Saturday 30 November 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 November  2019


Immediate past Prime Minister of Sri Lanka, stepped down from the position of PM, stating that he respected the mandate of the People. There is value in such an approach. Successful Democracy requires freedom to manifest as per the structure of majority. The same person stayed on in the position of PM, in 2018, when the then President dismissed him unconstitutionally.

It is the common conclusion of many leaders that Tamils and Muslims voted against Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa. Victor Ivan states in his Financial Times article ‘Unanswered Question’ as follows:

[The facts being such, even in the Presidential Election 2019, these two ethnic groups, Tamils ​​and Muslims, voted for Sajith Premadasa instead of voting for Gotabaya Rajapaksa, not because Sajith Premadasa had assured them that he would resolve their problems or had a secret agreement with them to do so. Their sole intention would have been for the purpose of creating a relaxed regime that would recognise their dignity as citizens and as human beings without unduly hurting them.]
To me this outcome confirms that Tamils & Muslims voted to be independent opposition of  Sinhalese within a Unitary structure. Within them – they are likely to have groups that take Opposition position. So long as this is expressed without damaging others’ contributions – they will find Opportunities to Oppose at national, Regional  and Global levels. Genuine contribution is never wasted. Problems often become uncontrollable due to those who have custody over power,  seeking to hastily manifest outcomes that leaves out others. Such manifestations are often desire-driven.

As per Hindu philosophy, desire and fear are Equal and Opposite in value. A group that is able to manifest the other side of desire as - fear - is Democratic as a whole. When Sinhalese manifest Desire driven outcomes and Tamils and Muslims almost instantaneously manifest Fear – we confirm wholesome Democracy as a whole. These elections have confirmed yet again that minorities in Sri Lanka are Equal Opposition to Majority Sinhala-Buddhists. These minorities have also categorically ruled out armed leadership of their communities. This is a huge victory for Democracy.

Intellectuals are able to bring both – fear and desire - together at the same time through their brain and discriminative thinking using higher measures than physical measures. .

To deliver this outcome, minorities needed to feel ownership in Sri Lanka as a whole and also the courage to participate in political expression of their rights. As Victor has highlighted, we did not vote for Premadasa because we expected quid pro quos. We expressed opposition to Rajapaksa as a united group. This is largely because of the discrimination pain which was kept in check – without taking immediate revenge action. As we learnt through the Ali Sabry demonstration,  some  may have experienced ‘fear’ but by not retaliating through their brothers and sisters who are hasty – they were able to benefit from the courage of those who had developed true ownership in the whole of Sri Lanka. Those who did vote against an armed leader  would not retaliate through arms. Those who promote their desire would not become relatives through Sri Lanka. Some of them would try to provoke revenge.

When the new President took oaths at Ruwanwelisaya and claimed that Sinhala Buddhists elected him – that confirmed to many of us ‘desire’ . This may be purely for the leadership position and its excitement - or extend to ‘punishing’ those who opposed him. It did invoke ‘fear’ in minorities who voted against him. But most members of the minorities are connected to all those who shared in their pain as if we were a common group. We may not be conscious of it – but this develops a Natural structure to the extent the victims respect as their seniors – those who comforted them as shareholders. There are numerous global individuals and groups who have done this with Tamil and Muslim victims and this led the development of a Democratic structure. So long as victims expressly recognize this – they become relatives of such regional and global leaders.

India’s Tamil Nadu is such a shareholder in our pain. Victor presents this as follows:

[Tamil is one of the oldest languages ​​in the world and the bond that the Tamils ​​in Sri Lanka have with the Tamil language is much stronger than the bond the Sinhala people have for their language. The Tamils ​​have rendered relatively a subordinate place to their religious concerns compared to their language. The Tamil language, they consider is the main factor that strengthens the ethnic cohesion of their community. ]
The reason is in the next paragraph:

[One day I was travelling with a transport agent who was distributing the Ravaya newspaper in his vehicle. He told me a strange story. He was a Sinhalese who lived in Batticaloa for a long time, until Black July 1983. He was the transport agent for Tamil newspapers in Batticaloa area. Although there was a practice and a possibility of throwing the newspaper bundle into the shops during the night, this practice was not possible in Tamil areas. It was necessary that the shopkeeper is woken up and the newspaper bundle is handed over to him. Throwing the paper bundle into the shop he said is considered a serious affront and insult done to the language.]

The reason is the Respect for Education. When knowledge  is shared through ‘home-language’ Education and Language are One. Most investors in Tamils of Sri Lanka know that education was of utmost priority to Tamils – especially Northern Province which has far less natural resources relative to Southern Sri Lanka. We had to strive harder to get higher paying jobs which usually required higher thinking. As per my culture – if a paper on which something has been written falls to the ground we usually say sorry to Mother Saraswathi (Goddess of Education) by picking up that paper and kissing it respectfully with our eyes. Hence the respectable  conduct by the Ravaya agent in Batticaloa.

Our civilization was built on the foundation of our sacrifices of other pleasures we could have had at that time out of the wealth we had. It is that sacrifice that naturally gives us the discipline which develops natural structures that keep us focused. Essential to education is respect for the guru. Guru – visible or invisible – is someone we learn from. Genuine Respect results in natural inheritance of the structure itself.

Tamil Militants who copied the Politicians who produced Vaddukoddai Resolution seriously damaged this relationship. Instead they ‘showed’ outcomes. When we live off ‘outcomes’ there are no lasting structures. Thus  the internal relationships of Northern Tamils were weakened and replaced by temporary associations. Victor highlights:

[The number of Tamils killed by the LTTE was very high – 99% of the Tamil leaders killed were by the LTTE and not by the security forces.]
A leader is equivalent to the number of civilians s/he represents as per position and/or by belief. The sacrifices they made to get to those positions were seriously damaged when they were killed by their own juniors. Sathyagraham is one such pathway that develops higher thinking and therefore structures. Those tall positions rendered the community its confidence to form relationships with wider world. Killing those educated leaders was to effectively kill our own structures that supported higher thinking – especially through education. Such killings led to associations with others – especially in India’s Tamil Nadu in the case of Tamil militants and Cuba’s Che Guevara in the case of Sinhala militants.  
But truth being independent of human systems – works to manifest Itself to support those who have upheld truth most of the time through personal sacrifices. Indian Government became such a medium recently – as confirmed by the newly elected President of Sri Lanka who has expressed commitment to reversing the 99 year lease agreement with China re Hambantota port. That land is close to Kathirgamam which is sacred to Hindus and about the glory of which Indian saints have sung.
These are positive manifestations for minorities in Sri Lanka who invested in Democracy. Majority on the other hand do use the system of Democracy to fulfil desires. These elections have facilitated us minorities  to protect ourselves from such rulers. This was possible because we expressed our opposition to being treated as minorities / juniors. Every junior who demonstrates higher standard of conduct and/or quality of produce independent of the senior – is automatically an Equal to the senior. Those who recognize it would continuously share laterally. That is the essence of Democracy led by Equal Opportunity system.

Friday 29 November 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

29 November  2019


My husband who is a fan of ‘Face the Nation’ program of News 1st – Sri Lanka, chose to watch the 25 November program last night. I went along. I soon started yawning and eventually we agreed that it was not as interesting as the other news that did not require too much thinking on our part. But some of the features did highlight to me the ‘gap’ between democratic management of resources and the theory that the participants were largely presenting – as if to promote their knowledge.
Professor Indrajith Aponsu for example stated that the connection made by the Rajapaksa manifesto between Manufacture and Agriculture was that of a genius. Even though I am an Accountant – my brain could not identify with such value. As is my way – I tried to work it out using my home language. The parallel would be Cooking and Vegetable Gardening being connected.  To me they are both connected by common work systems. At family level – they are both sources of family enjoyment. May be I am not smart enough see the special connection at national level.
Dr David Garlick of the University of NSW said I was a genius. I then thought that was because I had served our common unit – Sports Medicine -  as per its needs. I discovered that the charges by the Central Administration were much higher than expected. There are some connections that are based purely on belief. I included the above by Professor Indrajith Aponsu in that group. I do not belong in that top-down group.
It was easier to connect to the Balance of Payments which was connected to Prima which is very much part of my work ancestry. I believe that the ‘Reserves’ I accumulated there – are part of the causal forces that resulted in our family ownership of our current home-unit here in Coogee Australia. This home complex was developed by Prima group and I invoked the blessings of the Chairman who was present at the auction. He did not remember me but I invoked my investment in Prima including by respecting him. That to me is  common ownership. The older the Reserve the richer the current manifestation.
In terms of Balance of Payments – the family parallel is our family’s net borrowings from other families and sources external to us. Banks that lend for home ownership become co-owners in spirit. In the above program,   war related  borrowings were included in Balance of Payments owed by  the Sri Lankan government. When we borrow more than we lend – we are in debt. Did we have to borrow for war related resourcing because somewhere down the line the LTTE and the community that it was part of – had become ‘foreigners?’ If someone is ‘internal’ family – we ‘share’ and down the line all money transactions become part of that sharing once we share in each other’s pain and gain. Do we have huge Balance of Payments Deficit due to the war? Given that Sri Lanka’s education is considered valuable by others did we lose credit with those countries that have recruited Sri Lankans to boost their own exports?
The Prima chairman when I first met him in 1978 was very appreciative of my skills and sought for Singapore staff to be trained by me. It was an ownership gesture which naturally developed common belief in each other and extends to our home nations.
When we are ‘family’ a debt becomes shareholding; when we are ‘foreign’ even a shareholder becomes a creditor. Shareholder and Creditor are on the same side of the Balance Sheet.  Long term creditors eventually become shareholders when we pool together through Common Purpose.
Talking about shareholdings – is the Sri Lankan Government a shareholder or Creditor of the University of Jaffna (UOJ)? When I attributed to Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan as an ancestor of the UOJ – Tamil Diaspora leader Mr Sooriasegaram responded as follows:
[ It is factually incorrect to attribute the creation of University of Jaffna to Sir Ponnampalam Ramanathan. It was created amidst opposition from leaders of Tamil Congress and Federal Party with the active support of Srimavo Bandaranayale, Peter Keunaman, SLFP and the Ceylon Communist Party, who made Professor Kailasapathy as the first Vice Chancellor of this Campus. Sadly the true origin of this University is not known to many, including the academics and the students of this University.]
Another Tamil raised the following question:
[Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan died in 1930! Who’s stirring rumours?]
Our conversation concluded as follows:

Thank you Soori.
              I believe that the contributions made by ancestors are of heritage value. They are eternal values that stay as Energy preserved by the most fundamental form of that institution. In this instance it is the land. You confirm ‘Lands for many schools in the North were given by altruistic men and women in those days. Sir Ponnampalam Ramanathan was one of them’
Thus the Energy of Sir Ponnampalam Ramanathan is preserved in the lands on which the UOJ has been developed. It’s not different to us Australians attributing to the lands that were homes to Indigenous Australians. The form would be common to the ancestor and the heir who invokes those powers. I have been attributing to my guru – Margret Teacher of Holy Family Convent. To me the two are not different to each other.
If  the others provided altruistic services – and you invoke them – YOU must share through your own expressions. To me, yours is new knowledge. It is for these reasons that the families and devotees  perform memorial services to our ancestors. Dr Sangarapillai Manoharan regularly invokes such ancestral powers of his parents. The next one is on 08 Feb at Colombo Tamil Sangam. It’s wonderful service through which our current contributions are blessed and supported by our heritage. Yoga Swami devotees in this group do this under the leadership of Samy Anna and wife Isha Acca here in Sydney.  

When I wrote,  I was doing the parallel in relation to the heritage of Jaffna University in which I have been investing my ‘intelligence’. That was when I first met you.

Warm Regards

The way Soori and I identify with UOJ through different angles all of us who invest in Sri Lanka would identify with Sri Lanka as per our own ‘experiences’.  The more ‘common’ the experience – the stronger our feelings for each other. The more we talk about the war – as victory for one side and defeat for the other – the more we become outsiders to each other. Debts incurred for such separation – could be converted into ownership by playing by the Common Rule of Law.

I could not think of the Government as an ancestor of UOJ because as far as their policies – UOJ became the cemetery  of Merit based entry to Common University places that Tamils were achieving before Standardization Policy in 1972. The militants invoke those spirits. Hence Maveerar / Great Heroes’ Memorials at UOJ. As we sow, so share we reap.

The best known medium through which we develop common shares in global governance is the UN. When the new President expresses commitment to withdraw from the UN led investment in Accountability, he loses ownership shares in the investment  by all Sri Lankans in Accountability and therefore Democracy -at global standards.   Autocracy requires the Opposite – Confidentiality.

Monies received for war efforts become Debts – even though we are not conscious of them. India and China are two such creditors who are demanding their respective pound of flesh/port.

Then there was Mr Asoka Obeysekera – Director of Transparency International who confirmed use of Freedom of Information Law towards former Prime Minister declaring his assets. What was the purpose? Could they have proceeded to take action against the PM by using such declarations? Would that be fair in a system that is higher subjective and autocratic? Or are they political tools to promote their own institutions and demote the Sri Lankan  government?
When we used this law to get information about progress in a Testamentary matter – the Registrar of Mallakam District  Court was more respectful in his attitude towards us. Beyond that he did not produce any outcome. Is that the case with Sri Lankan politicians also? Is Transparency International a toothless tiger?

I believe that when we complete self-governance experiences – we make ownership connections at the level we completed the journey. Those who expect higher benefits – are bound to let themselves and their investors down. In Democracy – we need to start with the grassroots and travel upwards.

Thursday 28 November 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

28 November  2019


Recently, my cousin Priya complimented me on my English language skills. I attributed to ‘Margret Teacher’ of Holy Family Convent – Jaffna. Priya being family, attributed to my mother and grandmother. Yesterday, when accessing my work published by Sri Lanka Guardian, I came across the following at
Appendix 1

Miss G.Navaratnam is well known to me and I can testify to the excellence of her character. As a pupil in our Collegiate School she showed a high degree of intelligence and industry. Remarkable mathematical ability, easy command of both English and Tamil and enthusiastic participation in extra-curricular activities contributed to her brilliant school career. I have known her to be always cheerful, sociable and ready to be of service. Upright and dependable she is capable of giving her best to the task entrusted to her. I have no hesitation in recommending her to any post of responsibility.

(Mrs.) M. Saverimutu
Holy Family Convent Collegiate School – Jaffna
I had the virtual experience as if ‘Margret Teacher’ was valuing me now. ‘Margret Teacher’ was a disciplinarian.  Submitting to that discipline helped me raise my experiences to the higher level so that they would be consolidated in my mind which would merge with highest minds in any environment. Subsequently, here in Australia also I continued to learn the order of expression at the highest level but without losing the simplicity of my own position in an institution. My humble positions helped me learn from seniors - that which they were good at.
The above was published by Sri Lanka Guardian when Nilantha Ilangamuwa was the Editor. Nilantha continuously expressed appreciation for my language skills and did so respectfully. Our minds merged and recently – Nilantha took the trouble to meet me in Colombo. Every time our minds merged – we contributed to common Sri Lankan heritage. Thus far not one Tamil journalist has valued my work as Nilantha of Sinhalese origin has. By genuinely valuing my experiences – Nilantha would be able to naturally access minds at that senior level within Sri Lankan community and global level laterally. As a senior Sri Lankan – I blessed Nilantha yesterday also.

Margret Teacher’s daughter Dr. Mrs. Amirthanjali Sivapalan was head of Linguistics and English literature at the University of Jaffna. I ‘happened’ to sit next to Amirthanjali at the wedding of Sam Hensman who introduced himself to me when I was at the canteen of Jaffna College – undergraduate campus – in-between lectures. I discovered that Sam Hensman is the grandson of my class teacher – Mrs Hensman. Margret Teacher was very much part of our sharing. Sitting next to Amirthanjali happened naturally – without any planning. That is the way ‘belief’ works. Such connections are Energy based. Minds with negative Energy also merge naturally. Amirthanjali passed away early this year – but I keep recalling and appreciating the respect she enjoyed at the University of Jaffna – as if they were mine also. I believe that in turn Amirthanjali’s loved ones would access my wisdom even though they may not be conscious of it.


While accessing my work published by Sri Lanka Guardian, I came across the picture (shown above) of mothers wailing for their ‘lost’ sons. My heart went out to them as if their pain was mine. As per my knowledge – they did not send their sons to fight. The sons chose that pathway or were conscripted by force. When those mothers cry – the sons as well as their masters get cursed. If indeed the mothers had sent them – then they would be honoring their sons as great heroes. That is the way of truth.

I also went against my parents’ wishes from time to time. But by successfully living a respectable life and raising my children to be professionals I made them happy as parents. Thus the standard of the ‘Common Parent’ is raised. My mother did not want me to go to the camps in 2009. When my mother expressed this while I was ‘waiting’ for clearance from the Ministry of Health – in Colombo. I then said words to the effect ‘When Sathyan (Gary Anandasangaree who is now an MP in Canada) goes on such missions – you praise him but when I go for pure humanitarian purposes you become a concerned parent.’ My mother was friends with the family. Since Sathyan’s mum gave him her blessings my mother also accepted it. But Sathyan is now a politician in Canada. His status would therefore be valuable only as part of  the Canadian Government. I am not bound by such protocols. I am free to use my status at any level seen fit by me. I overrode the ‘benefits’ on the way to raise my contribution to Energy / Truth.
We need to therefore ask the question as to whether the above students who disobeyed the lawful ruling of the Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna contributed to unlawful dismissals of and / or by University Administrators. We have no moral authority to blame the government – the President in particular - when such dismissals happen.  Nilantha as editor of Sri Lanka Guardian chose to highlight the following message  of Mr Harvey Perera included in my article:
‘Those who classify themselves as Christians can be divided into 2 broad groups: those who have chosen to allow the Bible to be their final authority and those who have chosen to allow men to be their final authority’.
Obviously – these young ones have chosen to allow men to be their final authority. They have no place at the University where bibles are continuously produced and taught in various subject matters including Political Science. One who is disrespectful of seniors/ gurus has abandoned the academic pathway.

Ada Derana reports under the headingTNA ready to work with current President – Sumanthiran:

[Sumanthiran also urged all political parties in the country that represent the Tamil community to come under its wing and to stand united to fight for Tamil issues.
“With the parliamentary election to happen soon, it was important to join rather than stay divided,” he told the reporters.]
Tamils need to access the wisdom of politicians and other independent Tamils to sustain the unity demonstrated through the recent Presidential elections. The University of Jaffna issue was one such opportunity. Tamils living from election to election will miss the BOAT of Democracy to the destination of self-governance at our own local levels. That small sovereignty – will merge naturally with the Big Universal Sovereignty. That is the promise by the Creator.
The University of Jaffna was founded on the pain of Standardization. Anyone who uses that University for lesser purposes – including for political purposes – is earning the curse of Merit Based system. At University level one does not find fault. One finds the connection between causes and effects. That in itself will lead to self-governance. Once we are in Big Truth – whatever we do will be manifested at the highest level of the environment in need. Even we as co-causers may not know the logic of it at the time of manifestation. But gradually we will  see  perfect logic to every such manifestation.
As per the recent elections – Tamils and Muslims claimed to be the Opposition of the winning President. As per Ada Derana report :
[ Parliamentarian M.A. Sumanthiran, the spokesperson of the TNA, stated that their party is willing to work cordially with the incumbent President, in keeping with the people’s mandate.]

The mandate by the Tamil People was to Oppose the President. This is healthy in Democracy and is essential at lower levels of manifetations. By wanting to work cordially with the President – Mr Sumanthiran is confirming that he effectively voted for the kind of President that Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa is. Hence he was part of the causal force that manifested the disobedience to law through  those to whom Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa’s Tamil parallel – Mr Velupillai Prabakaran is hero. They are in the wrong institution – the  University of Jaffna whose motto is ‘Mei Porul Kaanpathu Arivu’ (Finding Truth is Knowledge).

The full Thirukural (Tamil Bible) goes as follows:

Epporul yar vaayil ketpinum apporul meipporul kaanbathu arivu
[Knowledge is That which leads to the discovery of truth from that which is heard from anyone’s mouth ]
The start is that which happens / visible effect. The destination is the Truth. Knowledge is the pathway from effect to cause.
Those who ‘saw’ the attacker – i.e. – the Armed Forces and concluded that the seen attacker is the cause – do not have a place in the University of Jaffna. This University land holds the power of one who shared his land - Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan – the greatest Ceylonese / Sri Lankan of all times. I manifested it yesterday without conscious planning. I conclude that Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan – the real hero of the University of Jaffna which is a member of the Association of Commonwealth Universities manifested himself through my writing. Neither the biological descendent Mr C V Wigneswaran nor the Professional descendent Mr Sumanthiran - of this Great Hero paid their respects to him publicly to oppose the disobedient students who were desecrating  the purity of education. They have dismissed themselves from University education which is a core purpose of the political actions by Tamil leaders from the time of Standardization.

Wednesday 27 November 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

27 November  2019

Tamil Diaspora: Is it true? (Right of reply)

 People are more important than money and Institutional values are more important than approval of individuals. Money, People and Ownership make up the total value of our work. This is my personal discovery which helps me to keep going – despite disturbances and attempts to deviate us from the core purpose.

Tamil Diaspora: Is it true? (Right of reply)


NDTV reported yesterday,  under the heading ‘Top Detective Flees Sri Lanka After 'Death Threats'.:
A Sri Lankan detective investigating high-profile cases has fled the country after receiving death threats soon after the change of government, police and media reports said Monday.
Inspector Nishantha Silva has sought asylum in Switzerland, according to media reports.’
To the extent Mr Silva invested in law and order – his departure is a loss to Sri Lanka. Likewise,  every Sri Lankan who leaves for good. It’s interesting that Mr Silva is a Sinhalese and was active during the rule of immediate past regime. His departure was caused by a Sinhalese ruler who seems to be a foreigner. Opposition is internal. Beyond that is ‘foreign’ .
During his interview with Mr Faraz Shauketaly on 25 November, Mr Eran Wickramaratne a former minister in the UNP government stated about physically dividing he country – that ‘it used to be the LTTE dividing the country’ . Therein lies the way we picture armed militants. Given that the JVP also followed armed pathway and fought against the government,  did they not divide the country ? The measure needs to be One. One who uses different measure is dividing.
When I spent time with the LTTE in 2003 – during the ceasefire period – I learnt  that all of the cadre at grassroots level thought that they were defending their homeland. It is the ‘duty’ of every citizen to protect the place s/he considers her/his home. But one should stay within that ‘home spirit’ to deserve the support of Truth. A leader must first discipline her/his home group towards this.
In the above mentioned interview, Mr Faraz Shauketaly said words to the effect ‘for good governance you need a robust opposition’. When Politicians fail – this opposition could come from the People. Armed militants – to the extent they defend their rights – become that opposition. They unite through protection of  powers developed through different pathway to the government.
On 09 October 2019 I wrote as follows under the heading ‘ETHICS OR LAW FOR UNIVERSITIES?’, specifically relating to the University of Jaffna whose Vice Chancellor was dismissed for not disallowing Pongu Tamil monument within the University:

[The message in the above mentioned monument
The aspirations of the Tamils, namely right of self-determination, traditional homeland, Tamil as a distinct nationality, should be recognized.”
cannot be possessed by the University of Jaffna. If Academics of the University of Jaffna discovered the above – then they had the duty to go through the due academic process of publishing it as a Research discovery. That discovery ought to have then been part of the teaching in the appropriate faculties – including the faculty of law. To manifest in the stated manner was primitive and an insult to the University itself. ]

Within each group,  to the extent there is freedom to manifest – one has to have Equal Opportunity to Oppose. Without manifestation one is not entitled to oppose. A junior when s/he manifests becomes  Equal Opposition and when such opposition is not manifested – that person remains junior. The manifestation needs to be within the purpose of that group.
I myself demonstrated that kind of Opposition at the University of NSW. I was sent to prison even though there was no lawful provision for it and I did not resist arrest. Every stroke of lawful action – is heard by the mind of the Common owners of law. One who continues despite being dismissed by the custodians of power – connects to that Common  power which then leads that believer.
I believe that it was that ancestral power that led to the Acting Vice Chancellor of the University of Jaffna taking measures to ban LTTE related celebrations on 26th and 27th of this month.
[The University of Jaffna administration has sent round a circular, banning all Maaveerar Naal commemorations, a day before events are set to take place across the Tamil homeland and diaspora.
Maaveerar Naal - or Heroes’ Day - which is marked on November 27th, has been peacefully commemorated by students and staff of the university for several years. 
Under the previous Rajapaksa regime, Tamils in the North-East were forced to commemorate the day in secret, as the Sri Lankan security forces clamped down on any remembrance events.
Despite the return of the Rajapaksa, Tamils into the homeland have continued preparations for tomorrow.]

I  opposed Professor Kandasamy through the case against Dr Dharshanan. Professor Kandasamy may not know me even now. But that common owner of Sri Lankan University knows me as I know all other owners through different pathways. Hence I am satisfied that I completed the ownership experience to eliminate distractions from University. If the students and staff  of the University overrule – then they will be limited to their investment in University education and also lose their ‘right’ to the protection of Common law and order forces.
About ownership of Jaffna depicted by the LTTE through the Karthigai Flower – I wrote as follows on 22 October 2010 (
[Tamil Karthikeyan (Lord Muruga due to His birth in November / Karthigai), sure did recognize my work. A few years after working in Vanni – I happened to join the Carlingford Sai Center – here in New South Wales – at the invitation of Mrs. Vijaya Amirthalingam. Gradually, I started making the garlands for the Shrine on Sundays. I bought the flowers from Flemington markets usually on Saturday mornings. One day I saw a nice looking flower and I bought it because I was attracted to it. I knew I could not make garlands with it but I was specially attracted to that flower. I bought a bunch – for $6. There were 6 flowers in the bunch. The following morning, along with the garlands I took these flowers also to the Carlingford Shrine. There, Mrs. Sivarajah, mother of LTTE activist Yathavan spontaneously said ‘That is the Boys’ flower’. Mrs. Sivarajah went on to explain to me about the Botany of the flower. I was happy that someone was happy and continued to pray. After the prayer session – Mrs. Ganga Sundaram came over to us and said ‘That is Murugan’s flower. It has six petals. In India it usually blooms in November’. That made me very happy because I am so very devoted to Lord Muruga. Many in our group wondered as to how come I had bought it here in Sydney?

After Group Prayers at Carlingford Shrine, my husband and I went to see a nephew and took two of the Karthigai flowers with us – one for us and one for the young couple. Our nephew said that he had purchased the plastic version at Tamil Heroes day celebrations but that he had never seen the real one before that. Our nephew has lived most of his life in Vaddukoddai. While we were there, there was a call from a friend of theirs – in relation to Dr, Gowripalan of the University of NSW wanting to contact me regarding a financial proposal to help needy Tamils. That friend said that Dr.Gowripalan had been very appreciative of my stand against unjust discrimination at the University of NSW. That was the first time a Tamil of independent standing showed appreciation for my work and sacrifices towards Eliminating Racial Discrimination at higher levels of Australian Public Administration. I felt a connection between the Karthigai Flower and all this but did not know how to translate it.
In contrast - Mr Malinda Seneviratne who to my mind is a Sinhalese activist presented a different interpretation Kathirgamam -   a place which is specially dedicated to Lord Muruga . This in essence is the ethnic problem – of Sri Lanka.

The article Kataragama and Athara Maga , begins as follows:

[Those conversant in Sinhala would get it immediately. A play on words. Kataragama is known to almost all Sri Lankans as a destination of pilgrims, place of worship and a place as good as any to reflect on times gone by if you’ve been there many times over the years
Kataragama. It is the name of a God, named after place but with many other names, and among them, these: Skanda, Kandasurindun, Murugan, Murukan, Kartikeya, Sanmugam and Gangeya. Katara-Gama, if one were to break it that way, would be ‘village in the desert’ or ‘desert-village’. Other legends have it that Kataragama is a corruption of Karthikeya-Grama, or ‘The Village of Prince/God Karthikeya’. ‘Athara Maga’ means ‘(somewhere) along the way.’ Nothing divine in that. No fascinating legends either.]

The above confirms to me that the current President who took oaths at Ruwanwelisaya in front of King Dutugemunu monument  has invoked the power of Kathirgamam. Wikipedia confirms as follows, the connection between King Duttugemunu and  Kathirgamam:
[Stories relating to some of the king's constructions reflect a spiritual relationship with the Kataragama deviyo. Two such sites are Henakaduwa Purana Raja Maha Viharaya at Tangalle and Ruhunu Kataragama Maha Devalaya.
During the period of preparations for war with King Elara, the Kataragama deity appeared in front of King Dutugemunu and gave him a sword for him to use in the war at the present day site of Henakaduwa temple (hena and kaduwa, meaning thunder and sword respectively in Sinhalese).
After defeating Elara in single combat in the Battle of Vijithapura and subsequently regaining power in the country, the Kataragama deity appeared yet again before Dutugemunu while the latter was in meditation at Kiri Vehera, Kataragama. The victorious king asked the deity what should be done in return for the deity's help in winning the battle. The god replied by shooting an arrow in the direction of Wedihiti Kanda from Kiri Vehera and instructed Dutugemunu to build it a shrine where the arrow lands.]

Even though a Buddhist – King Dutugemunu did not seek Buddha’s blessings. If he had, he would have renounced his throne. Lord Muruga is a War-Lord. Hence Tamil Hindu soldiers chant – ‘Vettri Vel Veera Vel’ when going to battle. Vel is the spear of Lord Muruga. As the Sunday Observer cartoon below depicts , the lion in the Sri Lankan Flag hands over to King Dutugemunu reincarnated as President Gotabaya – the sword to fight against Tamil king:

The sword in the Sri Lankan flag is vertically held to the ground by the Lion. The sword in the flag of King Dutugemunu  is like in the above cartoon. One is entitled to conclude that the lion is Lord Murugan. Is that going to be Prabhakaran coming in the form of Modi and New Delhi being the Kathirgamam?

Lord Krishna said that Truth manifests in the form of our belief. I pray regularly  to Lord Muruga specifically through Kantha Sashti Kavasam in which Kathirgama Kathirvel Murugan has been specially mentioned in the hymn by its author Swami Devaraya who as per today’s demarcations was Indian. But every time a Sri Lankan chants the hymn with belief – the minds become One. Such a mind has the power to invoke India’s Tamil Nadu whose presiding deity is Murugan. Jaffna Kingdom and Tamil Nadu would naturally become One through such believers. We don’t need to wage war or enter into agreements.
Wikipedia presents the following about Kathirgamam:

[The first literary mention of Kataragama in a context of a sacred place to kandha-Murugan is in its Tamil form Kathirkamam in the 15th-century devotional poems of Arunagirinathar. Tradition claims that he visited the forest shrine when he composed the poems. According to his poems, the deity dwelt on top of a mountain.[1] The first mention of Kataragama deviyo in the form Khattugama, as a guardian deity of Sri Lanka and its Buddhist relics, was in the Pali chronicle of Jinakalamali written during the 16th century in what is today Thailand.[10][11] (see Jatukham Rammathep a popular Thai amulet, based on Khattugama, a deity from Sri Lanka) Kataragama village is first mentioned in the historical annals known as Mahavamsa written down in the 5th century CE. It mentions a town named Kajjaragama from which important dignitaries came to receive the sacred Bo sapling sent from Ashoka’s Mauryan Empire on 288 BCE.[12] (According to Ponnambalam Arunachalam Kajjaragama is derived from Kârttikeya Grâma ("City of Kartikeya"), shortened to Kajara-gama) ]

Sir Ponnambalam Arunachalam was the brother of Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan who was honoured by the Hon D S Senanayake as "the greatest Ceylonese of all times". Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan was also educated at Royal College where many supporters of Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe  also had their education.  These are networks of common belief that support those who are true to those institutions / places.  They are now in opposition.

As per Mr Malinda Seneviratne’s interpretation of Kathirgamam philosophy :
[So what’s this juxtaposition apart from the obvious play of alliteration? Well, it’s a well-known Sinhala saying, danagena giyoth kataragama, nodana giyoth atharamaga (‘if you know the road, you will reach Kataragama and if you don’t, you won’t’ or rather, by implication, ‘you will get lost’)……..
There are Kataragamas everywhere. Any place of worship is a Kataragama in this sense. And it’s not just places. Any objective is a Kataragama. Here are some common Kataragamas: an examination, a career goal, knowledge acquisition, building a house, educating oneself or one’s children, a political project and even charity. ]

In Mahabharatham – Lord Krishna says to Throupathi that when she called out to Him through Common but distant names He did not appear. But when she said Iruthaya Vaasa – One who dwells in my heart – He came instantaneously. It was because I had Lord Buddha in my heart that I was able to invoke him when dealing with Buddhist officers whose approval I needed to serve the refugees in the camps in 2009.

As per my family sharing, in the olden days – one had to have the call from one’s heart to go to Kathirgamam. Otherwise one would get lost on the way. I interpret that as one has to have belief based call when there is no regulated pathway to reach the destination. I had such a call – in 2005 to go to Mankerni in Batticaloa to serve Tsunami victims. After President Kumaratunga accepted my proposals I went on my own to Kathirgamam – to say thank you. There at the shrine the sweet rice that the priest intended for a Sinhalese lady came into my hands. As asked by the Priest I went outside and waited for some time. When the priest did not come I went over to the Ganesh temple next door where I could sit down and enjoy the rice which was my main meal after a long day.
Patrick Harrigan – an American wrote as follows about this connection that he identified with:
[You will immediately notice the professional approach that Gaja and Julia have brought to our work in Mankerny, which hitherto had consisted of my occasional visits, including 18 annual pada yatra foot pilgrimages through Mankerny, whose poverty never prevented the Mankerny folks from feeding the multitude of pilgrims on their long trek to Kataragama. Gaja’s style also tells you something about her motivation in wishing to serve the poorest devotees of the inscrutable god of Kataragama, Lord Skanda-Murugan’]

Malinda seems to think that he can read Kathirgamam’s value without much effort. He can – to the extent it has been made Buddhist shrine during the times reachable by our human body and brain. Not so the Soul value which is identified with only through Belief / Truth/Purity of Purpose. Like Patrick and Julia – many Americans have supported Tamils including through common faith in Murugan. The inscrutability confirms this confidential and undisturbed connection through which Sri Lankan Tamils will connect to regional and global networks. This needed separation from those who were ‘attached’ to physical manifestations of ownership. The Prescriptive Ordinance Sri Lanka confirms that one has the right to ownership by continuous, uninterrupted, adverse occupation. That overrides other visible forms of ownership including through the official written rule by those who are elected by majority vote.

Tamils who so occupy through belief are owners with the right to self-governance.  This includes those of us living in Australia – as confirmed by the Karthigai Flower coming to me here in Australia. The new President whose family has demonstrated that it believes in Horoscopes – have invoked the past structures. Hindustani Times confirms :

[India-Sri Lanka joint military exercise to begin in Pune from December 1]

Tamil militants were trained in India by government officers. Are they therefore chasing away the Sinhalese law and order officers? Is it their spirit that is working through Mr Modi?