Friday 1 September 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

01 September  2017

Buddhism Foremost Law Breached by Sri Lankan Army
Chapter II - Buddhism
9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).

Freedom of thought, conscience and religion
10. Every person is entitled to freedom of thought, conscience and religion, including the freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of his choice.

14. (1) Every citizen is entitled to –
(e) the freedom, either by himself or in association with others, and either in public or in private, to manifest his religion or belief in worship, observance, practice or teaching;]

All of the above are articles of the Sri Lankan Constitution. Anyone including an officer of the Armed Forces who volunteers to  pull the Hindu chariot – has to have the essential qualification that s/he is a Hindu and needs to be ‘seen’ as a Hindu. That is the way of the civilized. The reasoning allocated to the above outcome is the Caste problem in an area where majority are of junior caste. An in-depth study of the psyche of the junior castes who now feel ‘free’ of supervision by their own, would confirm that they connect outcomes directly to ‘ownership’ – as in ownership by possession/occupation. Unlawful occupation of others’ property is a serious threat in areas dominated by those who are disconnected with leaders of higher mind structure. This was the reason why the LTTE eliminated Political leaders who followed the intellectual pathway. This is also the reason why the LTTE accepted money from Sinhalese to suppress Tamil voters and to show ‘outcomes’ through possession. LTTE  claimed to want a casteless society. They promoted  a society submissive to physical power.

Thunaivi where I resided to share my wisdom in the way of the educated – confirmed this ‘natural attitude’. Not only the senior castes in the above Atchuveli area which is not too far from Valvettithurai – the homeland of the LTTE chiefs, but seniors in other areas where youth of junior caste were empowered by militants – would face this ‘threat’ of takeover by junior castes when they are in majority. My recent articles on this subject published at including under the heading Security of Thunaivi Folks & their Ownership Contribution’ refer to this inherent problem in Northern Sri Lanka. Folks in this area tend to state ‘If the boys were here this would not have happened’. They said that in Jaffna Courthouse when the rape and murder of Miss Vithya Sivaloganathan was being heard. To my mind, they were leaving it to the ‘Boys’ to govern them and the ‘Boys’ called it self-governance. The sad observation is that the educated accepted this because the ‘Boys’ were hitting back at the Government.

As per my study – the junior castes have their own order. They themselves discriminate within their groups to take subjective power which is needed where money power is less than human power. Our family temple is situated at the twin village of Sangarathai-Thunaivi. At the request made by the folks, we did donate land for pathway to the main-road as well as to construct a building for the Development Secretariat. But that building is largely idle because most officers of the higher caste fear coming into that area. A few older folks of Thunaivi – continue to carry forward their respect for elders and the more educated folks from Vaddukoddai area. When relatives referred to the folks of Thunaivi as ‘Nalam’ I got cross with them. But when our cottage was stoned when I went to the Police, complaining against a young guy who threatened to smash my face flat – our relatives said this was why they say ‘Nalam, Nalam thaan’. I had no defence. In fact I better understood why that lady needed to say that to herself  to keep away those who did not respect the higher mind. I did not and was open to their emotional attacks – which often are unregulated due to lack of education and interaction with the educated. They are usually driven by effects and not causes.

Their relationships are not as regulated as those of senior castes. So long as they remain within themselves they would get even with each other. The problem starts when ‘outsiders’ go in. That was the problem with the Vithya rape and murder case also. Those driven by ‘outcomes’ tend to assume that the other wants outcomes that they desire – as in the saying ‘when a woman says no she means yes’.  Even in the case of those who say ‘If the Boys were here’ they say ‘No’ to war but ‘yes’ to the armed supervisors. That is how the Army replaced the LTTE and pulled the chariot in breach of Article 9 of the Constitution. They had the DUTY to facilitate Hindus to practice order. They had no business taking over others’ heritage. 

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