Paramasivam – 13 January 2016
Sri Lanka – An Indian Territory?
said that the demand for a separate state resulted in a war which pushed the
country backwards.
war has come to an end and more importantly there is no more a demand for a
separate state” he said
LTTE had pushed for a separate state but Sampanthan says the demand was dropped
even before the war ended] (Colombo Gazette)]
claim of Self Governance was brought out by Tamil Politicians. No Politician had/has
the authority to hand it over to the
LTTE – so it would be suppressed. As I keep saying here in Vaddukoddai where
the first political declaration of Self Governance was made by Tamil
Politicians – one wrong cannot effectively be negated by a right from another
issue. The 1976 Vaddukoddai Resolution had the blessings of Natural Powers – as confirmed by the Tamil
Political Party becoming the leading Opposition in 1977 Parliamentary
Elections. The then President JR Jayawardene brought about the new Constitution
in 1978, confirming the fear of Sinhalese Politicians. The Independent Observer
would know that this was the path of Truth. Once Desire is manifested, the other side – Fear - also is
manifested but remains in ‘waiting’ for
the recipient body to come along. Where there is no ‘system’ authority used for
such manifestations – the other side happens simultaneously and is harmless.
That is the way of the animal world. All those who invest genuinely in a Higher
Common system – prevent the simultaneous manifestation of Fear due to their investment in the Higher
Common System – such as Law and Order. The highest of such systems is the
pathway of Truth which works beyond the boundaries of the physical media
through which It is manifested. Its value is naturally exponential.
Taken at face value – the above statement
by Mr. Sampanthan says – that the war was started by LTTE. Since LTTE is dead
and gone at body level – the above effectively is - talking ill of the Dead. The LTTE was in the Tamil before and
after the war as the JVP was in the
Sinhalese before and after the war. Unless
the demon within is addressed and diffused – we carry it as our Paavam / Sins into
the next period/project. They manifest
through Desires for unearned Benefits by threatening the other side with harm
to the physical. If the ‘other side’ does not have such desire – it does not
react and the manifesting person/group would give up or start looking
elsewhere. The Sinhalese Politician became that medium back then but when LTTE
was declared Terrorists at global level – by Politicians who by oath were
committed to uphold Sri Lankan Sovereignty – that Desire entered foreign bodies
in waiting. The following is one such example surfaced through my article ‘Knock & It Shall Open’. It
came from a fellow Australian of non-Sri Lankan origin – which means when I
receive it – it gets diffused internally through my investment in Truth as an
wonder how many beautiful Tamil mothers answered a knock at their door only to
with vile terrorists of their own bloodline, who kidnapped their children
forced them to become child soldiers. How many doors closed on these children's
educations, futures and eventually their lives? Now it's all water under the
bridge and washing our hands at the toilet becomes the issue? Very sad. Spilt
blood for 30 years for what? ]
I responded as follows:
issues remain the same. The mothers were negligent then and they still are.
use these mothers' ignorance of strong and reliable pathways - to make out
as if
they are of the one system. They were when we had the job-based caste system.
that Sri Lankan Government did not have democratic systems to manage
Sri Lanka - there was no evolution from the caste system to Democracy
better suits the multicultural society. When we abuse the system of democracy we
ourselves and separate. Hence the inability of the Politicians to keep us
Even today
- idle youth who greeted me with ‘good morning ammah’ - started laughing as
soon as my back was turned towards them. I could not see them. It's that kind of
culture. Others have reported this quality in the youth here. The moment they
know that there are no benefits to come from a person of higher status - they start showing their true ways - which
is to ridicule the higher order. LTTE kept them in control under fear and then once they felt they were
better off with LTTE than through any other pathway - they stayed on
voluntarily. I learnt this from grieving mothers who needed a shoulder to cry
on. Easy handouts is also the problem here. Youth try to belittle those who
insist on them earning their benefits.
I keep reporting them back to their mothers
who have expressed trust in me saying
has been much progress since my involvement here. The parents of these youth
were employed in their traditional trades under the caste system. When
outsiders show them the easier pathway they stay away from school and idle in
groups - ridiculing those who go to
You may feel sorry for them. I feel sorry for
me - and those who have given up their /
earned comforts to transform these young ones - who would form a worse group
- which is already reported to be happening overseas. ]
Separation as stated above – happens when
we abuse a system and get benefits through claims of Equality which are yet to
be real. Western nations taking on refugees as per global commitments –
continue to practice ‘Divide and Rule’ policy due to their attachment to status
handed down from their predecessors – but without positive heritage value. They
naturally would consider others/Rebels who steal their show – to be their opposition/enemies.
Where one fails to limit oneself to her/his half at the physical level – but
takes up higher authority – the risk of interference
and therefore damage to the earned benefits and rights of others is high.
Where the individual physical
manifestations in a relationship are greater than the Common manifestations shown to the Public – we
need Equal Opportunity Laws and Separation of Powers. Where we need to ‘show’
internally – we are need to take up the ‘other’ side. Hence Equal Opposition in
Tamils’ earnings as Equals was confirmed by
the 1977 Parliamentary elections and again through 2015 elections. It was by
seeking and find the connection through the pathway of Truth – about the former
that I was able to invest in the latter. In 1977 I was a very ordinary voter
with very little investment in direct National Politics. I was also a victim of
the 1977 civil riots – to the extent I remained an outsider to such groups that
rely on physical powers. By 2015 – I was part of those groups due to my ‘Service’
projects in Sri Lanka after completing my Australian experience to become
Independent as an Individual. Hence I am able to Transform the negative
elements in such groups. The reward is that I know that they are getting cured of
their callousness and frivolousness. Just yesterday, I confirmed my support to the
teenage son of the guy who tore up our Australian Tamil Management Service
banner because I refused to give him
money for a drink. The father passed away about 8 months ago and the teenage
son has taken over the father’s self-employment business.
One of the negative returns for Tamils as
well as Sinhalese – is the loss of opportunity to participate in Higher Common
Order. They often resort to low level self-employment. This is glorified by
promises of Business Unit approach in Democracy. Vaddukoddai which declared political
independence ahead of Jaffna – is now like a ghost town. Vaddukoddai was
strongly influenced by Malaysian Pensioners looking for retirement power – as American
money is to the current government.
Every Tamil who accepts the above by Mr.
Sampanthan when s/he has the opportunity to uphold the Vaddukoddai Resolution –
and thereby honor our politicians in consolidated form – risks becoming the
victim of Fear that the Tamil is second class – needing endorsements by the
Government that we are Equal. One who desires quick rise to that position of
Government would cut off those who seem like outsiders. That is what LTTE did.
Mr. Sampanthan has cut off the itchy nose to spite the face.
LTTE was just the itchy nose of the Tamil
Community priding itself as high achievers in Educational pursuits. We also
sold our intelligence to the highest pay masters and are entertaining Cheap Indian
intelligence such as this by my own Alma Mater:
Mahadevan to conduct CA Sri Lanka leadership programme

The programme is designed to enable executives understand the core issues in organisations that inhibit them from good performance and will provide a fresh set of ideas to address these issues. The objectives of the programme include: sensitizing the participants to the traits of leadership, which vary from being a failed leader to an inspirational leader, introducing new paradigms for meaningful work, showcasing the usefulness of spirituality as a value in business and providing alternative paradigms for business management.
The programme scheduled to be held on Wednesday, February 17, 2016 at CA Sri Lanka, is specially designed for senior level professionals including business leaders, CEOs, CFOs, heads of departments, senior managers and HR managers.
Prof. Mahadevan is a Professor of Operations Management at the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, where he has been teaching since 1992. He was also the Dean Administration of the institute and a member of the Governing Board of IIMB for four years. Prof. Mahadevan has more than 24 years of wide-ranging experience in teaching, research, consulting and academic administration at IIM Bangalore and other reputed institutions such as IIT Delhi and XLRI Jamshedpur.
He was conferred the ICFAI Best Teacher Award by the Association of Indian Management Schools in 2005. Prof. Mahadevan was one among the 40 nominated globally for the Economic Intelligence Unit’s (EIU) Business Professor of the Year Award, 2012.
Prof. Mahadevan received his M.Tech. and Ph.D. from the Industrial Engineering and Management Division of IIT Madras and holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Engineering (Production Engineering) from the College of Engineering, Guindy, Madras. He was a visiting scholar at the Amos Tuck School of Business Administration, Dartmouth College, New Hampshire, in 1999–2000. He was also a retainer consultant to Deloitte Consulting LLP, USA, in 2001–2002]
The Institute that has to ‘import’
externals when there is a dire need to strengthen Sri Lanka’s Sovereignty - is
automatically selling itself to those very ‘outsiders’. We are going global
cheaply – while our Alumni world over keeps living in its past praising its own
tail. That example was set by the Diaspora politicians’ alumni.
The Institute of Chartered Accountants have
confirmed the effect of Mr. Sampanthan dropping the Separate State demand. We
Sri Lankans have become the 37th Political Territory of India. MG
Ramachandran – the actor without political heritage started the move by cheap money
to LTTE and now the Institute is copying to look Indian.
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