confirms that the Indian Government is not able to influence ‘good-reporting’ in the media. It means also that the Indian media is not an example of Good-Governance.

Gandhi – who successfully led India to release itself from foreign-administration was driven by Truth. Gandhi left behind the benefits from an official position.  Benefits are taken as being GIVEN when the person/s above us are not bound to us by faith. Had Gandhi stayed within the official system  - he would have empowered those in the system. By leaving the official system to be an ordinary citizen – Gandhi empowered all ordinary citizens of India and beyond – genuinely seeking Independence beyond the official system.

When we invest in Common systems – we are entitled to benefits through that system. Where we draw as per our own assessment and this matches what we ‘receive’ from that system - we are in the system of democracy.  Where we receive more or less than our true assessment and we remain without protest – we are in a system of autocracy. This is ok so long as we do not claim ‘democratic rights’. Often young ones who ‘remain without protest’ at family level – shout slogans of Democracy at public level and this eventuates in low/weak  brain order and in extreme cases disorder of the mind. Likewise immature citizens.

Yesterday our new Australian Prime Minister announced strong investment in the fight against Domestic Violence and stated that there was a need to respect women. This confirmed that Australia was still not democratic in terms of Gender. To the extent Mr. Turnbull is Democratic at home – he would naturally share this with wider Australia. To the extent Mr. Turnbull feels he is global – he would share this beyond Australian borders with all genuine seekers within Government circles. One who is true to her/himself has universal powers. The shape/form of that ‘universe’ would vary as per one’s own sense of belonging and the pathway through which one realizes the Truth.

As per my observations, majority Australians are not yet Democratic. But at the level of Government – we are committed to Democracy. As per my insight – one of the reasons for our domestic violence is our ‘welfare system’ which is also the untouchable sacred cow. It upholds the dignity of the poorest of citizens – so they do not give up on themselves. Welfare sharing is a duty of every citizen in her/his home unit. It must be shared and not ‘given’ nor ‘taken’. It must cease once that receiver is able to think as part of the ‘home-unit’. The time take to reach this point is longer in Democracy which requires the beneficiary to of Equal capability as the provider in that unit. Under the subjective system – one did not have to demonstrate equality but just take lower position than the parent/service provider.  

Fundamental rights as per the Constitution form the basis of such welfare sharing. Where there aren’t any structured laws and policies confirming that we are Common –  we have the authority of our Truth – to exercise our fundamental rights as per our own conscience but strictly remaining within the borders of  our cultural pathways and where there is conflict with the Official system – by staying away from the official system. This way the two travel parallel to each other – without meeting each other. Hence Devolution where one side or the other acts to damage the other during majority interactions. I still do not know whether this point was reached for the Tamil community as a whole nor the Sinhalese community as a whole. It was not for me. Those in both communities who have had such experiences must be facilitated to travel parallel to those who use the common pathway. This applies equally to Sinhalese – especially Sinhalese MPs with demonstrated disrespect for the Law because they have majority power.

Indian Tamils sharing natural rights with Sri Lankan Tamils is a ‘right’ in being governed as a region. Where there are no official  regional structures – one is entitled to use one’s Truth. Here in Australia, we have the Bali 9 Tragedy due to the absence of such Common Regional Governance that all citizens would participate in. I used my own Truth – largely through the religious-spiritual  pathway to invoke natural powers to escalate it to Heritage value. Others used art and social justice pathways. Our Australian Government, under the leadership of the Hon Tony Abbott  used the political pathway to share Australian dignity with the victims.  All of us honored the Human Dignity of those individuals who demonstrated in action their remorse and thus disciplined themselves. A law that punishes one who has cleaned her/himself – is an unjust law. All our contributions went towards highlighting  the need for Indonesia to either limit its authority to the laws that would uphold justice or turn a blind-eye to such cases that it does not have the moral authority to hear.

In terms of the Indian Subcontinent - I was able to identify with the positive aspects of a Bridge between India and Sri Lanka due to my observations that the official system is disorderly. The latest such ‘disorderly reporting’ is as follows:

[The Government today said that the people in the North will be given equal rights similar to what people in the South enjoy.] Colombo Gazzette
The actual words/ sentences used by the Government are reported to be:
[Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said that the policy of the Government is to protect the rights of all communities. He said that Prime Minister and United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has always maintained that policy but that worked against him in 2005. The Education Minister said that in 2005 certain extremist groups had prevented the people in the North from backing Wickremesinghe at the election since he stood for unity between all communities.
Akila Viraj Kariyawasam was speaking at the 125th anniversary of the Jaffna Hindu College where he was the chief guest.
He said that he was the first Education Minister to attend the anniversary event of the school which has a rich history.

The Minister said that the school authorities had made several requests to him in order to improve the facilities of the school and he has given consideration to those requests.
He said that he has decided to allocate funds to construct a new three storied building and also improve some of the basic facilities in the school.
The Minister said that his Ministry will also take steps to assist the education sector in the North to ensure it is on par with the South. ](Colombo Gazette)

There is no ‘factual’ support to confirm that the Government said,  it would ‘give’ equal rights to the people of North. Rights by their intrinsic value cannot be ‘given’. Benefits could be given or taken. Rights are confirmed when Costs are Equal to Benefits. Rights are inherited from our predecessors. These are confirmed through the Constitution. Once the Constitution recognizes this as a ‘right’ it is the duty of the Government to facilitate the drawing of benefits.

 The Minister has confirmed such interpretation as follows:
[Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said that the policy of the Government is to protect the rights of all communities. He said that Prime Minister and United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has always maintained that policy but that worked against him in 2005.]

Like the Indian media in the Bridge matter, the Sri Lankan Media is also not ‘factual’ in its reporting.  But the following two expressions about Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe confirm that he is a reliable person through his natural inheritance:

1.      In the Bridge issue – as reported by the New Indian Express:

[Incidentally, it was Wickremesinghe who had first suggested the building of a bridge across the Palk Strait and even named it the “Hanuman Bridge”. That was in 2002 ,when he was Prime Minister for two years during the Presidency of Chandrika Kumaratunga. The Lankan Transport Ministry had prepared a project report and even given an estimation of the cost.]

2.      In the Northern Education issue as reported by Colombo Gazzette

[Education Minister Akila Viraj Kariyawasam said that the policy of the Government is to protect the rights of all communities. He said that Prime Minister and United National Party (UNP) leader Ranil Wickremesinghe has always maintained that policy but that worked against him in 2005]

Hanuman Bridge is confirmation of the Natural inheritance by Tamils of Indian origin. Given that majority Tamils are Hindus – it is taken as a Natural Right to be exercised by Tamils of Sri Lanka. At the Relative level - it’s a Reconciliation between Natural ‘fact’ and  Political reality. Following is made up of extracts from published work – largely – from the documentary ‘This Land Belongs to the Army’ – which I understand was Screened in British Parliament | University College,London | United Nations Human Rights Council, Geneva | Officially selected in International Documentary Film Festival of Kerala | Kalakka's Best Documentary Award | Special Mention - Social Justice Film Festival

These would go towards the development of Natural inheritance as per one’s own Truth:

Except for the last picture  about Chemical weapons having been used – the rest are ‘factual’. They are objectively measurable. The value varies as per each one’s investment in the issue. To the extent the value could be measured through the official system the experience one has in seeing, reading and studying this for the self  would strengthen the inner confidence of the reader. To the extent this experience is shared by that person – it would strengthen the ‘Common Systems’ that one is part of.  The more global we become the more independent we need to be to have this inner strength to go about making our own contributions to our environments. The last picture above is of subjective value and is valuable  to those in that person’s immediate circle. In democracy this needs to be confidentially shared and not published.

Likewise in a subjective system – there is no need to talk about ‘what happened’ through the process. The final outcome is ‘shown’ to outsiders by the leader - as the CEO presents the work of all to outsiders. If one did not know what happened – through regular living – then that person is an ‘outsider’ – as UN and foreign governments are to a large extent - in relation to our ethnic issue. Confidentiality within internal circles is essential in a subjective system – to prevent different versions of the same happening going to the public. Where a group is largely subjective – which often happens in people rich countries – the leader’s interpretation is taken as the ‘right’ interpretation. Hence the ‘Terrorism’ label to the LTTE. Internally majority Tamils would not classify LTTE as Terrorists – not only because a good section of the Community’s children joined the armed struggle but also because Tamil civilians suffered more due to the Sri Lankan armed forces than due to LTTE.

At civilian level – as per my observations - majority educated Sinhalese refer to the LTTE as Terrorists. That does create a problem. Most of them are ‘inside’ the system and hence they use the Subjective measure of ‘following the leader’.

A Rama bridge between India and Sri Lanka would invoke good relationships with the good on both sides. It would be a merger of faith due to Rama history. As per Ramayanam Rama crowned Ravana’s younger brother Vibhishana as the king of Lanka. I identify with the essence of the following:

[Vibhishana IAST: Vibhīṣaṇa or Bibhishan (Sinhala:විභිෂන) was a king who ruled what is part of Sri Lanka today and is also written about in the historical epic Ramayana. He was the younger brother of the Rakshasa (demon) king Ravana of Lanka. Though a Rakshasa himself, Vibhishana was of a noble character and advised Ravana, who kidnapped and abducted Sita, to return her to her husband Rama in an orderly fashion and promptly. When his brother did not listen to his advice, Vibhishana joined Rama's army. Later, when Rama defeated Ravana, Rama crowned Vibhishana as the king of Lanka.
In some period of history Sinhala people have considered Vibhishana as one of the Four Heavenly Kings (satara varam deviyo). This belief was more prominent in the Kotte period. According to the Ravana Katha of Wickramasinghe Adigar, after the defeat of Ravana, Vibhishana transferred the Yaksha capital from Alakamandawa to Kelaniya. In the 15th century poem of Totagamuwe Sri Rahula, the sælalihini sandesaya, the Myna is ordered to carry the missive to Vibhishana at his temple in Kelaniya. After the 16th century he was replaced as a God of the four warrants by the goddess Pattini. He continues to be worshipped by a diminishing number of adherents, mainly in the Kelaniya area.] Wikipedia

I myself had a Vibhishana experience at the Hare Rama Temple in Colombo. The essence of it is that some ladies at the temple were critical of my ‘loose-hair’ even though it did not block their view. I got up and looked for another spot and found one close to the altar.  Later the priest from India talked about how Vibhishana was rejected entry by the priest at Lord Vishnu temple in India because Vibhishana was Ravana’s brother – and the Lord had asked the priest to not serve the Lord for failing to recognize a true devotee. We become family through our Oneness feelings. Those who are biologically related to us may drop off on the way to realizing this Oneness. But to the extent our investment in them  as per the family structure  is true – we would find the Natural families to give shape/form to our feelings. That is what Marriage  is all about. Likewise in terms of country relationships leading to Nationhood. A Sinhalese may realize Nationhood through a Tamil and v.v.

The ethnic war in Sri Lanka has confirmed through not only the Sinhalese leadership but also Tamils ‘attached’ to armed power – that attachment to the physical leads to separation and isolation. A large part of the victims of war are isolated while their families and extended families are busy taking action against Sinhalese leaders. Tamils who under the leadership of LTTE failed to recognize value in the Hon Ranil Wickremesinghe back in 2005,  have now confirmed that to them he is the parallel of Vibhishana. Thus we would confirm that we are the natural Descendants of Rama. This was facilitated by Sinhalese Ramas who voted the Sinhalese Ravana out. In Democracy nothing will last without  People Power.  

Mr. Wickremesinghe himself was never rejected by Tamils. Like Vibhishana Mr. Wickremesinghe was banished by the  combined Ravana force of Sri Lanka. Ravana is depicted with 10 heads – demonstrating double power of the five senses. Like the exponential value of  higher relationships – the physically driven persons also get together naturally and multiply themselves at the physical level through similar characteristics. Once they are beyond our direct control and/or influence – all we can do is become Observers if we have higher minds that would merge or surrender to the higher mind – if we recognize that we are Ravanas. By Rama defeating Ravana we inherited a purer Lanka. Now with one Ravana defeating the other – we have allowed mortal sin to happen and this regenerates itself exponentially. The Ramas in both Communities are the only solution left but they are sure solutions. They should lead the Truth Commission for they would heal victims naturally.   If left unchecked and unbalanced – Ravanas on both sides would pollute their own home-territories. Involving the UN in the structure of the solution would be a Natural facility. Hybrid Court with Administrative powers would lead to more Ravanas – including white Ravanas from invading Sri Lanka. 

The latest news that Sri Lanka would co-sponsor the US led Resolution in relation to Accountability at the next UNHRC session is a positive indicator from Above.