Thursday 31 December 2020


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 December  2020






Recently a Canadian Tamils wrote:



To my mind, our entitlements are as per our own contributions to that system. As Canadians Canadian Tamils earn certain rights through their lawful conduct. Likewise, as Sri Lankans, Sri Lankan Tamils have earned rights. What happens when Sri Lankan Tamil converts to Canadian Tamil? To the extent the respective Governments committed themselves, by being parties to various covenants , citizens earn credit points with the system, through their conduct.

My article of 14 November 2020, under the heading ‘Indo-Lankan Award – Protection of Universal Franchise’ was well received by Tamils of the above category. In relation to agreements I wrote as follows in that article,:


[The Indo-Sri Lanka Accord was between the two governments. LTTE was NOT a party to it. Mr Ahangama referred to them as Terrorists. If indeed – he believed that to be the case, then there is no logic to his expectations that the terms of the Accord were not satisfied by the LTTE. In addition Mr Ahangama stated that Article 157 was binding only if the agreement was for economic purposes. JVP killings of successful Tamil Businessmen and their businesses was a core reason for the Accord and this therefore is covered by Article 157.]


About Remedial Justice  the Hon Bandula Karunarathna included the following heritage:


[Sharvananda, J. in Theivandran v. Ramanathan Chettiar 1986( 2 )SLR 219 at 222 stated as


"In a vindicatory action the claimant needs merely prove two facts; namely, that he is the

owner of the thing and that the thing to which he is entitled to possession by virtue of his

ownership is in the possession of the defendant. Basing his claim on his ownership, which

entitles him to possession, he may sue for the ejectment of any person in possession of it

without his consent. Hence, when the legal title to the premises is admitted or proved to be in

the plaintiff, the burden of proof is on the defendant to show that he is having lawful


Interestingly as per the judgment:

[" Thereafter on 1.4.1972, the defendant and Sri Renganathan, jointly informed the Registrar of Business Names, of a change viz: that Sri Renganathan had ceased to be a partner and S. Theivendran (the defendant) was the sole proprietor of the Business of "Komathi Vilas" and "Kalyani Corporation" as from 1.4.1972. The Certificate of Registration, P5A dated 1 4 .4 .1972 , issued pursuant to the statement of change dated 1.4.1972 (P5) shows that the sole proprietor of the business of "Komathi Vilas" was S. Theivendran (the defendant). The evidence on record shows that Sri Renganathan had left the island on 1 3.4.1972……… He gave a tenable explanation for the declaration in P5 and P5A by him and Sri Renganathan viz: that he had become the sole proprietor of the partnership business from 1.4.1972. He said that he was a Jaffna Tamil, while Sri Renganathan and Vythialingam were Indians and that for the sake of obtaining quotas of rice and flour from the Government they agreed to register the business in his name only.]


The above case confirms how Jaffna Tamil and Indian Tamil would join forces for Business purposes but when it came to ‘ownership’ Jaffna Tamil was distinctly different to Indian Tamil.  This heritage would be built into the psyche of Diaspora Tamils as well as current Jaffna Tamils. They will come together for UN Business / Politics but not when it comes to ownership issues.

The above confirmed to me yet again the high regard in which Tamils were held by their parallels in their respective fields of expertise. As per Wikipedia:

[As a lawyer Sharvanda worked on civil cases and served under such eminent lawyers as Dr. H. W. Thambiah QC, S. J. V. Chelvanayakam QC, and H. V. Perera QC. He was appointed as a judge of the Supreme Court of Sri Lanka in 1974. In 1984 he succeeded Neville Samarakoon as Chief Justice, the first Tamil to hold that position. He made a number of landmark judgments during his Supreme Court tenure, including the 13th Amendment to the constitution. He retired from the Supreme Court in 1988.]

The secret is in his completion of local life:

[Sharvanda was born on 22 February 1923 in KaytsJaffna District. He attended St. Anthony's English School in Kayts before transferring to Jaffna Hindu College at Grade 6. After completing his secondary education he studied at Colombo Law College, qualifying as a lawyer in 1946. During his time at the Law College he also obtained a BA degree from the University of London.]

The above confirms systematic completion of primary life in the local environment in which he was born. This then promoted him to the next higher or wider level. Those who take him into themselves would refrain from using his status as if it were a political produce. When more of us bring such ancestors into ourselves – we are already One Nation. This has been confirmed again by the judiciary in my land matter.  As per that insight I am different to those who seek Remedial Justice on behalf of someone without proxy.  

Canadians have already been compensated in Canada, including through their admissions as Canadians. If one double dips – one confirms stealing from the victims.

For his turn, if Mr Wigneswaran had genuinely respected his elders – he would have supported Tamils whose lands are being occupied to take action in Court. When the mind of our elders is repeatedly taken – Remedy would happen one way or the other. That is the law of Belief.

The news received by me today, included the following:

In time to come Chinese parallels of Indian Tamils is possible in Sri Lanka and therefore Sea Street’s parallel is likely to happen in Hambantota as Shangrila Street. But it is highly unlikely that either would produce  Chief Justices – like Jaffna did – not one but three of them. Let us not throw that baby out with the dirty political bathwater .

Wednesday 30 December 2020


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 December  2020






There is a saying in Tamil that bliss happens when two minds come together in love. To me, that is what true planning is about. Truth is blissful for the same reason that it automatically merges the minds. When minds so merge – the result is exponential. Pleasure is lateral. Bliss is Absolute  pleasure.


Often however our ego spoils it all by covering the truth with Maya / delusion.


Canadian Tamil Mr Kumar Rasingam concluded our recent exchange by writing under the subject heading:


[Waste of time -  you proved yourself that u r self centered and egoistic character]


Then he went on to write as follows:

[I have so much task to do due to the forthcoming UNHRC Session, Sri Lanka is to face another strong Resolution in March 2021.

You can find the developing stories from the links below and you can see what is happening back home.

The forthcoming 46th UNHRC Sessions in February/March 2021 holds the key to uphold accountability, justice and human rights in Sri Lanka while halting Sri Lanka’s history of evasions and denials  of its obligations to comply with and implement the recommendations in the 30/1 of 2015 and 40/1 of 2019 Resolutions.  



I responded as follows:

[Good luck with your work. I have already submitted my work to the system of truth. My returns will come through that system]

They did start coming  from within me – indicating to me the next phase of our development work in Northern Sri Lanka,  the soul of which is my true contributions to accountability, justice and human rights including to myself . I am Sri Lanka and I am UN.

The return began with the identification of the need by the Lankan Government whose Parliament rejected my mail to them with the following message:

[Your message was rejected by for the following reason:


     rejecting banned content]

The banned content included the following:


[You state [You cannot bring peace in Sri Lanka as long as the Buddhist Clergy, Maha Sanga are allowed to practice politics which is against Lord Buddha's teachings. YOU CAN SHOUT,CRY BUT THIS IS THE FACT.]

Since you consider Lord Buddha as their higher authority – did you ever complain to Lord Buddha ? From time to time, when I am fearful of being misunderstood by Buddhists I speak to Lord Buddha. Thus far no harm has happened to me through a Buddhist. I have however felt Oppression in Jaffna Courts which have failed to value Thesawalamai law and delivered illogical judgment in a testamentary case. So I wrote my second book of experience in Tamil which is now with Jaffna Library.

But in Colombo through a legal team made up of Hindu, Buddhist & Christian minds – connected by common values of Prescription Ordinance which is the parallel of Pythagoras Theorem, we established a just outcome. Each time Justice is upheld – that place and time get empowered exponentially with Sovereign powers. This is because Truth is Absolute. The Buddhist clergy who genuinely follow Buddha would merge with minorities who have been genuinely victimised by those who call themselves Buddhists for political purposes. The group that wrote to the President to facilitate burial for Muslim victims of Covid19 is one such group. The picture you describe is YOUR fact. Mine is that we do merge and at the moment, in Jaffna, this is a stronger power than separatists power. ]

I concluded that the IT system in Sri Lankan Parliament was way below the standard of Google headed by fellow Tamil Mr Pichai Sundararajan. Google often reads my mind and brings me the intelligence I need at that time in that subject matter. That to me is Universal Power.

If we are to improve ourselves through ourselves for ourselves the above mentioned rejection is evidence of our weakness – of surface reading  and blocking the very substance that the government needs.

Then this morning Elanka  brought me the message headed with a note from Dr Michael Roberts:

[For Lanka’s Future and Serenity: Skanda’s Appeal from the Heights of Haputale]

In it was the following :

[A path to prosperity for Sri Lanka will ONLY evolve when the majority community that so passionately talks about Buddhism have it in them to abide by Lord Buddha’s profound teaching, in their hearts, minds and in Public.

It was the Lord who wished for ALL beings to be happy. It was the same Lord who said that when ALL beings are happy, nature will smile on the Country and prosperity will be assured from the ensuing blessings.

It’s the people who are sovereign and it’s in their hands to bring that prosperity to themselves. To leave it to the Politicians is to fight for ones rights. To entrust it to the People is to respect each other and their individual rights.

There lies the crucial difference but is the majority community up to it to provide leadership as Lord Buddha would have wished?]


I doubt that the Parliamentarians to whom I sent my mail, would read Mr Skandakumar’s message. Mr Skandakumar was UNP’s choice to be Australian High Commissioner. He is the parallel of Tamil Diaspora leaders who are taking their work direct to the UN which work would be gobbledygook to my inner group in Northern Sri Lanka. Mr Kumar Rasingam is becoming the cow with American bell representing the heritage Mr Skandakumar contributed to.


ELanka in turn has published the above from Hindu cow with English bell that Skanda is -even though it is political . But from this Jaffna cow with no bell, only an article in response to Lonely death of Miss Ceylon 1962 – What really happened to Jennifer Ingleton?’ – was published.


These days I recall how Sri Lanka Guardian published my work practically every day. That was when Mr Nilantha Ilangamuwa – the founding editor was active in publishing his work through Sri Lanka Guardian.   Nilantha continues to express appreciation for my contribution – and to me that is a true heritage to someone who seeks to merge across the ethnic gap through common need.


As for Skandakumar’s message – to my mind, it is the parallel of Buddhist clergy advising Muslims.  The Truth through which I identify with in this instance is my investment in my Accounting elders at M/s Satchithananda SchokmanWijeratne & CO, Chartered Accountants where Skandakumar’s brother Sivakumar was my colleague. There both of us were calves without royal bells.

 To be included in my training service is the lesson to Management staff to respond like British Parliamentarians – by a return acknowledgment. To the believer, the recipient is the Position that the other relative holds. The position is passive. Hence the importance of Institutional structures where individuals in high positions become unreliable. 



Tuesday 29 December 2020

                                 I am a Liberated Tamil - free of Ragu & Kethu

29 December 2020

Thank you Mr Rasingam


You have sent me the same message three times. Each one refers to a different source. I choose to address yours and only yours


You state [Thank you for your comments:  You do not understand the pathetic plight of the oppressed Tamils and the continuing structural genocide of Tamils. ]


Since I recognise myself as a person of Tamil origin who has liberated herself from Oppression, including by males, it is highly likely that I would not recognize Oppressed Tamils who are immersed in the past.


As for understanding, I would understand those of similar intellectual height as myself. With those of higher intellect – I pay my respects and get their Energy into me. They then continuously educate me from within – as per my needs of that moment in that environment. If you are a Hindu  - you would appreciate that the former is Murugan’s pathway of Equality and that the latter is Ganesh’s pathway of faith based mental work. As per the language of Thesawalamai Law  - former is Thediya Thettam / acquired wealth and latter is Muthusam / Inherited wealth. Recently when discussing the difference with my husband who is a Maths expert – I  explained as follows:


To know the Relationship of between the sides of an Equilateral triangle one can draw and measure and know that the angles and sides are equal. But in the case of  Right angled triangle one needs Pythagoras Theorem which squares the sides’ lateral values to find the relationship. This means one has to use exponential values where at least one angle is equal to or is greater than 50% of the total. Hence in Parliament, one needs exponential powers of belief to know that one is Equal. To the extent those with apparent majority approval have belief in their ancestors – at equal or deeper level than minority in theirs  – majority is the leading power also. Say, majority Sinhalese in Parliament believe in King Duttugemunu and Tamils believe only in the fighting power of Emperor Ellalan – and not his Justice Power – as Manu Neethi Kanda Cholan – Sinhalese would be the leading force – even though the law allocates Equal status.


In Democracy Equal status is allocated by law - to Opposition in recognition of the suffering minorities go through to override the oppression and remain within as per their own conscience as individuals and/or in groups. This has been provided for in the Lankan Constitution through articles 10 & 14 (1) (e ) in terms of religion.



You state [You cannot bring peace in Sri Lanka as long as the Buddhist Clergy, Maha Sanga are allowed to practice politics which is against Lord Buddha's teachings. YOU CAN SHOUT,CRY BUT THIS IS THE FACT.]


Since you consider Lord Buddha as their higher authority – did you ever complain to Lord Buddha ? From time to time, when I am fearful of being misunderstood by Buddhists I speak to Lord Buddha. Thus far no harm has happened to me through a Buddhist. I have however felt Oppression in Jaffna Courts which have failed to value Thesawalamai law and delivered illogical judgment in a testamentary case. So I wrote my second book of experience in Tamil which is now with Jaffna Library.


But in Colombo through a legal team made up of Hindu, Buddhist & Christian minds – connected by common values of Prescription Ordinance which is the parallel of Pythagoras Theorem, we established a just outcome. Each time Justice is upheld – that place and time get empowered exponentially with Sovereign powers. This is because Truth is Absolute. The Buddhist clergy who genuinely follow Buddha would merge with minorities who have been genuinely victimised by those who call themselves Buddhists for political purposes. The group that wrote to the President to facilitate burial for Muslim victims of Covid19 is one such group. The picture you describe is YOUR fact. Mine is that we do merge and at the moment, in Jaffna, this is a stronger power than separatists power.


You state


[So the Tamils have no other alternative to force UN to take action


Sri Lanka’s record of human rights violations, Commissions of war crimes and crimes against humanity etc. which amount to genocide is an  open book reported and recorded by United Nations, UNHRC, Human Rights Organizations and Human Rights Activists all over the world]


I consider myself Sri Lankan and it was on this belief that I established myself as  Dual Citizen. To my mind I am common to Australia and Sri Lanka. When I therefore share myself with the folks who are currently in Jaffna – that would go towards them becoming Sri Lankans – Independent Sri Lankans like myself who would think at global levels. This heritage will empower all those who seek to be Sri Lankans. On 23 December I wrote as follows about a Vaddukoddai Tamil religious leader:


[We had a call from Vaddukoddai – informing us that Priest Radha Aiyar was sick.  We rang with much concern and were relieved to learn that he was recovering from Diarrhea. To a member of our community who was surprised that I felt so deeply about it – I said that Priest Radha Aiyar was equal to majority ordinary worshippers in that toddy tapper village of Thunaivi. ]


Radha Aiyar passed away on 26 December and out of the blues my phone rang my sister (in Singapore)  at around that time – which was 27 December early morning for us here in Sydney, Australia. That was the first time my phone effectively self-dialled. The movement happened when I opened the phone to check the time to get out of bed which checking I do regularly. When I learnt that Radha Aiyar had passed away – around that time – I felt that he was saying ‘thank you’ for facilitating his work until the end.  Now he is also fully fledged Sri Lankan and not just Vaddukoddai Tamil where he lived before, during  and after the war.


To the extent you take measures to punish the Sri Lankan government – you are also pushing towards punishing their parallels in the Tamil community on  Equal footing. Ms Navaneetham Pillai made special mention of her strong criticism of the LTTE due to her commitment to the UN values. If you take that and run with its lateral value you would shift your dependence from one to the other and then take revenge when they do not deliver as per your expectations. Then we will have more wars and more dead bodies and more disappearances.


UN is the democratic parallel of our time based Ancestors of Traditional value – for example Manu Neethi Kanda Cholan who was defeated by King Duttugemunu. But in terms of Justice Manu Neethi Kanda Cholan ranks way above King Duttugemunu. Our heirs confirm our Dharma. The likes of you are diluting this for those who were victimised by Armed Tamil Rebels who cut off their ties with our Political roots.  This happens when one is driven largely by Asura / Brawn power. In the legend of Churning of Ocean of Milk –Asura Svarbanu who pretended to be god was separated by Vishnu into two parts – as Ragu & Kethu. Ragu who travels on Lion represents Solar Eclipse which represents dulling  of Intellectual power. Kethu who travels on Vulture represents Luna Eclipse which represents loss of life in body  as indicated by the Vulture that has carcass as its food. Former within the Tamil community are those who ‘eclipse’ intellectuals and latter are those who live off the remains of the  work of the former.  When we make amends for debilitation by Ragus and Kethus amongst us – including by feeling remorse – we would naturally access the powers of our Independent Ancestors who structured Jaffna Kingdom.






Monday 28 December 2020


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

28 December  2020






 As per Samugam news at Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero, the Chief Incumbent of the Abhayarama Temple in Colombo states:


1)   Sri Lanka is a Buddhist country ;

2)   The current  government undertook the Policy of one Nation, one law

3)   Hence Covid19 bodies should continue to be cremated.


As per Economy Next report ‘Powerful order of Buddhist Monks urge President to allow burials of Covid dead’ :


[One of the country’s biggest Chapters of Buddhist Monks the joint Amarapura-Ramanna sect is asking President Gotabaya Rajapaksa to permit the burial of the remains of Christians and Muslims who die of Covid 19.

This is the first time that a major group of Buddhist Monks have taken a stand to allow burials since the controversy broke in April.]

The contradictory reports from different parts of the Buddhist Leadership confirm internal Opposition.

The fact that both were brought to the Sri Lankan Public at the same time, confirms the manifestation of truth through Universal Energy. As per that manifestation, the Buddhist leadership is divided. To my mind, so long as Minorities express and act within their own boundaries of belief they would return any injustice by Majority to the Majority.  That returning power is the power of belief which is exponential and has the ability to defeat the largest majority power that is relative. This is also the power of ‘genes’ which confirm our ‘heritage’.

Often however, Minorities try to ‘profit’ by finding fault through measures that they are yet to contribute to.

Mr Kumarathasan Rasingam, a Canadian Tamil, for example, directed me to his paper ‘UN SYSTEM OWES SRI LANKAN TAMILS REMEDIAL JUSTICE’ in which he claims as follows:

[It is very sad that UN an international institution particularly was initiated to protect the civilians during conflicts and other matters affecting the civilians failing from its duty by ignoring the genocide in Sri Lanka.  UN failed in stopping the genocide in Rwanda and other countries and lately in Sri Lanka…….

Once again, the Tamil people have been left alone to seek truth and justice. They are daunted by the task ahead but they do not despair. You can kill thousands of people, but you can never kill the human spirit.]

To be valid  and reliable relatively, one has to ‘Believe’ in common. The above mentioned Buddhist leader - Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero had no authority to ‘tell’ Muslims or any other Non-Buddhist group. Likewise, a Canadian Tamil does not have the authority to ‘tell’ the UN. A Canadian Tamil has the authority to declare within her/his circle of belief. If s/he does so on behalf of Sri Lankan Tamils then s/he needs to first clear any contributions by Sri Lankan Tamils to disturbance of  Global Peace. Likewise, Buddhist leaders in Sri Lanka have to clear the Buddhist community’s contribution to disturbance of Peace in Sri Lanka. The killing of Political leaders by Buddhists is confirmation of lack of belief based authority, which is perfectly balanced. Mere physical majority does not render the authority to govern and make policies on behalf of the whole.


Government in Sri Lanka is formed on the authority of Land based belief and not religion based belief. A believer in Sri Lanka would identify with the cause that affected Sri Lankan leadership. I am such a believer and I identify with Buddhist clergy’s desires as being part of the cause that disconnects us with our true governance heritage.


 Bandaranaike’s  Official Language Act No. 33 of 1956 could not have been rooted in ancestral belief – given that Bandaranaike was born a Christian and as per Wikipedia report, his father:


[Sir Solomon named his only son after West Ridgeway, the Governor of Ceylon at the time, who was his godfather]


WR in SWRD is English heritage to which SWRD became a traitor.


The disconnection with ancestry which was against English Language was promoted actively as follows:


[One of Bandaranaike's most notable actions was the implementation of the Sinhala Only Act, making Sinhala the sole official language of the country, downgrading the official status of English, and promoting socialist, non-Western policies that profoundly changed the course of Ceylonese politics in the following decades.]


The above was effectively a handout which had the effect of spoiling Sinhalese and preventing their belief based self-governance. Tamils who clung to their British heritage were empowered by that heritage – until ‘Tamil only’ opposition surfaced – through juniors rebelling against seniors and finally killing them. This was effectively at the same level as Sinhala leaders such as SWRD.


Belief based leadership needs to be continuous and adverse to the official leadership – to earn the power of Equal Opposition in common area.  


When one believes, one has exponential power .   Hence within that circle of belief I am the perpetrator and I am the victim. When we truly believe, we become members of the Universal Power – which the UN promotes. SWRD shifted towards China and Russia:


[As prime minister, he took a neutralist stance in foreign policy, but established diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China and the Soviet Union. He removed the British air bases at RAF Negombo and RAF China Bay and the naval base at Trincomalee]


In turn this was copied by the JVP which rebelled against SWRD’s wife’s government in 1971.


The Rajapaksa government’s pro-China attitude had its roots in SWRD’s pro Buddhism approach. This will continue – so long as Buddhism is used for political purposes.


Mr Kumarathasan Rasingam highlighted that [Re;  Killing of Rajiv.  It has now  been found that there is some important person/country involved in this case/  Jain Commission has  still not completed its investigation. So many conflicting and confusing facts are emerging from those who investigated the sensitive case.]


This applies also to the killing of SWRD and also the killing of LTTE leader by multiple forces. Once the Universal power is invoked – we are entitled to give the reasons as per our belief. The only interpretation that is invalid is one without belief.


Often belief is the only way to identify with the cause of the effects Experienced by us. Hence the Universal Franchise in multicultural governance.


The ruling by Venerable Muruththettuwe Ananda Thero is without belief in the whole.


It is confirmed also by the following about Canadian Tamils:


[Toronto survey reveals mental health problems among tamils. Tamil community have depression, suicidal attempts, anxiety and post traumatic stress disorder.
Physical and psychological problems tend to seek help from family physician, psychiatrist or other mental health practitioner.
Counselling online and by zoom for mental health issues is undertaken by VasanthamTamil Wellness Centre.
The pandemic has caused stress and anxiety for millions globally, exacerbating mental health struggles.
Covid 19 has globally affected 243 million women between the ages of 15 and 49 , caused by sexual or physical abuse. Before the pandemic, male and female partners went to work and met a few hours per day and hence less abuse. During Covid 19 both partners are mostly at home that provokes depression and more abuse.
Tamil society brought up by male dominance has affected family wellness.
During 1990s , when 991 was contacted, Royal Canadian Mounted Police arrived and warned not to repeat the abuse that led to female suicide. If such call is made now, RCMP arrests male partner.


Truth manifests in free environments. If considerable proportion of Canadian Tamils are suffering due to isolation – this confirms that they are not sovereign. As per the above,  males are controlling females. Until this is corrected by the Tamil community, Canadian Tamils have no authority to access UN powers. One way to know why is – that Canadian Tamils are strongly Tamil-Only heirs – agitating to repeat the Sinhala-Buddhist Administration from which they claim to have run away.  Those who criticise the opposition beyond their belief based authority  become the perpetrators – albeit through a different form.

Sunday 27 December 2020


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

27 December  2020






Who is a Political Prisoner? Mr C V Wigneswaran has included the following in his response:


[Prisoner of conscience and political prisoner have been used interchangeably - one for the other and the other for the one. A political prisoner is a dissident generally who is critical of agents of governmental authority (Military included) or ruling elites. Political prisoners are the symbolic representations of attempted challenge to the status quo. Ideologically the context may be racial, economic, political or religious. These political prisoners are different from common criminals. Whereas political prisoners are involved in some type of group struggle against the establishment or the ruling elites, common criminals are typically involved in an element of satisfying their self-interests.]


I identify with the above discovery. Ultimately we are punished by our own conscience. Conscience, as per my discovery is the law of our truth. Given that most of us do not identify with our truth but rather what seems ‘right’ to those who are in high positions in our current physical circles, it would be difficult to find a true political victim at the individual level. If we do have one – that person’s expressions would be the law of the person/group where s/he is a leader. Hence democracy by majority vote.


Are we, the Tamil community a community that claims it has  been discriminated against by the government elected by majority,  at high risk of becoming political prisoners? The answer is YES – as per my conscience.  One does not need proof of it through facts supported by evidence. The Confession is there in the Constitution made under the influence of being seen to be ‘right’ to majority.

Article 9 is the proof of Discrimination by the Government and therefore the whole of the community that benefits from the advantages in that article:


[The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).]


Articles 10 and 14(1)(e) state as follows:


[10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

14. (1) Every citizen is entitled to – (e ) the freedom, either by himself or in association with others, and either in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching;]


The above have the effect of Dual Citizenship. The current government that has lifted the ban on dual citizenship for Parliamentarians, is confirming dependence on ‘Buddhism Foremost’ protection. This makes the subsequent articles relative and not absolute. In truth it confirms dependence on Buddhist votes.


To the extent a part of the Tamil community dilutes its pain by accepting compensation and/or unjustly discriminates within the Tamil Community – the entitlement to Equality is weakened.


Recently Mr Kumarathasan Rasingam,  Secretary, The Tamil Canadian Elders for Human Rights Org., tried to ‘imprison’ me into his experience as follows:

[We do not need luxury hotels in Jaffna, we need factories, industries, mass cultivation of crops for seLF sufficientcy/ I was in Jaffna during the war.  We did not have electricity, Kerosene oil, petrol, batteries, essential foods, .flour, rice, sugar soap, 

Necessity is the birth for invention.

1. We used bottle lamps made from Jam bottle, my children studied in these lamps

2  Vegetable oil and diesel mixed used for Scooter

3. Bycycle Dynamo is used to produce electricity to listen to Radio 

 I need to know few information regarding the luxury hotel.

 1. How may people are employed -  How many are from the area, How many are from south

2. What type of service to the affected people this establishment is providing.????



Unless there are no luxury hotels in Canada, the above confirms dual standards and therefore lack of belief in one or both. I am an Airbnb Super-hostess and I am an Equal status customer in luxury hotels. In turn I train our trainees and employees in providing the parallel of that level service in their respective workplaces.


The success  of Political leaders  like Mr Gary Anandasangaree  ( of Tamil origin), who represents Scarborough—Rouge Park, Ontario with considerable proportion of Tamil voters, is known through Tamils without portfolios expressing their authority in ‘free’ social media. As per the above Canadian Tamil – Jaffna would have step-motherly treatment relative to Canada.  The Truth often comes out freely in natural environments.

The above confirms that the likes of Canadian Tamils are trying to takeover suppression of Tamils in Sri Lanka through their Canadian status. Like the common Jaffna Tamil – to Canadian Tamil, I am also seen as a candidate for suppression. The reason is that I am a female without official portfolio. But I learn as an apparent junior – the truth of the senior. This is the value of structures and laws that the structures support.

Jaffna Tamils need to show their official portfolio and towards this we need to present to the Parliament the changes needed to the current constitution, to recognize the Equality of all three languages . Mr Wigneswaran highlights this as follows:

[The confessions are in fact dubious pieces of PTA evidence. When PTA cases against Tamil Prisoners came up before Judges who were well versed in all three languages Sinhala, Tamil and English about 25 years ago almost always the Prisoners got acquitted. The reason being that the signed confessions of Tamil prisoners were in Sinhala. More often some police officer would have explained the contents and the Prisoner would have signed. The officer would give evidence that he explained the contents to the prisoner and that he understood and signed the confession. If the so called Police Interpreter was asked a few questions with regard to his competency in the Tamil Language, he would have been exposed. Mostly the confessions were in fact written by the Police or their Para Military agents and the prisoner was asked to sign. When the Police Interpreter is asked how he would translate a particular word in the confession into Tamil or vice versa, he would not be able to answer properly. His knowledge of Tamil would almost always be faulty. If the interpreter was incompetent how could the confession be accepted? So the prisoner got acquitted.]

This is a practice that is encouraged by the Judiciary, currently in Northern Province where Mr Wigneswaran was Chief Minister. Our Opposition in a Testamentary matter covered by Thesawalamai law, who were not proficient in English, signed an Affidavit in English – stating that it was ‘explained to them’ by the competent authority who attested it. The problem was that there was hardly any difference between the  Petition and the Affidavit by the Petitioners. Ours was distinctly different because the Affidavit was prepared independently by us whilst the Petition was prepared by our legal team. Pages 56 & 57 of my book at ) . The Judge dismissed ours and upheld the Petitioners’. These happened during the time Mr Wigneswaran was Chief Minister. I am yet to see any declaration of belief from Mr Wigneswaran in relation to the above.

Mr Wigneswaran is being praised by the above Canadian Tamil, who demotes Mr Sumanthiran whose Party  earned 1st place in Jaffna District:

[The TNA  has taken the Tamils for a ride  almost 11 years now, what they have achieved?????

Sumanthiran must be controlled, He is an efficient lawyer of course, but he is trying to be too smart.

We can hear some speeches in Parliament by Gajan Ponnambalam, Sanaikiyan. Wigneswaran after so many years, exposing the plight of the Tamils.]


Until we accept that  those  of alternate belief are our Equals in status, we would try to take senior position wherever there seems to be a gap in ownership claim. Those who are truly independent would know naturally that they are independent of those of different form of belief . It begins at home between mother and father.