Wednesday 22 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

22 August 2018

My Tradition is My  Refuge from Discrimination Pain

My ownership investment in Sri Lanka, includes work value for which I was paid relatively less than the custodian/s of power over that position and which I did not contest/object to  even in my mind. THIS is the Ownership Opportunity available to most minorities including women in families of traditional culture. Air Lanka was no exception. Hence the ownership pain when there is excessive transparency about Sri Lankan Airlines due to political excesses – including by the current government.

My ownership investment in Sri Lanka gradually escalated to investment in Singaporean company – Prima Ceylon, followed by Air Lanka under Singapore Airlines Management. The parallel of that in terms of the Government, to my mind is the Free Trade Agreement with Singapore. Daily FT in its 29 March 2018 article ‘The FTA with Singapore and what it means for Sri Lanka’ highlights as follows:
[Turning to investment, Singapore is Sri Lanka’s fourth largest investor, preceded by China, Hong Kong, and India. FDI into Sri Lanka from Singapore accounted for 5.3% of GDP over 2014-17. While FDI into Sri Lanka has exhibited a rising trend, Sri Lanka attracts disproportionately only a very small proportion of FDI ($ 0.09 billion in 2015) compared to its regional counterparts (Singapore $ 65 billion in 2015). ]

On the basis of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – Singapore is Sri Lanka’s elder. To my mind, this opens enormous opportunities for Tamils who have Direct Human Investments (DHI)  in Singapore – where Tamil is also an official language. Hence the FT Agreement with Singapore is awakening of ownership investment for Tamils at regional and global levels. I believe fully in this pathway to globalization – through my own experiences. The ownership of our current home unit, here in Coogee, NSW, Australia, was born of such common investment.
Our home-unit in which we have lived for over 20 years – and despite many financial challenges including due to my battles to maintain my sovereignty at the workplace – (University of NSW) – was developed by Prima owners. Even though I had worked for Prima, I did not seek to influence the developers in any way. But on the day of the auction, I paid my respects to the Chairman who was present at the auction. The chairman may not have remembered me but the ‘ownership’ investment in Prima was ‘common’ to us. That I believe never forgot. The price was just within our top limit. Today’s capital value of this property confirms more than 400% growth. Its Human Resource Value is exponential. We were able to meet the financial challenges due to our ownership investment in Australia – starting with valuation of  First Australians by sharing in their pain – as if their pain was ours. To me Coogee sustained me because of my feelings for First Australians who also felt the discrimination pain.  
Many Tamil leaders are limiting themselves to finding fault with Sinhalese Government. But I see more the Sri Lankan part which responded to me and more importantly is awakening my own common experience with Singapore also.
It is however counterproductive to wash dirty linen in public as is happening in the case of Sri Lankan Airlines – through the Presidential Commission Inquiry which is exposing internal failures in an irresponsible manner. The Bloomberg report headed ‘Sri Lanka Seeks Investors for Airline With $1 Billion of Debt’ is such a manifestation. The more the Airline is condemned – the cheaper it becomes. Given the commercial success of Air Lanka under Singapore Airlines Management, the current government ought to have included the National Carrier in the FTA. That way the Human Values of  Air Lanka would have been preserved to provide common support to future activities through FTA.
The current Singaporean Government may have its own agenda. But the Government of Singapore taken as a whole is committed to valuing Labour – in its various forms. FTA with Singapore is also compensation from wider world for the suffering of minorities in Sri Lanka. It happened due to those minorities who forbore instead of taking revenge when they were discriminated against. The Truth as per my experience is that one who is ‘traditionally’ strong will not experience discrimination pain. That investment in tradition is a permanent refuge within us when we are hurt by inequality pain. One who is strongly traditional therefore does not experience discrimination pain. The ‘show’ is for intellectual purposes and helps those who have assimilated and end up copying each other. Jaffna is such a refuge for Colombo Tamils who have assimilated.

Tuesday 21 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

21 August 2018

Presidential Inquiry about the President

The Sri Lankan media has been calling for stern action in regards to the Central Bank Bonds Scam.  Given that the UNP and the SLFP have been  the two major parties in Sri Lankan politics,  if one is criticized on one issue – the same measure needs to be used on the other side to keep the intellectual balance. Today’s news brought us the message about criticism of a position within Sri Lankan Airlines that I was responsible for developing  under the guidance of Singapore Airlines managers. That position was responsible for monitoring General Sales Agents (GSAs) about which activity the Island reports as follows under the  heading – ‘Previous UL Chairman bypassed laid down procedure in appointing GSAs’

[Top officials at SriLankan Airlines had not followed the proper procedure, detailed in its 2009 manual, when selecting General Sales Agents (GSA) for a number of countries, it was revealed at the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (PCoI) on irregularities at SriLankan Airlines, SriLankan Catering and Mihin Lanka, yesterday.
Shiromi Cooray, Manager, Industrial Relations at SriLankan revealed this, testifying before the commission…………………………………….
A number of agreements, signed with various travel agencies, in countries that included Dubai, Seychelles, Thailand, Singapore and Pakistan, Sri Lankan had not followed the procedures. For example, the agreement signed with Ms Vision Voyage for Seychelles in 2013 had not been cleared in a financial or legal review. Nor was a market survey carried out. "According to the 2009 manual overriding commission (ORC), a commission paid to an agent or broker on business sold by sub agents in his or her territory, that SriLankan can pay for a GSA is 2.5% for passengers. However in GSA agreements signed with companies in Dubai, Seychelles, Thailand, Singapore and Pakistan, SriLankan has paid over 5%," she said referring to board meetings.]

I think apart from Associated Motorways Ltd.’s Chairman Sir Cyril De Zoysa, no business CEO known to me followed the due process manuals in Administration. In Program driven Public Service, due process is of utmost importance because their core purpose is to bring the minds of People together – to become Common. Sri Lankan Airlines was neither this nor that. It was expected to be both.

If this Presidential Commission is politically driven, then no person who was appointed Independently by Sri Lankan Airlines and its predecessors should be tested publicly. During my times Due Processes as inherited from Singapore Airlines were followed by the Agency & Interline division – as Industrial Divisions section was then known. My heir in that position  retired only last year. In a subjective system – all of us become responsible for weakening the system. During my time – no GSA was entitled to higher than Industry standard commission. If they were paid above that – that was the problem of Finance Division.

If the above were true – the Head of Finance and the Head of Legal in addition to the Head of Commercial and the Head of Internal Audit would have all needed to collude. I do not understand why they are not being subpoenaed by the Commission. Ms Cooray is a junior player and is likely to state the obvious. The lady was NOT in that position in 2013.

If the then Chairman is the culprit – then the President who was then part of the Government that failed to follow the Public Service regulations. Hence this Presidential inquiry is about the President also.

Senior Administrators in the  University of NSW here in Australia were also closing blind eyes to deviations from financial rules to attract more research grants. I questioned them and provided  restructuring solutions from zero base. I was bullied and my financial senior tried to cheat me without knowing the provisions of Public Finance and Audit Act (NSW) 1983. I knew it as if I had myself given birth to it. In a way I did,  in Commercial Services Division of the NSW Government, where I  gave life to such regulations. But the bullying got worse and worse when I made suggestions which were taken by my seniors – as if I was trying to teach grandmother to suck eggs.  In a way I was – because they did not really seek to be democratic. I eventually went to prison for seeking to escalate the matter to the Governing Council – through Due Process. This probably would have been the fate of anyone who was recruited on merit basis by Sri Lankan Airlines/Air Lanka.

The inquiry is a waste of Public Funds and is likely to weaken the self-confidence of the staff in affected positions. This seems to be why Jesus gave us the lesson about stone throwing:

[The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman who had been caught in adultery; and making her stand before all of them, they said to him, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the very act of committing adultery.  Now in the law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?"  They said this to test him, so that they might have some charge to bring against him. Jesus bent down and wrote with his finger on the ground.  When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, "Let anyone among you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." 8 And once again he bent down and wrote on the ground. 9 When they heard it, they went away, one by one, beginning with the elders; and Jesus was left alone with the woman standing before him. 10 Jesus straightened up and said to her, "Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?" 11 She said, "No one, sir." And Jesus said, "Neither do I condemn you. Go your way, and from now on do not sin again."]

As per Article 9 of the Sri Lankan Constitution, the President has the responsibility to ensure that the Commission’s processes are satisfactory to Buddha Sasana.  

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

21 August 2018

Economic Jungles of Southern Sri Lanka

It is an average  human tendency  to ‘copy’ one way or the other, when we desire immediate answers/outcomes   but have not worked for them. We Sri Lankans are no exceptions. It’s often a kind of automatic sharing in a ‘free’ environment. Common belief morally entitles us to use each other’s outcomes as our own. Belief based outcomes belong to the common pool. When others’ outcomes are ‘taken’ without common belief and/or through a system with borders and regulations, we tend to develop jungles.

Immediate past  President of Sri Lanka, Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa brought his brother Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa from USA to eliminate  the LTTE – not to follow rules but to break them where needed by his side. They needed to invoke the animal in their army to defeat the LTTE who freed themselves from the limits of Common Laws of Sri Lanka. To that extent they also became animalistic. The awareness of this challenge faced by  Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa was strongly indicated by  Norwegian Minister Erik Solheim  who quoted  Mr Mahinda Rajapksa in reference to the LTTE Leader ‘He is from the jungles of the North. I am from the jungles of the South. Let’s see who will win!

Laws do restrict our cleverness. But they also help us ‘share’ our wealth  through our common values. Such sharing is important in development of heirs who would carry forward and/or laterally spread our True values. Heritage and mentoring confirm this commonness. Outcomes of ‘cleverness’ that is limited in its sharing confirms ‘hoarding’ and therefore wastage. This is true of both parties to the Sri Lankan war. Tamil rebels who did not share with the whole Tamil Community – including those who opposed them – started hoarding credits. Hence the cover up by politicians including the Chief Minister of Northern Province, in return for making out that the LTTE were right.  But this comes at the cost of our own Commonness / Unity as a community due to ‘taking over’ the rights of non-supporters.

The author of the above article - The Prime Minister’s grand plan laid bare’:
-       for example writes:
[The entire nation is questioning now whether these individuals who prevented the release of the D.E.W Gunasekara report and then acted to dilute the Handunnetti report, did so in order to save those involved in the fraud from prison time]
The above is the parallel of the LTTE’s claim that they were the sole-representatives of the Tamil Community, while claiming to oppose the elected government.

The above is  a lie because the author does not have a position that represents a whole nation. In democracy, the entire nation can question only through a referendum or through Lawful Policy carried out unanimously by all their elected members. This exaggeration discredits the rest of article. In any case, unless it is a conscience vote – on a fundamental rights question, Sri Lanka has the duty to have the system that shows and sees outcomes from the other side – meaning that 50% would see from the side of the Government and the other 50% from the side of the Opposition. Towards this, the two need to live as a community bound by same set of rules and with 50% Opportunity to show their own independent work in the issue. Minorities who truly contribute to Democracy – would invoke this ‘other’ side. Hence TNA’s leadership in Parliament.
The above confirms the existence of media jungle in Sri Lanka. If LTTE were terrorists for so doing – then so is the News First who is terrorising Democracy.
Where ‘time will tell’ basis is used – the system is autocratic. When leaders who draw salary and pension by promising to be Democratic - ‘wait for time to tell’ – they become dependent of those who ‘show’ outcomes. Then when they have to deliver – they copy / plagiarize.
It is therefore disappointing to note lack of depth demonstrated by Newsfirst whose staff writer has presented the  following picture through the article ‘The Prime Minister’s grand plan laid bare’:

[Do you recall how the state banks were placed in the hands of close confidants of Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe?
Do you remember how the Central Bank, which thus far had fallen under the purview of the Ministry of Finance, was taken under the ministry of National Policies and Economic Affairs? Having taken over the Central Bank, his close friend Arjuna Mahendran was brought in from Singapore to head the institution. This was simply laying the groundwork for the bond scam of the 27th of February 2015.]
At that time, the ‘financial army’ of Sri Lankan Public Service was as disorderly as the armed forces. Sri Lankan Airlines is a good example of this disorderliness. Sri Lankan Airlines was also making commercial profits due to this disorderliness. Hence Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe brought Mr Mahendran – the parallel of Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa, to lead the financial jungle warfare. The difference between Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa’s actions and Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe’s actions is in the culture of the person they chose as their respective Generals. One was from within biological family and community; the other from Tamil community – confirming Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe’s commonness to all Sri Lankans. That is how natural structures are shared. Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe as a person elected by the People had to represent their True Belief as Sri Lankans and confirm that they could win even in a disorderly environment. Through this natural selection – Mr Wickremesinghe also invoked all those who have invested in Multiculturalism from various parts of the world and in Sri Lanka from the past also.
Majority Sri Lankans do not understand the laws of Financial Institutions such as the Central Bank or Commercial  organizations such as Sri Lankan Airlines, that have to compete globally. When Ranil defeated Mahinda in 2015 – that was redemption for the Tamil community that failed to override the LTTE in 2005 to exercise its voting rights. It is common understanding that had the LTTE not sold out our voting rights – as if it was a ‘tradable commodity’ – Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe would have become President in 2005 and we would have prevented the 2009 tragedy which has now become a global picture. As Hill country Tamils would confirm – it is not easy for communities of Indian origin, to get voting rights in Sri Lanka. All that was ‘forgotten’ in 2005 by Tamils who became dependent of Rebels and therefore started copying others to ‘show’ democratic other side. When we go deep – we would find the causes of our own pain in our roots.
Here in Australia – Peter Dutton lost his challenge to become the Prime Minister, by defeating Mr Turnbull. Various persons would have various reasons. The one I identify with most is Mr Dutton’s attitude towards refugees - highlighted as follows by Sydney Morning Herald through its article:

[Peter Dutton says 'illiterate and innumerate' refugees would take Australian jobs]

Illiterate and innumerate refugees who are more likely to contribute to Belief in the land where they make homes. Belief being a universal power – would invoke indigenous powers one way or the other. They also voted against Mr Dutton today.

Monday 20 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

20 August 2018

Double Standards

The Doctrine of Separation of Powers requires the Judiciary to be Independent of the Executive and the Legislature.  While the functions could overlap as per habits, the separation is important in maintaining good governance through democracy. Consistency in process and interpretation is an essential criterion needed to make governance reliable. One of the major criticisms of the immediately preceding Government of Sri Lanka, under the leadership of Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa was its treatment of the Judiciary as if it were the Executive’s junior. Eventually this resulted in the dismissal of the Chief Justice when the lady refused to ‘obey’ orders at a certain point.

The higher our thought structures – the more ‘inclusive’ we are of different cultures. The more ‘attached’ we are to our own cultural structures – the less accommodating we become of other cultures. To overcome this problem – we have Separation of Powers between sovereign/independent  bodies. The Legislature (Makers), the Executive (Administrators) and the Judiciary (the Maintainers) are like different cultures and there are  separated to facilitate maintenance of and contribution to Sovereign powers of the whole. Likewise, Equal Opportunity Laws.

The interpretation of the  law pertaining to Presidential candidacy through the 19th  Amendment to the Constitution is currently being interpreted differently by diverse investors in the Sri Lankan system of Governance, especially due to speculations that the immediate past President Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa may also try to regain his status through that position:

[It has been the talking point among some ‘JO’ stalwarts for more than two weeks. This was when they consulted legal opinion and spoke informally to those at the National Elections Commission. A former Foreign Minister and one-time Colombo University Vice Chancellor and Professor of Law, Dr. G.L. Peiris opined that the 19th Amendment to the Constitution does not impose a bar on former Presidents who have completed two terms.
In laymen’s language, he explained, that the 19th Amendment was prospective (not retrospective) and the restrictions applied only to the current President and those to be elected thereafter. That meant, he argued, that the two term limit would only apply on the incumbent President and not on those who held office before.] Sunday Times article ‘Possibility of Mahinda Rajapaksa contesting next presidential election’
Dr Peiris, as Professor of Law has the responsibility to interpret the law as if the law is the subject. As a Politician, he is the subject and the law if the instrument used to escalate his personal value to the national level – in support of the ‘side’ he takes – in this instance Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa’s side. The two roles when mixed indiscriminately,  confirm disorder unless they are merged through provisions in the constitution to promote ‘commonness above diversity’.

In Victorian Stevedoring & General Contracting Co Pty Ltd & Meakes v Dignan the High Court of Australia held that a strict division between these two levels was not practical and re-affirmed the Constitution to outline this

The question here is whether the exemption is based on the basis of Common good or for particular outcome desired by particular individuals and  or groups. When it is political – it taken to be not for the good of  the whole, unless it passes through the Parliamentary process.

As per the above article, Mr John Seneviratne, an SLFP Politician also has endorsed this political interpretation.

Article 31 (2) of the Sri Lankan Constitution states as follows:

 [No person who has been twice elected to the office of President by the People, shall be qualified thereafter to be elected to such office by the People.]

As an observer interpreting at global level – I conclude that this rules out any person who has held that position twice. If it applied to the current occupier – I would expect the wording to be ‘No person who shall hold the office of the President twice……..’

A Legal expert’s interpretation was expressed as follows:

[President’s Counsel Dr Jayatissa de Costa, a Constitutional lawyer, held a different view though he underscored the existence of a lacunae. He told the Sunday Times, “This is a matter which will need an interpretation from the Supreme Court. This is particularly since the 19 A does not specify whether a person who has been elected as the President twice cannot stand as a presidential candidate from the date on which the amendment became effective or with retrospective effect. Therefore, an interpretation from the Supreme Court is required.”]

The level at which a voter would interpret the above provision is lower than that of the Judiciary. Hence lacuna is no excuse to seek judicial interpretation – unless done so by the citizen who has the pain.
This ‘retrospective  construction’ was strongly indicated by the Sri Lankan Attorney General in the case of Mrs  Vijayakala Maheshwaran :
[The Attorney General has advised Speaker Karu Jayasuirya to examine whether under the current Standing Orders action can be taken against former State Minister, Jaffna District Parliamentarian Vijayakala Maheshwaran over a controversial statement she made recently. If this was not possible, the AG has asked whether the Standing Orders could be amended or let the House decide the procedure to be followed to pursue action against her.] – Sunday Times report ‘Action against Vijayakala: AG advises Speaker’
The Parliament as a Sovereign body needs to balance its internal structures and processes to maintain that Sovereignty. Law making is not a delegated power of the Parliament. It is natural power that confirms the sovereignty of Belief. The internal processes need to support this causal force – to discipline or to reward as per Administrative powers and processes. As indicated in the case of Australian Police who were attempting to charge the former Governor General Dr Hollingworth – on the basis of obsolete Administrative failures – the system needs to be current – as if the pain happened to that system. Where the system has been restructured – there are no moral grounds on which to take action for Administrative failures.
When the law is changed – the old system dies and hence there is no more pain for the Parliamentary Administrative system. Mrs Maheswaran could be disciplined  only if the lady acts in breach of a new rule – after it comes into existence.

Friday 17 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

17 August 2018

Foreign Judgment for Governor General

When someone in high position is praised or criticized, we the ordinary citizens identify with it or reject it as false.  Some feel urged to actively participate. Our genuine identity through observation adds Energy to the issue. Our current work on that basis forms true network through which common Energies have passage.

Yesterday, I heard that our former Governor General Dr Hollingworth is being re-examined as an Administrator by the current system. I totally reject this. The directly affected victims have every right to question the perpetrators during the common lifetime of both – as happened in the case of President Clinton. The victim of Dr Holllingworh’s negligence  had every right to initiate action while Dr Hollingworth was in that position within that institution. But once Dr. Holligworth stepped out of  that position – there is no jurisdiction to try him. The position carries that liability and not the individual.

A position is part of a structure with internal borders. The borders confirm regulations and therefore order. An individual who follows the regulations confirmed by he/his position, is taken as having satisfactorily raised her/his work and conduct to the level of the Institution. Most of us do use ‘discretionary’ powers to make decisions – including whether to act or not to act – while we are in certain positions. Those who had the endorsement of their institutions while in positions – are immune from prosecution including for decisions made through the use of discretionary powers. The Judiciary enjoys this; lawyers also enjoy this in Australia. Meridian law firm has published the following about this principle:

[The High Court was unanimous in its decision to reaffirm advocate’s immunity and refusal to overrule its previous decisions in Giannerelli and D’Orta. In addition to determining that the rationale underlying those decisions remained sound, the majority made it clear that to overrule its previous decisions would “generate a legitimate sense of injustice in those who have not pursued claims or have compromised or lost cases by reference to the state of the law as settled by those authorities“. The majority stated that a decision to abolish advocate’s immunity was one “best left to the legislature.”]

It’s that sense of injustice that would be invoked in others – that makes it wrong for us as a society. I  took then Prime Minister Mr John Howard to court after the Judiciary ‘failed me’ in terms of action against the Vice Chancellor  of the University of NSW.   In that instance – the Police blindly followed the Vice Chancellor’s instructions and punished me unlawfully. I escalated the matter step by step despite the deep pain / agony I felt. One of the individuals who comforted me by recognizing and identifying with my pain back then was Dr. Hollingworth. Through such identification, Dr Holligworth became entitled to my natural credits in the common system. At all times, I stayed within my Truth. I expected of Mr Howard as my grand-senior by position to use his True knowledge of the system – to do something. I expected only to the extent I did in my parallel position of senior and grand-senior. When Mr Howard was eventually dismissed by his own electorate – it confirmed to me that my Truth also contributed to that outcome. Not mine alone but mine also.

By finding fault with Dr Hollingworth who no longer holds that Administrative  position , the Police are invoking their own karma in parallel experiences.  This system would not withstand such reverse actions. This is why one needs to ‘die’ and take rebirth through one’s own Truth. Restructures on the basis of Truth immunize the institutions concerned.

The Church also has gone through such purification. Likewise the Australian Government – as we witnessed this week when both sides in National Parliament came together to condemn Senator Fraser Anning. If not for Parliamentary privilege Senator Fraser Anning would be open to legal action through Racial Discrimination Act 1975. Sometimes we do have instances when the laws do not lead us to global forms of Truth. For example, the Buddhism foremost article in Sri Lankan Constitution confirms Constitutional Autocracy – which is the current reality of that Parliament. The Parliament is the highest institution of Sovereignty and hence being in the Truth is more important than getting the ‘right ticks’ as per external laws. Hence the immunity from prosecution to leaders of those groups.

Those of us who have used our discretionary powers to uphold the values of the institutions are immune from prosecution. Dr. Hollingworth is one of them. He was bullied into stepping down from his position of Governor General. Now he is being threatened with Administrative action for wrongs in previous life. Wrongs become sins when they are not corrected by their current structures in which those wrongs happened. Every Sovereign person is entitled to immunity from prosecution once a wrong has gone past its valid period and/or place. Countries extradite persons of wrong-doing to their home nations – due to recognition of Sovereignty of that person and the responsibility of that Nation. Sri Lankan government rejected ‘Foreign’ judges inquiring into allegations of war-crimes for the same reason. One becomes foreigner due to Time also. Jesus after resurrection was foreigner to the one who punished Jesus.

If Dr Hollingworth is therefore ‘Administered’ after 4 resurrections – that confirms that the Police have become Obsolete by living in the past. All our investments in Equal Opportunity principles and laws are then flushed down the drain or the Police have the duty to take action against Mr Howard for his failures to uphold Racial Discrimination Act 1975, when I complained against him. I accepted his dismissal as the punishment as per the system of Truth. Otherwise I conclude that the Police have different guidelines for different status people. That could happen due to belated realization of their own wrong doing. By finding fault with Dr Hollingworth – they find fault with their own excesses with Indigenous Australians.

Administrators have the responsibility to act as per current pain by direct actions using current measures. By letting the genie out of the bottle they are awakening their own past.

Thursday 16 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

16 August 2018

The Final Solution Speech Awakens Multicultural Australia

[An Australian crossbench senator has invoked the term “the final solution” in an inflammatory speech calling for a plebiscite asking voters whether they want to end all immigration by Muslims and non-English speaking people “from the third world”.
Fraser Anning, formerly of the far-right Pauline Hanson One Nation party, and now a member of the Katter’s Australia party, used his maiden speech in the Senate to call for “a plebiscite to allow the Australian people to decide whether they want wholesale non-English speaking immigrants from the third world, and particularly whether they want any Muslims”.] The Guardian
 Yesterday was the start of Nallur Festival in Northern Sri Lanka.  Twenty years ago during Nallur Festival I wrote as follows in my letter of resignation (Appendix) from the University of NSW:

[I heard Pauline Hanson on the 4 Corners Programme last night. Ms Hanson suggests that we go back to our countries of origin if we cannot be like them. It hurts that we even have to hear such things. In the name of ‘Freedom of Speech’ we – the new Australians are being made to lose our freedom to live as individuals. If the leadership of Australia is unable to turn it around – to make up for their negligence in failing to hear the cries of new Australians – one has to wonder whether Ms Hanson is expressing what these leaders (and employers) feel themselves in their heart of hearts. This is the million dollar question to which I have been seeking a favourable answer – that the leaders of the country to which we brought our children and made them call it their ‘home’ would ensure that it is ‘home’ for our children. But, my experience during the past 13 years has failed to deliver the answer that I have been seeking so desperately. When an educational institution such as the University of New South Wales also demonstrated that it was no different – I do not wish to waste any more time – hoping.]

I wrote the letter in the early hours of the morning after the Hanson speech. Back then I did not realize that the call was for me to challenge the Australian system that carried a big gap between policy and practice of Equal Opportunity laws, including the Racial Discrimination Act 1975. I just wanted to run away – as many Sri Lankans did during the war, when the pain got too much. I did not realize it then and know now, that my Truth invoked the Energies of all those who invested in preserving their Divine Sovereignty. I needed to have invested deep enough for my investment to be at Energy level. Back then I knew I had to disconnect and I did. But that invoked others from within the University of NSW who were also victims of unjust discrimination of various forms. Some demonstrated express support, whilst the support of others – including those who did not know me – quietly empowered me. THAT is the value of Truth. I now believe that that was how Mahatma Gandhi invoked the power of majority Indians who were victims of unjust discrimination, including through unjust laws that damaged one’s intrinsic sovereignty. A De Facto Government , to be of positive value, needs to be driven by Truth and not by alternate policy that is yet to be practiced.

My feelings were by that time, deep enough to invoke the power of Democracy, demonstrated by the Philosophy of Lord Muruga who broke-away from Hierarchical Power – after transparent, global activity. Yesterday, when I heard Ms Hanson herself criticize Senator Anning – I felt that the globalization  journey had been successfully completed:
[During a Senate debate on Labor’s motion to reaffirm Australia’s commitment to non-discrimination on Wednesday, the One Nation leader said she was “appalled” by Anning’s comments, adding that the speech was “straight from Goebbels’ handbook from Nazi Germany”.]
Countries such as Sri Lanka, that carry ‘Buddhism Foremost’ clause in their Constitution, would not naturally ‘merge’ with Nations that have successfully practiced multiculturalism at political level also. Where policies are differently structured – the merger takes place at the destination and not along the way. If one does not reach the destination – there is no merger. Our recent rescue experience in Thailand confirms that Thais are open to collaboration at that level. Those who take the Sovereign status protection, need to not take money from nations/institutions that have different structures to theirs.

The Lankan  Parallel of Senator Anning’s solution is the riddance of the Tamil claim that we are an independent community. Dr Bandara of the Federation of National Organizations (FNO) is reported to have recently stated as follows:

[Dr. Bandara explained how Sri Lanka’s failure to challenge Geneva Resolution 30/1 had allowed Western powers, the LTTE rump and treacherous political elements at home to pursue the eelam project. In spite of losing their conventional military capacity, objectives remained the same, Dr. Bandara alleged, adding that the Sirisena-Wickremesinghe regime was fully co-operating with those pursing anti-Sri Lanka operation.] – Daily Mirror article - JO urged to quit constitution making process
One who recognizes the Joint Opposition as a legitimate group – has the DUTY to recognize the Eelam promoting group also as being legitimate. Both are legitimate to the extent they share their Truth to maintain existing policies and/or to make new policies. To the extent Tamil Rebels were honest about their stated purpose – they merged with Tamil Politicians and through them with Sri Lankan Parliament – at the destination. To the extent Tamil Rebels were transparent about their purpose – they were a de facto government in their ‘home-areas’. But they did not have authority to directly participate in policy making. To the extent of their Truth and the Truth of their community – universal powers were invoked and received by parts of the community that were/are open to such merger – similar to the Thai cave-rescue.  
Recently, a Lankan Diaspora leader questioned the deservedness of Jaffna to be labelled as an Intellectual hub. There are many groups – including the University of Jaffna, the Northern Provincial Council and the Northern Judiciary – that are not open to global participation at process level. They are also the parallels of Senator Anning. Often such small timers use sensitive policies to attract attention to themselves. But even if one true practitioner of the law is hurt by them – the return karma is exponential / global.  Mr John Howard who failed to discipline Ms Hanson in 1998, was present in Washington DC during the 9/11 attack. That was his karma. Then we had the Bali Bombing tragedy in 2012 – during Mr Howard’s rule. When we are in a group  that is not firmly structured – we infect each other – for better or for worse. Firm structures with borders prevent such infection – so long as we operate and express from within our respective position borders. Those wanting to go beyond need to become independent of those positions and be True to themselves. The system of Truth ‘facilitates’ the rest – as it has for me – yet again in the issue that Ms Hanson raised 20 years ago.  Now Ms Hanson has become one of us in this issue.
Sinhalese extremists often express that Tamils who do not agree with them must return to India. To enlighten them, I seek to share the following message from Diaspora Leader  Yoga Joseph:

"The surest way to corrupt a youth is to instruct him to hold in higher esteem those who think alike than those who think differently." 
Friedrich Nietzsche
  'A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.' Mohandas K. Gandhi 


906/56, Carr St
Coogee 2034
11 August 98

The Dean
Faculty of Medicine
University of New South Wales

Dear Bruce,

This morning, in consultation with my husband, I made up my mind to return to Sri Lanka as soon as possible – to a place where I can perform as a Professional in all my creativity.

I heard Pauline Hanson on the 4 Corners Programme last night. Ms Hanson suggests that we go back to our countries of origin if we cannot be like them. It hurts that we even have to hear such things. In the name of ‘Freedom of Speech’ we – the new Australians are being made to lose our freedom to live as individuals. If the leadership of Australia is unable to turn it around – to make up for their negligence in failing to hear the cries of new Australians – one has to wonder whether Ms Hanson is expressing what these leaders (and employers) feel themselves in their heart of hearts. This is the million dollar question to which I have been seeking a favourable answer – that the leaders of the country to which we brought our children and made them call it their ‘home’ would ensure that it is ‘home’ for our children. But, my experience during the past 13 years has failed to deliver the answer that I have been seeking so desperately. When an educational institution such as the University of New South Wales also demonstrated that it was no different – I do not wish to waste any more time – hoping.

I am sorry if this causes you any inconvenience, but I am quite happy to handover to your satisfaction – to a person of your choice. I am not arrogant to think that I am indispensable. There are so many excellent Accountants in the market (might even ease the unemployment problem) and I sincerely wish you the very best – for you are a good leader.

Yours sincerely,

Gaja Lakshmi Paramasivam
CC: Phil Kringas/Kerry O’Reilley
Managers, Financial Services Division
Vice Chancellor

Wednesday 15 August 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

15 August 2018

Gandhi is Indian Independence

Today is India’s Independence anniversary. To me it is Gandhi day. India also had its militants before Gandhi. Buddha of Indian origin is  reported to have said, "A man who conquers himself is greater than one who conquers a thousand men in battle".

That was how Gandhi, to my mind, facilitated Indians to redeem themselves from dependence on non-Indians.

The fact that Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa – apparently a Buddhist - did not conquer himself could be assessed and known through his wealth as reflected by Balance Sheets - before and after politics. Likewise many Indian leaders including Tamil chiefs sympathetic to Sri Lankan Tamil militancy. The Hon Kamraj who actually attained Nirvana on Gandhi’s birth anniversary, had the power to elevate individuals and groups to Royalty. The Hon Kamraj was Mahatma Gandhi’s senior-most  heir.

Intuitively, Independent Sri Lankan Tamils who are kingmakers, also know that the likes of Mr MG Ramachandran and Mr Muthuvel Karunanidhi were not kingmakers. There are reports that enough respect was not paid to Mr Muthuvel Karunanidhi who  passing away recently. Both are reported to have amassed wealth beyond reasonable levels. Hence their inability to share Independence Energy to elevate others to Royalty. True Royalty is confirmed by Independence. One who conquers her/himself is true Royalty.

In his Ceylon Today  article ‘Sri Lanka’s Transactional Approach’, Mr Sathiya Moorthi captures this in relation to the Sampur Power Project and other projects through which India is competing with China on Sri Lankan soil:

It is this well-articulated approach followed or accompanied by well-tried-out tactics that is at the centre of finding a political solution to the ethnic issue, where the Tamil-centric TNA too seems to enjoy the status quo as much as their Sinhala counterparts, friends and political adversaries. The TNA would not accept a fresh look and a national discourse on the subject when the post-war Rajapaksa regime offered it, but readily conceded a new-look Constitution, proposed by the present-day rulers, pre-poll.

As was only to be anticipated, the new Constitution has not made substantive progress, and no one would have any serious complaint, now that the ‘elections are round the corner, and the inherent Sinhala political compulsions’ cannot be wished away. Better or worse still, the same argument will now be extended to cover the Indian offer, or the offer for India to take over the management of the Rajapaksa regime’s wasted Mattala Airport, the only one of its size in the world where no commercial aircraft lands, and the development and growth of the eastern Trincomalee port and town, and also the reconstruction of the northern Kankesanthurai port, a proposal that has been pending, since, before the conclusion of the war, close to a decade back.

Mr Sahiya Moorthi highlights the Katchatheevu islet transaction of as follows:

[Through all this and more, India had shown its genuineness in strengthening bilateral relations even after the Sri Lankan ‘betrayal’ over ‘Bangladesh War’ by handing out a near one-sided solution on the issue of ‘International Maritime Boundary Line’ (IMBL) only three years later, in 1974. India agreed to the crooked drawing of the IMBL to ensure that Katchatheevu islet, geographically closer to the Indian shores and with legitimate Indian claims even otherwise, fell on the Sri Lankan side of the 1974 Agreement.]
That transaction happened two female leaders who ‘inherited’ their positions through family connections. There was no Independence value in that transaction. Many of the current deals between the political leaders of the two nations are lacking in the power of sovereignty. India’s weakness is confirmed also by the following:
[In between, India has also expanded the emergency relief of post-war temporary housing measures for Sri Lanka’s decades-long war-weary IDPs, beginning with those in the Eastern Province in 2007, through the construction of permanent structures. The scheme originally meant for the war victims, has since been expanded to cover Upcountry Tamils of recent Indian origin, or Indian-origin Tamils first and the Sinhala villagers, too, in stages]

Hill country Tamils living in Hill country were not affected directly by the war. To be eligible for compensation, the place / earth that suffered must be the home of the victims and any post-war housing needs to be limited to them and their heirs. To the extent India weakens others’ investment in Independence – it weakens its own.