Monday 31 August 2020


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 August  2020



Three Seasons

 Past, Present and Future are significant demarcations in many cultures. To my mind, the three eyes of Lord Shiva depict the three time structures. The third eye is the Present; Right eye is the past and Left eye is the future. Likewise in the Hindu Holy Trinity - Brammah the Creator, is the past, Vishnu the Preserver is the Present and Shiva the Destroyer (of the physical form) is the Future. I relate to the Christian Holy Trinity in like manner. They are philosophical mind structures of those who gave us those scriptures. When abused any philosophy upsets the logic of the mind and is effectively superstitious.

Yesterday, Australian Tamil Mr Kulanathan shared with us an example of the three eyes – Sanga period; Kambar Period and Kannathasan Period. (Ref Appendix)

Interestingly it happened at the same time Sri Lankan Tamil Politician Mr CV Wigneswaran presented the work of Chancellor of the University of Jaffna, Professor Pathmanathan’s work in National Parliament. In essence it was about Tamil Investment in Lanka. The analysis also mentions three periods - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic. My search brought up the following meanings:

[The Paleolithic was an age of purely hunting and gathering, but toward the Mesolithic period the development of agriculture contributed to the rise of permanent settlements. The later Neolithic period is distinguished by the domestication of plants and animals.]

The above three confirm as to how we merged more and more with the non-human part of our natural environment. But unlike Kulanathan who finds the commonness of how love is associated through Colours by poets in the three periods Mr Wigneswaran did not show the common thread. Nor is there a current version included in the work that was presented to the Parliament through Mr Wigneswaran. In Kulanathan’s presentation the current version goes to various aspects of nature common to all cultures.

It is noteworthy that Professor Pathmanathan is a specialist in ‘History’ which is about the past. The parallel of that in the case of Mr Wigneswaran is Thesawalamai law. In their old forms both are out of place in a Democratic Parliament – including the Parliament of Northern Province. My book Naan Australian found its way through ordinary staff of the University of Jaffna to the Library. This would help merge laterally with other Universities and also the efforts made to maintain law and order in those universities by a person of  Jaffna Tamil origin. Someone forwarded the Island article ‘Race, class, and Wigneswaran’s historiography­’ by Uditha Devapriya – confirming the absence of current value.


There was a golden opportunity for a judicial expert to challenge the government on the election of Government  MP-elect Premalal Jayasekara, as per the current Constitution and specifically in relation to debate on ‘Vote on Account’  which was bound to have included Election Expenses.

On 09 August I raised this issue through my article ‘Two Thirds Majority to Demote Judiciary?

[The verdict of the People of Ratnapura in the case of Mr Premalal Jayasekara who now becomes equal in status to Mr Vasudeva Nanayakkara and Mr Wigneswaran, have confirmed their rule to be mafia rule. The question of whether Mr Premalal Jayasekara’s name was legitimately allowed in the voting list has to be examined through Article 89 (d) of the Sri Lankan Constitution which provides as follows:


[No person shall be qualified to be an elector at an election of the President, or of the Members of Parliament or to vote at any Referendum, if he is subject to any of the following disqualifications, namely –


(d) if he is serving or has during the period of seven years immediately preceding completed serving of a sentence of imprisonment (by whatever name called) for a term not less than six months imposed after conviction by any court for an offence punishable with imprisonment for a term not less than two years or is under sentence of death or is serving or has during the period of seven years immediately preceding completed the serving of a sentence of imprisonment for a term not less than six months awarded in lieu of execution of such sentence : Provided that if any person disqualified under this paragraph is granted a free pardon such disqualification shall cease from the date on which the pardon is granted ;]


Yesterday’s Sunday Times article ‘Constitutional provisions cited by AG say Jayasekera can’t become MP’ – confirms to me that someone with a current structure  had read my article or was genuinely seeking it and hence the Administrative process.

As per the above article :

[Mr Jayasekara, who has been sentenced to death for a 2015 murder, requested the Commissioner General of Prisons to allow him to go to Parliament to take oaths as an MP. The Commissioner General had turned to the Justice Ministry for advice, and the Ministry had referred the matter to the AG’s Department.

Justice Ministry sources said that in reply to the ministry’s letter, the AG’s Department had written back referring to Articles 89(d) and 91(1)(a) of the Constitution. The ministry has now forwarded the letter to the Department of Prisons.

Article 89 deals with disqualification to be an elector. According to Article 89(d), one of the disqualifications is if a person is “under sentence of death.” Article 91 refers to disqualification for election as a Member of Parliament.

Article 91(1)(a) notes that no person can be elected as an MP or sit and vote in Parliament if he or she “becomes subject to any of the disqualifications specified in Article 89.”

In light of this situation, either the Department of Prisons or Mr Jayasekara’s lawyers may refer the matter to court in the coming days to seek clarification, sources said.

Meanwhile, on Friday, Speaker Mahinda Yapa Abeywardena told Parliament that he had instructed the Commissioner General of Prisons to bring Mr Jayasekara to Parliament at its next sitting date on September 8 to take oaths as an MP.]

My emails including the one carrying the above article go to Dr Ali Sabry who is now the Minister for Justice as well as to Mr Wigneswaran. Neither engaged with me on this and both are now members of Parliament responsible for implementing laws relevant to the current generation. One who cares will identify with the real needs of the People – even though the People often do not know themselves nor what is right or wrong as per the law.

Both have failed Sri Lanka, the Judiciary and themselves. 





அன்று - சங்க காலம் !

பொன்வண்ணத்து அந்தாதி : ( சேரமான்பெருமாள் நாயனார் )

ஒரு பெண், சிவனைப் பார்க்கிறாள், அவர்மீது நேசம் கொள்கிறாள், அப்போது அவள் பாடும் பாடல் இது

அவளது கண்களுக்கு சிவன் ஒரு வண்ணமயம் ஆக தெரிகிறான் !


பொன்வண்ணம்  எவ்வண்ணம்   அவ்வண்ணம்  மேனி பொலிந்திலங்கும்

மின்வண்ணம்  எவ்வண்ணம்   அவ்வண்ணம்  வீழ்சடை வெள்ளிக்குன்றம்

தன்வண்ணம்   எவ்வண்ணம்   அவ்வண்ணம்  மால்விடை தன்னைக்கண்ட

என்வண்ணம்  எவ்வண்ணம்   அவ்வண்ணம்  ஆகிய ஈசனுக்கே






அன்று - இடைக்காலம் !

கம்பனின் தமிழ் வண்ணத்து அந்தாதி : ()

அகலிகை , இராமனைப் பார்க்கிறாள், அவர்மீது நேசம் கொள்கிறாள், அப்போது அவள் பாடும் பாடல் இது

அவளது கண்களுக்கு இராமன் ஒரு கரிய வண்ணமயம் ஆக தெரிகிறான் !


இவ்வண்ணம் நிகழ்ந்த வண்ணம்   இனிஇந்த உலகுக் கெல்லாம்

உய்வண்ணம் அன்றி மற்றோர்   துயர்வண்ணம்உறுவது உண்டோ

மைவண்ணத்து அரக்கி போரில்    மழைவண்ணத்துஅண்ண லேஉன்

கைவண்ணம் அங்குக் கண்டேன்   கால்வண்ணம்இங்குக் கண்டேன்








இன்று இக்காலம் !!

பெண் வண்ணத்து அந்தாதி: (  கண்ணதாசன்  )

ஒரு ஆண் , அவளைப்  பார்க்கிறான், அவள் மீது நேசம் கொள்கிறான், அப்போது அவன் பாடும் பாடல் இது

அவனது கண்களுக்கு அவள் ஒரு வண்ணமயம் ஆக தெரிகிறாள் !





பால்வண்ணம் பருவம் கண்டு வேல் வண்ணம் விழிகள் கண்டு 

மான்வண்ணம் நான் கண்டு  வாடுகிறேன்!


கண்வண்ணம் அங்கே கண்டேன்! கை வண்ணம் இங்கேகண்டேன்!

பெண்வண்ணம் நோய் கொண்டு வாடுகிறேன்!

கன்னம்மின்னும் மங்கை வண்ணம் உந்தன் முன்னும் வந்த பின்னும் 

அள்ளிஅள்ளி நெஞ்சில் வைக்க ஆசையில்லையா?


கார்வண்ணக் கூந்தல் தொட்டு தேர் வண்ண மேனிதொட்டு 

பூவண்ணப்பாடம் சொல்ல எண்ணம் இல்லையா?


மஞ்சள்வண்ண வெய்யில் பட்டு கொஞ்சும் வண்ண வஞ்சிச் சிட்டு

அஞ்சிஅஞ்சிக் கெஞ்சும் போது ஆசை இல்லையா?

நேர்சென்ற பாதை விட்டு நான்சென்ற போது வந்து 

வா வென்று அள்ளிக் கொண்ட மங்கையில்லையா?


பருவம்வந்த காலம் தொட்டு பழகும் கண்கள் பார்வை கெட்டு

என்றும்உன்னை எண்ணி எண்ணி ஏங்கவில்லையா?


நாள்கண்டு மாலையிட்டு நான் உன்னைத் தோளில்வைத்து 

ஊர்வலம்போய் வர ஆசையில்லையா?



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