Wednesday 5 August 2020

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

05 August  2020


We can see professors. Professors cannot see Arsenic.

We cannot see gods. Gods can see Arsenic.

As per the Hindu epic Mahabharatham – there were many battles between kings of small kingdoms – to fight which some switched alliances. Some like King Shalya were ‘tricked’ into joining the majority side. Lord Krishna was with minority side because they asked for him whole King Krishna’s army joined the majority side.

With the ongoing ethnic war in Sri Lanka there are many battles being fought including by switching sides. Dr Dayan Jayatilleke for example took the side of Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa during n the past. As per his latest confession ‘Dr Dayan Jayatilleke’ is now claiming that he supports Sajith Premadasa. The only time Dr Dayan Jayatilleke responded to my email was to promote Sajith and other young ones in Politics. In this recent confession Dayan confirmed that he had worked closely with Sajith’s father in during the insurgencies – both North and South.

Dayan indicated that he waited until Sajith broke away from the UNP led by Ranil. The consolidated form of these declarations is that Dayan promotes armed conflict – so he could shine as he did during the time Mr Premadasa Snr was President. The following presentation of Dayan, by Wikipedia confirms this:

[Whilst at Binghamton he was involved with solidarity movements in support of El Salvador, Guatemala and Nicaragua. He returned to Sri Lanka in 1982 to observe the presidential election but, having gotten involved in militant Sri Lankan politics, never returned to Binghamton and dropped out.]

The above confirms that Dayan is promoter Militant-Politics – the environment in which he is likely to win. But the fundamental problem here is that Militant-Politics is effectively reverse autocracy which is NOT Demcracy.

Then there is this Island report headed ‘Lanka’s Ambassador in Myanmar accused of campaigning for SLPP, SLFP’:

[ Attorney-at-law Nishantha Palliyaguruge, in a letter to the Election Commission (EC), has accused Sri Lanka Ambassador in Myanmar Prof. Nalin de Silva of campaigning for the Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna (SLPP) as well as the Sri Lanka Freedom Party………………..

Prof. De Silva, in his response to Attorney-at-law Palliyaguruge with copies to members of the EC, has asked what were the specific violations perpetrated by him as regards the Parliamentary Election law. The outspoken academic declared that he was not a government servant while finding fault with the lawyer for not writing his name properly.]

As a science driven person – one is entitled to appreciate such a request from Prof. De Silva. Wikipedia has published a different side to this Professor as follows:

[When the authenticity of the findings made by the University of Kelaniya team were questioned by other scientists De Silva stated that the god "Natha" had first told them about the arsenic through a mystic.

The merit (pina) in this regard should go to the "samyak drshtika devivaru" who first told that Arsenic is present in Rajarata drinking water and later revealed to us that Arsenic which is not found naturally in Sri Lanka has found its way to the wells and the wewas in Rajarata through Agrochemicals.

It's simply like this. We can see professors. Professors cannot see Arsenic. We cannot see gods. Gods can see Arsenic. I like this because there is certain symmetry in it... I know very well that the so-called objective scientific method is a lie]

Like Dr Dayan Jayatilleke in Politics, Professor De Silva seems to be switching between Science and Belief  in Politics:

[Nalin de Silva was formally a member of the Marxist Trotskyite Lanka Sama Samaja Party and the Nava Sama Samaja Party, and as a marxist studying both disciplines he intensively began to question the foundations of both Marxism and science. As a result, in 1986, he wrote Mage Lokaya (My World), criticizing the basis of the established western system of knowledge, and its propagation, which he refers as "domination throughout the world".He explained in this book that mind independent reality is impossible and knowledge is not found but constructed.]


Both enjoyed the benefits of Diplomatic postings and yes, funded by taxpayers. A self-resourced diplomat needs to be free of direct political influence.

I also reason through belief  when I need to complete the connection between cause and effect. I am currently using this with Coronavirus spread by connecting it to the disturbance of Silk-Road heritage which is a depiction of undisturbed Belief over a long period.  But if I were earning money and/or status in that discipline – I would not do that. As per my ethics I should not. Until a scientific cause is known to majority in need of the knowledge – I will be driven by my belief but without enforcing it on anyone else. Once I enforce – it is no longer belief but a business.

On the part of Tamils an intellectual leader directed us to a publishing by Tamilwin - with the following comments:

[There joins the Eelam king too at the last moment. Welcome your majesty.]





My response to that was ‘Following in the footsteps of CV Wigneswaran???’

These are all confirmations of living in the past they are attached to. It means also that they are cheating in their current positions.





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