Saturday 30 July 2016

Picture courtesy – Ms Shenali Waduge

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 29 July    2016
Jaffna is NOT Terra-Nullius

Sinhala Nationalist – Ms Shenali Waduge, like many others of her kind seems totally confused between Autocracy and Democracy. A Diaspora leader of Sinhalese origin forwarded to me, Ms Waduge’s article ‘Sri Lanka: Do we need racist Tamils like Wigneswaran and Sambanthan when Tamils don’t vote TNA?’. Here in Colombo – which is home to me – I feel more and more happy that Tamils and Sinhalese are working more and more together – as it used to be in-between communal riots. I feel good. I realize that I feel good about this because Colombo is my home and I also have contributed strongly towards this greater harmony. I was born in Jaffna and had my founding education in Jaffna which is my home. I gave birth to all three children of ours in Colombo. Birth confirms that a place is our home as per our karma also – be it positive or negative. Birth is divine structure and the place we are born in is our Natural home – a part of our inheritance. Hence Colombo is also very much my home. Every place where Truth happens is home to those who manifested that Truth. Birth and Death are true experiences and hence birthplace is home to that person as well as the parents.

Given that I completed my ownership cycle by attributing credit - to my parents, teachers, family and community elders to whom also Jaffna was/is home – including through death – I released myself from the attachment to visible outcomes which are the bases of desire.  This helped me merge with the minds of others  who also were free of such attachments to other people’s credits. Those who fail to so attribute – punish themselves by becoming dependents on those pleasures that become Common to that place once it is past its current period. Even if we are born at that place – relative to those before us - we are mere migrants due to ‘time’. Once we complete the cycle of ownership – including taking credit for our share of the structure – we become part of that land. Any time we return, we experience the consolidated / Common feeling that all those to whom that place is ‘home’ are fulfilled,  or that they are restless because of ‘foreigners’ disturbing the peace enjoyed by true owners. Hence angels and  ghosts.

One who stays at the place of birth without paying her/his dues to ancestors whose work is benefiting her/him – is also a foreigner. When we attribute of our own free will – we become Common owners of that place – Common with our ancestors. In Hindu ceremonies conducted to raise the soul of a person towards heaven – it is customary to include a process confirming this during the 31st day memorial service. This involves the following: -  arranging cooked rice – the staple food of majority Hindus – into three balls; Each ball represents one generation before the person who passed away. Then a fourth lump of rice is shaped into elliptical  form and that represents the person who passed away;   This ellipse is cut into three portions and each one is added to one of the rice balls representing one generation ancestor. That’s the merger with ancestors that completes the ownership journey. The place where this is performed becomes sacred and it empowers anyone to whom that person is a respectable ancestor. That is how culture is raised to the highest common level and preserved over generations as heritage.

In Hindu marriage ceremonies – three generation ancestral names are read out for each party – so the couple would be free of their attachments to the past. It happens when the bride is given away by both her parents and is adopted by both parents of the groom.  Those who believe in their parents would go on to develop firm family structures which may not even be romantic but would support children to grow up as a family - as well as others who believe in such heritage to release themselves and achieve completion to become our marriage ancestors.  Jaffna is enriched by such practices. Jaffna’s Peace is disturbed when there are enforcements from other cultures. Other cultures are not only those that come from other places but also those that come from the current generation who do not feel connected to their ancestors – something that Australian migrants were guilty of - at policy level – until we started attributing to Indigenous owners after Eddie Mabo’s fight to preserve ancestral rights as heritage. The more ancient such elders are – the stronger the roots we feed become. The stronger the roots in heaven – the greater the Natural harmony at that place. Jaffna’s natural harmony was damaged by all those who killed in Jaffna, without belief in those ancestors who invested in higher structures – including through English and Roman Dutch laws which are embedded in the roots of Sri Lankan system of Public Administration and Judiciary. Rebels did not need to consciously and expressly know the Common law. All they needed was to attribute to those from Jaffna who had realized ownership through practice of those laws also. The likes of G.G.Ponnambalam have left us with a heritage in the Common Law of Sri Lanka - more than in Thesawalamai Customary Law particular to Northern Province.

As per my learning, Buddha also was referring to ownership by recommending renunciation of desires because desire is the cause of all suffering. Lord Krishna through the Bhagawath Geetha said that  Katpagatharu - the wish-fulfilling tree had its roots in heaven and its branches hanging towards Earth – demonstrating  the gravitational pull of attachments to fruits of our work . Lord Krishna says -  to Prince Arjuna the best Warrior Prince of that time who was lamenting that he could not bring himself to wage war against his family elders and gurus – to take the sword and cut the tree to disconnect vertically – so the root and the branches were separated – with the root staying eternally in heaven and the branch falling to earth to become part of the earth and thus losing its particular share and form – as in ‘Earth to Earth and Dust to Dust’ Christian saying. Whoever lives in that part of the Earth and invokes ancestral powers – will be empowered by ancestral powers of ownership. It would not work for those relying more on current merit and are therefore without strong connection to the Indigenous powers of that place. This often helps them spread laterally – and we have seen this happen with LTTE generation Tamils. That would not have happened if our heritage had been stronger than the credit we attributed to ourselves through current victories. All LTTE supporters ‘lost’ the opportunity to be Common ancestors of Northern Sri Lanka by being driven by current merit through those who failed to attribute credit to their elders.

Ms Waduge who is a ‘foreigner’ to Jaffna and therefore its caste system – states through the above article:

[The votes that the TNA have secured have been with a lot of Indian involvement and bogus promises made at personal levels to the voters.
What needs to be further highlighted is that these TNA leaders are from the elite Vellala caste where they are using divisive politics to remain feudal leaders of their people. You will not see a low-caste Tamil coming up the TNA ladder. While a handful of lowcaste Tamils are kept none of them can even dream of rising up the ladder to hold a meaningful role unless they function as lackeys. Let us note that it was against this rigid caste system that Prabakaran rose but given that to survive he needed to play the game he ended up taking his manpower and from the lowcaste and impoverished Tamils who constitute the majority in the Tamils. The same problem exists in Tamil Nadu political culture as well.]

 The caste system is a heritage needed by members of the  junior caste who seek to take up leadership positions in current Jaffna. It is this caste system that helped Jaffna reject the LTTE and they ended up making Vanni their capital. As a Hill country senior working in Colombo said to me recently – majority in Vanni area are from Hill country. They came largely as manual workers to Vanni. To the extent we practiced the caste system for work purposes – we lived together in harmony – by each one keeping to their respective position territory. Without that caste system  - Jaffna owners would not have performed so highly in educational pursuits. If Sinhalese from South did not find us attractive, we would not have an overwhelming 60%  Sinhalese student membership in the Faculty of Science of University of Jaffna where we recently had the problem between two groups of migrants – the Tamil students being time based migrants and the Sinhalese students being place based migrants. Neither is connected to the true owners of  that University which has its cultural origin in Hindu philosophy and is situated at a place which has common global ownership through minds that practiced English and Roman Dutch Laws. Without this philosophy and global common order as our base – we would have tended to assimilate and therefore would not have the entitlement to Equal status as a Community with its own Land area that represents a diverse culture in Sri Lanka. Prabhakaran did not rise against the abuse of caste system. He himself abused it by making soldiers of those who did not connect to ancestral warrior powers. Often the ordinary folks of Thunaivi say to me when I explain what needs to be done as duty to parents and teachers – that they had no knowledge of such duties. To them many such processes were just part of  ceremonies which they blindly followed without belief nor understanding – copied from the senior castes they failed to value. Prabhakaran as well as the Rajapaksas lost their dignity as leaders through this  war against each other due to this indiscriminate mixing of  jobs without borders. They entrusted ruling power to juniors driven by emotions. Such combination leads to animal behavior and hence the Lion v the Tiger.

There are many good examples of protection against this in Mahabharatham. The outstanding one is about Karnan who was born without biological intervention to the mother of the five Pandava brothers – the minority group parallel to the Tamil leaders of Sri Lanka. Since Karnan was born before his mother got married – the lady placed him in a basket and Karnan was found and brought up by a chariot driver and his wife. But being of Royal heritage – Karnan was outstanding in Warrior skills. When he sought to participate in warrior games organized for Royalty to show their citizens their skills – and Karnan sought to participate – he was rejected by the Royal family gurus on the basis that he was of a different class/caste by birth. That was when the leader of majority side Thuriyothanan – awarded to Karnan a city to rule and like Sinhalese leader Mr. Mahinda Rajapaksa and Tamil leader Mr. Douglas Devananda – the two became friends and Karnan died in battle in support of Thuriyothanan – confirming that he was true Royalty by being loyal to the Prince who upheld his dignity. That was NOT the case with junior caste fighters in the Lankan war and they often acted in breach of the rules and laws that Tamils had invested in, over generations – especially to earn the position of Equal Opposition through political process. On their own LTTE did not have power to earn Tamil leadership through Political process.  Likewise, JVP in Southern Sri Lanka. The difference between Karuna Amman in East and Prabhakaran in North is more relevant here towards a solution than the caste based differences that have already manifested the injuries and  inglorious deaths on both sides. Position boundaries protect us from such disasters.

There were abuses of caste based power – from both sides of the caste border. But once left on their own – they turn against their own – as Mr. Rajapaksa did and lost his position with his own side. He would not have if he had attributed credit to Common leaders of Sri Lanka  whose roots are in heaven and branches are part of the Land that was home to them – in Colombo – the Common capital.

Under the subjective hierarchical system of autocracy ‘ownership’ had to be endorsed by subjects/persons senior to us and hence it was quite in order to discriminate subjectively  - on the basis of culture and caste also. This helped mind-connections so juniors did not have to learn from zero base. The senior had the responsibility for the whole and was therefore entitled to discriminate on the basis of common-mindedness – rather than use merit basis from scratch. Most religious organizations – including Buddhist organizations in Sri Lanka, continue to use this subjective system to positively discriminate on the basis of one’s faith – as subjectively assessed  by the Senior and willingly accepted by the junior.

Democracy on the basis of Objectively measurable outcomes replaces Subjectivity with Objectivity. Culture under the old hierarchical system was therefore replaced in Democracy by Land which is a Natural element. Some land spaces / electorates  carry an overwhelming majority of  one culture – and hence in Sri Lanka they are recognized as Tamil, Sinhalese or Muslim homelands. In India where majority continue to be strongly religious – the subjective system continues to work well and hence the division as per culture and natural separations and privacy. Legally – under Democracy, electoral divisions are the  valid measures. Any priority to Hinduism in India for example becomes invalid due to Land being the basic measure of separation. Likewise Buddhism in Sri Lanka becomes invalid in a Democratic Constitution. The damage to the investment made by Sri Lankans in the system of Democracy – is exponential when such priorities are allocated on the basis of subjective power. That which is exponential has the greater tendency to work as an automatic force – compared to relative influences which regulate the flow of forces through laws and rules – including those inherited from foreign rulers.

Ms Waduge states in her article:

‘Firstly, there are no mono-ethnic enclaves and Tamil leaders have no right to be claiming any part of the island territory as their own. Yet, the Northern Provincial Council passed a resolution to prevent ‘colonization’ of Sinhalese. Elementary rule is - You cannot ‘colonize’ your own country and there is and was never anything that can lay historical claim for a Tamil only area!

To the mind that confirms that there is no Sinhalese area in Sri Lanka – there would be no Tamil areas in Sri Lanka. The alleged Colonization resolution is valid at policy level – if the Sri Lankan State which has the authority to authorize on behalf of Sri Lankans authorizes on behalf of Sinhalese or Buddhists.  Like Prescriptive Rights through Adverse Possession – such declarations – including the Vaddukoddai Resolution – and the above to protect the natural motivating forces of those to whom that Land has been Home for centuries – not because a remote Government says so – but because of the experience of group using common laws particular to their culture - through which that Land becomes home to them. If Jaffna was home to Ms Shenali and she was fearful of weakening her home value due to ‘external powers’ – she would have felt genuine pain when she saw more and more Buddhist cultural organizations developing during this period when people of North are still hurting from the losses in the last stages of the war. If she does not – then as an owner of Jaffna – I confirm that Ms Waduge is an outsider to Jaffna except by law.

As per Prescription Ordinance of Sri Lanka – belief based possession over long period is higher ownership than legal ownership. This is because belief is of absolute value. The excerpt from my submission in relation to this is listed in the Appendix and may help follow my mind-order in this regard. The occupier against whom we brought this action is Buddhist. Given that I am Hindu – to the extent we are subjective - the matter is also about our cultural mind orders. If  according to Buddhism – one who possesses physically has higher rights than one who owns through the common pathway but with lesser degree of physical possession – then the above occupier would be the winner due to Article 9 of  the Sri Lankan Constitution.

As per Prescription Ordinance – the person claiming independent or adverse title through wholesome physical possession – needs to have Belief and not just thoughts/knowledge influenced by external forces – including the temptations of Prescription Ordinance.

The parallel of this in the case of Tamil Politicians is that they must believe that their claim of ‘ownership’ is independent of or is adverse to the legal titleholders – the Colombo Government. JVP were acting as Prescriptive rights claimants  when they rebelled against the lawfully elected Government. Such rebellions are to be expected in countries where People power is stronger than Money power and the official leaders start abusing their position powers.

Northern Provincial leaders have to establish Independence to claim the parallel of  Prescriptive rights and National leaders of minority communities have to establish Adverse title which entitles them to  self-governance.  Ms Waduge highlights the possible alleged lack of Belief on the part of the former as follows:

[What is annoying about Wigneswaran and his racist slanders is that he had been living all of his 70 plus years in Colombo among Sinhalese and went to live in the North only after becoming the Chief Minister in 2012.]

This confirms that to Ms Waduge – Colombo is Sinhalese and not Sri Lankan. No politician elected at National level has the right to claim to be less – be it as a Sinhalese, Tamil, Muslim, Burgher or more as international migrant. Colombo is home of Sri Lankans of various origins – including Sinhalese origin and origin outside Sri Lanka – as a migrant. When in Colombo – fellow citizens to whom Colombo is ‘home’ – will naturally empower Mr. Wigneswaran. Northern folks seeking to be successful migrants in Colombo would naturally have voted for Mr. Wigneswaran. They are likely to be disappointed with Mr. Wigneswaran if he plays the Tamil only card – towards personal gain. If Mr. Wigneswaran does it for Sri Lanka – even though it may not seem logical to others, all Sri Lankan minds would support him – even though no one may be conscious of it. When would it be for Sri Lanka? It would be for Sri Lanka if it is to uphold the Truth about that part of Sri Lanka after all avenues through the official system fails to uphold the Truth. That is what Gandhi did and hence released Indians from being dependent on the British for their pleasures and living, while denouncing them as leaders. Both Mr. Sampanthan as well as Mr. Wigneswaran have to be measured through their position duties and not through the personal yardstick of the ‘free’ social opposition such as Ms Waduge – contributing to further disorder in Sri Lanka. Only those who have exhausted all official avenues would have order in their expressions when such expressions are based on their True experiences. They are self-governors and need to be respect as Governors – equal in status to the President. That would be very healthy for Sri Lanka and its heritage from this generation.

1.      Experience v Theory
(i)                 The Base used for these Arguments is that the judgment is in breach of  the fundamental values underpinning Sections 3 & 13 of Prescription Ordinance 1871. The essence of the Law governing Prescriptive Rights is that Experience based Title is of higher value than Legal Title sans Experience. In a Court of Law,  legal Title ranks higher than Title by possession – except when the possessor satisfies the requirements of  Absolute Ownership Value with no recognition whatsoever of another’s title in any form through any pathway.  This kind of Absolute value is demonstrated by full physical possession and complete independence OR adversity/opposition of Equal value to any other form of Title. The Appellants argue that the  judgment appealed against FAILS to demonstrate that:
(a)   the Court had this expectation of the Defendants
(b)   the Defendants satisfied this requirement of complete OR Equally Opposite Experience through physical possession

(ii)                           The validity of this exception is highlighted as follows by Hon Justice Saleem Marsoof, P.C., J.  through  Storer Duraisamy Yogendra  &  Balasubramaniam Thavabalan  Vs. Velupillai Tharmaratnam:

[The decision of five judges of this Court in the Rajendran Chettiar case is not only binding on this Bench as it is presently constituted, but also reflects the practice of Court both in England as well as in Sri Lanka. As Lord Denning, M. R. observed in Salter Rex and Co. v. Ghosh [1971] 2 All ER 865 at page 866 – “Lord Alverstone CJ was right in logic but Lord Esher MR was right in experience. Lord Esher MR’s test has always been applied in practice.”]

(iii)                         It is argued and submitted that the above principle applies also in the case of Prescriptive Rights – where the Absolute value of Experience based Belief developed through an independent or adverse pathway, is respected and recognized as being of higher value than the legal title which often includes theory which may not be applicable to local environments. It is submitted that Logic is relative whereas Belief is Absolute in value. Where theory is practiced – the two would meet at the destination of ownership.
(iv)                          It is submitted that the Prescription Ordinance requires the claimant of Prescriptive title to have had this Experience through wholesome possession.
(v)                            To be accepted at that level – pure of legal logic – Experience based Belief needs to stand on its own rights and not be relative to the logic of any alternate system – in this instance legal title. It is submitted that to be entitled to ownership through the logic based legal pathway – one does not need Belief. Knowledge that one has satisfied the requirements of the legal pathway alone is enough.
(vi)                          To claim Prescriptive rights on the other hand, one needs Belief which is confirmed by wholesome possession – as in blind faith. One who Experiences has Belief. It is submitted that the  facts before the Court were not constructed by the Defendants to satisfy the above requirements of the law that that Ownership Experience was had by the 1st Defendant and inherited by the 2nd Defendant.
(vii)                        It is submitted that the Conflict between the Legal Title and the Prescriptive Title is addressed by the Prescriptive Ordinance by  requiring the claimant of Prescriptive Title to have completed the pathway and have reached the Destination of  Realised  Ownership

(viii)                      It is submitted that one such requirement is to travel independent of the Legal Titleholder. Hence the Requirement of Independence or Adversity. Where the Claimant claims no knowledge whatsoever of the Legal Titleholder/s, the requirement of Independence needs to be satisfied. Where the Claimant does confirm knowledge of Legal Titleholder/s and their activities in relation to ownership of the property – the requirement of Adversity needs to be satisfied. It is submitted that the latter needs confirmation of Separation of Powers and Consciousness of Equal & Opposite status. 

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam- 27 July 2016

Not Madman – but Owner

There was a good story shared by a Diaspora leader about how Nature Balances the books. It went like this:

Inspiring Story on Anger Management ... 

An American man walked into a restaurant in London.
As soon as he entered, he noticed an African man sitting in the corner.
So, he walked over to the counter, removed his wallet and shouted,
"Waiter! I am buying food for everyone in this restaurant, except that black African guy over there!"
So, the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food to everyone in the restaurant, except the African. However, instead of becoming upset, the African simply looked up at the American and shouted,
 "Thank you!"
 That infuriated the man. So, once again, the American took out his wallet and shouted,
"Waiter! This time I am buying bottles of wine and additional food for everyone in this bar, except for that black African sitting in the corner over there!"  
So, the waiter collected the money from the man and began serving free food and wine to everyone in the bar except the African. When the waiter finished serving the food and drinks, once again, instead of becoming angry, the African simply smiled at the American man and shouted,
"Thank you!"
That made the American man furious. So, he leaned over on the counter and said to the waiter,
"What is wrong with that African man? I have bought food and drinks for everyone in this bar except him, but instead of becoming angry, he just sits there and smiles at me and shouts 'Thank you.' Is he mad?"
The waiter smiled at the American and said,
"No, he is not mad. He is the owner of this restaurant.”

My response to the Diaspora leader was ‘Truth has the ultimate say in Balancing the system’

I do believe that we need to do our best and listen to the Truth within to complete the experience. What is the Truth about Reconciliation? I received two emails about reconciliation Taskforce  from a Sri Lankan Diaspora leader. One was to share the following:

Subject: Consultations on Reconciliation Mechanism
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2016 11:13:52 +1000
From: "Consulate General Of Sri Lanka Melbourne" <>
To: "Consulate General Of Sri Lanka Melbourne" <>
Sent: Thursday, 21 Jul, 2016 At 10:56 AM
Subject: Consultations on Reconciliation Mechanism

Dear Sir/Madam,

Please find attached hereto announcement by the Consultation Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms, in English, Sinhala and Tamil, calling for submissions from Diaspora Organisations and individuals, on the design of structures, processes and measures  for truth, accountability, reparations and non- recurrence- i.e. an Office on Missing Persons; an Office on Reparations: a Judicial Mechanism with a Special Council; a truth, Justice,Reconciliation and Non-Recurrence Commission; and any other mechanisms, processes  or measures for advancing reconciliation in Sri Lanka.

Your submissions, if any, can be made to the Task Force by Diaspora Organisations/ individuals until 28 July 2016.

It would be appreciated if you could make a submission on the same to the Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanisms.

Contact Details are as follows:

Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu
Consultation Task Force on Reconciliation Mechanism
c/o Secretariat for Coordinating Reconciliation Mechanisms
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic Building , Sir Baron Jayatilaka Mw. ; Colombo 01;Sri Lanka.
Phone: +94114232857; Email:

Thank you,

Kind Regards,
Consulate General of Sri Lanka; Melbourne

The other with the subject heading ‘Is this a process for reconciliation or a process for betraying our armed forces?’ by S. Akurugoda, directed me to
The problem I had with the Sri Lankan Consulate message was that it was not sent directly to me by the office of the Consulate. This means that I am a nobody to the Sri Lankan Government here in Australia. In addition, I recall that Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu  was a speaker at Sri Lanka Reconciliation Forum, Sydney but that there was no communication from this forum about the above initiative which may be because Dr. Paikiasothy Saravanamuttu  did not consider them to be important enough to ‘include’ them and their wisdom in this matter. Hence, crude as it may seem – the question by the Sinhalese as to whether this is a process for reconciliation or a process for betraying the armed forces is valid. As per theory – it may be Reconciliation initiative, but as per experience of Sinhala only folks – it would be betrayal of their Armed Forces where a Tamil heads the official structure. This likely to  have been prevented close to elections. Reconciliation between the common Sinhalese and the common Tamil conscious of ‘voting power’ is not likely to happen. Both sides feel empowered by Separation. They are cleverer when they think they have power.  The Common Sri Lankan does not need reconciliation. All we need to do is recognize this Truth about Sri Lanka. Like in many Western countries – these ‘indigenous’ groups would remain due to them being more comfortable in that environment. Hence the Diversity.

The first responsibility of the above Taskforce to my mind – would be to identify with the three components and where the problem of one was an opportunity to the other – the reporting and accountability needs to happen to their own leaders. The Common Sri Lankan part must take responsibility for the Sri Lankan parts of the issue – i.e. – areas where Sri Lanka’s surname is at stake.

As per the New Indian Express article ‘TNA Agrees to Renounce Support to Separation of Sri Lanka’
Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main Tamil political party, has agreed to renounce its support to separation of Sri Lanka and accept an undivided country.
The TNA on Tuesday agreed to submit an affidavit in the Supreme Court that Sri Lanka is a unitary state during a hearing on six petitions filed by Sinhala majority nationalist organisations, media reports said here today.
The Sinhala groups claimed that the TNA's political objective was to divide Sri Lanka and create a separate Tamil state in the north and eastern provinces.
The petitions said that during the last year's northern provincial council election, the TNA's election manifesto contained references to a separate state.

This is very disappointing from TNA which is like the Black American in the above story. The parallel of Mr. Obama becoming president – was Mr. Sampanthan becoming the Leader of the Opposition in Sri Lankan Parliament. As per the above report:

The Sinhala groups claimed that the TNA's political objective was to divide Sri Lanka and create a separate Tamil state in the north and eastern provinces.
The petitions said that during the last year's northern provincial council election, the TNA's election manifesto contained references to a separate state.
The Tamil counsels for the TNA respondents submitted to the court that they accept that Sri Lanka is a unitary state and that there was no intent to form a separate state.

 The question is whether the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka had the mandate to hear this matter which manifested in Northern Province. When I brought defamation action against a part of my family – here in our Supreme Court of NSW – in regards to actions in Mallakam Courts in Northern Sri Lanka –  Judge Mccallum said that the Court did not have jurisdiction – even though the parties concerned were Australians residing in New South Wales. The Supreme Court of NSW is the parallel of the High Court of Jaffna. The way TNA manages its provincial affairs needs to be different to the way it manages its National affairs. When  two are  mixed indiscriminately there is disorder in the structure.

Now that the TNA has given the above Affidavit – it has the DUTY to file petition against the Petitioners that they would not initiate legislation such as Sinhala only or Buddhism first or bring about quota systems that would disadvantage Tamils.  Without such balance – Colombo – where the Supreme Court is situated would again be at risk of being attacked by Tamil militants or would be overtaken by Southerners. Devolution must ensure that the Courts also identify with their jurisdiction and not undertake in Colombo, matters that have produced evidence in Jaffna. Colombo is the home of Common Sri Lankans and when that is upheld by all leading institutions – that would confirm that we do not need reconciliation.

When we leave one place to make home in another – we need to take rebirth – which process makes us forget what happened but carry the consolidated value of why it happened. This would empower us from within. Those coming from Jaffna to Colombo or from Hambantota to Colombo need to undertake this for their own sakes – so they would merge comfortably with Common Colombo instead of trying to make Hambantota of Colombo. Likewise when we migrate to other Countries whose culture is vastly different to ours. To the person driven by her/his Truth – the whole world is one. But where we seek to operate as part of an institution/extended family/region – we need either Common laws or remain within our Truth. Those who are ignorant of common laws must present themselves through their respective family & community heads. It is to prevent this backward flow in Hindu families – that the daughter was accredited with ‘dowry’ at the time of marriage – so she would not come back for support from her parents and siblings. Likewise when we migrate to make homes in other countries – we must not be conscious of the forms we left behind – unless we return for good and start a new life there. The higher our mind the less conscious we are of benefits from the old system. We would consolidate and carry the Truth which empowers from within. This is why the woman is known as Shakthi /Energy in Hindu culture. A minority power which feels ownership often by bearing the pain of unfair discrimination, is such an Energy and one who enforces power over such a group – confirms that they do not respect their own mothers. 

Monday 25 July 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam- 25 July 2016

Common Ownership through Closures

On 16 July I raised the question ‘Thinking small minister?’ . That question was manifested by my ownership Energy in relation to Airlanka. Every person who invests more and derives less and is accepting that as natural – is a true owner.  Owners have mother’s intuition.  A true owner has the power to influence manifestations as needed by her/him and/or her/his group. Sri Lankan Airlines/Airlanka is one such institution in which I feel ownership. When the new Government in Sri Lanka,  had the Airline investigated – I was critical of the lawyers who produced the report due to the damage I intuitively felt would happen for the business of that Institution of mine. Like with Sri Lanka as a country – Airlanka is an institution I carry within me as part of myself. Weeks before I got the job – I asked a holy person as to whether I would be successful in going overseas to work and earn money to build a home on my land in Colombo. The holy person said ‘Like Murugan you are going to fly on the peacock’. Weeks later,  came the letter of offer. Later (as per my knowledge) the peacock became the logo of Airlanka.  To my mind, not only was the holy person a ‘seer’ but he added his positive credits for me to achieve what I needed and what Sri Lanka also needed at that time. I am an ambassador for Sri Lanka at the global level, largely due to my ownership in Airlanka. Hence I get upset when the over-enthusiastic pundits from outside use project approach – as if Airlanka/Sri Lankan Airlines is an Object without feelings. An owner knows the reasons why when something goes wrong and her/his support is needed. An owner becomes a Common Carrier – beyond time and place borders. At the deeper level an owner is intuitively identified with by other owners in the ‘issue’.

I believe that this is the reason why I feel as I do with  the University of Jaffna where I did not study or work – but due to Jaffna being my land of primary and secondary. I believe also that my ownership investment in the University of NSW – has become Common in terms of the core  purposes of the existence of any University - Research & Teaching towards Sovereignty. Those driven by benefits from the University fail to reach this destination of ownership. They would tend to use the University for a living and not for Common Sovereign life.  I felt that the Minister responsible was going to devalue the Airline further, by travelling economy and hence the above alert. Yesterday I learnt with great disappointment that Pakistan’s PIA  was picking up the ‘cheapened’ parts of Sri Lanka’s National carrier. A true owner of the investment made, during the time Singapore Airlines managed Air Lanka, would not have allowed this demotion to happen. This is like the demotion of National Government after the British departed.  As per latest news reports Minister Kabir Hashim has ended up negotiating with Pakistan International Airlines – which to my mind confirms the deterioration in values. This confirms also that that part of the current Government is not listening to true owners. This is because of not paying their dues to all those who feel ownership – including Singapore Airlines Management team and those trained by them. If the true value of SIA had been predominant in the minds of those who said ‘goodbye’ to SIA – we would preserved the higher standards of SIA as part of our heritage.

The more interesting realization is the Holy man’s contribution to my investment in Air Lanka. This Hindu Holy man played the role of the Buddhist Priests in Sri Lankan Government. That Buddhist position is an allocated position but the Hindu one is a Natural position. When the Natural one shows  higher structure than the official one – that person must be paid first respect in that Institution.

The most pressing question in terms of Sri Lanka as a Nation is the ethnic divide. Cassandre Doole states in the Ceylon Today article ‘A charred massacre’ about the July 1983 ethnic attacks:

Each and every Sri Lankan, be they Tamil, Sinhala or Muslim, just want to live in peace. Thus, we would like to think, or even hope that July 1983 pogrom was only an aberration and a repetition will be unheard of.
The Aluthgama incidents in 2014, the emergence of Sinha-Le in January, and even the recent clash at the Jaffna University show that people still have mob mentality. Therefore, the constant rekindling of the disturbingly tragic incidents of "Black July 1983" is necessary to prevent a repetition

The editorial in Sunday Observer under the heading “WHAT IS A ‘POGROM’?”  expresses the following advice:

‘Sri Lankans, today, must make the effort to look ‘beyond’ the memories – as one government minister has said when asked to reflect on the July anniversary. What has happened certainly cannot and will not be forgotten. Rather, while keeping these memories, we need to move on towards resolution and closure.’

What comes to mind is the following part of my submission in a case before the High Court of Jaffna in deciding whether a decision by the primary Court was Interlocutory or Final Judgment:

[“It seems to me that the real test for determining this question ought to be this: Does the judgment or order, as made, finally dispose of the rights of the parties? If it does, then I think it ought to be treated as a final order; but if it does not it is then, in my opinion, an interlocutory order.”   - Lord Alverstone, C.J cited  by Hon Justice SaleemMarsoof, P.C., J.  inStorerDuraisamy Yogendra  &BalasubramaniamThavabalan  Vs. VelupillaiTharmaratnam’]

In terms of the above two about the July 83 tragedy - the former is Experience based and the latter is Logic based. Which one is more appropriate than the other? That depends on whether the Experience value of the practitioner is greater or lesser than the total investment made by those concerned in the logical pathway. The higher of the two is the appropriate description.

The question I ask in this process is ‘what is racism?’ . If I conclude that that is the right name after escalating my pain to the highest level through avenues available to me – then that is the definition/description I am entitled to use. My Public Service experience followed by Court experiences here in Australia – did not give me a clear Common definition. As per my mind, I did not experience racism at the workplace in Sri Lanka. But I did experience it as a member of the Tamil Community living in Colombo – due to – as Cassandre Doole puts it - ‘mob’ mentality.   In Australia – the Government has come a long way from ‘mob mentality’ due also to challenges in Court – by migrants like myself. The deepest repair as per my mind, has been due to attributing  to Indigenous owners of Land at Public gatherings. This is systematically followed by Public officials and by many Public institutions. The other night – we went to see our little granddaughter Kali, perform Bollywood dance during Community nig-multicultural celebrations at her school – Dulwich Hill Public School. The sweet surprise was the Indigenous dance performance during which most of the parents joined the kids -  by paying tribute to Natural elements. To me that was a big armor of security against racism. Given that the tribute is paid to those who have passed away – the value is exponential when we are genuine Australians – feeling Australian. That is an example that the Sri Lankan Government can learn from. Even in Capital Colombo – there needs to be similar attribution to those from whom we inherited Public Administration wisdom.

Due to the escalation of my experience to the National level – despite knowing that I would be marked a ‘failure’ I elevated my mind to global level through my position taken as their opposition (like TNA in National Parliament). Hence my investment in Australia would take form at that level too – in my mind which is MY WORLD. I no longer feel anxiety when I remember the details of what happened and what I lost. I sometimes feel sad but not anxious. Not a day goes by without me thanking my Spiritual Guide who was with me all along the way to realizing ownership – often through fellow Australians and sometimes directly – one to one. When we accept defeat at the higher level – after having earned the win at that level through common logic/principles/laws/ - the ‘gap’ becomes ‘ownership’ and we are able to work the system through its natural forces. If we are not able to think ‘Common’ we are not owners. If we are not owners we need specific pathways through which to regulate our thoughts – so our processes become common.

Just yesterday, when I clipped my sunglasses to my T-Shirt – I thought of the clerk at Mallakam District Court – who asked me to remove my reading glasses clipped in similar fashion – when I was in the witness box. When employees follow their leaders subjectively – they start dictating to the next line down in the hierarchy. The mind ‘freed’ of responsibility to do one’s duty – would get tempted by easier ways to please the master at that time. In that Court – that clerk was acting worse than the LTTE cadre who never ‘told me’ to do this or ‘not to do that’. Once the LTTE ‘visa-officer’  gave a hard-time to another guy in our group – a  Brahmin who was highly conscious of being vegetarian, but just endorsed my visa without asking any questions. To me that LTTE member had wisdom through experience whereas the above clerk in Mallakam District Court was abusing power as per his master’s expectations.

That Mallakam Court experience was also very painful at that time. But by processing what happened through the Common Administrative Law – I contributed to policy and lost ‘anxiety’ in the process. I had enough credit in Judicial Administration to identify with the rights and wrongs of the conduct of the employees of Mallakam Court and this was largely due to my investment in Australian Judicial system as a litigant who was marked ‘failure’ repeatedly.

As stated in the Sunday Observer Editorial, we need ‘closure’. But if we bring about closure at the lower level – the memory of stronger victims would disintegrate and keep dwelling on what happened rather than why it happened. The rebirth of the problem happens at that level. With others who were not too strongly affected – the memory is lost and therefore there is no consolidated support from the past to the future victims. We need closure at the highest level in order to value the Experience.

Closure is like burial or cremation or even going through the death penalty. We go through ceremonies to say goodbye to the person whose body is no longer functional. By adding our own credits – we lift their credits to benefit a group – so the position held by that person confirms higher heritage. In terms of the Bali 9 leaders – we Australians went through this process at National level through Mr. Abbott’s leadership. That good karma would protect Australians from loneliness – as individuals and/or as local groups. The closure made us Common Australians including with those who were on the death row.  When we identify with the Truth in others – through our own Truth – and stay within the boundaries of that Common Truth – we are no longer anxious of violence from them. That is closure at global level and Sri Lanka also needs.

In terms of death – we send the soul to the higher level towards heaven and every person who does that - of her/his own accord brings about ‘closure’ and therefore Peace. The process of finding the Truth is the healing process that gets rid of anxiety. The common element in Sri Lankan society is ‘lack of jobs’ and therefore the  lesser opportunity to train through workplace regulations that make the minds common.

The current measures by the Government of Sri Lanka are ‘interlocutory’ and not final due to not escalating the problem to the highest level possible. Where in a Court of Law – the litigant under oath reveals her/his true experience – it must be valued ABOVE any argument by a legal expert – however logical the latter may seem. Those ‘facts’  may not be included in the decision making due to lack of appropriate formatting but if it is dismissed as being frivolous or vexatious or the litigant devalued below even the clerk of the Court – the return karma becomes exponential. Truth does the Closure.

The attack at University of Jaffna did not happen just because of the students. It happened also because of the curses upon Administrators and the Judiciary of that area,  who go about living while Jaffna’s intelligence is being burnt –with no one considering the ashes to be holy enough to be worn as marks of wisdom.

Like with 9/11, the July tragedy would be described by  majority Sinhalese as having happened due to Terrorism – as described by their Master – the Government. To majority Tamils it would be  Racism of previous times, reborn. Given that there is no Common Description – there can be no common closure through ‘Logic’. Each side needs to bring about closure AFTER through their own Truth. One who identifies with the Truth at the higher level – is the Natural leader. 

Sunday 24 July 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam- 24 July 2016

Beware of the Genes

I believe that the way each person carries through her/his genes her/his own true makeup, every place carries its own makeup as invisible Energy. Some places are sacred and others are evil for this reason. In Hinduism we call them Thevar ulogham (Thevar=gods; ulogham=world) and Naragar ulogham (Naragar=Demons). We invoke our respective sides when we are ‘free’ of physical and mental influences. The genes are beyond the control of the human.

During the recent problem at the University of Jaffna – this was the strongest factor that  I identified with but was missing from the analyses of others – especially the media. When our generation – the generation that suffered most due to the war – fails to right the wrongs through systems available in our environment (place plus time) – the rights and wrongs mutate as positive genes and negative genes respectively. During the next generation that place could be home to someone who was born far away from Sri Lanka and in the mind of whom there was very little awareness of Sri Lanka. Gene theory confirms rebirth. The gene contains our own Vetham (scripture). I realized this through my experiences at the University of NSW which was fairly low in law and order relative to many other institutions of Higher Education. Like Sri Lanka, this University was also attractive to ‘foreign’ leaders because it was clever but low in order – largely due to migrant students and staff. When I entered the University it happened through the genes of an American trained Australian – who is now Vice Chancellor of  Macquarie University. Genes work through intuition. The American investment in Professor Dowton was carried as his genes when he took rebirth in Australia. But gradually – the current demands of his position overrode gene power and I was left to deal with Central Authorities who were officially my bosses at that time. This resulted in that Medical Faculty being at the center of Bruce Hall scandal due to migrants taking the shortcut to report matters to the media. THAT was their gene pattern. I escalated my pain and loss to the Prime Minister’s level – step by step – and was dismissed as frivolous and vexatious litigant by the Australian Judiciary. That sent the issue to the system of Natural Justice through the express pathway – and we had Mr. John Howard suffering 9/11 anxiety with another of similar gene pattern.

The New Indian Express reports in regards to a Tamil king who did rule Sri Lanka:

[COLOMBO: What is touted as the tomb of the Sri Lankan Tamil King Elara  in Anuradhapura district, is actually a fable, says noted historian, Prof. S.Pathmanathan. 
“There is no evidence of Elara’s tomb anywhere. If the massive pile of burnt bricks near Anuradhapura is being touted as Elara’s tomb, it is because nobody is able to read the inscription on it, which is in the Tamil Brahmi script,” Prof.Pathmanathan told Express.
The structure could either have been a Hindu or a Buddhist temple, most probably a Buddhist temple, of 2 nd.Century AD in which the Nagas (a Tamil speaking people) ruled Anuradhapura, he said. 
The Nagas, who were animists, had, over time, converted either to Hinduism or Buddhism, and constructed shrines dedicated to these religions. Many of these shrines would carry an inscription saying “Mani Nagan” in the Tamil  Brahmi script to indicate that the structure was built by a Naga king, Prof.Pathmanathan said.
The structure in question is popularly known as Elara Sohona (Elara’s Tomb). But this cannot be his tomb because Elara ruled the Anuradhapura area in 2 nd.Century BC (205 to 161 BC) and the Nagas, who built the structure, ruled  Anuradhapura in 2 nd.Cenury AD, Prof. Pathmanathan said.]

My interest is not so much with whether it is King Ellalan (Elara)’s tomb or not. Mine is more about the knowledge that Nagas were common to Tamils as well as Sinhalese / Hindus as well as Buddhists. Given that the tomb is in Anuradhapura – Anuradhapura carries Naga Genes. LTTE’s  (Tamil Tigers’) attack of Sri Lankan Air Force code-named Operation Ellalan. Wikipedia reports as follows about this operation:

[The Raid on Anuradhapura Air Force Base, code-named Operation Ellaalan,  was a successful commando raid conducted on SLAF Anuradhapura an Air Force Base in AnuradhapuraSri Lanka by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam. The attack happened on 22 October 2007.
At 3:15 AM a group of 21 LTTE commandos, most of them Black Tigers, who are known to be suicide bombers, attacked the air base. Shortly after the attack started the Tigers were supported by two light aircraft from the Air Tigers which conducted a bombing run on the base and escaped undamaged. 10 military personnel, including 2 Air Force officers, were killed in the attack and 22 were wounded. It was confirmed that 20 of the 21 commandos were killed. Also an Air Force Bell 212 helicopter gunship that was sent to the base to provide help crashed near the base during the clashes killing four crew members. Initially it was reported that only three aircraft were destroyed and one crashed. However the Prime Minister stated two days later that up to 8 aircraft were destroyed in the attack and another 10 were damaged, whereas the LTTE claimed to have destroyed 15 aircraft on the day of the attack. Because of this the sincerity of the government came into question.
B. Raman,  who was an Additional Secretary of the Cabinet Secretariat of the Government of India and one-time head of the counter-terrorism division of the Research and Analysis Wing, released a statement regarding the attack calling that it "had been preceded by painstaking intelligence collection, planning and rehearsal."]

As per my intuition – due to absorbing LTTE’s negative status as part of mine – I feel that the Naga genes in Tamils and therefore Tamil Tigers were strongly active in that area due to lack of current power through which they were demoted as ‘Terrorists’. Their parallel during that time were called Asurar (humans driven by body power) and Nagar (cobra worshipers). The Sri Lankan Air Force could not have connected as naturally as the Tamil Tigers – at Anuradhapura which was ruled later by their Buddhist ancestors. Hence victory for Tamil Tiger when the Sinhala Lion was dormant.

Vanni on the other hand became LTTE’s headquarters for a De-facto Administration. When Sri Lankan armed forces entering Vanni were more like the Tamil Tigers – i.e. – without official training – they were able to overpower the Tamil Tigers who had embraced more and more – modern systems of order. Their Asura and Naga genes became more dormant in Vanni. They were suppressed in Jaffna – where the higher mind dominated. In Vanni – they would have remained active if not for the de-facto system and the status that went with it. As former President Mahinda Rajapaksa said – Prabhakaran was from the jungles of North as he was from the jungles of South. If LTTE is active – Sinhalese need Rajapaksa power to Negate it. It is natural that the Rajapaksa system would be low in status when measured through modern yardsticks. But without them the Tiger gene could be invoked – especially now that the more educated Tamils have emigrated from Sri Lanka. When I read recently that the current Prime Minister has decided to keep the Rajapaksa name in Southern Airport – I was happy for this reason. Until we Sri Lankan Tamils invest more in higher pathways – we need Equal Opposition to our Asura forces – so we do not become the victims of Reverse Discrimination under the rule of those who have active Asura genes.

As per my understanding genes must not be activated for current purposes.  They operate on their own. We could however identify with our genes so that the positive ones would balance the negative ones by living as one family/community/nation and negative ones could be gradually buried/overridden  through current merit and/or through surrender to the positive mind.

The latest risk in regards to genes is highlighted by the Sunday Times article ‘Vavuniya economic centre site tussle lands on district official’s desk’:

As northern politicos are at loggerheads over a venue for a proposed dedicated economic centre in Vavuniya, the cabinet directed the District Secretary last week to hold the District Coordination Committee meeting to decide whether Thandikulam or Omanthai should be selected

Thandikulam as well as Omanthai areas are part of the Land in which Tamils were imprisoned by Sinhalese. That whole area carries the war-prisoner genes. If economic activities are carried out there by those using primitive systems which are unlawful today – and in wider world -  they would invoke their parallel genes and this could result in Vavuniya becoming the Trading Center for illegal weapons. During my stay in Vavuniya – I learnt about  higher incidents of armed attacks by rival gangs in Vavuniya than was the case in Jaffna.

The Government needs to ensure that the negative genes are overridden by positive merit to make that place neutral in terms of  unlawful war – including by the Government enjoying current positive status without the true eligibility. Foreign rulers are unaffected by the local genes to the extent they strongly follow their own law to the benefit of locals. Hence the success by the Hon Dudley Senanayake – the first Prime Minister of  Democratic Ceylon.

Locals – be they Sinhalese or Tamils – who claim strong cultural base – would easily invoke their gene powers when their minds are not active through current laws and principles. That was the problem at the University of Jaffna which is without current Hindu power to have the natural assistance of positive genes of higher education nor enough current merit to override the Asura and Naga genes that every Sri Lankan – born in Sri Lanka carries on behalf of the Land. 

Saturday 23 July 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam- 23 July 2016

Jaffna University confirms need for Executive Presidency

Sunday Leader reports that Minister Mano Ganeshan has ‘confirmed that there is a strong push to continue with the Executive Presidency and this position may have some support from minority parties.

Most of us do not get to participate directly in the discussion but to the extent we genuinely share through avenues available to us – it has an impact on the manifestations. The deeper seers identify with this as the root contribution which often is beyond the sight of those holding the official position.  Those who contribute to the root cause of an opportunity / benefit – are the true governors. Those who identify with their own Truth – identify with the Truth of others in any issue that they can manage. Otherwise they are outsiders to that issue.

Jaffna University incident has confirmed that the Jaffna mind is yet to be restored to its ability to think at the higher level in a ‘free’ environment. My generation often sought Education mostly towards employment purposes. That helped value order at the workplace also. But the younger generation has inherited premature exercise of ‘freedom’ including from their parents. During our generation, the mind of the senior  was trained to think ‘inclusive’  and the mind of the junior was ‘free’ of responsibility. The junior needed the Master’s voice to regulate her/him or s/he risked losing benefits. Likewise the voter and the politician. But the LTTE turned this pyramid upside down by the manual workers killing some of those intellectual masters. That was also Jaffna’s uprising against the higher caste. Those who rebel genuinely often know they have to but do not consciously know who or what they are rebelling against. When genuine – such rebellion is to preserve one’s own Sovereignty. I learnt this through my own experiences within family and community and later in  Australian workplace. Usually I rebelled at exit point – i.e. – as a last resort. Hence I am able to identify with a genuine rebel who prevents excessive abuse of authority. Such a rebel would never act to attack or shift the blame on someone else first. Both sides to the Sri Lankan war failed this test of ‘protecting Sovereignty’

The University of Jaffna has proven to be one that needs the ‘Master’s Voice’. As per the Sunday Leader report:

Talks on power sharing is possibly the most sticky issue in the process to draft a new or amended Constitution. Ganeshan said that there is division on the 13th Amendment to the Constitution which includes sharing powers to the provinces.

The 13th Amendment is about devolving power to the lower level which is NOT officially responsible to the outside world. Faculties within the University are the parallels of Provinces. But the Tamil Provinces under the leadership of Northern Province have confirmed yet again that they are capable of escalating the problem to the International level. Until the Tamil Tiger showed up,  the Sinhala Lion held that position. Both sides have confirmed that they need the meek cattle to remain in power. Excessive use of power  resulted in rebellion from the lower classes when there was interference from the ruling class.

 Even today – villages like Thunaivi in Vaddukoddai District function reasonably well when they are left on their own – to manage through their own culture. During my parents’ and grandparents’ time the local folks who were largely toddy tappers – would not come outside when we were at our family temple. Toddy is not sacred food and hence the hierarchy and the separation that suited both sides. The Hon Mano Ganeshan would be able to identify with the parallel of this in his Constituency made up largely of  Tea Estate workers. This separation exists between Jaffna Tamils, Batticaloa Tamils and Hill Country Tamils as per their mind order. Now that I have learnt that excessive inclusiveness would disturb the peace  I have become largely an observer when living in Thunaivi. When I asked our neighbor Chellammah the morning after a serious brawl between two other neighbors one promising to kill the other – Chellammah said ‘Ammah – this has been going on for years -  but not even one fellow is dying!’. That would be the declaration  foreigners to Sri Lanka would hear from locals – about these ethnic fights after which have become low class due to easier availability of arms. Both side armies want to rule like animals and what better could one expect?

In such environment, the Jaffna University incident ought to have been managed within the University. The Dean of Science and the Vice Chancellor ‘left it to the students’ and hence the infiltration from outside and the threats. If the  Dean and the Vice Chancellor are accepting of manual settlement they would be like our neighbor Chellammah – but this then confirms that the University of Jaffna a low class University. Any University where brawn is used ahead of brain is disconnected from its core purposes of Research and Teaching. Where the University Administration resorts to calling armed forces as first option – the return karma happens within the University to weaken its own connection to the core purposes mentioned above.

As per Ceylon Today report, the order in which action happened confirms that brawn acted before brain:
[Leader of the House and Minister of Higher Education and Highways, Lakshman Kiriella, said action with regard to the violent clash at the University of Jaffna would be taken upon the recommendation of the three... ...member committee appointed to probe the incident………"The Police reported to me that a student by the name of Thanakeshwaran Sisitharan', whom the Police identified as a suspect in this incident, appeared before the Court through, a lawyer, and was released on bail when the Police was about to arrest him. The UGC Commissioners, including its chairman are to make a visit to the Jaffna University tomorrow. They will meet the academic staff, non-academic staff and students and will report back to me,” he said.]

The choice for Jaffna citizens is therefore to leave their University to downgrade itself or become the Masters of their children and bring about order – individually and/or collectively in groups. Those who started the war through the Vaddukoddai Resolution have the responsibility to now develop the structures needed for such internal mechanisms. If they are not able to – they must withdraw that Resolution in good faith. That is the challenge facing TNA.  If it continues to take the soft approach – then Jaffna will become the playground of mischief-makers. 

Friday 22 July 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam- 22 July 2016

Governor must use Truth; Chief Minister must use Law

If even one citizen who is sovereign seeks a solution – the solution is already there for the problem that manifested through the University of Jaffna. As per the Island:

Northern Province Governor Reginald Cooray yesterday invited undergraduates who had been forced to return to Colombo following last Saturday’s violent incident in the University of Jaffna to return to Jaffna and resume their studies.’

Is it the role of the Governor to extend such an invitation? The incident is a strong indicator of the true situation in Jaffna. If the Government continues to keep Sinhalese Armed Forces in North – then the Government’s Truth is that Jaffna is ‘unsafe’ for Sinhalese or it seeks to proactively prevent the rebirth of Tigers by using the threat of Arms. Jaffna is NOT safe yet for anyone activating Sinhala first theories. The young and the restless have the potential to become Tigers if they are not kept occupied in their official positions.

It is not uncommon these days to hear in Jaffna - the saying that ‘it would not have happened if the ‘boys’ were here’. This is true because ‘the boys’ controlled by arms those who could not manage themselves intellectually. But Jaffna has its own civilization led by the Caste system which is still indirectly practiced. If the caste system had prevailed as per its core purpose – that being largely for employment purposes – Jaffna would easily restructure to suit the current system of Democracy by devolving itself as per its own specialties – one of which is higher education. Sinhalese coming to Jaffna despite the risks – confirms this relative value in Sri Lankan structure. Once we have self-regulated armed forces and reliable Judiciary – Jaffna would be self-governing – with or without the Certificate. Until then – trespassers enter at their own risk.

Now that we know that law and order is at low levels – we need to use our own Truth. Instead of focusing on the past – through Reconciliation rhetoric – we ought to train those going from North to South and v.v. – to arrange their mind order to suit their new environments. In Thunaivi – Northern Sri Lanka - I learnt that  those going to Middle East have to first go through basic training to adjust to their new employers/masters. Most do not go through any technical training – as they are already above average in those skills. But when it comes to social order – these folks lack the higher mind order. Many come back because they cannot take orders from their new masters. They like the ‘freedom’ back at home. In Thunaivi – I do not use the order I use in Vaddukkodai or Jaffna. If I did use one rule – I would be erring and my mind would become disorderly.

In Mahabharatham there is a good example in regards to the eligibility to inherit the throne.   The two competing princes – Thuriyothanan of majority side and Dharmar of minority side – were asked to deliver judgment in regards to four guys killing a man. Thuriyothanan – like President Joko Widodo of Indonesia – said words to the effect ‘simple – the death penalty to all four’. Dharmar said that each one of the offenders was of different caste and hence there could not be one general punishment to all. The Shudran (manual laborer/process worker) was given 4 years rigorous imprisonment; the Vaishyan (farmer / businessman) was given 8 years; the Kshatriyan (Administrator / Military Ruler / Judiciary/ Governor) was sentenced to 16 years and the Brahmin (priest caste who were also Gurus)  who was delegated to be punished by the Royal Guru – undertook to immolate himself.

Using the highly civilized pathway – University students who volunteered to come to Jaffna – need to seek guidance from their gurus or decide for themselves as to how to punish or reward themselves. If the Government did not influence them to come to Jaffna – the Government has no responsibility to protect them above any other member of civil society in that area. Likewise Tamil students have to decide whether they want their parents to suffer more losses of their investments in higher education through their children becoming fighters when they have to learn and leave their parents to die without anyone who would carry forward their contribution to  Jaffna heritage. LTTE used mostly Shudras in their armed forces but today the heaviest punishment is being suffered by them. The restructure of elevating a manual worker to become decision maker for the whole - is in breach of the fundamentals of the Thesawalamai principles – according to which one cannot be punished above one’s position in social order. One who takes ‘authority’ beyond this order – does so at her/his own risk. This applies also to Southerners coming to Jaffna before we have in place an appropriate Common system.  

Jaffna is different to Southern villages from which ‘foreign’ students come. If Jaffna develops its own armed forces they would have the duty to not intervene in the internal problems of the University unless their services are sought by the Administration of the University, through Due Process. The Northern Province Governor was in breach of this protocol when he assured Southern students directly – as if the University and the Armed Forces were directly under his jurisdiction. Each one must relate and judge as per their position duties. Then harmony would be an achievable target.