Thursday, 22 February 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

21 February 2018

Independent Tamil Eelam & Mother Language

Today is International Mother Language Day – as announced  by UNESCO. Like Motherland, Mother Language existed when we were born and we would not think that it would be gone when we die. Whether we use that language / land to represent our diversity or not is the choice we have. No one therefore created Independent Tamil Eelam nor  does anyone have the power to destroy it. Independence just Exists and we show it from time to time through the forms of our choices.

The right to show a form different to majority in an area, or the government of the day, is earned through Continuous independent use even in  adversity.

Through direct work to protect my earned ownership of land in Colombo, Sri Lanka, I learnt about the fundamentals of Prescriptive rights.  Section 3, of the  Prescription Ordinance requires in terms of  Prescriptive Title, :

[ Proof of the undisturbed and uninterrupted possession by a defendant in any action or by those under whom he claims, of lands or immovable property, by a title adverse to or independent of that of the claimant or plaintiff in such action (that is to say, a possession unaccompanied by payment  of rent or produce, or performance of service or duty, or by any other act by the possessor from which an acknowledgment of a right existing in another person would fairly and naturally be inferred) for ten years previous to the bringing of such action, shall entitle the defendant to a decree in his favour with costs’]

Taking the whole of Tamil Community in Sri Lanka, the entitlement by belief has been proven to an external person/body, by undisturbed and uninterrupted use, through a title adverse to or independent of that of the majority race’s government.

On 19 February, the Hon Rajavarothiam Sampanthan said in the Sri Lankan Parliament  that former President Mahinda Rajapaksa had aroused his supporters with the claim that “ Tamil Eelam would bloom following the local authority elections”.

Viewing it as an Observer – not only the former President but also  Mr Wigneswaran who is officially part of the TNA has invoked the Tamil Eelam sentiments through his support for the war-crimes petition.

Mr Sampanthan claimed passionately that  his group wanted  a solution within “an undivided, indivisible, single country”.

The work of Tamil Politicians and Intellectuals is confirmed by Mr Sampanthan who leads the Opposition in National Parliament confirming this Equal Right to practice Tamil at National level. The value of this position is far greater than when we separate as a small state with no opposition to compete against laterally – as confirmed by the Northern Provincial Council, under the leadership of Mr Wigneswaran. The structure under which Mr Wigneswaran bloomed as a Judicial leader was multicultural Colombo challenged strongly by ‘Sinhala Only’ claimants. When active without that opposition, Mr Wigneswaran would shrink and stagnate.

To my mind, the real Tamil Eelam came into existence when majority Tamil electorate became ‘home’ to at least one Independent person who considered her/himself a Tamil through the system in that area at that time. Hence I interpret  Mr Rajapaksa’s statements in this regard,  to mean that that Tamil home would be invaded after the Local Government elections. Energy cannot be destroyed nor created. It changes form. Likewise,  Independence.

As per the above description of his home as ‘an undivided, indivisible, single country’ – Mr Sampanthan gives hope to other Tamils that their current ‘local homes’ would be expanded to National level under TNA leadership. I already am in that wider Energy pool. Mr Wigneswaran obviously is not. Likewise,  TNPF - the party reported to be supported by Mr Wigneswaran.

In every outcome there is Truth from the past which resides as Energy at that place and in that person through whose influence the manifestation happens. It can be offset through active merit – but not destroyed. Our horoscopes confirm this latent Energy. In Tamil reading for example ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’/ Seven and a half years’ worth of strongest negative energy / Saturn – needs quiet contemplation and improvement and not activities that invite the old ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’ to empower the heir in the new environment. Tamils refer to this as invoking the Ehlarai / Saturn.

To genuine politicians – weapon based militancy is  ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’. This was invoked not only in South but also in North, during the recent Local Government elections. Good and Active politicians would diffuse this ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’ at the political level. Every Independent person of current times who invokes her/his independent ancestors  will empower such politicians.

TNA confirms through its equal position in National Parliament,  the accumulated  karma of Tamils as an independent community in Sri Lanka. This would keep surfacing again and again when majority race with the power to elect National Government becomes more and more dependent on ‘foreigners’ while taking benefits on the claim that they were independent. The ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’ for Tamil Politicians is LTTE which would join forces with the Rajapaksa clan to have the excitement of fighting with weapons. Anyone who claims them to be heroes  and seek international community’s assistance to bring about war-crimes inquiry is confirming that they were not really Independent but abused that power accumulated by politicians and intellectuals and common civilians for lesser ‘freedom’ through isolation. This comes from ‘attachment’ to the physical.  The hero who uses weapons to defend her/his independence would complete the experience in the battlefield.   So long as intellectuals take their place as gurus (represented by Jupiter) - ‘Ehlarai Saniyan’ can only bark but not have the opportunity to bite. That is the law of Nature – as confirmed by Saturn being smaller than Jupiter.

Independent Tamils defeated Mr Rajapaksa’s group which failed to respect Independence. So long as TNA is respectful of its ancestral powers it will always be night-time for the lotus flower.

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