Saturday 28 July 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
28 July 2018

African Gangs & Sri Lankan Terrorists


All of us add our Energies to places that are our homes. Whether a member of Government adds her/his Energy as a politician or governor would matter to identify with how global those to whom that place is home - become. Let’s take for example Victoria in Australia.
As per the SBS report that came my way:

[During a recent visit to the city, Mr Turnbull said "there is a gang issue here and you are not going to make it go away by pretending it doesn't exist".
While Mr Dutton linked the death of 19-year-old Laa Chol with "Victoria's gang problem"….. Mr Rudd is the nephew of former prime minister Kevin Rudd and has painted several other controversial murals, including a bulldog urinating on Senator Pauline Hanson.
In an interview with SBS News, he said the Australian government was using the "so-called African gang crisis" as an "election ploy".]


Where our credits with those who elect us are used for votes there is less for Governance escalation. At Governance level – it is ‘knock and it shall open’. At Political level ‘Ask and you shall be given’.


I myself have picked up the indicators with Mr Turnbull’s slide towards politics in preference to governance. My emails to him get a response that includes the following:


“If you would like to invite me or Lucy to an event, please forward the invitation to”


Why would I want to invite Mrs Turnbull to any event? Even if the wording had said ‘me and Lucy’ I would have considered it inappropriate in a communication to the general public. When a self-governing citizen like myself writes – the position of responds from within me. A true governor would have responded expressly or quietly – to the citizen within. As per the above response Mr Turnbull was ‘asking’ and hence was acting as politician.


The recent Guardian report about repatriation of a Sri Lankan refugee confirms to me that the Turnbull Government is abandoning our investments in global commonness after USING refugees to suit their own purposes:


Australia deports Tamil asylum seeker despite father’s murder

[………………….“I fear that my father’s killing and my mother’s and sister’s disappearance are both connected,” he wrote. “My family and I believe that my father was killed by the Sri Lankan security agencies. We believe he was killed because they suspected that we assisted the [now-defeated separatist military force, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] LTTE.”
Kavi has always maintained that the Sri Lankan security agencies suspected his family, fishermen from the northwest of Sri Lanka, of having supported LTTE, commonly known as the Tamil Tigers.]
A citizen does not have the responsibility to prove that the government or its other side in war caused the death. S/he must believe that to be the case. The genuine contributor to global policy  would identify with a genuine apprehension in this regard. If we Australians do not have enough believers in global policies and we take credit as Provider nation – the return happens with time – and one is fear of ‘gangs’.

Kavi – made the right decision to go to India with a big rural heart . All he has to do there as a self-governing refugee  is knock and rural India will embrace him.


This identity with India goes to its self-governance power.

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