Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
24 August   2016

Buddhist Government v Buddhist Opposition

All reliable laws would align with the laws of Nature. As per the law of Nature – every physical manifestation when viewed from a level plane with zero elevation from the place of manifestation – would show only one half of itself to an observer. On time basis – one has to go over to the other side to see the other half. When one person does the seeing through time based difference – both sides are in that person. That person who is able to hold the old in the mind, is naturally endowed with autocratic/subjective  powers of the whole. Where we need to see / show both sides at the same time – with zero time difference – we need to have our twin on the other side. The place of viewing is moved and one is entitled to know immediately the full picture. When one accepts the other person as her/his equal AND does not ‘see’ the other side but relies on the other person to report the sight – that person is empowered by Democracy. THAT is the law of Nature.

Political parties in Democratic Government have the duty to make up this structure to ensure Equal Opposition that they can rely on. The group with highest vote needs to devolve the excess to the group with second highest – to satisfy the requirements of Democracy and have full sight of the whole. When such devolution happens wholeheartedly – the laws of Nature consolidate with such a person/group to manifest the Truth. Truth is Sovereign.

 Hence the Equal status to Opposition in Parliament towards this Sovereignty. The recent division within the SLFP (Sri Lanka Freedom Party) happened due to the self appointed Joint Opposition led by former President, taking up the role of the other side. They needed to show Diversity in their outer form – to earn this position. Woman and Man become Mother and Father through natural attraction – due to this outer difference.   That is the law of Nature. The adjustment came through separation – when both sides failed to take their places as per the official pathway. This downgraded the Government that failed to reject the Joint Opposition. Tamil National Alliance on the other hand is the official opposition leadership in Parliament. Had this been recognized actively by the Government – the self appointed Joint Opposition would have been allocated junior position. That would have meant higher status for the Government at global level.

Effectively – it is the UNP (United National Party) that is now in Government and the Tamil National Alliance is the Equal Opposition. To the extent the TNA sees the UNP  as its equal other side – and v.v. – we have a Naturally democratic government. SLFP was mere pathway and that is their earned karma.

The recent editorial by the Island under the subject heading ‘Foremost place for Buddhism’ introduces us to this subject matter as follows:

[The government continues to draw heavy flak from its critics for an alleged attempt to do away with the constitutional provision (Article 9) which gives the foremost place to Buddhism when it formulates a new Constitution. Ruling politicians insist that there is no such move and their detractors are on a sinister campaign to propagate a diabolical lie for political reasons. Cabinet Spokesman and Minister Gayantha Karunathilake told the media on Sunday that Buddhism would continue to be given the foremost place in spite of claims being made by the critics of the government.]

Where one ‘form’ is given ‘foremost’ place due to Natural belief – the belief that such is needed to manifest the Truth at that place – and this is done by a leader through the Democratic pathway – Truth makes the adjustment – as per the real – the time based system practiced by the leadership. Hence the separation. This would not have happened if the Tamil Politicians also had continued in the pathway of the Tamil Tigers – through ‘Tamil Only’ claim in National Parliament. If Devolution of Power is sought at secondary levels – as Mr. Wigneswaran is seen to be seeking – we would not have had the Separation in SLFP. Being Equal Opposition in National Parliament is parental position. One empowered by Devolution continues to be a junior living away from the parental home to enjoy lower level freedom. This is the way of the ‘only’ and ‘foremost’ groups.

Tamils need to treat the other side as Equals to enjoy the National level power. Ideally where Buddhism is attributed foremost place in a Constitution that is meant to be democratic – all other religions must form in action - an Alliance to make up the Equal other side. As indicated by the Island Editorial – this is an untouchable Article for Sinhalese politicians – some of whom even converted to  Buddhism to win Government position. That is Sri Lankan reality. One who is truly democratic would tend towards forming such coalition of minorities if they were truly Sri Lankan. The Hon G G Ponnambalam recommended this 50:50 in parliament. But that would have gone against democracy. Forming Natural coalitions by victims of such parties that indiscriminately mix the two systems – would bring about the changes through the Truth of majority race where at least one member of  minorities in such Opposition is truly democratic and treats the majority race as Equals. Where minorities ask for devolution or separation -  they lose this opportunity to be Equal other side through their faith.

In Australia, where there is no such special provision parallel to Article 9 of the Sri Lankan Constitution – there has been decline in regular practices of common religion. But there is greater harmony which facilitates each one to learn within her/his space. Doing away with Article 9 may likewise witness a drop in religious following. A politician who fears such drop – would tend to arm her/himself with such laws of temptations.

This does not however mean the end of the road for minorities. Every Hindu, Muslim or Christian – who within her/his religious space actively pays respect wholeheartedly to her/his religious leader/s of that place -  to become One with them – completes the journey and empowers her/his side – the opposition of the Government - to become Equal to that of majority religion. When that happens – Natural forces consolidate to manifest the outcomes. The gap in lateral power is thus balanced by invoking the ancestral power to complete the journey of faith particular to that place. A Muslim in Kathangkudi – for example – could invoke her/his ancestors to complete the journey quietly in her/his space. Once completed – that part of Sri Lanka is the whole world for that person if that place is officially listed as part of Sri Lanka. Every government has the duty to accept it as such in the case of minorities by Constitution – who are like the mothers in older cultures that depended on physical strength for a living.  Man who looks down upon woman creates lesser child due to artificial forces. Man to whom woman is Equal and different – enjoys the beauty of Diversity.

During the hearings of the Testamentary matter relating to the Intestate Estate of my brother in law – Mr. Subramaniam Yoganathan, I observed this push by majority at Mallakam Courts in Northern Sri Lanka. The other side looked more local as per current definition than I did. But as is my way – the moment my husband declared that he sought  ruling as per Thesawalamai – I started studying that law of Thesawalami. I was amazed by the perfection in that law – that upheld woman as an Equal to man. Had we accepted the internal ruling by the other side – driven by sisters – we would have lost the power of blessings of our elders who gave us Thesawalamai. We may still lose in Court through judges who are influenced by majority power – but we would be better recognized by the society that is empowered by  Thesawalamai in more than one way.

On Monday for example – I participated in the wedding of the daughter of – Vaddukoddai Priest - Radha Aiyar – who is well known for his faith in Mother Pathrakali  - the presiding Deity in Vaddukoddai. Our Vairavar-Kali temple relatively speaking is tiny. But it so happened that Radha Aiyar came to us during Saraswathi Poojah – the 9 night  festival dedicated to Education. Last Sunday – despite the demands of the wedding Radha Aiyar came over to perform the poojah – at our little temple. Some parents of year 5 students who were due to sit their Scholarship Exam on Sunday – sought the blessings of Radha Aiyar. Radha Aiyar said to them – ‘Get Ammah’s (Mother’s) blessings.’ Radha Aiyar himself bent his head and asked me to bless him towards the marriage of his daughter. This could have happened only due to genuine faith in Mother Kali by both of us. The following day – I prayed at our temple for the marriage before I went to physically participate in the wedding. As I was not familiar with that part of the community – the government of Hindu Vaddukoddai – I hesitated at the entrance to the hall. Then, Kumar – a guy of about our age and a member of the Swiss Diaspora – walked towards me and took me right to the front – as if I was a close relative. After the ceremony when I was getting ready to leave and went over to Radha Aiyar he who had difficulty walking – said ‘Ammah you came!’. So saying Radha Aiyar carried the tray of holy powders and walked towards the couple – asking me to follow him. I had no choice but to follow Radha Aiyar. The lovely priest walked straight to the  Manavarai – the wedding seat – asked the photographers to take the shots – and asked me to bless the couple – ahead of the long queue on the other side. To Radha Aiyar – I was the Chief Guest. I felt so very moved by this spontaneous manifestation of Common faith. To me that was the return for my investment in Thesawalamai – despite the insults from my in laws and their legal team – during the court matter.

Just the day before, I attended the People’s meeting at Thunaivi – where I took my place – as allocated in action during an opening ceremony in June. The Chief Minister – the Hon Wigneswaran was the Chief Guest at that opening ceremony. I was taken back to Sydney before the opening ceremony. But unlike Radha Aiyar – the cow with the bell – Mr. Wigneswaran did not share enough common faith with me in Thunaivi – to share his official status with this cow without the bell even after the ceremony. Hence on Sunday – I took my place with the People and not with the organizers. The main issue was about the legal title of the land that was possessed by the folks of Thunaivi – to build a cultural hall. I had warned the organizers to ensure that the true owners were not deprived of their rights but money from overseas blinded them to such advice. Now they face challenge from the legal title-holders. It was to prevent such hasty constructions that  I persuaded our family to donate part of our temple land towards building the Development Secretariat out of NECORD funding. But like the Tamil only – mentality of the Tigers – these folks had the Thunaivi only mentality – and separated themselves from the higher castes towards premature freedom. Now they have buildings without the Development minds. The last one of them was opened by Mr. Wigneswaran. Devolution at surface level – would result in more and more of idle buildings on stolen/unlawfully occupied  property. When the deeper purpose is possession to ‘show’ – the hasty mind builds the walls of separation.

Be it Buddhism or Tamil (Hinduism), it would be wrong to promote ownership of part when majority  are capable of realizing ownership of the whole – especially through Common Secular Education. If at least one side is true to its position – then we would prevent future internal wars in Sri Lanka. That is when we would not join the global warmongers.

Where Article 9 is activated and the other religions stay within their space – the Government would weaken itself through internal separations. ‘Ask and you shall be given’ said Jesus. Article 9 is a continuous asking by the Government wearing the democratic crown. They will naturally separate internally – when there are no takers outside Buddhist groups. That is the way Dharma has been upheld in Sri Lanka. Who needs separation above enjoyment of the whole through Independent observer status of  majority karma?

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