Monday 16 November 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 16 November  2015

Armed Officers used for lower purposes by the Australian Judiciary colluding with
the University of NSW 

Deaths in Custody – a Tamil inheritance from India?

In August last year, the Times of India reported that One prisoner died in Tamil Nadu jails – every 4 days. In my book Naan Australian I highlighted the negative Energy from unregulated relationships as follows:

To my mind those Tamils who entrusted their struggle for independence to the Tamil Tigers were actually embracing  the Tamil Nadu leaders as their leaders.  LTTE leader Prabaharan addressed  Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MG Ramachandran as `]f]a / Anna – meaning Big Brother. But at the same time, he is known to have stated in relation to the Indian support for other armed groups – that that was inappropriate because we needed to Do It Ourselves.  The Tamil Tigers received funding from MG Ramachandran and in one of his public  statements,  Tiger leader Prabaharan says that if not for the handsome cash contribution by MG Ramachandran – they could not have continued with their fight for separation. The same MG Ramachandran failed to publicly share his political status with the Tamil Tigers. To my mind status is of higher value than money. Goodwill confirmed by status has ownership value. The above statements by the Tiger leader contradict themselves. Tamil intellectuals ought to have addressed this at that stage.  Even now, many of them are not able to recognize the contradiction.  The problem with lateral spread is this ‘business’ attitude that works against ‘family’ attitude and therefore against ownership through the hierarchical path of faith and gratitude.’ – Chapter 13, Naan Australian

In yesterday’s edition of Ceylon Today, Ms Sulochana Ramiah Mohan also confirms the main funding source of the LTTE to be the then Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu – MG Ramachandran through the article headed -MGR was Prabhakaran’s ‘Cash Machine’.

Recently, the TNA MP – the Hon Sumanthiran expressed dissatisfaction over the Chief Minister of Northern Province (the Lankan parallel of Tamil Nadu) for the latter’s failure to raise funds for the TNA before the Parliamentary elections. (Sumanthiran also told the SBS that Wigneswaran who refused to go to Canada with a lame excuse during the parliamentary polls campaign period had travelled to the USA and UK ridiculing the TNA leadership………) .  One could therefore  conclude that the TNA leadership was driven strongly by Cash. Is it an inheritance from the LTTE which inherited from Tamil Nadu – this ATM gene? Is this why TNA MP is here in Australia? If yes, we have some serious thinking to do – about what we Australian Tamils want for ourselves and our children. Cash on its own is like an orphan and is divisive and Truth based Policy is cohesive.

Thesawalamai – the Customary Law of  Northern Sri Lankans is a rich source through which we could check whether an action is in order. The regulated mind promotes harmony. At social level Thesawalamai provides strong basis for us to follow the regulated pathway. The Hon CV Wigneswaran, the Chief Minister of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province is reported to have written to the President as follows, in relation to the Political Prisoners:

[நீங்கள் முன்னர் விடுதலை செய்த 31 அரசியல் கைதிகளில், 7 பேர் சிங்களவர்கள். இங்கு கூட ஒரு பாரபட்சம் காட்டப்பட்டுள்ளது அத்தோடு பிணையில் விடுதலை செய்யப்பட்டவர்களுக்கு நீதிமன்றத்தால் விதிக்கப்பட்ட அதி உச்ச தண்டனையைக் கூட அவர்களின் குடும்ப உறவுகளால் புரிந்துகொள்வது கடினமாக உள்ளது.

Out of the 31 Political prisoners already released by your Excellency, 7 are Sinhalese. There has been favoritism here also. In addition – the Bail conditions under which the next group of prisoners have been released are beyond the comprehension of  the relatives of those released]

It is understandable that the relatives of those released – be they Sinhalese or Tamil – would not understand the order of the Legal mind. It is this deficiency that led to ambitious young Sri Lankans to take the law into their hands and rebel against the Government. The Government earned it by bringing the ‘logical connection’ to the lower level – for purposes of cheap acquisition of votes. This is like the Cash component in the casual forces. The only ‘right’ reasoning above the law is Truth. Customary laws particular to a group / community when artificially raised to the National level – would lead to negative returns. Sinhalese leaders did this through the ‘Sinhala Only’ Language Policy – and Tamils reacted hastily and copied the Sinhalese and declared ‘Eelam Only’. The lack of commitment to stated Cause – of Self-Governance – is confirmed by the demotion of policy.

Most of us do not understand the Policy behind Traffic rules. Yet we do follow them. When we so follow – there is connection to the Common Mind of makers of the policy as well as users. Hence the higher the law applied or followed – the wider the coverage of mind power. Truth at the end  is Universal. Hence in this instance, it was the Duty of the President of Sri Lanka to apply the law before using Discretionary Powers.

TNA MP the Hon Saravanapavan is reported to have stated that the Government that came into power due to Tamils – is now not doing the right thing by Tamils in relation to Political Prisoners. It would be more difficult for people to relate to the claim that Tamils were the marginal force that brought this Government into power - than making  the legal connection to the Bail conditions imposed.  Not one person has shown identification with my claim that I was the marginal force that toppled former Prime Australian Prime Minister John Howard. But I believe due to my EXPERIENCE. This helped me bring about closure.

If such quid pro quos are used in return – then the person/s so expecting is/are NOT part of the force that caused the change at the highest level. Laws and Business agreements are relative. Truth is absolute and when our work and its outcomes are submitted through our heart we have the power to work the whole. THAT is what spirituality is all about.

I was declared a high performer by the beneficiaries of my services – the Faculty of Medicine – at the University of NSW.  When – as per the Chancellor’s suggestion I assembled peacefully to talk to the Vice Chancellor – I was arrested for Trespass. I studied the legislation  AFTER that and realized that the Police and the Government were acting unlawfully. The Courts even though they released me after a year of hearing in which I represented myself – failed to uphold the unlawfulness of the Police and the Government. But my mind connected to the architects of that 1901 Legislation and I now feel strong ownership in Australia. Due to my commitment to Family structures – I undertook bail conditions that I would not set foot in  University of NSW. Even though there are no supervisors monitoring me – I have honored my own undertaking. To my mind the Bail  ‘conditions’ representing the ‘punishment’ in my case are much stronger relative to my investment in family, community and society – as a law abiding member. If I think about it without recognizing the Divine returns I got – I would easily sit and cry for myself. But due to my belief in Truth / God – I kept recognizing the higher opportunities to have the EXPERIENCE at the higher level. Now I feel so very grateful to the system of Truth that helped me COMPLETE the Australian experience and get promoted to International level.
MGR was born in the land called Ceylon/Sri Lanka. As an Indian he had no right to interfere with another nation. Given that  he was born in Sri Lanka – he ought to have been more respectful of the Sovereign powers of that Land. By giving money to be called ‘Anna’ – Big Brother – MGR contributed to the weakening of the investment that Tamils had made in the struggle for Self-Governance. Gandhi renounced to become India. MGR tried to ‘buy’ status. He thus inherited the lower mind order in Politics. Prabhakaran inherited that when he accepted funding from MGR and called him ‘Anna’.

 When we manifest outcomes there are many forces that add themselves to the manifestation. The seen connections die fast unless you keep manifesting more and more of them. They are like rubbish in and rubbish out. The most powerful reasoning flows from Common Values. The highest Common value is the form given by us to our own Truth. That is when we are self-governing – even in prison. If these prisoners are true to themselves and are giving it form through their fast – then even if they die their minds will remain with other heroes fighting for self-governance.

They say in Hinduism that one should aim for no-birth. When we look at karma – an action / manifestation could be cause or effect. If the prisoners die due to their failure to value their own lives, they would be reborn as lesser humans. If the prisoners die in their quest to uphold their Truth – they are actually attaining Mohtcham/Nirvana/Eternity. Some sections of the Australian Tamil Community are getting ready to celebrate Maaveerar Day / Great Heroes’ Day on 27th of this month. Did all of them not die due to their ‘position-imprisonment’ within the LTTE? We are all in our position-prisons when we are attached to ‘outcomes’. Truth alone releases us from those prisons. Hence Lord Krishna says to Prince Arjuna to cut off the trunk of the wish-fulfilling tree which has its roots in Heaven and stands upside down – with the fruits accessible from Earth. . Once we lose consciousness of the benefits – and costs – we have the Heavenly Policy Experience. The condition is no cash no status benefits for renunciation through fasting. Just the Experience. So long as there is unearned cash and status there is rebirth of  outcomes as causes or effects. 

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