Tuesday, 8 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

08 January 2019

Tamil Eelam was Created by Law in 1972

As per my knowledge and belief of Hindu Philosophy, Truth is eternal and when we die we take only our truth with us into next life. The home of Truth is the soul. This Truth, be it positive or negative in the new environment does not actively participate in physical and mental activities. Heritage is Truth inherited by us from our ancestors.

As per current news, a Buddhist Academic Dr. Suren Ragavan has been chosen by the President of Sri Lanka as Governor of Northern Province. I received an article about January being Tamil Heritage month. The article is mainly about the influence of American Christian Missionaries’ investment in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province through Education. I am one of the beneficiaries of Christian Missionary influence in education Northern Province. I believe that by attributing due credit – I have become global minded. I believe that each time we complete an experience, we own it and this becomes the Energy that quietly empowers us. The delegation of Presidential powers to academics by the current Sri Lankan president seems false and therefore misleading. A Governor needs to be a common representative of the People and the Ruler.   In Northern Province, where the new representative of the President is a Buddhist it has the effect of  enforcement.  

Yesterday, a Tamil Academic responded as follows to my article ‘Tamils are Equal by Merit’:
[A good analysis.  The present PR system is better for the minorities than the FPTP.   PR is more representative in my view.]

Merit is closer to soul-value than mere body count which would include mere physical power. When we identify with the Energy stored by a person, usually through renunciation of earned benefits, we make soul-connection with that person. The quota system of allocating University seats was the parallel of First Past the Post (FPTP) system. Wikipedia reports as follows about the basis of the Lankan quota system:

[In 1972 government added district quota as a parameter within each language. 30% of university places were allocated on the basis of island-wide merit; half the places were allocated on the basis of comparative scores within districts and an additional 15% reserved for students from under privileged districts.]

From the victims’ side – the above was obviously - quid pro quo for votes – effectively diluting  the merit based allocation and facilitating welfare education in terms of knowledge – in a language / formula easily understood by rural Sinhalese. Wikipedia confirms the separation that happened in 1972 as follows:

['By 1977 the issue of university admissions had become a focal point of the conflict between the government and Tamil leaders. Tamil youth, embittered by what they considered discrimination against them, formed the radical wing of the Tamil United Liberation Front. Many advocated the use of violence to establish a separate Tamil state of Eelam. It was an object lesson of how inept policy measures and insensitivity to minority interests can exacerbate ethnic tensions .]

Tamil Eelam was therefore created by law in 1972. All Sri Lankans whose first language in school was Tamil became citizens of Tamil Eelam by law in 1972 when the relativity and therefore the path to sovereignty was based on language. In contrast, the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) relates to the whole largely on the basis of subject. This confirms the degree of Mind-Commonness of lawmakers.  

Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976 politically confirmed the Government’s separation law. When the quota system was abandoned in 1977, it was too late to negate the effects of the government-enforced separation. The significant variation in reading the law by the first citizen and the Judiciary was confirmed recently. The current president is a political beneficiary of the quota system which significantly diluted the investment made by Tamils – especially Northern and Colombo Tamils in higher education. Instead, they used the Reserves to declare  Equality at the lower level of operation.
Northern Province under a governor chosen by the politician would therefore naturally oppose not Mr Wigneswaran’s parallels in Central Government, but the quota system beneficiaries in the Central Government.  

Dr. Suren Ragavan presents his views as follows in his article ‘Is Ethno-nationalism The Religion Of Sinhalas?:

[In Lanka, The Sinhalas considered independence to be their chance of majority rule. This is proved by the subsequent ill-democratic acts such the disfranchising of the Indian Tamil, language rule, supremacy of Buddhism and university entrance discriminations etc. On the other hand, the Tamils seemed to have dreamed of a largely autonomous, confederated or even an independent region for them after the colonial rule. Such unfulfilled diagonally opposing political ambitions and demands eventually led to the 30 years of civil war.]

Human Rights House defines ill democracy as follows:

[An “ill democracy” is a country in which the government, through abusing its majority, manipulates legislative norms and impedes the functioning of democratic institutions, and threatens the independence of democratic pillars.]

The question that comes to mind  is -  whether President Sirisena is sending Dr Suren Ragavan to eliminate autocracy practiced by heirs of LTTE and thereby the President having no opposition from Northern provincial Chief Minister?

Those with Christian ancestry in education may ask whether Dr Ragavan is being sent to dilute the effects of that ancestry by placing Buddhism in Northern Sri Lanka?

Whatever it may be, it is time to repair and compensate the damage caused by the government through the quota system. Until the causal force is equal in value to the effects – Adharma/Unrighteousness will continue to destabilize successive Sri Lankan governments.

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