Wednesday 2 June 2021


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

02 June 2021





Yesterday, in response to my article ‘COLOMBO PORT CITY & ONTARIO’,  a Tamil Diaspora leader directed me to Sri Lanka Guardian article headed [US Congress moves ahead with resolution to recognize “traditional Tamil homeland”]. I searched for the origin and found it under the Sunday Times Political Editorial headed ‘Government fighting fires at home and abroad’. The sub-column is headed ‘US Congress moves ahead with resolution on Lanka’. It introduces the subject matter as ‘The resolution refers to the north east of Sri Lanka as the “traditional Tamil homeland.”

To my mind, the resolution is confirmation of Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976. When one reads with that as the base, the value of the above would be global. The Sunday Times Political Editorial highlights as follows:

[The House Foreign Affairs Committee was sent the resolution on May 18 which seems to be auspicious for the Tiger guerrilla rump. They secured the “Genocide education week” in Ontario, Canada and held a commemoration event adjacent to Downing Street in London.]

But there is no mention of the Opposition by a Tamil to the ‘Genocide’ claim. This to me,  means  that the Sunday Times does not recognise the Power of One. But the system of Natural Justice does.

The reason why I went to the origin was to connect to the truth revealed by the origin of the report. The Tamil Genocide law was sensationalised by Canadian Tamils who do not seem to have debated it internally within the Canadian Tamil Community. In democracy this Equal Opposition is essential as woman is to man to make children who would continue with traditions. If there was no group within Tamils in Canada with alternate belief, then one has to conclude that all Canadian Tamils consider what happened to be Genocide. Given that I expressed opposition – on behalf of my group which includes Vaddukoddai folks, I am confirmed to be the heir of Independent Sri Lankan Tamil Political leaders.

The existing system, from time to time, blocks our progress. One who is committed to a system and yet is blocked by the system, but lives as per her/his truly - naturally gets promoted to the Universal system. Once within that system – we would connect to the causes that all contributed to and not just us or just ‘them’. The height at which we go into that system – determines how broad our insight is. We do not need any more. The deeper the root the broader our vision.

As per the above report the Resolution is based on the discoveries including the following:

[“Whereas the Northern Provincial Council of Sri Lanka adopted in resolutions calling for an international investigation into alleged war crimes committed during the armed conflict and for a U.N.-monitored referendum in the northeastern region of the island to support the development of a permanent political solution]

Recommendation 7 upholds this as follows:

[(7) urges the United States to work with the United Nations General Assembly, the United Nations Security Council, and the United Nations Human Rights Council to establish a credible and effective international mechanism for accountability for the grave crimes committed during the war in Sri Lanka.”]

Those Tamils who were committed to law and order at its highest in Northeastern Sri Lanka and expressed and acted beyond that as per their truth – contributed to the above global level partnership. They would not refer to ‘what happened’ as Genocide. All those who did refer to it as Genocide – get dismissed by the current global political system.

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