Wednesday, 30 August 2023


29 August 2023

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam





'It was due to Ravana’s belief in Hinduism that Lord Vishnu took Rama Avatharam. But in case of LTTE leader Prabhakaran Gotabaya Rajapaksa was enough to defeat him. They matched each other in lawlessness and its characteristics. God would not waste Energy to oppose non-believers.'



Kowsi, our staff in Thunaivi  village in Northern Sri Lanka, informed me that she was unable to enter the main hall of the Development Secretariat, due to the locks having been changed. That building was built on temple land donated by our family. The ‘lock-change’ was an indicator of ‘takeover’ mentality that is natural to the folks in Thunaivi. My mind went to ‘Kurunthur Hill’ over which Tamils and Buddhists are in conflict.


I wondered whether, the karma of Tamil takeover mentality was affecting the Kurunthur Hill issue due to Political interference.  Politics without belief, is interference. Politics with belief is governance.


The Sri Lankan law that confirms land  ownership by belief is Prescription Ordinance 1872. Given that Sri Lanka/Ceylon was a British colony from 1796 to 1948, one is entitled to conclude that this law confirms British mind/theory in this issue.  Once the British left, they became Elders of Sri Lanka and their laws became our heritage. Each time we celebrate their departure, as if a curse had left us, we exponentially dilute the values of their laws, to us. To make it worse, we brought Buddhism into the Justice system as a relative power. That was a demotion of Buddhism, due to political desires. When we make laws without belief, they need intellectual balance between cause and effect, readable by the average user.


In the case of the Thunaivi  Development Secretariat, through my life as one of the local folks, I learnt that their knowledge of laws was low and was limited to their lawyers’ interpretation to them. Most lawyers accessible to them worked for money and failed to educate their clients. The test of belief is the value of the wisdom shared between lawyer and client. Where there is belief in the law, sharing of wisdom is automatic. The caring lawyer shares genuine interpretation of the law, and the honest client shares her/his experience of real life. Thunaivi, due to self imposed isolation became a victim of separation a small example of Tamil Eelam,  

at physical level as well as mental level. Hence the strong breakdown in law and its order.


Today, I received mail to the effect that King Ravana was presented as Sinhalese, to takeover Trincomalee; LTTE leader Prabhakaran will be presented as Sinhalese, to takeover Valvettithurai.


My response to this was:


Language is the outer skin of a culture. It does not interest me as to which language Ravana used, to communicate his culture. There is no dispute that King Ravana was Hindu. But in the case of the LTTE leader, as per published reports he did not believe in any religion but ‘showed’ that he was Hindu first and then Christian. This confirms that he lacked belief in Hinduism and its powers of Sovereignty. It was due to Ravana’s belief in Hinduism that Lord Vishnu took Rama Avatharam. But in case of LTTE leader Prabhakaran Gotabaya Rajapaksa was enough to defeat him. They matched each other in lawlessness and its characteristics. God would not waste Energy to oppose non-believers.



During an early meeting at the  Thunaivi  Development Secretariat, a senior declared candidly that from GG Ponnambalam’s time itself, he had been teaching how to occupy lands! I said firmly in response that I was there to share Administrative wisdom and not politics!


On that basis, this week, I worked out the common code of Administrative processes that all users of the building had to follow. I asked our staff to have it printed and prominently displayed. This confirmed my governance power of belief. In the meantime, I instructed our senior coordinator to organise the 15th Anniversary of the opening of the Thunaivi  Development Secretariat by the Government Agent whose position reports to the Central Government and not the Provincial Government that lacks credibility with the people.


Like our ancestors who have left their physical bodies, but continue to share their wisdom with us when we, the believers invoke them, the believers in positions invoke the powers of those who performed their administrative duties despite great political challenges. My family elder Mr Mailvaganam Srikhanta, is one such elder I invoke.


The First Elder of mine in terms of Tamil Diaspora is the Hon A M Pillai who established a business empire in Burma and supported the education of needy families in Sri Lanka. I am a believer in soul power, through which I practice  my Sovereignty for myself. The rest happens as per the Universal system of belief. If we reward ourselves in a free environment of our own making, we miss the connection to the Universal system, of everlasting freedom, commonly known as heaven.


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