Tuesday 31 October 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 October  2017

God does not trust the British in the dark

Dr. Colvin R. de Silva who, when told that `the Sun will never set on the British Empire`, an oft-repeated quote during the colonial era, responded with the tart remark; `That`s because God does not trust the British in the dark.’ – Lanka Newspapers Editorial – 13 March 2005
Dr. Colvin R de Silva who also represented the suburb of Wellawatte – generally known as the Tamil suburb, is reported to have presented his mind on the Sinhala Only legislation as follows:
[In 1952 he lost the Wellawatte-Mount Lavinia seat to a United National Party candidate, but regained it in 1956 and 1960. During the passing of the Sinhala Only Act, he spoke his famous last words: "Do we... want a single nation or do we want two nations? Do we want a single state or do we want two? Do we want one Ceylon or do we want two? And above all, do we want an independent Ceylon which must necessarily be united and single and single Ceylon, or two bleeding halves of Ceylon which can be gobbled up by every ravaging imperialist monster that may happen to range the Indian ocean? These are issues that in fact we have been discussing under the form and appearance of language issue." His predictions came true a few years later with the formation of LTTE and subsequent civil war between the LTTE separatist movement and the Sri Lankan government.] Wikipedia

Yesterday, Parames, the sister of Mr Subramaniam Sivapathasundaram (Sundaram) said to me that the assurance given by me during the eulogy speech at her brother’s funeral  - were now a reality. Parames to my mind is a humble and spiritual person. Yesterday, Sundaram’s son Dr. Ganeshawaran married Laura O’Carrigan according to Hindu rites at the Sydney Murugan Temple. It so happened that I arrived at the very moment the groom and his entourage  were being ushered in and they needed someone to carry one of the auspicious trays. One of the gentlemen there asked me to carry the tray with the Wedding Necklace. I felt that it was Sundaram himself, speaking through that gentleman to whose mind I was a stranger. I blessed the union whole-heartedly – on behalf of the groom’s father – Sundaram also. I was not going to attend due to my other commitments – but Kaye – wife of Sundaram insisted that I did, saying we were there when she most needed support. After the honour through natural forces – when I was asked to carry the tray, I realised that it was both parents of the groom saying thank-you. Yet another example of Natural Forces bring us the honor beyond the order of clever minds. To my mind, there are Natural Relationships formed as per our Gunas – Characteristics. These are the true structures that work independently to render us Peace of mind.

I learnt about this real relationship through my Spiritual Guru who says  that there are three ‘I’s :
(i)            Who others think I am
(ii)          Who I think I am
(iii)        Who I really am.

I believe that this applies  also to our Family, Home-Community and Home-Nation. The way each of this is managed in the mind gives structure to our pathway way to Peace and Happiness. Being in who I really am is the ultimate goal. 

A  Constitution that confirms Natural Justice will work itself.

Sri Lanka is currently exploring ways to improve its Legal Constitution. Like in the case of the individual,  the Constitution also has three identities. One that works with the support of Natural Powers would protect us and protect itself. The challenge is to invoke Natural Forces to work the Constitution to lead us to Peace and keep us there.

At family level – to the extent we use our Belief in each other, we would share Naturally. Towards this, we maintain confidentiality and show only one outcome to wider world, in the hierarchical structure and one system in lateral democracy.

Tamils – especially Tamil militants led by the LTTE,  have played a key role in establishing the need for the current remaking of the Constitution. The following excerpt from the Sunday Observer article ‘FROM NANDIKADAL TO HANDI-KADAAL’ confirms this:

[the Japanese expert (Mr. Motoo Noguchi ) said, there were complex issues that needed to be cleared.
“For instance, we need to ensure that the accountability mechanism is not limited to the members of the Sri Lankan security forces. But, the LTTE, on the other hand, is now defunct and almost all its leaders have been killed in the battle. So, who will take responsibility for the crimes committed by the LTTE? We need to find answers to these questions” he added.
“We need to find a way out of this deadlock.”]
The LTTE mind may be positive to some and negative to others. While LTTE are seen as relatives of Tamils as per their outer makeup and their stated reasons for resorting to arms, they are relatives of Sinhalese driven by unofficial armed power, as per their Characteristics. Hence they collude when faced by a third enemy – be it the British, the Indians or the genuine Sri Lankan Politician. The recent reports of threats by Sinhalese Political opposition, of bombing the parliament if there was a new Constitution confirms that the JVP is still living in the minds of Sinhalese Politicians. In contrast, Tamil Opposition Politicians’ mind is presented as follows:
[Tamil political representatives' acceptance of proposals in the interim report of the Constitutional Assembly represents a "historic" moment for Sri Lanka, a senior TNA legislator told parliament here today.
The Tamil National Alliance's M A Sumanthiran was addressing the House when it met as the Constitutional Assembly started discussions on the interim report of the all-party steering committee in order to formulate a new Constitution to replace the existing 1978 charter.] The Outlookindia.com article – Lanka Tamils agreeing to Constitutional proposal historic.
It is noteworthy that the above article published came to the public through an Indian medium and not a Sri Lankan medium. To my mind we are connected through the Natural system of sharing information in this regard. Both our contributions, to the extent they are Service oriented go towards the development  of the actual Constitution – no matter what it looks like on the outside.
Recently I contributed to the development of the restructure of  Sri Lankan Airlines as follows:
[Hence the direct interference of a member of the Government amounts to acting in breach of the fundamentals of Commercial structures  as well as the structure of the elected Government itself.
Continuing with this kind of mismanagement would lead to Sri Lankan Airlines becoming more and more like Air Ceylon – under which structure,  staff were slaughtered by heir seniors to appease politicians. ]

Today, I read the Island report dated 29 October, as follows:

[Ajith Dias Chairman, SriLankan Airlines Limited, has issued the following statement on our news item, yesterday, Sri Lankan chairman gets ticking off from the Prime Minister:
"My attention was drawn to the Sunday Island article -SriLankan chairman gets ticking off from prime minister.
At the NEC meeting held last Tuesday nothing on government procurement procedures was discussed and that I was ticked off by the Prime Minister or the other comments attributed to him is completely false.
There were several ministers, the secretary to the treasury and the Governor of the Central bank present at the meeting, who can verify this. Either the report is a figment of the writer’s imagination or the top source he quotes is intent on creating mischief between the parties who are trying their best to restructure airline."]

The above confirms that Sri Lankan Airlines is able to report about itself. To the extent I identify with it through a still mind that is neither excited nor depressed – I believe that I am also contributing to the development of the new structure of the Airline.  Likewise the Constitution. The media also contributes to the making of the Constitution. When politicians are driven by publicity they become the sources to feed frivolous media minds and v.v.

The Constitution is like the Palace with many rooms – each with its own special purpose. We have the parallels in our homes. In a hierarchical structure – the office room or the shrine room would be the most important part of the home. This is the parallel of Parliament. In Democracy, they are all of equal importance as per their diversity.

Tamils if they are important to all those with the power to give form to the apparent Constitution could be the toilet – now that LTTE has been allocated Pariah (toilet cleaner) status. We must not forget that they were needed to balance their equals within Sinhalese community. The manifestation of wrongs by the previous regime – including through  the National carrier – confirm the need to keep Tamils inside Sinhalese Management to stem the fall of Sinhalese politician in a parliament without toilet cleaners, into the gutters.

Tamils on the other hand, could develop their allocated space into a place of meditation  – even though it may be called the toilet by outsiders. When Tamil politicians  develop this mind, other true Parliamentarians would merge their minds to become global. Our Australian Prime Minister is reported to be visiting Sri Lanka this week. Mr  Turnbull  who is reported by adaderana.lk, to have stated :
I look forward to continuing our discussions on strengthening our economic links, defence engagement, and our work together to combat trans-national crime, particularly people-smuggling

Mr. Turnbull as Prime Minister confirmed that he failed to do his Due Diligence work in relation to Indian Business and ended up with Adani infection during his visit to India. Is he likely to be infected by the parallel of ‘Buddhism foremost’ bug by failing to do his Due Diligence work on Sri Lankan politicians by catering to their wishes  through ‘people-smuggling’ rhetoric, thus killing the genuine war-refugee in the womb?

At a time like this Sri Lanka needs his wisdom in Democracy. If he has none to offer – he needs to stay away from Sri Lanka at this point in time. It’s that dual citizenship demon inherited through his party that prevents true globalization – otherwise known as duality karma. Is our PM reminding us that the Sun has not set on the British empire?

Saturday 28 October 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

28 October  2017

Dual Citizen’s Mind in Constitution Making?

Our Australian High Court ruled yesterday that five of our Politicians were ineligible to be elected to Parliament on the basis of Section 44(i) of our Constitution which provides as follows:
44. Any person who -
(i.) Is under any acknowledgement of allegiance, obedience, or adherence to a foreign power, or is a subject or a citizen or entitled to the rights or privileges of a subject or citizen of a foreign power: 
shall be incapable of being chosen or of sitting as a senator or a member of the House of Representatives.

This is the citizen’s parallel of Equal Opportunity Law which requires zero advantage at the common starting point. The fundamental theory is based on not having two masters of different mind structures. Laws that are genuine and valid, help us merge our minds into One. At cultural level, this becomes difficult as we widen our horizons and hence separations are needed.

Professor George Williams, Dean of Law at the University of NSW, said in August during his National Press Club address: ‘Recent media coverage of the Constitution must come as a surprise to Australians. After all, many apparently do not know that the document exists, with a poll taken some years ago for the Constitutional Commission finding 47 per cent of the community unaware that we have a written Constitution.

The disturbance to the Political structure led to active learning about the Constitution with particular emphasis on Section 44 ruling. This includes the Tamil Community in Australia. Now emotions have been elevated to knowledge level on the basis of the Constitution.

The Sri Lankan Government rejected foreign judges inquiring into allegations of war-crimes during the war against the Tamil Tigers in which majority victims were Tamils. That rejection would be marked ‘right’ by the principles underlying Section 44 (1) of the Australian Constitution. But it raises also the question of authority for a Government that carries ‘Buddhism foremost’ in its Constitution and states that ‘it is  the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana’ , to judge Non-Buddhists – including the Tamil Tigers who were labelled by Buddhists as ‘Terrorists’. A Buddhist mind is a ‘foreigner’ to a Hindu mind, a Christian mind or a Muslim mind.

One who votes on the basis of belief is a Natural owner. One who uses the vote for personal pleasures is a whore. As per Daily Mirror Report ‘NFF reiterates bombing of parliament’:
[The National Freedom Front (NFF) today reiterated that Parliament should be bombed if it approves the Constitution by a two-thirds majority leading to the division of the country and claimed there would be no need of a parliament if all the powers were transferred to the provincial councils.]
 The same medium publishes the following by Dr Asanga Welikala:
[President and Prime Minister must now urgently focus on a negotiated solution to the differences within the governing coalition 
An uninformed public, especially within the majority community, can easily be misled by distortion and lies, or frightened into joining the opposition
Nothing except the constraints of a good and strong political culture can prevent a paper constitution from being violated  ]
Dr Asanga Welikala is presented as follows to the readers: ‘ a Lecturer in Public Law at the University of Edinburgh and the Director of the Edinburgh Centre for Constitutional Law. He is also a Research Associate of the Institute of Commonwealth Studies, University of London and is a Research Fellow of the Centre for Policy Alternative (CPA), Sri Lanka.
A lecturer in Public Law and the Director of foreign institute for Constitutional Law, does not have the authority to advise Sri Lankan Politicians or the Common Lankan Public on Public Law or Constitutional Law. To the extent he is, he is causing disturbance to the minds of his readers & listeners, including the press. A Sri Lankan has the fundamental right to be measured by fellow Sri Lankan minds – meaning in terms of law – the mind that is structured as per Sri Lankan interpretation of a law – be it religious, cultural or secular. One who is not conscious of ‘foreign’ titles – is entitled to share as an Equal. Dr Asanga Welikala would  need to dumb down to merge his mind with the Lankan political chiefs to travel with them and not lead them if the goal is to merge with global minds. The way Dr Asanga Welikala’s mind  has been presented, I conclude that he is taking  us back to Colonial times – to submit to the British mind.

Humility is needed by a British to assist Sri Lankans in Policy and v.v. If Dr Asanga Welikala is Buddhist – he would renounce the higher status to become humble and accessible to the ordinary Sri Lankan or limit his work to the law institutions and leave the political advocatory roles to British Politicians.

To my mind, Section 44 (i) of the Australian Constitution  is the mother of Racial Discrimination Act 1985. The way the Judiciary interpreted the law was different to the way Politicians interpreted that law.  The latter was outcome based. By taking the side of  Politicians Professor George Williams confirmed that his was a ‘foreign’ mind to the Judiciary and more importantly that he failed to pay his dues to his Academic Ancestors whose mind ought to be filled with philosophy and not temporary matter.

Friday 27 October 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

27 October  2017

Meta Law & Human Rights

Most investors in Sri Lanka, recognise that there is a problem. But when asked, each would give a different form to the problem. It is like ‘One demon different forms’. The same disease will be differently received or rejected by people of apparently Equal footing exposed to the disease. In a true environment – problem would be present with its opportunity. Equal footing confirms this balance where neither problem nor opportunity is recognized by our conscious memory.

As per my life as Sri Lankan, the first problem that I registered in my brain was as a Colombo citizen in 1958, when I was 8 years of age. We left our home in the border of  Colombo and went inwards and stayed at our uncle Sanmugarajah’s home where the neighbours were also Tamils. After the 1958 riots, we moved to Jaffna where there was no challenge faced by me where I was part of  a racial and religious majority. I moved to Colombo for higher education followed by employment and did not record  any racial discrimination as an individual. I did however register the parallel of 1958 problem in 1977 – when I was pregnant with my third child. The difference this time was that I was in Colombo 7 – a high class suburb. Associated Motorways Ltd. where I was then working was made up of majority Sinhalese and its CEO – to my mind was a true Buddhist. It was when I heard about workers on their way to and from work, being asked to speak in Sinhalese – so their pronunciation would confirm whether they were Sinhalese or Tamils – that I stopped going to work and that too – after my friend Mrs. Malar Fonseka (Tamil married to Sinhalese) asked me to take care of myself while on the roads. Of my three children the youngest born a couple of months after the 1977 riots  is the least healthy of all. At least some part of it I believe is due to my anxiety during that period.

I left Sri Lanka in 1982. Hence all other manifestations starting with the 1983 July riots – were experienced largely through my family members. I would therefore present my form of the demon as:
(i)            As a Colombo Resident – lack of discipline in the Government that opened its brain indiscriminately to the emotions of majority race that was more or less assured of forming government.
(ii)          As a member of the Tamil Community taken as a whole – lack of discipline for elected Tamil leaders to stay within their stated mandate but rather copying Sinhalese leaders to entertain emotional majority of the day

To my mind, the discrimination pain I experienced here in Australia  at the workplace was due to my memory of being recognized on merit basis in Sri Lanka. At community level, we Tamils are a small minority here in Australia, unlike in Sri Lanka where we have established our sense of  self-governance as a Community – including through the intellectual pathway.

This relativity to my past in Sri Lanka was important for me to register the pain that my investment in intellectual pursuit to ownership of the institution/nation was not recognized by the custodians of professional employment power here in Australia. That institution is the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.
Since it was not recognized, I made it ‘internal’ to know that I am ‘right’ as per the fundamentals. Its parallel is Tamils withdrawing into the folds of their local community when they are hurt by majority power. In Vaddukoddai where the first Political declaration  of independence was made, the parallel is the junior castes who feel unjustly hurt by the caste system withdrawing to their own villages – like Thunaivi.

At the global level – if Australia is the farmer caste – Sri Lanka is the toddy tapper caste. At regional level – they are India’s Tamil Nadu and Sinhalese respectively.
It was that very need to feel my Sovereignty that prevented me from using the past titles  expressly in the then current environment where I would have heard again and again that Sri Lankan qualifications were not recognized here in Australia. The more I heard it without rejecting it, the more I would have demoted Sri Lanka in my thoughts and therefore my own origins. By internalising the pain – I was developing ownership Energy in that subject – beyond national borders. That drives me to comprehend financial and human resource problems as they are in any home environment.

To my mind, Sovereignty supports  living in the present and living in the present supports enjoyment of Sovereignty. It is therefore important not to be conscious of the past except to maintain the Sovereignty of  our home group - the whole group that strengthens our self-confidence and keeps our ‘internal’ thoughts healthy and balanced.
My knowledge in Accounting therefore did not change. But the way I presented it to my Australian supervisors and customers – changed naturally as per my performance on the basis of  my interpretation of their needs and legitimate expectations.
It was when this also was not recognized that I brought legal action against my then employers on the basis of racial discrimination. Through my Australian work as per the positions allocated to me by the other side – I earned the jurisdiction to sue as an Australian in Australia through Australian law – the person who had the responsibility to uphold that law. The motivation was the pain in internalising the problem.  

 I believe that the Energy I put into that action, despite the probability of me winning being very slim – that helped maintain the Sovereignty I felt as an Australian. I believe it went towards the dismissal of the then Vice Chancellor of the University of NSW and the then Prime Minister of Australia to whose level the matter was escalated by me on the basis of my Belief that I was right and they were wrong as per Australian Law. The American minded Vice Chancellor was living in the future while ‘White Only’ group’s Prime Minister was living in the past.

The challenge I faced was to convert my emotional pain to the language of the law. I did not win in Courts – but the book I wrote – showing why I considered it to be wrong for me as an individual – has found a home in the National Library of Australia.  The pathway of getting to the library  was Natural and without any conscious contribution by me. To me it is the pathway of Meta Law – the Source of which is Human Rights and the end is Sovereignty.

The fact that I have no knowledge of any specific person or institution contributing to this passage – confirms to me that Truth works on Its own and manifests Itself when there are no visible carriers to represent It in a particular system.

To my mind, Tamils becoming the Equal Opposition in Sri Lankan Parliament in 1977 and in 2015 happened due to the investment made by all Sri Lankans in Sovereignty of the individual and as institutions – starting with family. They may call themselves, Tamils, Muslims, Burghers or Sinhalese. But when it happens on that land called Sri Lanka by outsiders – it goes towards maintaining the Sovereignty of Sri Lankans.

Right now, Tamil National Alliance (TNA) being the leading Opposition in Parliament despite being very much a minority in terms of numbers, we are entitled to confirm that the Energies of Tamils in Sovereignty as a group has exceeded the investment of Sinhalese in Sovereignty. As per published records Tamils are  minority at around 12% of the population, relative to the Sinhalese being a majority at around 70%. This as per my knowledge was about the same – before militants hijacked the agenda. They also contributed but their excesses killed the contributions made by other Tamils – especially the more educated Tamils in Politics. More damaging was the collusion with Sinhalese leadership to oust Indian forces and later to kill former Prime Minister of India – who to many Tamils was a saviour at the time they felt  the need. Eventually this resulted in denying voting rights to Tamils by colluding with immediate past president of Sri Lanka.

A mind that accepts the LTTE as Freedom fighters will reject collusions with Sinhalese Politicians. A leader who ‘forgets’ such collusions at the fundamental level and claims to represent Tamils through LTTE mandate – would lead her/his followers to dilute their investment in the Sovereignty of Tamils. Likewise Sinhalese who cover up collusion with the very group that they call Terrorists.  Showing wins through armed power is the parallel of majority power. As my mother said – two wrongs don’t make a right. LTTE did enjoy its own freedom within its territory. This did not extend to educated Tamils and Global minded Tamils nor to those who genuinely followed their religious and customary laws.

Currently, within Tamils, the problem is largely recognised as lack of autonomy to contribute to the strengthening of our  consolidated investment in Sovereignty. Majority Tamils are emotionally driven and hence a certain degree of separation is needed. The problem as pictured by the Government at its best could be taken from the following presentation by the Hon Dayasiri Jayasekara, Minister for Sports:
[Emphasing that he was a good Sinhala Buddhist opposed to the division of the country, the Minister said "Let me ask you’ll a question. The Tamils fought for autonomy for nearly 30 years. If you now tell them that devolution even within a united Sri Lanka is not possible, then you cannot rule out the possibility of another conflict."
Responding to a question, Jayasekera said that the government would consider the views expressed by the Mahanayakes as well in drafting a new Constitution.
He said that the prelates understood fully well that devolution would not lead to Eelam as explained to them by both President Maithripala Sirisena and Prime Minister Ranil Wickrermesinghe, but they were under pressure from some Sinhala extremists to issue various statements.]

At the level of Parliament – the picture has been completed to render Equal status to Tamils at National level. All Tamils who are Sovereign – would recognize that the deeper Energies beyond the seen and the known have been active to produce this outcome. If they allow their sons and daughters to rebel through weapons – then they would lose this support of Divine forces – especially if they win at the primary level – which usually is the family and the community itself.
The above mentioned minister himself recognizes only that which he recognized and registered as an adult. As per published details Mr. Dayasiri Jayasekara was only 8 years of age in 1977 and 14 years of age in 1983, when the worst riots of our times happened in Colombo which resulted in active enrolment of Tamil youth with militant groups. But this leaves out the struggle by politicians who relative to the militants, to my mind made a far stronger intellectual contribution through lawful pathways to up hold their Sovereignty as individuals and as part of the Tamil Community. They continued to use the lawful pathway and hence the support from Sovereignty Itself.

To my mind, the law of logic says that a higher theory must satisfy all other theories that apply at the lower level. The way to diffuse the majority’s desires and fears, to my mind is – to add the provision that in each Province, the religion of majority in that province at the time of voting will be the foremost religion of that province and where such group is more than 50% of the population of that Province,  the Provincial Government has the responsibility to take visible steps to ensure by specific law, the protection of privacy of other religions to practice their religion within their private areas.

Article 9 of the Sri Lankan Constitution provides for Buddhism to be the foremost religion of the Nation. With this – one cannot call this a democratic Constitution. But the removal could bring back a regime that did not respect the law and often used emotional power to keep its position. Militants matched this with weapons. A parent can devolve only the power that s/he has. Hence to address both needs – the avenue that comes to my mind is to provide for the parallel at Provincial level – with the provision that in Provinces where Buddhism is a minority it would be the link religion – linking that Province to the Nation – as English links us to the wider world – as provided for  in the Constitution through Article 18 (3) which states:
‘English shall be the link language.’

That would satisfy the system of Karma or the Christian advice that we ought to do unto others as we would have those others do unto us. 

Thursday 26 October 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

26 October  2017

Child Soldier

I was returning to Jaffna, after facilitating my husband’s eldest brother at the Yoga Swami Home for the Aged in Vannerikulam, within Kilinochchi District which was then under the rule of LTTE (Tamil Tigers). Inside the tuk-tuk was a poster with two young boys – aged around 10. One was carrying the plough and the other the gun. I asked the tuk-tuk driver as to what that poster meant to him? He said that the gun was needed to protect the plough. I said that I disagreed with him because to me the gun represented violence. Now, when I think about it – I realise that   the common person in that area needed both – the gun and the plough, to break-even in terms of income and expenditure/ enjoyment and security. In terms of modern day language of psychology, as I understand it as a lay person  – this is the balance between mindfulness and cognitive memory.

The above structure surfaced when I read the news article, with the following report:
[Jaffna High Court Judge Illanchelian, issuing the Order, strictly prohibited the sacrifice of animals at Hindu temples, stating that it was a crime against the animals as well as the Hindu religious values.
Prohibiting any form of animal sacrifice at Hindu temples, the Jaffna High Court Judge directed the Deputy Inspector General of Police for Jaffna to implement the Order effectively in the Police Divisions under his purview in the North.
Meanwhile, several Hindu institutions also earlier took the initiatives to prohibit animal sacrifices at the Hindu temples.
The incumbent Northern Chief Minister C. V. Wigneswaran, when he was District Judge of Mallakam, had also ordered that animal sacrifices at Hindu temples be stopped.] – Ceylone Today article ‘Jaffna HC prohibits animal sacrifices at Hindu temples

The parallels  of the above are:
          Sinhalese -  killing  minorities in battle
Tamils – using the physically weaker amongst them – including children
               to fight against the more powerful enemy / opposition.

Both of these happened due to both side leadership stealing the work of their ancestors – without paying their dues to those ancestors. The Natural result was that they went back to the times when animal slaughter was of positive value. Hence the Lion and Tiger both hunting the cow and the goat respectively to satisfy their physical needs.

To a mind that genuinely considers animal slaughter to be wrong – weapon based militancy during the time of Democracy would also be wrong. One who lives in Democracy would know what to do to release her/himself from the clutches of autocracy which system includes slaughter of tame animals.

Mr. Wigneswaran who as a judge ordered that animal sacrifices be stopped, has as a political leader, promoted those groomed by leaders who sent our children to fight against physically stronger enemy.

Like the Tiger, the LTTE fought, captured and ruled as if they were in the period of Kings who defended and expanded their territories through physical-weapon power alone. As per their demonstrated mind structure, under their rule,  animal slaughter would have been acceptable.

Another recent example of this ‘going backwards’ attitude was reported about the National Carrier Sri Lankan Airlines, according to which the Chairman Mr. Dias is saying Commercial whilst the President and the Prime Minister are ‘telling’ Mr. Dias:

[Both the President and the Prime Minister were livid when Dias tried to canvass support to bypass government procurement procedures and secure more financial autonomy for SriLankan, a fully state-owned company.

The committee flatly rejected Dias and cabinet seniors reminded Wickremesinghe of his promise to sack the SriLankan board in June when several ministers alleged that Dias was acting as a "government within a government."

The above reminded me of one of Mr. Wigneswaran’s successors in the position of  Judge in Mallakam District Court – about which I have recorded as follows:

[On Australia Day 2012, his Honor Justice Ariyanayagam stated in Mallakam District Court, in Northern Sri Lanka, that he would not have lawyers conducting their own Courts outside the official Court system.
That showed insight into lawyers taking over power from the Judges. The Opposition in that case stated that the Affidavit submitted by my husband was not valid due to my husband signing the Affidavit that states that he was in Jaffna, when he was in Australia ! My husband’s presence in Sri Lanka, could have been easily proven by asking for certified copies of relevant pages of his passport. But the Judge did not need such ‘evidence’. The judge asked me as to when my husband had arrived in Sri Lanka and as to when he left. I stated the dates. The judge asked me a second time – a little bit later and I gave the dates again. That was when the accusations by the other side got returned against them through strong words of discipline by the Judge. On Australia Day, we celebrate the arrival of British – and the British are common to both Australia and Sri Lanka – especially through Administration and the Judiciary where English law is the base of legal structure. I focused on that before leaving to participate in the Court Proceedings in Northern Sri Lanka and the return that day was uplifting.] - Churning  Jaffna Water – at www. http://austms.blogspot.com.au/

Like the British being the Common elder of Australian and Lankan judiciary – Sri Lankan Airlines is the Common senior of the  citizen staying at ‘home’ and investing in the airline through the Government on the one hand and on the other - the Commercial / Business-minded emigrant like myself working, through our Energy -  the Airline and therefore the Sri Lankan  Government towards better status in wider world that is now our home.

By demanding that Mr. Dias follow Government procurement procedures  these two leaders are demoting the income that that expense would produce, to the level that would be derived by that kind of expense and that kind of mind-structure – accountable to local voters and not that is accountable to the International traveller. One of the lessons I learnt at Air Lanka under the leadership of Singapore International Airlines was to ‘think big’. My immediate supervisor – Mr. Noor Shirazee – had a ‘think big’ icon on his desk. If the immediate past Governor of Cetral Bank - Mr. Mahendran did not think big – Mr. Wickremesinghe would not attract  International business funding. Without Mr. Wickeremesinghe – we would be ruled as per jungle laws with Mr. Sirisena withdrawing to find his real call.

The above mentioned report includes also the following:

[There had been several complaints made to the Prime Minister against Dias, the sources said.
High on the list is a request by the President himself to ensure justice to a senior pilot Sujith Jayasekera who had been suspended following a flawed investigation. Dias had ignored the president's wishes and insisted he be sent a written request from the president. The President was visibly upset when it was conveyed back to him and said he would take it up with the Prime Minister.

If the above report is a true and fair reflection of what happened, the President is the one who needs to be disciplined by the Parliament for interfering within the management of an autonomous entity described to the Public as follows in its Annual Report:

1.1 General Company SriLankan Airlines Limited (“the Company”) is a Limited Liability Company incorporated and domiciled in Sri Lanka. The registered office of the Company and the principal place of business is located at Airline Center, Bandaranaike International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka.]

The Government is not a limited liability Company but one whose existence is based on Belief and Belief is unlimited.

 Hence the direct interference of a member of the Government amounts to acting in breach of the fundamentals of Commercial structures  as well as the structure of the elected Government itself.

Continuing with this kind of mismanagement would lead to Sri Lankan Airlines becoming more and more like Air Ceylon – under which structure,  staff were slaughtered by heir seniors to appease politicians. 

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

25 October  2017

Fears of Terrorism

The closure of some accounts by Westpac Bank has been in the news this week. Sky News reports as follows:

[Westpac Bank has shut down the bank accounts of a Sydney group after discovering it was raising funds for terrorism.
The Daily Telegraph reports the accounts were linked to extremist group Brothers Behind Bars, which claims to raise more than $2500 a week for Australian terrorists and their families.
Its beneficiaries include Sulayman Khalid and Omar Succarieh, who were jailed for foreign incursion offences.]

The Sydney Morning Herald report on Mr. Khalid includes the following:

[Khalid has passed his family two hand-written notes from custody, one saying "I am INNOCENT!!!" and another with a hand pointing to God, covered in writings relating to "tawheed" – the Islamic concept of oneness of God. 
The family have also been selling T-shirts with the slogan "suspicion is not good enough" for $25 to help fund his "expenses in prison".
On the Facebook page, his sister has asked for friends and supporters to write to him and visit him in prison.
Police will allege Khalid and four others charged on Thursday were part of a close-knit cell planning to attack government buildings, specifically the AFP.
Khalid's legal team have previously argued he didn't author the notes, which his sister claims were verses from the Koran and "tawheed papers".
On Thursday, police told a court that fingerprints were lifted from the documents, connecting a 15-year-old Georges Hall boy, who was 14 at the time, to their creation.
He was denied bail in Parramatta Children's Court on Friday, with a magistrate saying there was evidence he was inspired by Islamic State ideology.
The boy's phone allegedly contained pictures of a beheading, IS propaganda, photos of himself holding a rifle and a text message saying he wanted to get to "paradise" through "banana" – believed to be a code word for guns.]

The parallel of this in terms of  Tamils of Sri Lanka goes as follows:

[The maximum sentence for the charges they pleaded guilty to is five years. Those charges, laid under the Charter of the United Nations Act, makes it an offence to provide assets to a UN-proscribed entity, which the LTTE is, and didn't require the prosecution to prove the LTTE was a terrorist organisation.
All three were originally charged in 2007 with much more serious terrorism offences carrying sentences of 25 years, including that they were members of a terrorist organisation, provided support to a terrorist organisation and made funds available to a terrorist organisation.
Those charges were dropped last year, largely due the difficulty of proving the LTTE was a terrorist organisation when it wasn't officially declared as such by the Australian Government.] Herald Sun – 31 March 2010

The original charge of Terrorism Offence carrying sentences of 25 years was reduced to 5 years by the Courts. The gap of 20 years is the level of cultural difference between the Executive Government and the Judiciary in Australia. The level of ‘fear’ in the minds of law enforcement officers at social levels parallel to the accused is confirmed by that 20 year gap. A Tamil Police force would have had a much narrower gap due to Common Belief. The Excess is in the minds of those who are foreigners to the issue.
Common Belief is the fundamental authority that entitles one to punish or reward another trough a structure that represents that Belief.
Sri Lankans are currently going through the pros and cons of changes to the constitution – especially in relation to whether Sri Lanka is a Buddhist state. The following is an excerpt from a ‘free’ communication between two members of the Canadian Tamil Diaspora – the first one as per my mind being the parallel of Australian Police and the second one the parallel of Australian Judiciary. The discussion is based on the article ‘Battling for a new Constitution and dashing the hopes of Tamils’ published by Tuck Magazine :
[Canadian Tamil 1 (Police) : What is the percentage of Buddhist among the population of about 22 million? My guess is about 45 % since among Sinhalese there is a good number of Catholics and Christians. Hence how can they say that Buddhism is the state religion? Religion should not include in the constitution as in India. What provision is there for HR violations and powers of security forces in the constitution. The singhala government knows very well that Tamils and Muslims are not united. They are adopting the British Policy of Divide and rule. There is no provision for Deputy PM and Deputy President from the minority population.  In India, a Muslim can be the President (Abdul Kalam}
Canadian Tamil 2 (Judiciary) Response: The percentage of Buddhists in Ceylon is not 45%! I do not know where you got this figure from. The actual figure is double 70.10% (population wise 74.90%). I agree that declaring Ceylon as a secular state is ideal. That way religious homogenization and institutional domination will be absent. Unfortunately, during the last 5 decades, secular states, virtually everywhere, have come under strain. In Israel, the Basic Laws  that serve in place of a constitution (Israel has no written constitution) define the country as a "Jewish state." More than 46 countries call themselves Muslim and where Islam is the state religion. Mercifully, in Sri Lanka Buddhism is not a state religion.  The constitution affords only foremost place.
This is a serious subject; I hope you will do some homework before you put your pen to paper!]

The genuine work done to uphold the intellectual balance by the respondent is of value to Canada and to all those who read and understand the logic intellectually. The only value superior to this is that of Belief. Belief needs no explanation; no proof. Migrants who have ‘completed’ the relationships – however ‘local’ they may be, add value to their new nations. On that same footing, those who use ‘hearsay’ weaken the Sovereign value of their home-nations and the nations where they manifest their powers developed through such hearsay.

Each one of is born Sovereign. That is our Soul value. To the extent we preserve and uphold this – including by sacrifices of returns from our own investments in relationships – biological, law-based or culture-based, we strengthen the life of Sovereignty enjoyed by our home group/s.

Migrants often fail to complete their relationships in their first families/ communities/
 Nations. When we get married for example – we expand families through mergers and/or takeovers. To the extent the two cultures are compatible, we would successfully become One family. Without such compatibility, we need at least One member of the group to be Sovereign or majority in that group need to believe in and show respect for a person who has realised her/his Sovereignty. The latter is often the base for religious leadership including in Government.

I  believe that if second marriages are inferior to a mind, then second country systems also would be inferior. To those who ‘complete’ the first relationship – that would be first amongst Equals in Democracy or motivating Energy in Autocracy. The latter is often recognized as Heritage. Australian Judiciary failed to use the opportunities facilitated by me to weaken the development of Separation to continue with the first system. Below is an example:

[Since I was a wholesome Hindu – it was easy for me to pray to God through Buddha also.  Similarly since I had completed my marriage relationships through the cultural structure – at the highest level known to me – I was a wholesome Hindu wife and hence was able to become a wholesome legal wife with ease. But to my mind, not so my sisters in law who needed our help to have their children married.  Hence they picked my marriage at its primary form (that it was second marriage to me) – anytime they needed to find fault with me. This extended to the Testamentary case in Sri Lanka where their lawyer said I was going after other people’s monies and also mentioned that this was my second marriage. To me it was my duty to uphold the dignity of lawful marriages in a court of law. But Her Honour says in this regard starting from  paragraph 13 of Her Honour’s judgment:

The pleading identifies three potential defamatory publications about the plaintiff, which I would characterise as follows (not quite in the terms submitted on behalf of the defendants):
(a)  A statement made by a lawyer, Mr. Yogendra, acting on behalf of the first, second, sixth, seventh and eighth defendants in proceedings before the District Court of Mallakam in Sri Lanka (to which the first, second, sixth, seventh and eighth defendants and the plaintiff are parties) to the effect that the plaintiff was shamelessly after other people’s monies and was not accepted by the family as the wife of Subramaniam Paramasivam (statement of claim at [2]). The sixth and seventh defendants are alleged to have been present in court when their lawyer made those statements (statement of claim at [6]) but the legal significance of that assertion is not explained;
(b)  A statement made by the first defendant to the plaintiff’s husband to the effect that the plaintiff and her husband were a disgrace to the first defendant’s family (statement of claim at [3]);
(c)   The republication of the statement made by the lawyer (set out in (a) above by Mrs. Poomathevi Nadarajah to Mr. Mylvaganam (statement of claim at [8]). Neither the lawyer nor Mrs. Poomathevi Nadarajah is a party to these proceedings.
14. A statement of the kind described in (b), whilst undoubtedly hurtful, would be regarded as merely abusive and is not such as to sustain the prosecution of an action in defamation in this Court.
15. The primary focus on the argument was on the statement referred to in paragraph (a) above, pleaded in paragraph 2 of the statement of claim as follows:
On 16 February 2012, it was stated on behalf of the 1st, 2nd, 6th, 7th and 8th defendants in court that the plaintiff was shamelessly after ‘other people’s monies’ and words to the effect   that the plaintiff was not accepted by the family as the wife of Mr. Subramaniam Paramasivam – the brother of 1st, 6th and 8th defendants who are all siblings of the deceased person Late Subramaniam Yoganathan, mentioned above. The 3rd, 4th and 5th defendants spoke and/or acted in support of the 1st, 2nd,6th, 7th and 8th defendants in this issue.
16. The plaintiff confirmed that the words are alleged to have been said in the legal proceedings in Sri Lanka relating to the estate of  the plaintiff’s brother-in-law, who evidently died intestate. She stated, however, that it was the “Australians” whose lawyer had made the statement that “they obviously would have given instructions from here to Sri Lanka”.
17. Leaving aside any issue as to whether the words said by the lawyer were published under absolute privilege (under the law of the place of the tort), the principal difficulty is that the statement of claim does not plead any cause of action in defamation against any defendant. The un-stated premise of the claim appears to be that the defendants are liable as publishers for statements made in court (in Sri Lanka) by their lawyer. However, no facts are pleaded to support that contention. As currently pleaded, no reasonable cause of action in defamation is disclosed against any defendant.
18. Upon close consideration ………………………………
19. I am satisfied that the statement of claim discloses no reasonable cause of action against any of the defendants, Further, I do not think there is any point in granting leave to replead, particularly in light of the plaintiff’s concession that the claim relates to words said in Sri Lanka. If the matter complained of is the words said in court by the lawyer in Sri Lanka (on the basis, not presently pleaded, that the defendants are liable as publishers of those words), the place of the tort is Sri Lanka. If it was intended to rely upon the instructions given to the lawyer in Sri Lanka by means of a telephone call initiated in Australia but received in Sri Lanka, that would also be a publication in Sri Lanka in accordance with the principles stated by the High Court in Dow Jones & Company Inc. v Gutnick [2002] HCA 56; 210 CLR 575 especially at [26]. The plaintiff does not appear to seek to vindicate her reputation in New South Wales.
20. The defendants submitted that any publication in Sri Lanka “does not give rise to a cause of action in New South Wales”………………………………………………………………..
21. For those reasons, I am satisfied that the plaintiff’s claim in defamation enjoys no reasonable prospect of success and must be dismissed.] Naan Australian – Chapter 28

The above logic  upholds  the structure that leads to decision that ‘monies raised in Australia when spent in Sri Lanka do not give rise to a cause of action in Australia.
Today is the day Lord Muruga (who is celebrated at the Sydney suburb of Westmead also)  defeated the Demon Soorapadman. To my mind, this is the anniversary of the day our consolidated Energy of completed experiences defeats the ever changing frivolous outer forms of our separate selfish desires – including the desire for intellectual glory depicted by Soorpadman with elephant face. Knowledge without belief is demonic in nature.