Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
September 2017
Sex Marriage Laws needed to Prevent
injustice in Courts
week we Australians have the opportunity to inform our Government about our
feelings and thoughts on Same Sex Marriage Laws. My vote on this would go
towards influencing the outer form of this proposal. My feelings on this would go
towards protecting Australians against Terrorism from those to whom such
practices are ‘alien’ and indeed punishable by their local communities – as Divorce
laws still are within the Tamil Hindu community and even in Courts in Colombo
and Northern Sri Lanka. Below are some excerpts of my account of this painful
experience due to second marriage, even though it is lawful marriage here in
Australia. Mr. Yogendra is the other side lawyer in this matter:
[In that Mallakam Court – Mr. Yogendra became
the Judge. When Mr. Yogendra stated about my second marriage – and that because
of that I was not family – the Judge did not discipline nor did he ask the
question as to its relevance to the case.
When I started giving evidence about my knowledge of what happened in
the family in relation to inheritance matters – the Judge stated that it was
The judge stated that what I was stating
about the distribution of wealth that happened before my marriage was hearsay.
I took it as our lawyer having contributed to it by stating that they needed
‘facts’. The question he asked me was
‘Is this a matter regarding the Estate of your husband’s brother?’ I stated ‘It is my understanding that it is
about the Administration of the Estate of my husband’s brother’ Then our lawyer stated that the Court needed
facts and not my understanding.
On 07 November 2013 in the Testamentary
matter regarding the Estate of Mr. Subramaniam Yoganathan, one of the final questions put to me in Court
effectively was ‘Why are you interfering
in this matter?’
I was in the witness box and as part of the
oath I was required by the Court to speak the Truth and nothing but the
Truth. I therefore responded through my
Truth to the above question – that I was doing it for Thesawalamai. (Customary
Law of Northern Sri Lankans). Mr. Yogendra asked me also as to what I wanted to
do with the money? I said words to the
effect that it was ‘family’ money and that to me it represented the investment
by our family in the Laws of Thesawalamai. I said that my brother-in-law’s
money wealth represented his high social and family status and that to me it
was important that we carry this forward. I said focus on money alone would be
an insult to my brother-in-law. I said
that my brother-in-law’s money wealth represented his high social and family
status and that to me it was important that we carry this forward.
I said that my brother in law had inherited
the father’s position status as head of the family and that now that my brother
in law was physically no more – my husband was taking over.
Mr. Yogendra asked me also as to what I
wanted to do with the money?
As I picked up my file I said to our lawyer
‘I am really disappointed with you.’ At that moment Mr. Yogendra who was
standing next to our lawyer – at the head of the bar-table also looked in my
direction – and I said to him in Tamil
/ ‘I am not a prostitute’. So saying, I walked towards the Public end of the Court. Then I heard our first lawyer Mr. Nadarajah say to me that I was being summoned. I turned around and walked back to the witness box and removed my shoes. But I did not get on to the box because no one asked me to. Then the Judge asked me in a stern voice ‘
/ What is this place?’ I
was confused. I was wondering whether the Judge was referring to me not being
accepted as a Ceylon Tamil??? I did say
instead of
in Tamil, when giving evidence. My mother spoke Indian Tamil as she was born and brought up in Burma. I was wondering whether I was showing signs of my mother through my Indian Tamil for the word Yes.
is Indian for Yes.
/ ‘I am not a prostitute’. So saying, I walked towards the Public end of the Court. Then I heard our first lawyer Mr. Nadarajah say to me that I was being summoned. I turned around and walked back to the witness box and removed my shoes. But I did not get on to the box because no one asked me to. Then the Judge asked me in a stern voice ‘

in Tamil, when giving evidence. My mother spoke Indian Tamil as she was born and brought up in Burma. I was wondering whether I was showing signs of my mother through my Indian Tamil for the word Yes.

All this was running fast in my mind when
the Judge said ‘
(This is Court house – Don’t you know that you should not show street behavior here in Court? You claim to be educated and sought Administrative authority. But now through your conduct you have proven that you do not deserve that. It’s not good enough to say in words. More importantly your conduct must confirm your claim)
(This is Court house – Don’t you know that you should not show street behavior here in Court? You claim to be educated and sought Administrative authority. But now through your conduct you have proven that you do not deserve that. It’s not good enough to say in words. More importantly your conduct must confirm your claim)
I looked blankly at the Judge for the first
part of the above outburst by the Judge. Then the penny dropped – that somehow
the Judge had got knowledge of my statement to Mr. Yogendra. It’s often mind
So – on top of being effectively labeled as
a prostitute and a cheat – I was now being accused of street behavior. I just
stared at the Judge. The woman in me
broke down and cried – silently inside. It really was too much at this point
for that soft woman within.
………..he said I was shamelessly going after other
people’s money. I took defamation action in Australia against the Petitioners
and their allies – but the Supreme Court of New South Wales ruled that whilst
it would have been hurtful, the Court did not consider it to be defamatory. I
sought leave to appeal the decision but was denied leave. ]
such experiences I learnt that I had
practiced good institutional order above the Courts. I learnt also that those
who are less committed to the letter of the law but are true to themselves
would be more damaged than I under similar circumstances. Anyone who shares
her/his Truth adds positive value to the whole they feel a part of.
same sex marriages have contributed strongly to good order in family and
community – adding the protection of law would protect unjust losses to this
minority group. This move confirms also that our Equal Opportunity Laws have
not been strong enough and hence this affirmative action. It is highly likely
that majority Australians of Indian-Subcontinent origin are not likely to
identify with this need. I did not get direct community support in the above.
But I believe that support is needed by those within our community who seek to
be natural and free rather than be unnatural in this regard towards enjoying
high status in the community. We had the ethnic war and its excesses on both
sides due to our Truth being more and more irrelevant to the Courts and their
laws through which they measured rights and wrongs before they were allowed to
go outside and beyond our control.
believe also that there is a connection between the abuse of power by religious
leaders and the fear of enjoyment within the boundaries of law. By elevating the dignity of same sex partnerships
we would be making amends in many ways to those who have inherited such fears.
The total elevation should not be more than that needed to say ‘sorry’ and
bring the two groups to zero advantage level. This applies also to rebels who
are comfortable with one culture only but have migrated to Australia for
economic reasons.
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