Saturday 13 May 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
13  May 2017

Big Brother  Modi for Indian Tamils ?

[Air India will operate direct flights between the Sri Lankan capital Colombo and the Buddhist pilgrim site of Varanasi in India from August this year, visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi said. ]  Economy Next article ‘Air India to fly direct from Varanasi to Sri Lanka's Colombo from August: Modi

Until now to my mind, Varanasi was the parallel of Thiruketheeswaram in Northern Sri Lanka. As Mr. Maravanpulavu K. Sachithananthan highlights in his letter to the Indian Prime Minister, on behalf of Siva Senai group, it is part of Tamil Hindu culture to have some holy water from Kasi / Varanasi at the time of the soul departing  the mortal coil. The way I appreciate the value of such belief is through my own experience at Thiruketheeswaram. In 2006, when access to the temple was heavily guarded, I went due an inner urge which I could not logically identify with back then. I was in Vavuniya for the funeral of our nephew Lingam who demonstrated in many ways his belief in God and spent much of his spare time at the Thedi Vantha Pillayar / Ganesh Who Came On His Own temple in Vavuniya. I was informed that the temple was founded by Indian soldiers who according to locals could not remove Ganesh when they tried to, at the time of their departure. With Lingam in my mind, I went to Paalaavi tank of Thiruketheeswaram, sprinkled water on my head and prayed at the Ganesh temple adjoining the water-tank for Lingam’s soul to merge with the Lord. Return to Vavuniya became a challenge due to lack of bus service which I had not prepared for.  But I ended up coming home late in the night without any harm on the way. I realized later that in addition to some anxious moments when I was questioned at gunpoint in the town of Mannar, I was also examined quietly by secret service officer – to ensure that I was not a security threat.  That officer advised me not to travel alone in that part of Sri Lanka and put me on the bus to Vavuniya and I traveled as the sole passenger. To me he was a true Sri Lankan. This was yet another example of how true Belief takes us ‘home’. Even today, I thank Lord Shiva of Thiruketheeswaram for taking care of this true believer that night at that risky place.

Reading above that Varanasi was referred to by Mr. Modi, as Buddhist pilgrim site, confirmed to me that the Indian Prime Minister’s real reason was Political at regional level. The ‘hidden Truth’ that India saw Tamils as the gateway into Sri Lanka is known through the following:

[Recalling the contributions of Tamil leader MGR and cricketer Muralitharan, he said, “a national icon of India... Puratchi Thalaivar MGR was born on this very soil, establishing a life-long connection.]

As per my knowledge, LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran expressed words of gratitude for MGR who as per the LTTE leader generously funded the LTTE. That is how Truth comes out during unguarded moments. A true citizen of Sri Lanka would identify with the Truth. A true citizen makes a true politician – with or without the position status. It’s this kind of misguided emotional attachment that led to MGR funding Sri Lankan Tamils which had the effect of buying  them over. Yet Indian Political leadership failed the LTTE during the 2009 crisis.

In that consciousness, I appreciate the expressions by Buddhist Leader as follows:

 [Indian premier Narendra Modi addressing just one ethnicity during his visit was a slight to the majority Buddhist population in the country, the National Joint Committee (NJC) said today.
Member of the committee Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thera said they had no issues with the Indian government or its Prime Minister. “We do have an issue with the Sri Lankan government,” the Thera said.
The government sometimes moves towards India, sometimes towards China or America. “We would like to remind the government that this is a country and not something that can be auctioned to other countries or parties,” the Thera said.
The citizens have a responsibility to protect the country and its assets, the Thera explained. “People can come here as they want but they cannot sell or break any part of the country as they please,” the Thera said.]

That is what Indian Queen Throupathi of Indian Epic Mahabharatham also said about a wife – that she was not a ‘thing’ / matter but a ‘being’ carrying her own Sovereign power. One who identifies with this Sovereign Power has the support of Divinity. Minorities who are denied their Sovereignty will have priority access to the Universal Power through their own Divinity.  As per that Divinity was it right that a Buddhist Monk would discriminate in favor of the Armed Forces in the battlefield where Sri Lankan was killing Sri Lankan?:

[Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thero was instrumental in collecting large stocks of drinking water bottles and other essentials for War Heroes whilst the Wanni battles were on.  The Commander of the Army who was then the Commander SFHQ (Wanni) distributed those donations sent by Ven. Thero among the soldiers at that point of time.
Ven. Elle Gunawansa Thero thanking the Commander for his visit presented him with a Buddha statue as a token of memory of his visit to the Dharmayathanaya temple.] 

The call at that time was to help ALL victims and the Affirmative Action needed was to not directly help either side carrying weapons. Lord Buddha as I identify with, would have done just that. A citizen who did support either side carrying weapons has to have the mandate of the People to act on behalf of the whole Nation on the basis of Belief. A Buddhist monk without the Political mandate exceeds her/his jurisdiction when s/he acts to support an official through a religious leadership position and gifting religious statue.

In Sri Lanka, where as per the Constitution, Buddhism is the foremost religion, Mr. Modi was acting as if he were a relative of Buddhists. Members of other religions in Sri Lanka have the authority of Articles 10 and 14(1)(e) of the Sri Lankan Constitution to take Equal position as the Government and Oppose the Government in religious issues – through their belief without needing common law. A relative is higher or lower in position and does not have the authority to show Opposition. An Equal member has the right to Oppose and when that happens, the Government has the duty to include that in the manifested outcome. Such an Equal member who does not oppose, has the right to make an Independent declaration – as happened through Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976 which was confirmed by Natural Forces through the 1977 and 2015 Parliamentary Elections when Tamils became the leading Opposition despite being in the minority. One would expect true religious leaders to know the reasoning as per Dharma / Righteousness – beyond the seen, the heard and the calculated. Those leaders who take advantage of majority rule would not have the drive to go deeper and find the Root Cause.

Mr. Modi’s lack of respect for the Sovereignty of Sri Lanka has been  confirmed through this visit. When we are not conscious of our position responsibilities, we tend to act ‘free’ as individuals – as if there is no one above us to question us. In that ‘free’ state their Truth is known by true owners of the land with the Divine Power of Belief. As per that insight – for which I am often appreciated by the needy, Mr. Modi came to benefit India and not to promote Vesak. Using Vesak’s name is an insult to Lord Buddha. Those who believe in Lord Buddha’s Divinity would know that Mr. Modi identified naturally with Indian Tamils and not Sri Lankan Tamils who have their own diverse identity as Sri Lankan  Buddhists have for better or for worse. Lord Rama respected the King of Lanka as an Equal and not a junior relation who could be ‘taken over’. Every Indian Hindu has the duty to carry forward this heritage from Lord Rama.

Hill country Tamils Naturally remember that their origins are from India. Not so the Tamils in rest of Sri Lanka, including Veddas/Indigenous Sri Lankans. During unguarded moments, when we are in ‘free’ mode – we express on behalf of our ‘home-group’. Here in Vaddukoddai, I am often taken to be part of the group that is caste-conscious but without taking the higher responsibility to lead. I hear such people but never act because I have transcended caste consciousness by establishing higher Common Secular pathway in this part of Sri Lanka which is suffering due to the leftovers of war. The LTTE ruled against caste and the effect was reverse discrimination by the young and the restless. To a lady who is conscious of her higher caste and who was accusing majority in this village of stealing  – I said that as per MY experience that is not the case. By including the villagers, I have earned their respect and hence my declaration. Mr. Modi also ‘included’ Indian Tamils and hence came as their relative / big brother. Mr. Modi did not come to support Sri Lankan Tamils nor the Sri Lankan Government. Mr. Modi came as the Big Brother of Indian Tamils. That is how it became very much a ‘private visit’ of Mr. Modi’s natural community. If ignored – especially by Sri Lankan Tamils – this will lead to Assimilation by Indian Tamils and loss of Opportunity to Integrate at the Destination of Nationalism. It’s sad to see this kind of distraction which has the effect of USING this land while the real  allegiance to another origin. The return karma could come through Muslims in India. 

Today, I was referred by a Diaspora leader  to
About Sir Ponnambalam Ramanathan’s intellectual brilliance. It’s sad that Sri Lanka failed to treasure such brilliance. 

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