Monday 26 February 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

26 February 2018                                    
Dual Citizenship & Order of the mind

We Australians learnt through the Hon Barnaby Joyce, MP,  the problems with Dual Policy Structures. Not only in terms of Citizenship but also in terms of marriage – those who seek to enjoy benefits from two diverse systems become ineligible for policy level positions. Mr Joyce confirmed through dual marriage systems that he was invoking negatives from both systems, which eventually  demoted him from the structured higher position in both systems. Those driven by Truth will be common to both systems. But those driven by benefits at primary level will demote themselves to primary level thinking structure even if they are officially at Policy level.
Policy   based on one’s experience – will divide into equal halves at cost-benefit level.  The measure through which we recognize this principle is as per the pathway through which we had that experience.
Integrating from bottom to top – cost-benefit at equal level is the base on which we develop knowledge based structures. Benefits when sacrificed, become Structures and Structures when completed to serve both sides of an independent group become Energy. It is this Energy that is given form as Policy.  
A dual citizen who actively participates in both country politics is like a person who actively practices two religious systems. Unless the base level member of a religion knows which religious part is active at that time, s/he would not be able to connect to the leader.
We were presented with the parallel dilemma in Sri Lanka – where the Minister responsible for the National Carrier – Sri Lankan Airlines has been relieved of his responsibility for dual systems – Commercial and Public Service. The Hon Kabir Hashim demonstrated clearly that he could not deliver from a business angle and now  the transfer confirms that he could not deliver from a political angle either.
The country needs separation on religious basis due to ‘Buddhism foremost’  being part of the Constitutional formula. Lord Buddha set the example of renunciation. I see Lord Murga as the presiding deity of  Airlanka / Sri Lankan Airlines. Lord Muruga actively promotes the system of global democracy. Both cannot be presiding deities in the altar of Sri Lankan Airlines.
The National carrier needs separation on the basis of whether a section/department is political or commercial. Politicians are responsible for upholding Government Policy in the Airline but Business leaders are responsible for  Business policy.
Mr Rajeeva Jayaweera – who has invested in Sri Lankan Airlines beyond his employment benefits – has recently highlighted as follows:
Minister Hashim has been the subject minister of both SriLankan Airlines and Mihin Lanka till its amalgamation with the national carrier since August 2015. He failed to direct the Chairman of the airline to conduct internal inquiries based on the findings by Weliamuna and his associates. The report highlighted issues related to Manpower (HR) including recruitments carried out before Presidential elections, Tenders associated with Duty-Free Services besides alcohol for on-board service and General Sales Agent appointments abroad
Duty-Free Services on-board and appointment of General Sales Agents are commercial areas into which politicians have no right to enter. Human Resources have to be separated as per the hierarchical structure and the line of Separation needs to be drawn on the basis of grades. Senior Management being part of the ownership would need to be recruited by a combined group where the People’s group is one more than the commercial group. But there can be no direct participation by the People’s group in the operational activities of the Airline.
The new Minister for Sri Lankan Airlines has already had experience in University system and therefore in the separation of powers in the Governing Council as per Section 44 (1) of the Universities Act 1978   which requires more owners representing the People than Administrators representing Intellectual order. Section 45 (2) (xii) provides as follows:
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of the powers conferred upon it by subsection (1), the Council shall exercise, perform and discharge the following powers, duties and functions:-
(xii) to appoint persons to, and to suspend, dismiss or otherwise punish persons in the employment of, the University:
Provided that, except in the case of Officers and teachers, these powers may be delegated to the Vice-Chancellor;
The parallel of the Vice Chancellor is the CEO and the parallels of Officers are heads of various parts of Administration and the parallels of teachers are pilots and other senior staff who as a prerequisite have to have special training to hold those positions.
The Weliamuna report failed to make this fundamental distinction between intellectual outcomes and belief based outcomes. It was a report that did not lead to solutions because the group lacked ownership investment in this kind of operation.
Managing two wives – one de facto and the other structured would be not difficult for one who believes in Lord Muruga whose 1st wife Theivanai confirms the structured pathway and consort Valli confirms the natural pathway. If all else fails – the new minister has the option of forgetting about Article 9 and therefore ‘Buddhism foremost’ but switching to Articles 10 & 14 (1) (e ) to become a de facto Hindu.

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