Thursday 25 July 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

25 July  2019

ISIS Mind Connection

How do mind connections happen? If they are of negative value to us – how do we protect ourselves from them? As per current news headlines in Sri Lanka :

[Testifying before the Parliamentary Select Committee (PSC) probing the Easter Sunday attacks, Senior DIG and Head of CID and TID, Ravi Seneviratne today said no evidence had been found to confirm that those who staged the attacks had connections with ISIS.]

If there was evidence, what was the remedy available to the Sri Lankan government against ISIS? Is ISIS more challenging or less challenging than the LTTE? Should the government get the help of  more powerful nations? How about American help? Is this why SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement ) is currently  important of our news?

One Sinhalese – Attorney at Law Dharshan Weerasekera – has written strongly against it in his article headed ‘US Ambassador’s disingenuous statement on SOFA’ published by the Daily Mirror.

Another who to my mind is Sri Lankan – Ms Chandra Amerasekare has taken the American support gracefully. This lady for example states:

[We Sinhalese do not have a super right to the country. Every citizen of this country has an equal right to this country legally and ethically. We can never live in peace by destroying the peace and dignity of the minorities. We need to respect others’ rights and dignity for them to respect ours. -] Financial Times article headed - Who should be our next president? – by Chandra Amerasekare
I believe that my mind naturally connects to this lady’s but keeps its distance from Mr Dharshan Weerasekera who states in his above mentioned article:

[ ‘From the PM’s testimony at the bond scam hearings, Sri Lankans discovered that formulation of the national monetary policy including ‘growth strategy’ had been handed over to an official brought in from the US Treasury Department]

The lady – Ms Chandra Amerasekare - presents a different interpretation:
[A bogey used often by politicians with regard to trade agreements, foreign-funded consultants is to scare the public by declaring ‘Sri Lanka’s sovereignty will be lost’. Often this kind of bogey is brought out to scare the public when something good is done by the opposite party.

In the past, government ministries, departments and research institutions had both foreign and local consultants paid from foreign funds coming from governments or international agencies under technical assistance or capital aid projects. That is one way transfer of technology takes place in the world. They were not foreign agents, but specialists employed by the Government and reporting to the local boss.
From the point of view of the citizen if s/he interpreted in the form presented by Mr Dharshan Weerasekera – then the citizen would add her/his energy to a group like ISIS which is openly opposed by the American Government.

The Sri Lankan parallel of the above picture – is Sinhalese Government on the one side and Muslims, Tamils and Christians - strongly attached to their local territories and cultures at the physical level. When the latter feel threatened by the former they ‘flee’ (as in Fight or Flight decisions). They are embraced by Muslims without borders Tamils without borders  - starting with  Indians,  and Westerners without borders. China embraced Sinhala Buddhists who were fleeing from Indian power as perceived by the then leaders.

They say in Tamil culture – that money without common basis ruins relationships. Likewise information / data.

The lady – Ms Chandra Amerasekare is presented by Daily News as follows:
[The writer was a senior member of SLAS and Additional Secretary of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry. She was also Minister/Counsellor attached to the Sri Lanka Mission to the UN from 1991 to 1995 and represented Sri Lanka at several UN conferences.]
Every completed relationship becomes common value which strengthens the whole exponentially. When we identify with such persons – as if they are our seniors or equals – our minds merge vertically or laterally.

If on the other hand – we imagine ourselves to be their seniors and criticize them to impress our followers – we depend on those very voters and therefore majority power to retain our position by hook or by crook.

I myself identify with some Sri Lankan High Commissioners in Australia and Australian High Commissioners in Sri Lanka. To the extent I identify with them – their work becomes mine and v.v. Hence my yesterday’s article headed ‘Australian High Commissioner and Jaffna Governor’
Big institutions such as the UN and Universities facilitate us to self-regulate our thoughts so that we would be driven by philosophy rather than the visible outcome already produced by others. The American Government disciplined the Sri Lankan government through UN Resolution. But prior to that in 1997 they listed LTTE as a Foreign Terrorist organization.  This is the ‘position’ in their Government structure. Such positioning helps them to ‘relate’ to those associated with the group. At that time – the Sri Lankan Government was a positive relative to American Government. But as reports of abuse during the war emerged – they sponsored the Resolution to investigate such abuses. It was their democratic and Dharmic  duty to do so – especially after listing in 2001 – the LTTE as a Global Terrorist organization.
Such listings affect whole communities. Even though individuals may not take action – every individual who has not earned that label but is adversely affected by that label has the capacity to place a curse – the equivalent of ‘negative vote’ against the American Government  in the system of Natural Justice that works on the basis of Truth and which produces the ultimate reality – in our minds.  Indian Government  itself listed the LTTE as a Terrorist organization after its Prime Minister was killed by LTTE members. But in contrast – the Sri Lankan Government made ‘Buddhism Foremost’ status was handed over to the Buddhist clergy in 1972. This happened despite the Judicial findings  which led to Capital Punishment:

[Although Bandaranaike's administration had suspended capital punishment, Talduwe Somarama was hanged on 6 July 1962. It was claimed by the court that the reason for the murder of the Bandaranaike, was due to Bandaranaike's refusal to entertain Buddharakitha Thero's requests following his support for Buddharakitha in the election.] Wikipedia

The parallel of that in the case of Tamil leadership  would have been to elevate the status of LTTE after they assassinated Rajiv Gandhi. It was the Sri Lankan Government led by Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa that elevated Karuna Amman – to Ministerial position in 2008. This confirms lack of commitment to firm and reliable structures. When one dismantles the enemy’s structure – for selfish reasons – and elevates a senior individual from the enemy’s side – that confirms disorder of the highest level. Mr Rajapaksa is as guilty as LTTE and this has been upheld by Truth and the American Government led UN Resolution. One does not need proof. All one needs is to recognize that truth and structure one’s own mind accordingly.

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