Paramasivam – 04 February 2016
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Flag of British Ceylon, 1815–1948
Are we truly Independent?
Today Sri Lankans officially celebrate Independence from ‘foreign
rule’, claimed to have been obtained after 133 years. The question that comes
to mind is whether we are truly independent ? Independence is Independence. At
the deeper Common level – it is independence from the past. On 03 February 2016
the Government reveals its mind as
follows through article headed ‘Largest Buddha Statue in Abhaya
Mudra to be unveiled on May 19’:
largest Buddha statue in a standing posture planned in the Southern Province
since the time of Sinhala Kings has been completed by a team of sculptors at
the Wathuruwila Wanawasa Sangha Centre (Mulasthanaya). It is due to be unveiled
by President Maithripala Sirisena shortly.
Buddha statue carved on stone was first conceptualised by the founder of the
Wanawasi Sect, Ven. Wathuruwila Sri Gnanananda Thera.
his demise in 1986, the onus of making this a reality devolved on the
Viharadhipathi of the Wanawasa Sangha Centre, Ven. Mahakande Ratanapala
Anunayake Thera of the Wanawasi Maha Nikaya.]
While the above may seem to be an act to
preserve the Buddhist heritage in Sri Lanka, to the real victims of war – it would
seem like a Victory Celebration due to the choice of day for the opening - May
19 – the anniversary of the day the
Rajapaksa Regime claimed to have defeated Tamil Rebels through use of their
armed forces. As per my discovery – all manifestations have causes at three
Surface level through brawn
Intellectual level through
Common Mind
Force of Truth as per the Lord’s
Creation (for example those we call Acts of god)
Once we are truly Sovereign/Independent of
the past and/or the present – we would identify with the pathway of Truth.
Until then we need Relativity to live in harmony. Hence the use of Laws common
to all in a particular environment. Conscious
Seeking of Independence helps us to
develop laws for our followers – conscious or otherwise. If our Destination is
Truth – the pathway is that of Natural
Justice. Every person/group reaching
this Destination is naturally empowering the place and time of such work and
sacrifice that went towards reaching this Destination. If such was through Sri
Lanka – then today we celebrate those contributors also – even though they may
not have been born in Sri Lanka and / or
be legally defined as Sri Lankans.
If we truly became independent 133 years
ago – we would not have any mental disturbance over the 30 year war – nor would
we keep activating it in a country where thousands continue to carry fears and
anxiety of suppression by brawn power. Surface memory / copied information is
part of brawn power. Hence plagiarism is a sin for any person who is part of a
University. Without Research and Discovery of the connection between cause and
effect – there is no valid claim to University status. If Tamils as a community contributed to Sri
Lanka becoming of age 133 years ago - and they did this as Tamils and not as Common
Ceylonese – then their continued struggles against Takeovers through ‘Sinhala
only’ and Generalization through blind application of the Secular law – are confirmations of the
contributions made in the past. When the current activation is beyond the
investment made by a person/group in Independence – it brings the mind order
close to Brawn power driven by surface memory.
When one or more members of the victims’ group absorb the ‘mistakes’ by the Government – so there would be harmony
in the environment – and stability in the development of reliable structures that would represent our
Truth, such member/s develop ‘intuitive’ powers of mothers. They quietly influence
through the minds of those they have included as part of themselves to cure and
to protect the whole. Such intuitive power also manifests ‘Acts of god’. As per
my discovery God does not act except in human form. We draw on the power of
Truth within, to which we add another human’s Truth through our own Truth. It
is easier for genuine seekers to develop this Soul Connection with those who
are biologically related to them. But that relationship must end within the
physical borders and not taken beyond – if we are to combine forces with others
to have the Global experience of
The recent arrest of the son of the immediate
past President – Mr. Rajapaksa confirms the risks in such continuity beyond
local family borders. LTTE leader also was guilty of such extension. They both
carried the past as is – beyond their ‘use-by dates’ and hence the return karma
through family pain when the system changed to lateral democracy.
The discovery about rebirth is that - we do not remember the past – be it seen as good
or bad but we could work out the essence
through our genes. Celebration of Buddhism on a day when the Tamil Community’s
defenders of Freedom were seriously wounded and/or killed is confirmation that
the Rajapaksa genes are being carried forward by those who claim to be Buddhists.
They have picked up the left overs of those who rebelled / terrorized without
deeper cause – in a new environment – centuries later. Buddha’s name is being
used in vain to show off such ‘cleverness’ in the past.
When physical power is exercised to express
one’s investment in independence – and is so done to prevent damages to that
investment it is Rebellion. Without this deeper value – every action to
suppress another is Terrorism. Once expressed they qualify for visible
punishment. Every thought of such
suppression – suppressed to avoid punishment - deteriorates the thought order
of the mind. When left unaddressed by the self and/or by someone who includes
the person as part of her/himself – it becomes negative karma / genes – which are
beyond the influence of current measures of merit.
Becoming independent of the Past also makes
us independent of the future and helps us live in the present. Every moment we
live in our Truth and Truth only – invokes the Sovereign / Soul power that all
of us are born with. The place where we so discover the Truth is naturally
empowered and is sacred. If majority Sri Lankans of current generation - seek
to remember May 19 – it must be openly facilitated through relativity. Tamils
who genuinely lost more than those who celebrate May 19 but quietly
absorb the loss because they feel part of the whole and its structures for the
next generation – would carry the intuitive power to work Sri Lanka – the real
Sri Lanka which includes those who are not biologically or legally part of Sri
Lanka. The Sri Lankan body is limited to the land. The Sri Lankan mind has the
capacity to make the whole world Sri Lanka and v.v. Some of those minds are
called British. But to the extent they realized independence from their past
through Sri Lanka – there are no borders for them nor for those of us who
recognize them as such. It is strongly possible therefore that there is a large
doze of that in the arrest of the son of the former President. This may be
needed to prevent ‘take-over’ of the whole through armed foreign powers living
off by their past status. Today’s arms
is information – as used by Channel 4 of Britain.
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