Sunday 30 December 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 December 2018

Terrorism Charges – True or False?

The Australian system cleared Sri Lankan Kamer Nizamdeen of Terrorism Charges. But his cousin Arsalan Khawaja is reported to have acted in breach of his bail conditions:

[The 39-year-old was first arrested in early December and charged with attempting to pervert justice and forgery after he allegedly used fake documents containing a terror plot to kill senior politicians to “set up” his colleague at the University of New South Wales over a personal grievance.] – Guardian Report headed ‘Cricketer Usman Khawaja's brother Arsalan arrested again’

Of particular interest to me is the negative karma that the University of NSW carries in terms of migrants. Human judgments are limited at best  to that place, for that time. But the Lord’s system is Universal – beyond that place and beyond that time. Those who believe in Higher Education would offset any Terrorism force that comes into an institution of higher education that they feel part of. When a wrong is not corrected within its effective environment, it becomes sin. Sin works independent of the carrier. Likewise, when a right is not recognized within its effective environment, it becomes virtue and manifests Itself as positive karma to support that person anytime, anywhere.
The arrest of Kamer Nizamdeen may seem excessive to many – especially Muslims. But we have had worse punishments happening to Sri Lankan Tamils seeking higher education in common universities. To the extent  Kamer Nizamdeen benefited from his uncle who was / is a minister in the Sri Lankan government – he would carry the karmic forces of the Sri Lankan government led by his uncle’s party – which is also the Sri Lankan President’s party - SLFP. This would include pain and suffering caused to Tamil civilians who believed they were Sri Lankans. This belief is developed/maintained  in many ways. One who sacrifices to become educated and is clearly recognized as Sri Lankan – is a believer in Sri Lanka. That is the strongest avenue through which I developed and maintained my belief in Sri Lanka. I connect to fellow believers in Sri Lanka – naturally through this belief.  That belief is confirmed by me taking my higher position in Sri Lankan education despite opposition from those who treat me as an outsider.

The parallel of Kamer Nizamdeen’s experience happened to me in October 2008 when Major-General Janaka Perera was killed by a bomb in Anuradhapura. I was on my way to Mankerni, Batticaloa to be with Tsunami victims. I felt I was particularly targeted by armed officers – but took it as their need in protecting the security of common Sri Lankan. Until I reached Yoga Swami Hindu Girls Home in Sithandi, Batticaloa, I did not know about the bombing. At the early stage of final stretched a Muslim intelligence officer sat next to me and questioned me again and again. It was when the identity checking officer came over and asked for my id and the officer in civil clothes signalled that there was no need – that I realised he was an officer in civil clothes. Before getting down the officer gave me his contact details and asked me to contact him if I had a need. Then I realized that he was a Muslim Sri Lankan. Unlike Nizamdeen in Australia, I did not need any high level connections in Sri Lanka – to be a Sri Lankan. All I had to do was be within my belief in Sri Lanka – to work the real system.

I also signed bail conditions to not enter the University. I did so because the Magistrate who had upheld that I was right and that the University Administrators were wrong asked me to. But ever since then I have not stepped into that University. To me it was a word of honor from a believer in Australia to fellow Australians who may be anxious due to me being from the same community as the LTTE which carried the ‘Terrorism’ label in many countries. This strengthens my self-governance power – especially in the case of institutions of higher education. That is a heritage that I share with all those believe in me as their elder.

Just a couple of days back, when fellow Australian of Sri Lankan origin – Dushan Perera, Chairman & Managing Director of Iceman Group of Companies invested in Higher Education for Tamils in Northern Sri Lanka, I felt that this was due to both of us believing in Sri Lanka’s commonness. 

Dushan who already shares his heritage with Northerners through technical training followed by employment, has deepened his investment in Northern Sri Lanka – through this investment in higher education. This is how ordinary folks with extraordinary positive energy successfully bring about commonness while politicians are busy dividing themselves into smaller and smaller groups.

The likes of Dushan cure quietly. They would not fear Terrorism because the believer never feels terrorized. Nizamdeen was not a believer in Australia nor in Sri Lanka. The more he claims to have been wronged the less his commonness with victims of government excesses – which are experienced more in Sri Lanka than in Australia. As minorities we have to learn with what we have. We would then grow taller than the majority who indulge in excesses.

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