Friday 5 May 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
05 May 2017

If you are all Australians we are all Indians

Yesterday, 04 May was the memorial anniversary of my brother in law,  Subramaniam Paramanathan who passed away in the Vanni camp in 2009. Yesterday’s prayers for Paramanathan Annai’s soul happened at our family temple in Thunaivi/Sangarathai. Not many of our close relatives come to the temple these days largely because Thunaivi is more isolated now that the caste system does not function systematically anymore and there is no replacement for hierarchical structure that the caste system facilitated. In fact, I have learnt through my own experience, that if the caste system had prevailed in Northern Sri Lanka, as per its fundamental values, there would have been no rebellion and no ethnic armed war in Sri Lanka due to Tamils. The higher caste would rather employ the lower castes for tasks that they were not trained to do. 

On 2009, I was upset when the picture of Saint Sivasubramaniya Swami of Hawaii fell down and the corner was a little crushed. That picture was given to me by a Saint Yoga Swami (Sivasubramaniya Swami’s Guru)  devotee  when I was getting ready to help the Tamil Rebels develop their own civil administration during the 2002/2003 Ceasefire. Thinking back now, I believe that that was a Divine call as was the one in 2009. When in Vanni, I invested in Divinity through the form of Saint Sivasubramaniya Swami of Hawaii who to me is another form of Saint Yoga Swami  due to how I happened to get the picture. As I say these days, the more the mind-value we allocate the less matter-value influence in our brain.  In Vanni, at the visible level I did not produce as per the Common agreement between the Rebel Administration and the UN. It was more advisory services to the UN as to what was appropriate for the locals leaders. The return to me was confirmed years later in 2009 when I was advised/influenced by Saint Sivasubramaniya Swami of Hawaii within me to go to Sri Lanka and do the last rites as per MY way for Mr. Subramaniam Paramanathan – the eldest son of my father in law – Mr. Nallathamby Subramaniam.  Our inner feelings are as per our completed experiences and they come back to us – for better or for worse. In 2006, after Mr. Subramaniam Paramanathan’s second son passed away in Vavuniya, in Northern Sri Lanka, I took over responsibility to settle Mr. Subramaniam Paramanathan at a Yoga Swami Home in Vanni – as per the wishes of this son who passed away. It was no easy task but to me it was part of the spiritual prayer through which we raise the value of the person to the higher common level – like we celebrate ANZAC day in Australia. Vaddukoddai where the first political declaration of an Independent Tamil State was made on 14 May 1976, was the only place recognized by Mr. Subramaniam Paramanathan as ‘home’.

Yesterday, I received an email regarding memorial services for those who passed away during the May 2009 battle of Vanni. Disappointingly, the email was headed ‘Tamil genocide Remembrance Day- May 18’. Those who lost loved ones during the 2009 battle are entitled to mourn and honor. But when it is given a relative terminology – such as ‘genocide’ we are actually insulting those who died for independence. The living have no right to attribute their own desire-based labels to the contribution of the dead. If indeed majority Tamils believe that what happened in 2009  was ‘genocide’ then to them the Tamil Tigers were not heroes. The same mind cannot have two different forms of value for the one manifestation of matter. To my mind as the higher thinker – 14 May 1976 is the independence day of  Tamil Nation that has prevailed within this land area called Sri Lanka. If we believe that the Tamil Tigers fought to protect this  independent Tamil Nation, then we will celebrate 14 May and not 18 May. Those who feel more independent than they did before 14 May 1976 due to Vaddukoddai declaration and/or due to knowledge of the Common mind that the Resolution represents, have the responsibility to celebrate 14 May and leave 18 May to those within the Common biological borders of those who died.  Those who celebrate 14 May have the right to access UN resources. Those who mourn 18 May – be they Tamils or Sinhalese, owe the UN.

There is currently our own Australian parallel of the Sri Lankan ethnic challenge at the political level after the ANZAC day services

[“The modern world is unimaginable without the legacy of Western civilisation,” Mr Abbott said.
“It will help the Liberal Party if we place ourselves firmly on the side of Western civilisation against its critics, and of Australian values against the politically correct wreckers and cynics. But we shouldn’t do so to win elections; we should do so because it’s right.
If you are an Australian, you have to believe in Australia.”
He said “all too often” Australians were hostile towards their country and its values, including part-time ABC host and Muslim activist Abdel-Magied.
Government MPs have called on the ABC and Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to sack the 26-year-old from the national broadcaster and a government board, run by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, after she wrote: “Lest. We. Forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine).”
“Why is it that only some opinions get you sacked, or investi­gated by the Human Rights Commission?” he said.
“An over-promoted, politically correct 26-year-old is merely the symptom of the cultural cowardice that’s penetrated to the very heart of our institutions. While officialdom wrings its hands in nervous self-doubt about anything that might be labelled anti-youth, anti-women, anti-black or, perhaps worst of all, anti-Muslim, Australians show what they think of our country’s knockers by turning out in ever-increasing numbers and ever-greater enthusiasm on Anzac Day.”]

One could be Australian, through :

(1)    physical connections (matter) and/or
(2)    law  (mind) and/or
(3)    Belief. (Spirit)

There is no compulsion for one to be Australian by Belief only. If one is, it helps solutions more quickly and efficiently but the real believer would be prevented by that belief from hurting positive relatives who would eventually Believe. Where form is enforced in the name of Belief – it amounts to ‘invasion’ and hence genocide. Both sides to the Sri Lankan war ‘invaded’ due to enforcement of ‘Sinhala only’ and ‘Tamil only’ policies. One who recognizes former as Genocide has the duty to use the same measure and recognize the latter as ‘Suicide’.   The above declaration by Mr. Abbott is Suicidal due to reverting to White-Australia policy.

The simple connection I identify with is the attachment of Mr. Abbott to his British origin. Wikipedia reports as follows:

[Abbott was born in London, United Kingdom, on 4 November 1957, to an Australian mother, Fay Abbott (née Peters), who was born in Sydney, and a British father, Richard Henry "Dick" Abbott, born in Newcastle upon Tyne and raised in a nearby village. In 1940, during World War II, 16-year-old Dick came to Australia with his British parents. The first of Abbott's ancestors to arrive in Australia was his maternal great-grandmother, Willemina  Bredschneijder, who immigrated to Australia from the Netherlands in 1912 with her five-year-old son, Anthony Peters (Abbott's future grandfather). His maternal grandmother, Phyllis Lacey, was born in Wales.
After the war, Dick Abbott returned to the UK where he met and married Peters, a dietitian. On 7 September 1960, the Abbott family left the UK for Australia  on the Assisted Passage Migration Scheme ship SS Oronsay.  The family first lived in Bronte and later moved to Chatswood, both suburbs of Sydney, New South Wales.  Dick Abbott established what was to become one of the largest orthodontics practices in Australia, retiring in 2002.]

As a true Australian through Belief, to my mind the reason why Mr. Abbott keeps going back to ‘White-only’ policy is the same as ‘Sinhala Only’ and ‘Tamil Only’ mentality. It’s the parallel of ‘Possession is nine-tenths of the law’. Such a person is limited to enjoying the effects and is blind to the higher experience of the mind and beyond where one enjoys through others’ physical enjoyment through Service.

A recent report about destruction in Northern Province while the Chief Minister is busy with Genocide accusations informs as follows:

[Former UN adviser on food and agriculture, a Tamil Scholar and Chief Coordinator of ‘Siva Cheanai’ in Jaffna, Maravanpulavu K. Sachithananthan has reported the recurring Catholic conspiracy in Mannar District, northern province of Sri Lanka. Sachithananthan also reported the destruction of a Pillayaar temple at Vellaankulam, in Mannar district.
Catholic priest in charge of the parish Devanpiddy, a village to the west of Vellankulam towards the coastline led the vandals at midnight on 23rd/ 24thApril to destroy the Pillayar temple and attack the Hindu residents causing extensive damage to Hindus and their properties.
A police case has been registered. Government officials including the Provincial Police Director, Hindu Cultural Officer had visited the site of vandalization but no action has been taken to arrest or register a case against the perpetrators of violence in the name of religion.
Both villages, Catholic Christians only (about 200 families) populated Devanpiddy and Saiva Hindu Tamils only (about 250 families) populated Vellankulam are neighboring villages living in absolute harmony and co-operation until the Catholic parish priest of Devanpiddy illegally planted a 2 meter tall cross inside the Hindu village of Vellankulam in close proximity to the Pillaiyaar temple on the Pongal day 14th January 2017.]

As I said recently to a homemaker in Thunaivi largely of  toddy-tapper culture  - our social cultures are different and hence while I am engaged through work related structure, I refuse to get involved in social disputes which are based largely on one’s inherited culture. To deal with them at that level in a language they understand, I would need to give up my own culture which is far more valuable to our Community. In political language, a Minister has the responsibility to think at National level and give up social level outcomes – until the two are common than diverse. The Ministry of Hindu Religious and Cultural Affairs is effectively a Political ministry as is  the Ministry of Christian Affairs. Given that the two Ministers hold the Civil positions of  Prison Reforms, Rehabilitation, Resettlement and Tourism Development respectively the religious aspect of their portfolios could strongly influence their common portfolios. Conscious adherence to intellectual discrimination is needed to separate their responsibilities – so they do not result in negligence as has happened in the above matter.

When our decisions are based more on ‘matter’ merit basis needs to be applied through a transparent system. When our decisions are based on Belief – the reasoning is confidential and hence the area of application is limited to those of common belief. It was this Belief based thinking that failed to uphold justice in a court presided by those driven by their own cultural mind-structures especially when they think they are ‘unsupervised’ and ‘free’ – a problem that plagues Australia as well as Sri Lanka.

At word (matter)  level the leaders say Australia. What they believe in is their culture. Hence at issue level, where even one non-Western migrant believes that s/he is Australian, the return karma is naturally surfaced – as happened to Mr. John Howard . Likewise when even one Hindu to whom that part of the world is her/his whole world, loses the physical connection due to invasion of ‘foreign’ culture, the return happened not once but twice during my lifetime, through Tamils becoming leading opposition in Parliament.  

Every one of us develop our own true structures through our natural traits including inherited genes. Hence those born overseas but now residing in the land called Australia, are likely to refer to their own homelands where they acquired that culture as inheritance and/or personal development. Only those who have no knowledge whatsoever of another land are entitled to leadership through claim of ‘only’ title.  This is neither Sinhalese Buddhists nor Tamil Hindus in Sri Lanka nor Westerners in Australia.

Where primary / physical measures are used  we are all ‘foreigners’ once we have knowledge of another land outside the one in which we live. Until we eliminate ‘other’  that there is no room for ‘Australia’ / ‘Sri Lanka’ for those driven by majority power. The higher mind ofcourse would include two or more nations – even when one has never lived in a particular country. Many children of migrants continue to feel the pull of their parents’ homeland due to their genes and they are likely to lead global powers provided they do not ‘relate’  one with the other from a higher or lower position. The global mind would have  transcended the physical to become Common.

Where White Australians insisted on treating me as they saw me ‘Indian’ or Sri Lankan when they had knowledge of my country of birth, I came down to their level and invoked Indian power which naturally defeated Mr. Abbott’s political guru – Mr. John Howard in the Polls. Anyone claiming leadership through majority, need to beware of minorities who are culturally strongly linked to people intense cultures – led especially by religions. On that basis India continues to be the Strength of Hindus but there is not enough natural commonness with China for Sri Lankans to invoke China power.

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