Wednesday 30 September 2015

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam – 30 Sept  2015

Hybrid Counselling Service

The changed wording of  the American led UN Resolution in relation to Sri Lanka, is the hot topic of discussion within the Diaspora. As per Reuters Report on this:

[Sri Lanka war crimes resolution softened before UN debate

A U.S.-backed resolution at the United Nations that seeks justice for victims of Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war has been softened to keep its government on board and allay the concerns of powerful neighbour India, sources say.]

Kashmir to Indian Government  is Jaffna to Sri Lankan Government and Muslims to American Government. One could take that as the reason why the wording of this proposed Resolution has been watered down before it goes before the UN for adoption. As per the above news report:

[A Western diplomat in Colombo and a source at the Tamil National Alliance, an opposition political party, said India had been at the forefront of efforts to ensure there was no full international war crimes probe in Sri Lanka.
This included lobbying by India to change the description of judges from "international" to "foreign" in the draft resolution, reflecting concerns that India could one day face a similar judicial reckoning in its disputed territory of Kashmir.]

When it is a Resolution – each investor in the issue is entitled to give it form as per her/his own investment. To the extent such investment is True – the value would merge at the highest level in that person’s natural environment. The Hybrid Court thus would appeal to investors in global Administration  but the direct parties concerned would derive very little value from this. Hybrid Counseling Services to the Victims would be more valuable and I believe that I already am one such counseling service . I am UN due to my investment in UN values in Eliminating all forms of Racial Discrimination. Every unit of investment I made genuinely believing in the UN principles – gave me ownership shares in the UN. By Law and Culture, I am Australian, by Culture and Ancestry I am Indian and Burmese  and by Education and Birth I am Sri Lankan who evolved as Sri Lankan Tamil due to the war. What can be more hybrid than that? A foreign lawyer – would need to demonstrate personal achievement higher than mine and covering wider area, to have the moral authority to be included in the above  group proposed by America. Anything less would be an invasion. Sri Lanka is before the world community because its Government failed to use ‘internal’ reconciliation processes to settle the dispute internally. If Americans take the place of ‘foreigners’ or the International Court – then the problem would continue in different clothing. The ability to work psyche of the Tamil villager is the key to the solution. This is not easy even with those who migrated to various parts of the world due to the war.  The US led solution needs to be of value to the Diaspora groups also.
Following is the essence of Tamil Diaspora opinion captured by my efforts:
Member of the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora: [‘Were not S.J.V.Chelvanayagam and hundreds of thousands of his fellow satyagrahis staging protests till 1977 in Gandhian way gave it up in vain. Now the Commissions circus and the delaying game has started under M.C. Ranil aided and abetted by the  so called Intl.Community. By the way does 'Intl.Community' mean western countries &their interest geopolitics And China factor?]
Gaja: [Yes, they did observe Sathyagraham. As per my belief – it did not go in vain but resulted in the 1977 outcome followed by 2015 outcome – sadly after more heartache and loss.  We often give up when we do not ‘see’ outcomes. But Truth does not give up on those who uphold the Truth.
In terms of the International Community - I think that the Government is avoiding the Nations that are part of  the UN in this issue. They are using the divide and rule policy – and hence the provision for ‘foreign’ countries to get involved.]

I fully believe that the genuine contributions voluntarily made by us without being conscious of a position,  and status and cash benefits that flow from such position,  go straight into ownership Energy which ‘works’ the system of Truth – often without us being conscious of it.  In the case of those who consciously or otherwise draw more than the position – as the position  is during the time of their occupancy – and fail to correct any wrongs during the time of such occupancy – develop a DEBT to the ‘system’. When such DEBT is not settled despite the debtor having the opportunity to do so – it becomes a sin. Sins deteriorate our ownership value and we would not truly experience the FEELING of belonging – Love for our Nation. A person carrying such Sin would naturally pollute her/his environment. Every person who gained from this person being in that position – naturally shares in the sin and carries the sin as ‘genes’. They become activated each time someone tries to make a quick profit of the problem. This was confirmed by the current President’s son when he joined his father in the UN Delegation and tried to define nepotism as :

[What is nepotism? The real meaning behind it is the abuse of power with influence favoring one’s children, relatives and friends especially by giving them occupations]

That was the litmus test needed to project the real value for Sri Lanka from the Presidential influence to dilute the American proposal.

During a recent meeting of a Diaspora group – a young Sinhalese confirming this ‘defining-attitude’ said that the current Government was a disappointment. One of the measures given was the 100 day program set by the government after the Presidential elections. This young Sinhalese could not see how a resolution could be brought about to right the wrongs of 30 years during such a short period. One did not need even 100 days to identify with the Structure that would be workable in Sri Lanka by Sri Lankans – if one Believed in Sri Lanka and invested in Sri Lanka mentally through the leadership position, including from the Opposition side. Such a  mind would project the right solution.
The President may not have had this despite having been part of the Government team before the Presidential Elections 2015.  But the current President certainly would have prevented any member of the Family other than his wife joining his official team to the UN if he did have the ‘ownership’ powers within himself in terms of the war.

I believe that we the ordinary citizens-without-portfolios who have received less than our dues from our leadership investments carry the good genes in relation to this war. We work the system through any medium that is ‘open’ to us at that time of our need. When we therefore have a ‘need’ we would naturally move those forces to manifest themselves. I realized this inner power through my own experiences including at leadership level. I was able to identify with that power when Dr. Jayantha Dhanapala pulled out of the race to the position of UN Secretary General in 2006. At that time I was in strong pain due to Discrimination Pain (as per my belief) as a Sri Lankan professional in Australia and when I learnt that a fellow Sri Lankan of Sinhalese origin was being promoted to the top position in UN – I applied for the position as per my belief. That was my parallel of the Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976. Later when I met Dr. Dhanapala through the Friday Forum – I was already an ‘ownership’ contributor with ‘observer’ status in relation to UN. I included Dr. Dhanapala in my email list from then on.

As per Wikipedia ‘Dr. Dhanapala is also the Senior Special Advisor on Foreign Relations to President Maithripala Sirisena

It is disappointing that such a high level ‘influence’ did not go deep enough to prevent ‘nepotism’ genes from manifesting themselves through the President’s son.

If Tamils Eliminate all forms of Nepotism from their official life – however small their positions may be – we would have Natural Victory over ‘Sinhalese only’ leaders.

If this is to be temporary measure only – then locally – there needs to be amnesty to all those who have been punished as if they were the LTTE – for alleged acts committed during the Rajapaksa regime. Otherwise Tamils must reject the proposal and rightly so for it effectively becomes Racial Discrimination when one side has a head start due to its proximity to the Government of America.

Tamils through LTTE proved how talented they were at the technical level. We would produce the right kind of army when we clean up the mental environment to discard the ‘lies’. All we need is our own Truth and nothing but the Truth to do this. Most villages with little access to National Government mechanisms are entitled to Govern themselves through their Truth. Unless therefore these villages in war-torn areas of Sri Lanka are facilitated to access National level Government, leave alone International  facilities,  – they are entitled to cure themselves privately.

This Quid Pro Quo needs to be Transparent in the proposed Resolution. Without this – the Zero Base Budgeting would fail to balance the system. The funds saved in this process could be allocated to war affected Tamil areas under the Administration of  a group with a leadership in proportion to the current ethnic make-up of the geographic area.  Folks of that area would then be the heirs of the war heritage/lessons.

Addressing the National Management Conference in Colombo, Prime Minister Wickremesinghe stated that we were perceiving the U.S. led UN Resolution each one as per own minds – like the blind men touching the elephant and describing as per his touch. Given that we are blind – we can only perceive through our ‘touch’. As per my knowledge there were 6 blind men in the parable. As per the philosophy of Lord Muruga with 6 faces – Common Deity to Sinhalese Buddhists  and Tamil Hindus – when we bring all our perceptions together we have the global view with its built-in solution:

Those who have had the direct experience at the time and place of manifestation take the Center place of the brain – which makes the observations ‘Common’. If this is the Lankan Government, then Tamils are the eyes; US and  UN are the ears; India is the ‘touch’ and the foreign participants the nose; the media is the mouth.  If that Common sense is weak – each perceiver would claim that her/his/its observation is right. This is fine so long as they do not enter the functional areas specially allocated to others. Intellectual leadership requires discriminative thinking as to ‘right and wrong’. Towards this the information needs to be converted to ‘common’ language – with the Lankan Government using only an Equal part of the Responsibility and no more. When each one of us goes into our observation-as in meditation, search within and then publish the Truth at the deep bottom – until zero level – that Truth becomes the solution due to the work done. When all such findings are published independently, we would be a truly Democratic society. We do not need ‘agents’ to speak for us. As Swami Sai Baba said in rebuke when someone claimed that Swami was speaking through another ‘body’   - Swami did not need another body through which to speak to the needy. Swami goes direct and this has been my experience – despite not being a devotee when Swami came first.  Independence will come directly and naturally  to those who invest in Independence/Self-Governance. When the section that publishes and shares that with others is Democratic – we would have Democracy in place to support us. Autocracy has failed in Sri Lanka at National level - due to Subjective Leadership enjoying excessively. Hence the need for Democracy and a Democratic Leader. Thus far Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe is ahead of any other Politician in this regard.

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