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Lord Muruga with His Ladies - by Raja Ravi Varma |
Ms Diannah Paramour
Australian Activist in Sri Lankan matters
7010 Huon Highway, Dover,
Tasmania, Australia - 7117
Dear Ms Paramour,
The Bra Fiasco and Its Ramifications
Your open communication to the official Sri
Lankan Diplomatic Mission in Australia, on the above subject matter, found its way to me through fellow Sri
Lankans. I respond as a person common to Australia and Sri Lanka.
You have introduced yourself as follows:
‘In 2004 I founded a small group to promote positive
outcomes for Sri Lanka.
"Duplicity...Truth & Forgiveness In Sri Lanka" (C) 2004.
Our aims and objectives are to bring about the truth before forgiveness can be given.’
"Duplicity...Truth & Forgiveness In Sri Lanka" (C) 2004.
Our aims and objectives are to bring about the truth before forgiveness can be given.’
My discovery – largely through my AUSTRALIAN
experiences - is that Truth is realized and is not limited
to the seen and the known. We
particularize Truth – to facilitate our own thought processes. Hence when you
have ‘Objectives’ – we need facts. Fact like the human person is the physical
presentation through which Truth/Soul is
recognized by the average person. As an Australian you would need more facts to
participate at the same level as a Sri Lankan, to identify with the Truth in
the Sri Lankan experience. Otherwise you need to be a global person Common to
all Nations.
Also it is my discovery that once we
realize Truth – forgiveness is confirmed. Truth makes us One person. Hence there
is no need for one to forgive the other, except in confirmation.
You state in your communication:
need to mention that I have learnt that not all Tamils are Tamil Tigers and
this also is something I would like the western world to acknowledge. ]
Where majority Tamils have identified with
the stated cause of the Tamil Tigers – i.e. – Self Governance – we are all
Tamil Tigers. Just yesterday I was taking to a Tamil in Vaddukoddai – the birthplace
of the first Political Declaration of
Tamil Independence was made in 1976 – who introduced himself as having
been part of the LTTE Navy and also was supported by Mr. Douglas Devananda – a Minister
in the Rajapaksa Government to which Government – the LTTE were officially - Terrorists.
Where majority Tamils of Sri Lanka identify with this self governance cause –
the whole Community is taken to include Tamil Tigers as part of themselves. Hence
as a Community – we come as a package – LTTE as well as Douglas Devananda. This
is now being confirmed through the latest Tamil formation Tamil People’s Council.
Hence making the distinction between LTTE Tamils and other Tamils is irrelevant
to us – insiders. Bu including ourselves, we are also diluting the negatives
that have gone beyond their correctable period to become sins. Only those with
true positives in Equal Opportunity values have the ability to redeem the
negatives that have become sins.
Murugan Murugan with his wives by Raja Ravi Varma
This distinction between inherited values
and merit based rights and wrongs is clearly recognized in migrant rich
countries such as Australia – through Anti Racial Discrimination laws. It is represented
by the two Ladies of Tamil Hindu Deity Lord Muruga (in whose honor we have a
temple at the Sydney suburb of Westmead) – Theivayanai & Valli. Theivayanai
depicts faith based values already residing as our Reserve Energy and Valli depicts
merit through current activities. They are known as Itcha Sakthi (motivating
Energy) and Kiriya Sakthi (active work Energy). To my mind they are Static
Energy and Dynamic Energy. The two cannot be indiscriminately combined to work
out majority value. Hence the need for Separation of Powers through Devolution.
One could identify with the two forces through oneself – one motivating us through Reserves of Energy accumulated
over Time and the other by freezing time to current period and including wider
world through knowledge common to us. Those
choosing the latter are Activists.
You introduce yourself to the Sri Lankan
Diplomatic Mission as ‘I am 5th generation Australian
born from Celtic origins’
to my mind, means that a large doze of your knowledge base is from this Reserve
accumulated from the past. This naturally blocks the path of Multicultural Observation that is part of Democracy.
The Australian Police who according to my interpretation of the law arrested me
unlawfully for Peaceful Assembly at the University of NSW – listed me as Indian
and then Sri Lankan. Under cross examination by me – one officer who could not
find fault with that description stated that he was ‘fourth generation
Australian’. Yet the Court ruled that it did not amount to unlawful discrimination.
To my mind, the Court jumped on the Racism bandwagon of Negative Energy / Sin due
to using the wrong measure – the measure of desire that kills Itcha Sakthi
(Static Energy). The court failed to undertake the rule of Equality to start on
Equal footing – Australian to Australian. The sad part is that the Court itself
blocked insight to recognize that it was using the old measure to judge new dogs
like me – from Asia. I was asked to pay $10,000 to cover the cost of Police –
effectively to block this insight through clever lawyers using technicalities.
Bringing out this ‘fact’ - that to the Police, I was an ‘outsider’ was the
return value that goes directly to Policy even though no other Australian may
recognize it. It is now up to the Australian Government to make amends – with compound
interest. Otherwise it would be global as far as I am concerned while
Australian investment in Equal Opportunity values would continuously get
diluted at the official level.
My assessment on the basis of your
statements is that you are an outsider to Sri Lanka and therefore I need to use
only objectively verifiable outcomes to include or reject the validity of your
statements. You state in relation to the Sri Lankan President’s proposed ‘ban’ on
[My current reason to contact you relates to
the shocking ramifications caused by the Presidents careless public comments
concerning the girl removing her bra. I have been interacting with my FB Sri
Lankan friends unaware that the story was going to break here in Australia. Now
yet again I am forced to try to rectify concerning matters. Firstly I agree
that the girl certainly shamed her family and country.
That's not open for dispute. If she were my daughter she definitely would be punished. Young people are given the privilege of stupidity, they will learn. This girl will be publicly vilified if she is revealed that's for sure.]
That's not open for dispute. If she were my daughter she definitely would be punished. Young people are given the privilege of stupidity, they will learn. This girl will be publicly vilified if she is revealed that's for sure.]
If as per your assessment – bra-throwing is
shameful then I conclude that in your mind you are more like the Australian
Muslim female to whom covering the body is culturally ‘right’ and exposing the
body is culturally wrong. You are not like the lovely Australian ladies who in
their bikinis, make our Australian Beaches look more beautiful – a reported reason for the manifestation of Cronulla riots.
As a Sri
Lankan I do not feel ashamed by the above youngster. That kind of culture comes
with McDonalds and KFC that are not banned in Sri Lanka. Also, the Sri Lankan
male consuming arak – is not banned from the armed forces, despite the damages
caused by pleasure rendering intoxicants. The culprits who are reported to have
raped women during war time have not been officially banned from being part of the
armed forces. We just demote those who seem ‘negative insiders’ as per our
culture or list them as Equal outsiders with different culture. We do it all
the time in Multicultural Australia – especially when we are addressed by our
Christian names by those who are our juniors. You confirm this cultural problem
as follows:
[If the President had not opened his mouth and dragged Sri Lanka back into the dark ages, it would have by now been all water under the bridge. I understand that he is a fool, that's not open for debate either. He probably thought if he called upon ancient beliefs and values, that his falling popularity might get a much needed resurgence. However it's quite to the contrary. ]
[If the President had not opened his mouth and dragged Sri Lanka back into the dark ages, it would have by now been all water under the bridge. I understand that he is a fool, that's not open for debate either. He probably thought if he called upon ancient beliefs and values, that his falling popularity might get a much needed resurgence. However it's quite to the contrary. ]
Our Australian Prime Minister – would not
have made such statements. To honestly and legitimately call the Sri Lankan
President a fool – you ought to have identified with his Truth through your
own. Hence the Equal status with other cultures. Thus you needed to first
declare publicly that you were a fool as per your assessment of yourself, and
thus you identify with Mr. Sirisena also to belong in your group/community as
per your Truth which makes you and Mr. Sirisena become One.
To so conclude as an outsider – you need knowledge
based assessment using facts & Common measures. This has been done by the UN –
on behalf of Australia also and the conclusion is that Mr. Sirisena is a capable and reliable person committed to
his current position. To my mind – as a person common to Australia and to Sri
Lanka – Mr. Sirisena is a compassionate person relying heavily on his inner
cultural force. His claim that he is a politician confirms this.
Belief based ancient values would empower
us naturally within our home-group. Hence the blocks to discourage migrants
from Sri Lanka coming by boat to Australia. But given that you find Sri Lanka
more interesting than Australia to play
the political game – I conclude that Truth overrode hearsay – that we Sri
Lankans are either Terrorists or Fools, needing refuge in Australia or
supervision in Sri Lanka by Australian citizens who have paid time and money to
merely scratch the surface. You confirm the fate of such floating costs as
[Professionals working in medical
repatriation have suggested that Sri Lanka has been put under covert travel
warnings since the hybrid court started their vilification of Mahinda Rajapaksa
and his family.
Travel visas have now been extended which means urgently needed funds will be injected into the economy.
We cannot afford for anything to make intended tourists to feel unsafe. Remember our televisions are telling us that everyone who is not white must be a terrorist. The good work I have done has been crashed down in only two days.]
Travel visas have now been extended which means urgently needed funds will be injected into the economy.
We cannot afford for anything to make intended tourists to feel unsafe. Remember our televisions are telling us that everyone who is not white must be a terrorist. The good work I have done has been crashed down in only two days.]
My EXPERIENCE in Sri Lanka confirms
otherwise. Sri Lanka feels more safe than previously, due to the current
Government being more open to criticism than the previous Government. I did not
feel threatened under the previous Government either. But I had to frequently
activate my thoughts of life with Sinhalese in Colombo to naturally take higher
positions with armed officers as per our Truth. I achieved this by giving form
to Divinity through Buddha. Then I would expect the officer to do his duty. Now
I do not have to surface such powers.
Our fears are the other side of our
desires. The less we earn our benefits – the stronger the force of this desire
and therefore the fear. If Westerners feel unsafe in Sri Lanka – then it is due
to their own inner knowledge that migrants
from Sri Lanka are outsiders even if their
families have lived in Australia for
generations. The Truth manifests Itself
through pure media – be they negative or positive to the observer or activist
looking for an opportunity. If you are one of them as per your own assessment –
then you are likely to invoke the negatives in all ethnic groups where they are
in majority. This could result in you being fooled by them and/or making a
martyr of yourself – the reason why we have the threat of war-crimes inquiry
hanging over our heads.
Yours sincerely
Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
CC: All Concerned
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