Tuesday 16 March 2021


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam


16 March 2021





While Sri Lankan Tamils & Muslims are fighting for Justice on Equal footing as Sinhalese, Australian women are seeking similar on gender basis. As per my experiences in both nations, the root is in premature ‘freedom’.


As per my family culture positions are important. They help us relate to each other. They support juniors even when seniors fail as per their positions and v.v. The reason is the cumulative value of the net investment in that position is the Energy that really supports us. Those driven by current outcomes would tend to not appreciate the heritage value that the positions carry. As per my interpretation, Walter Bagehot – the author of the book – the English Constitution – refers to this Energy as ‘Dignity’ and the current outcome driven Democracy as ‘Efficiency’.


In England, the queen represents the residual value of autocracy. The queen is not active in democratic government but the Prime Minister is facilitated to regularly be empowered by this Energy. This requires the Prime Minister to bow her/his head to the queen/the Energy of Dignity of England’s past. When the Prime Minister does so genuinely – the Energy sits on her/his head as the crown – i.e. - the mind structure.


In Sri Lanka, both sides to the war invoke their respective monarchs – Dutugamunu by Sinhalese and Ellalan by Tamils. But in both cases they made the Monarchy ‘active’ and this automatically demotes Democracy to the lower level. When we take early benefits the system stagnates at the lower level. Separation helps prevent this temptation. To my mind, China’s woes in terms of the pandemic began due to its efforts to take current benefits out of Silk Road heritage. The problem is that the cost would  be exponential and not relative.


Sri Lankan Tamil activist K. Guruparan has shared through twitter posting - "Laleh Khalili · Growing Pains: New Silk Roads ·... :

'But 75 % of the debt was in government bonds bought up primarily by funds in the US, and much of that debt was accrued not to build infrastructure but to finance the counterinsurgency war against the Tamil Tigers' -

It is part of a review of the book ‘The Emperor’s New Road: China and the Project of the Century’ Jonathan E Hillman. I was more interested in knowing how the Sri Lankan investment in self-governance is weakened or strengthened as we become more and more global and therefore naturally attract Democratic powers that would strengthen our feeling of Equality in any multicultural area – including in Northern Sri Lanka.  Now that we have taken our pain to UN level, we need to appreciate the problem through global participants and have the current experience of the old problem. The following provides some indicators:


[China extended credit to a number of recently independent African states – Ghana, Mali, Tanzania, Kenya, Guinea – and gave millions to Nepal, Ceylon (soon to become Sri Lanka), Indonesia and Cambodia. It also provided military aid and armaments to anticolonial guerrilla groups across Asia, Africa and Latin America.

At the same time, the US Army Corps of Engineers was building roads, communication systems, airports and other infrastructure in Libya, Turkey, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Pakistan…………………


The terms under which these loans have been offered, and their economic effects, have differed from place to place. To finance development in the Pakistani port of Gwadar, China offered loans at zero interest, perhaps because of Pakistan’s strategic importance. In Sri Lanka, it signed a 99-year lease on the port of Hambantota, in which it has a 70 per cent stake. Hillman isn’t alone in regarding the Hambantota concession as a coercive debt-equity swap: China gets control of the port in return for forgiving some of Sri Lanka’s debt. But the story is more complicated. In 2016, Sri Lanka owed financiers $65 billion, $8 billion of which was owed to China. But 75 per cent of the debt was in government bonds bought up primarily by funds in the US, and much of that debt was accrued not to build infrastructure but to finance the counterinsurgency war against the Tamil Tigers. Ports, airports and other facilities that were built were the vanity projects of the then president, Mahinda Rajapaksa: they were badly situated, poorly designed and overpriced. The money from China intended for the port concession went instead to service interest payments. Rajapaksa, who was booted out of office largely because of the strength of popular feeling against the port, found his way back to power as prime minister in his brother Gotabaya’s administration. The reduction in China’s financing of projects in 2016 was perhaps influenced by its embarrassment over Sri Lanka.]


The Rajapaksa government was not the first to accept handouts from China. When the LTTE was being resourced by India, looking to China was a natural reaction of Sinhalese. We need to think in their shoes which are not designed to walk in the corridors of 10, Downing Street, leave alone the UN.


What were Tamils doing when the LTTE went to India first and then joined forces with the Sinhalese government to evict the Indian Peace Keeping Force, followed by the elimination of Mr Rajiv Gandhi? We present to wider world only that which makes the Sinhalese look bad. But as per the law of truth – we then become their juniors and NOT Equal Opposition. Equal Opposition is essential to confirm Sovereignty through Democratic formation. This was confirmed through the Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976  and that confirmed in 1977 when Tamils became official Opposition in National Parliament.  Later it was confirmed in 2015 . As an outsider, Hillman attributes the 2015 loss  merely to the Hambantota port. As an owner  I attribute it to Tamils and Sinhalese becoming common victims. This manifestation would not have happened under the power of the LTTE which sought to take the place of Sinhalese leaders.



 The Indian government ought to have provided training to Tamil youth on the understanding that they would provide protection to Tamils in Multicultural areas which were seriously affected by the Sinhala only riots. India’s active involvement began after the 1983 pogrom in Colombo and other multicultural areas. Youth in ‘Tamil only’ areas used the training to boost their own opportunities. The evidence is apparent in Mrs Ambihai K Selvakumar keeping the photograph of LTTE hero Thileepan as her mentor. In current Tamil community, the intellectually driven Tamils have become the parallels of the Queen and we uphold the dignity of the community without actively opposing physically except to defend.


The parallel problem in Australia – is due to reverse autocracy by young ones who are disconnected with their Common Mother who has the natural protecting power. One who takes care of any male as if she were his mother – naturally invokes the divine protection of chastity.

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