Sunday, 12 November 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

11 November   2017

Tamil Constitution

[Nothing but a separate Tamil state of Eelam had been the 'manthra' of the TULF from the time the Vaddukoddai Resolution was adopted in May 1976.] Ceylon Today article ‘Accommodative and Conciliatory Approach by TNA
[Every country has two constitutions: a “legal constitution” and a “political constitution”. The focus for the past two years has been on the legal constitution. If the government is serious about introducing a new constitution and winning a referendum it must now shift its focus to the political constitution.] Ground Views article ‘How to Win the Referendum
The Vaddukoddai Resolution in essence was the ‘political constitution’ of Tamils of Sri Lanka. The ‘legal constitution’ of Tamils was the laws of Public Administration accepted by Tamils, in addition to Customary Laws. The real Constitution that works naturally for Sri Lankans is as per our free and true contributions through the above sets of laws within or beyond those borders. This applies to those who are native to that land currently living in Sri Lanka on the one hand and those who are currently far away from that land but continue to make investments in Sri Lanka without giving or receiving material returns. The latter usually make up the real ‘Foreign Ministry’ of Sri Lanka.
Both groups are empowered by Ancestral Powers and Global Powers respectively. But these powers would not work directly to deliver merit based outcomes based on currently active laws. Those who therefore use the names of Ellalan – the Tamil  King who ruled in Sri Lanka and Dutugamunu the Sinhalese King who defeated him in Sri Lanka, directly for combat purposes, took their own minds back to those times and became unfit for current environments. Those who respected these elders would have not used  them for benefit purposes.
Vaddukoddai Resolution was declared in Northern Sri Lanka, where the Thesawalamai Law – the customary law of Northern Tamils continues to be active. As per this law, man and woman are different and equal until known otherwise through merit basis. The dowry system was in place to ‘fill’ the apparent gap when the daughter started her own branch of the family – as in Federal structure. In contrast Gandhi took a Unitary approach – revealed as follows:
[Mohandas K Gandhi condemned the giving and receiving  of dowries as he led India toward independence. For Gandhi, the quest for political freedom was bound up in what he saw as the need to transform the Indian soul. Part of that struggle in Gandhi’s eyes included abolishing the dowry….After Gandhi’s admonitions, the new Indian Government passed the Dowry Prohibition Act, which was intended to do just that but which has been ignored by rich and poor alike ] ‘International Human Rights in Context’ by Henry J Steiner and Philip Alston
Indian Tamils demonstrate respect for the elders much more than Sri Lankan Tamils do. To my mind, the reason could be more persons less money relatively and hence the need for ‘respect’ to complete relationships. Juniors who pay their respects to Seniors become entitled to Equal status at the end of the relationship. When this is denied, the junior is morally entitled to move away to preserve her/his sovereignty.
A woman who is respected by younger siblings and children – becomes equal in status to the man. Those who thus complete relationships would not rape the less powerful – be they juniors of the same gender or the someone of the opposite gender who seems physically weaker including due to status. In Northern Sri Lanka, where this respect was weaker, Thesawlamai Law helped maintain the separation to the extent of investment in diversity of functions and hence the Equality between man and woman. The right to separation ceases to exist once the contribution to diversity is weakened.
To my mind, the Vaddukoddai resolution demonstrated the above value of diversity and hence the rejection of minority status and the confirmation of Equal status through similar separation as in the dowry system. The 1977 election outcomes through which Tamils became the Equal Opposition in National Parliament  despite being a minority Community at number level confirmed the blessings of the system of Sovereignty that Truth upholds naturally. This has been repeated in 2015, confirming the support of  Truth that the Tamils as a Community are entitled to Self Governance as a Community. As Sir Einstein said in the case of Jews ‘the sum of the achievements of their individual members is everywhere considerable and telling, even though these achievements were made in the face of obstacles.’
I would say that the achievements acquired additional value due to the obstacles that the minorities accept and carry on courageously.
The mother in traditional families gets lesser return for Equal but Different work, the benefits of which are drawn from the common pool. Where a mother performs menial jobs without receiving benefits including on Equal footing where there is no merit based measure, but accepts the return at the apparent level, the mother accumulates the ‘gap’ as Energy. Every such person has the ability to ‘work’ the system as a whole. Those Tamils, Burghers, Muslims and other ethnic minorities who absorbed such ‘gap’ and continued to perform at equal level or higher, carry this Energy and they would work through Sinhalese parallels to demote the government that disrespected the contribution to Sovereignty by minorities.
Mrs Bandaranaike who carried the status of being the first woman prime minister at global level, lost her status internally in 1977.  If  her global status was earned due to her husband and  not independently in her own rights – then those who were more eligible for parallel status under that lady’s administration, would accumulate the latent powers to demote her status. This became active due to the quota system to enter university resulting in many ‘ethnic’ universities which weakened  the  globalization opportunities of common universities.
As per my knowledge, Tamils of Sri Lanka who have achieved the appropriate ‘grades’ prefer to learn at the common universities than at the local ones. That is the parallel of TNA carrying  Equal status in National Parliament on the one hand and LTTE wanting separation on the other. Tamils are yet to vote for merger of North & East. LTTE leadership confirmed that the two would separate when there is economic prosperity. The two Universities are yet to demonstrate common links at policy level.
The Senior is entitled to contribute through policy but the junior needs to stay within the boundaries of actual practice to claim the right to self-governance. Any Senior who damages that right – knowingly or otherwise including through policy will then be punished by the consolidated forces of Natural Energies – to the extent the junior is hurt. The longer it takes for the Senior to accept and correct the mistake, the stronger the return punishment. A junior who damages the actual practiced value  of a principle by a senior – returns the karma on her/himself at the level that policy is practiced by all – as in global practices. Hence the Terrorism label diluted to factual level.

The current opportunity to amend the Constitution, if used appropriately would restore harmony in Sri Lankan society – even though it is likely that TNA would no longer become Equal Opposition in Parliament. If abused by some and ignored by others – and Tamils continue to invest in Sovereignty at the current level or more, in their respective environments, Tamil leadership in National Parliament will continue to confirm the inequality in contribution to Commonness and therefore Sovereignty of Sri Lanka. The Diaspora that operates independently outside Sri Lanka would be a strong force in that direction. 

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