Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
06 October 2017
Cognitive Reserve & Just
preliminary remarks are intended by me to make two points. Firstly that Sri Lanka fought a Just War by basically just means
(albeit certain excesses noted by the LLRC which need judicial
investigation, but NOT by Special Courts let alone hybrid ones). However, Sri
Lanka has not yet arrived at a Just Peace and is still searching for it. It is
a necessary and legitimate search; an imperative one.]
Dr. Dayan Jayatilleka in his Colombo Telegraph article - The Sinhala
Fundamentalist New Right
Wikipedia explanation of
Just War includes the following that is more easily understood the likes of me :
[The Indian Hindu epic, the Mahabharata,
offers one of the first written discussions of a "just war." In it,
one of five ruling brothers asks if the suffering caused by war can ever be
justified, and then a long discussion ensues between the siblings, establishing
criteria like proportionality (chariots cannot attack cavalry, only
other chariots; no attacking people in distress), just means (no
poisoned or barbed arrows), just cause (no attacking out of rage),
and fair treatment of captives and the wounded. The war in the Mahabharata
is preceded by context that develops the "just cause" for the war
including last minute efforts to reconcile differences to avoid war. At the
beginning of the war, there is the discussion of "just conduct"
appropriate to the context of war.]
Through the
Mahabharata war we received the Bhagavath Geetha. To my mind, the essence of it
is that a just war happens when the rulers have deviated from Common Law and
fail to facilitate the ruled to govern themselves through their own Truth. In
many ways my war against Public Administrators here in Australia, to my mind
happened due to such conditions. The current version of the above conditions
1) chariots cannot attack cavalry - those in high positions cannot attack
those in low positions in that forum
2) no attacking people in distress - those who demonstrate pain and loss due to the
actions cannot be attacked
no poisoned
or barbed arrows - No lies that
would influence the decision maker
no attacking
out of rage – No emotional influence
treatment of captives and the wounded – No extension of punishing the
The Sri Lankan war as presented by Dr. Jayatilleke is
taken as having been declared by the Government that represents majority. If
war was indeed taken to have been declared by the Government, then that is an
acknowledgment that the LTTE were more powerful than the Government.
[In the Sri Lankan structure, I believe that
by opposing the Sri Lankan Government totally, Tamils would have lost their own
relationships with Sinhalese. The LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam)
became a force that induced the burning of bridges developed by a
good proportion of Tamils who followed the Common Law and/or who accepted
majority rule as first measure of application while living in areas where
Sinhalese were in majority. Left to
Nature, the higher thinker would be pushed out of that area where majority rule
is used in preference to rule of common law. Use of rule of common law
strengthens our cognitive thinking and is a natural prevention of mental
illnesses due to imaginary benefits which welfare benefits become if one is NOT
respectful of the person/group that contributes to the welfare benefits. Between a member of majority who receives
welfare and a member of minority who works and earns her/his living, the former
needs to demonstrate respect for the latter – to prevent instability of the
mind. ]
relative to me - a Tamil, Dr. Jayatilleke - a Sinhalese, gets proportionately more benefits including
status and public space, for his contribution to Sri Lankan policy – and Dr.
Jayatilleke fails to demonstrate respect for me as the ‘owner’ and himself as
the paid employee, the ‘gap’ becomes welfare benefit. In Mahabharatham Lord
Krishna took on the role of Charioteer to Prince Arjuna. Arjuna balance the
equation by becoming the disciple of Lord Krishna and hence received the Divine
structure of mind needed for a ‘Just War’. Towards this Prince Arjuna had to
eliminate from his mind, the higher status attributed to his elders and gurus
on the other side and take Equal position as them. The power to do so was that
of Krishna. Arjuna became the messenger of Lord Krishna – as Jesus was of His
The way
I interpret the just war – example is from the Tamil side. I recently explained
this as follows:
[I believe that self-governance as a person
naturally elevates the person’s mind and also contributes to the strengthening
of Sovereignty of any environment that is home to that person. In many ways I
feel that I had to restructure my interactions with the folks of Thunaivi to
preserve that value of Sovereignty that I felt there. The more anxious I became
in that environment, the less the sharing of that Sovereign value. I now am
helping them consolidate the value added by keeping my distance. To the extent
we openly recognize negative values that dilute our feeling of Sovereignty by
freely interacting with a person/group, we need to openly state so and then
keep our distance from the person/group. Giving that form helps the other side
know / recognize why we are dissatisfied and if at that place we are seen
as minority power – the health of
Sovereignty experienced by both sides is better preserved with the minority
moving away to dilute relationships and show autonomous status which is also
Equal status. I now realise that I was tending towards this even in family and
hence my ability to become the Opposition of the other person/group, instead of
finding fault with them. If I were seen as the higher power or leader of the majority side, I devolve until the other
person/group is able to produce independent outcomes that would lead to
self-assessment, self-determination and self-governance. ]
If I am
replaced by Tamil Politicians and the folks of Thunaivi are replaced by Sinhalese
using majority power in administration, the call for devolution of power
becomes a just call, because it maintains Sovereignty of the Community and
therefore of the Nation.
Dr. Jayatilleke
claims ‘However, Sri
Lanka has not yet arrived at a Just Peace and is still searching for it’.
The Political Sovereignty of Tamils has been upheld
with the influence of Natural Forces – developed over long periods and through
contribution to current global values. To my mind the this was possible due to
the Cognitive Reserves that Tamils hold as an Independent Community. Cognitive
Reserves are explained as follows by Harvard Medical School:
important concept that is crucial to the understanding of cognitive health is
known as cognitive reserve. You can think of cognitive reserve as your brain's
ability to improvise and find alternate ways of getting a job done. Just like a
powerful car that enables you to engage another gear and suddenly accelerate to
avoid an obstacle, your brain can change the way it operates and thus make
added recourses available to cope with challenges. Cognitive reserve is
developed by a lifetime of education and curiosity to help your brain better
cope with any failures or declines it faces.]
The Jaffna woman/man has high level of Cognitive
Reserves due to being of minority status even after governing her/himself. Dr.
Jayatilleke may not recognize these reserves but from time to time indicators
surface to confirm their presence. An American of Sri Lankan origin wrote as
follows in this regard:
[Buddhist Sinhala will
now get nervous and bolt from the new Constitution, which they believe is a fig
leaf to cover "federalism" that is the driving force in the new
Constitution. One can still have a "unitary' and "undivided
country" with Federalism, as is in the United (my
emphasis) States of America.
Tamils, on the other
hand, do not want to continue the status quo" with
an overlord Sinhala Governor and a permanent presence of the Army in their
"homelands". As it is, Tamils see their status as under military rule
than democratic rule. They see Sinhala-inspired PCs as a farce to appease them.]
To my mind, if Tamil politicians
stay away from Buddhist Politicians driven by ‘Buddhism foremost’ the two
communities would preserve their investments in Sovereignty. Secular minded Sri
Lankan politicians would eventually lead Common Sri Lankans in Parliament. Even
one such Sri Lankan will continue to invoke the powers of Nature towards this. Since
the war identified the need for enough separation that would pave the way for
true opposition – including through the13th Amendment to the Constitution which
facilitates separation of both
Nationalist groups from Sri Lankans – one could conclude that it was a positive
war. Keeping it that way including in Politics would lead to Peace.
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