Sunday 19 April 2020

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

19 April  2020

Aerosols & Covid-19

Recently I said to a member of the Australian Tamil community that when he sponsored someone to migrate to Australia, he needed to ensure that the sponsored person was given a share of the difficulties that he went through to come to Australia – at least as strict discipline until that debt is repaid. Otherwise the debt of sponsorship would become ‘sin’ once they are free of each other. Sovereignty at place of birth is a natural right, including to express our beliefs. Election to leadership is based on one’s sovereign powers. The current President of Sri Lanka was not thus elected by minorities of Sri Lanka. The entitlement to therefore hold the position of the whole one needs to abide by the law – which is an intellectual pathway to becoming entitled to rule over those who voted against this President. At 70 when one restructures one’s own pathway – one would have difficulty restructuring and therefore one’s karma / truth would tend to precede one’s brain based assessment. Such leaders would tend to promise and show results as prophesies using results over which they have control. This in essence is my experience of the following theory of self-fulfilling prophesies by William Isaac Thomas :

[If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences]

The Telegraph published ‘What is coronavirus, how did it start and how big could it get?’ and connected it to the film Contagion 2011 which connects the source of similar disease to bats. In 2011 Tamil Nadu Politician and  film maker Udhayanidhi Stalin released the films 7aam Arivu (7th Sense) about similar virus attack in Tamil Nadu – originating from China. Its Hindi title was Chennai vs China. Of interest to me was the mention of China’s involvement in the 2009 war and also the burning of the Jaffna Library. The difference between  Contagion and 7aam Arivu is that the Tamil film’s strong emphasis is on tradition and how that works mind to mind. As one who is strongly respectful of my ancestors  - family and religious – I appreciated that approach very much. In fact, my attention was drawn to this film when I shared my Australian experiences with my nephew in law – Aravinthan Balakrishnan who is also very respectful of family  elders.

To me the mind connection in relation to Coronavirus is of greater importance than the medical reasons. My articles on this have been on that basis – which would help others in my circle of Sovereignty to protect themselves with what we have NOW. After making the connection between the spread of the virus and water carried by air – I wrote as follows on 05 April under the heading ‘DID W. H. O. RECOMMEND PIRITH?’

“Aljazeera provides the following report about the ‘Big Picture’:
[On December 31 last year, China alerted WHO to several cases of unusual pneumonia in Wuhan, a port city of 11 million people in the central Hubei province. The virus was unknown.
February 15 saw the death toll in mainland China surge past 1,500, with 66,492 infections confirmed in mainland China. 
Elsewhere, the US prepared to evacuate its citizens from a cruise ship quarantined at a Japanese dock.
Meanwhile, a February 3 speech by Chinese President Xi Jinping, published by state media, indicated the government knew about the threat of the virus well before the public alarm was raised. ]

One is therefore entitled to conclude that the current government is misleading the people even at this worst of times.

The action might have been right in terms of science and the  connection of the virus to water. To my mind, this has been confirmed also through our Australian Bondi Beach experience and also the Cruise ship infections. Yet the Sri Lankan government did not close its beaches until the curfew on 20 March 2020.
As per the above Ceylon Today report:

["So far only three months have elapsed after the COVID-19 has been identified. Still the WHO is conducting more tests regarding this virus," said PM Rajapaksa.]

In other words, the Pirith sessions were held within these three months when the scientific reasons were not known but China facts were known.

If one loved the group that one was part of – one would not need proof but would take measures to protect loved ones – even if one were found to be wrong through scientific analyses, theories and laws. I therefore concluded that the President was more keen to give himself the right ticks rather than actually protecting the People.

Energy can be carried through ‘sight’ – eye to eye – as between those in love; through sound and any of the basic senses. The sixth  sense is the common one to all and a mind driven by the sixth sense – known as intuition is always right for her/himself and the group that s/he feels part of.

Hence I was further upset when I read the Sri Lankan President’s tweet as follows:

[Honored to have #LKA ranked 9th in “Global Response to Infectious Diseases Index” by ICMA Australia, based on efficiency & effectiveness of leadership of a country & preparedness of its health system to combat #COVID19. I share this honor with all the frontline workers of #LKA]

The honour was awarded by Dr Chris D’Souza, CFO & COO (Int), Certified Management Accountants -  Australia. The stated purpose was :

The Institute of Certified Management Accountants (Australia) commissioned a research study to evaluate the response and leadership shown in each country and to develop a Global Response to Infectious Diseases (GRIDTM) index to indicate how efficient and effective the leadership of the country and the preparedness of its health system were in tackling this pandemic. The ICMA was of the view that a country’s ranking on the index could be a motivator to a country in terms of being prepared for the next global pandemic or crisis.

But to a true owner the following indicates utter selfishness:

[Great Leadership is different from populism – The Indian Prime Minister like many other leaders around the world is arguably a populist. This is evident from some of his popular actions like getting all Indians to clap hands at the same time and on another occasion getting everyone to turn the lights out and light candles ‘diyas’ for 9 minutes at 9pm. Popularity and populism will not win the battle against the Pandemic. The true test of his leadership will be how well he manages the fallout from this pandemic, irrespective of his popularity.]

This guy who is listed by Linkedin appears to be of  Indian origin confirms carriage of negative virus from India to Australia. He has no business certifying nations through an institution that is bound by Accounting ethics. By taking it as an honor the Sri Lankan President has confirmed how desperate he is.

As an insider to both USA and China – I identify with the following genes inherited by the Wuhan Institute of Virology:

[The Institute was founded in 1956 as the Wuhan Microbiology Laboratory under the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). In 1961, it became the South China Institute of Microbiology, and in 1962 was renamed Wuhan Microbiology Institute. In 1970, it became the Microbiology Institute of Hubei Province when the Hubei Commission of Science and Technology took over the administration. In June 1978, it was returned to the CAS and renamed Wuhan Institute of Virology.

In 2015, the National Bio-safety Laboratory was completed at a cost of 300 million yuan ($44 million) at the Institute in collaboration with French engineers from Lyon, and was the first biosafety level 4 (BSL–4) laboratory to be built in mainland China. The establishment of the laboratory was partially funded by the U.S. government and took over a decade to complete from its conception in 2003, and scientists such as U.S. molecular biologist Richard H. Ebright expressed concern of previous escapes of the SARS virus at Chinese laboratories in Beijing, and the pace and scale of China's plans for expansion into BSL–4 laboratories. The Laboratory has strong ties to the Galveston National Laboratory in the University of Texas. In 2020, Ebright called the Institute a "world-class research institution that does world-class research in virology and immunology"] Wikipedia


[Biosafety level 4 (BSL-4) is the highest level of biosafety precautions, and is appropriate for work with agents that could easily be aerosol-transmitted within the laboratory and cause severe to fatal disease in humans for which there are no available vaccines or treatments.BSL-4 laboratories are generally set up to be either cabinet laboratories or protective-suit laboratories.]

When I first went into details of the Virus I did register that its infection rate seemed high where there were combinations of liquid and air. Hence the connection I made to Bondi Beach infections, the Cruise ships and also to air travel where aerosols were used before we disembarked from the planes. At mind level – they were about enjoyment of pleasures. At physical level the combination was air and water.

Yet no one was warned – at least to take their own precautions. One who cares would risk the wrong tick.

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