Sunday 6 June 2021


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

06 June 2021





Everything is Energy and that is all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you can not help but get that reality. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. – Albert Einstein


This morning I needed the book / diary in which I make notes regarding my very personal details – such as my password to access our temple camera etc. One such detail is an account of how many trips the tuk-tuk driver in Colombo has undertaken as courier to our audit office, for which cousin Arunthathi has been paying. I shifted the book / diary recently, when rearranging some files. This morning when I looked in the usual place, it was not there. I went close to my work desk but could not see it. When I was about to turn around, my eyes went to the book on the floor. It was as if the book was saying to me ‘I am here’. These days I have similar experiences more frequently than I did before – when I expected returns from others. I relate to Einstein’s above discovery through such experiences.


I accessed the article I was directed to by a Tamil Diaspora leader – to which another in that list responded positively. The article was headed ‘Sri Lanka’s Steady Sliding Towards Military Dictatorship’. The author is presented as ‘Thambu Kanagasabai, LLM  – London, Former Lecturer in Law, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka’. I have read this author’s previous articles and have learnt more about Sri Lankan law. But beyond that our mind structures are different. Dr Kanagasabai highlights his thought structure as follows:

[The moves and actions of former President Rajapakshe and President Gotabaya Rajapakshe since assuming office are writings on the wall for impending fostering of a military dictatorship.

Some of the moves can be listed as follows:-


[d] The arrests and detention of Jaffna Mayor Manivannan under Draconian PTA on unfounded allegations of inciting violence is an act of political revenge.

[g]Destruction of Mullivakkal Monument Stone by the Sri Lankan forces on May 12 2021 and another earlier destruction of Mullivakkal Memorial constructed by the Jaffna University students.]

The Academic in Dr Kanagasabai would know that a law has to balance perfectly – so a practitioner  could project effects/outcomes caused by their lawful actions and v.v.  

Jaffna Mayor Manivannan is an Attorney at law as per Sri Lankan structure. Dr Kanagasabai accepts that the war memorial was built by students. As per BBC report ‘The monument was built in 2019 in memory of Tamils who lost their lives in the 26-year civil war between government forces and the Tamil Tiger rebel group.

If this were true, then that University is the place common to all members of the Jaffna community. The LTTE did have war-memorials for its soldiers. Many members of the public died over the years of war but there were no memorials for them. Hence a war memorial in Jaffna, as per the definition confirms that it was built for the Tamil soldiers who died in the war but did not have special ceremonies as per their respective cultures. Here in Australia, we call them ‘surrogate graves for soldiers who died in war’. The place of death – when known is the natural grave of those who died there. As per Wikipedia:

[The United Nations has defined a criminal mass grave as a burial site containing three or more victims of execution, although an exact definition is not unanimously agreed upon]

Such mass graves were found in North as well as South. Duraiappah Stadium mass grave which was surfaced in April 1999, is within the area of management covered by Mayor Manivannan’s office. To the extent the LTTE seemed ‘right’ to Mr Manivannan, he would be naturally opposed by the spirit of then Mayor Alfred Duraiappah who was killed by the LTTE. Truth never dies. Effects of negative truth could be offset by positive truth but one cannot kill truth because it is Energy without a body.

As per the above analysis, when the Jaffna University students built the war memorial in 2019 – it was for the Tamil soldiers and the students were promising to follow in the footsteps of the LTTE.

As per my knowledge, Jaffna Mayor Manivannan was seen to support the students who protested against the demolition in January 2021. Given that the LTTE is recognized as a proscribed group in Sri Lanka, and given that the Tamil soldiers were LTTE – anyone who supported the LTTE in Sri Lanka is punishable by the relevant law. In action, Manivannan who is a practicing lawyer has two masters – one political and the other the official law.

The way SWRD Bandaranaike sought to introduce Sinhala as the only official language, LTTE also pushed for only Tamil. Raj Gonsolkorale wrote as follows recently about this:

[SWRD Bandaranaike campaigned for the Sinhala language to replace English as the working language in government, progressively, with the Tamil language given that status in traditionally Tamil speaking areas of the country. His clear vision was for the majority of the population, and not just the elite minority, to enjoy the fruits of independence gained by the country as free citizens. The mother tongue, meaning Sinhala for the Sinhalese and Tamil for the Tamils was going to be the language of instruction in schools. However, this was planned to be implemented progressively from the mid-sixties.]

The above interpretation by Raj, is different to that of mine – as per my experience. But, the likes of Mayor Manivannan would give Opposition to Raj’s interpretation under the leadership of the likes of Dr Kanagasabai. The reason is that Truth when manifested would produce its Equal other side at the level of manifestation. The Energy that SWRD manifested confirmed Sinhalese only as official language.  I identify with the following presentation of this by Wikipedia:

[At the 1956 parliamentary elections, the leader of the Mahajana Eksath PeramunaS. W. R. D. Bandaranaike campaigned on a promise to make Sinhala the sole official language of Sri Lanka. Bandaranaike won the election and was named the 4th Prime Minister of Sri Lanka. After his government was set up, he made it his priority to follow up on his promises related to the language issue, and introduced the Official Language Act (commonly known as the Sinhala Only Act) on June 5, 1956.]

Through that Sinhala Only Act – Mr Bandaranaike alienated himself from those who intellectually understood English law and pushed minorities to their respective local cultural laws such as Thesawalamai for Tamils Muslim law for Muslims. Effectively – it took the Sinhalese back to Kandyan law. If we take it that the Sinhala Only Act was as per SWRD’s belief – which it is required to be then Natural Forces would manifest Opposition at that level. This naturally happened through Tamils at the level of SWRD. This resulted in Bandaranaike–Chelvanayakam Pact  1957. But educated Sinhalese politicians opposed this pact:

[In September 1957, Jayawardene announced a 72-mile march from Colombo to the central city of Kandy in opposition to the pact. He declared that at the end of the march, he would pray against the agreement at the sacred Buddhist shrine the Temple of the Tooth, and invoke the blessings of the gods against the agreement. The proposed march was banned by the government, which cited fears of violence, but the ban was ignored by the UNP.

The march began on October 4, 1957, with Jayawardene and Dudley Senanayake at the head of the procession. At Grandpass junction in Colombo, the march was pelted with stones by supporters of the SLFP. Opposition to the march intensified further as it passed Kelaniya, and S. D. Bandaranaike, nephew of Prime Minister Bandaranaike, squatted in the middle of the road with his supporters to stop the march at Imbulgoda, in Gampaha. As a result, the UNP was forced to give up the march, and they proceeded to Kandy by vehicle, where they declared they would oppose the setting up of regional councils.]

Kandy would have meant Kandyan law and hence if the strength of the believers amongst the UNP protestors was stronger then they were effectively protesting for Sinhala Only Act and this meant the substance of Sinhalese . In essence this was Kandyan law. That is how blind acts of opposition demoted law makers to lower level mind-structures than those developed by users of English law which brought us global relations. Raj has bypassed all these to present a picture of Equality that is not real.

Interestingly, both these leading Sinhalese parties that opposed Commonness – have lost their own identity. SWRD’s SLFP did that first in 2015 and UNP in 2020. Their parallels in the Tamil community also recorded the following:

[The leader of the All Ceylon Tamil CongressG. G. Ponnambalam opposed the pact, as did Member of Parliament C Suntheralingham, who in a letter to Chelvanayakam wrote that instead of the regional councils promised by the pact, he wanted “an autonomous Tamil state which would constitute a Commonwealth of Dominion of Tamil Ilankai” ] Wikipedia

The only party that continues to keep the traditional structure is ITAK. It is the main Political party within Tamil National Alliance. The pact – was preceded by the following resolutions at their party convention in  Trincomalee, on August 20, 1956:


·       The establishment of a new constitution for Sri Lanka based on federal principles, with the creation of one or more Tamil states enjoying wide autonomous powers

·       Parity status for Tamil alongside Sinhala as the official languages of the country

·       The repeal of citizenship laws that denied Indian Tamils Sri Lankan citizenship

·       The cessation of state dry land colonization schemes


To the extent Tamils uphold the residual values of the  above in their current versions, we would continue to be the real opposition in Sri Lankan Democratic governance, with the blessings of all those who genuinely contributed to self-governance. Those who are not Sri Lankans would also contribute through their own true contributions to the system of Democracy.

Hence, instead of finding fault with the current government and developing fear of armed control, we need to eliminate unjust autocracy from our home environments and practice the system of Democracy in our home groups. The rest will happen naturally through the system regulated by Universal franchise.

At Energy level – the investment in Democracy by Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa is low due to his own military background. By finding fault while carrying the same negative in our home-group – we are actually demoting ourselves to that level – thus making it easy for them to have a war environment locally. Instead, if we invest genuinely in Democracy – we would naturally invoke global partnerships through the Energy of Universal Franchise. As per that Franchise – those who practice autocracy in their home groups would elect autocrats to lead them and v.v. Hence it is up to us to first practice that which we seek in our leaders – especially our Opposition leaders.


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