Paramasivam – 28 Aug 2015
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Premier of Ontario at Canada Kandasamy (Murugan) Temple |
Lord Muruga Blesses America
It is quite
common these days for us to see Politicians visiting Temples of various faiths.
Yesterday, I prayed to Nallur Murugan of Jaffna Sri Lanka, through
the internet. Yesterday was the 9th day of Nallur festival. Nallur is very significant to me and
Nallur Murugan is in my heart. The feeling invokes higher consciousness during
festival time. Yesterday, I was also looking for an appropriate day for our
students of the School of Human Values in Thunaivi – in Northern Sri Lanka to
visit and was checking for the day of Mango Festival – the Mango competition
being the time Minority Power was established as Equal power to the Parent – by
the second son in the Hindu Holy Family. The students of the above school are
preparing for a competition through an article as to whether as per their assessment - they are
Ganesh or Murugan to their parents. This would help rebel peacefully in
democracy by the physically active and not practice reverse discrimination
against intellectuals. Hence I was
looking for the day of the Mango Festival. A brief excerpt from my book to
confirm the significance:
“ Muruga
and His elder brother Ganesh were offered a special mango as prize if they came
first in the race to go around the world.
Muruga who travels on the Peacock – flew around the world and observed with His
six faces – to claim the prize mango. In
the meantime, Ganesh the elder of the two – went around His parents – claiming
they were His world. Muruga got upset
and hence His renunciation. As per the Legend, Muruga stood on Palani Hill in South India – from
where He has aerial / 360 degree view. Hence my belief that Muruga
represents the Power of Democracy.” JAFFNA TAMIL HERITAGE –
NALLUR MURUGAN – Chapter 13 - Naan
I was therefore happy to note that the Hon
Kathleen Wynne, the Premier of Ontario –
not only visited the Canada Kandasamy Temple but participated in the religious
ceremonies. Likewise her team. I noted similarly that Sri Lankan Premier the
Hon Ranil Wicremesinghe also visiting Ponnambala Vaneswarar Hindu Temple in
Colombo. They may or may not believe but they respect other faiths as equals.
Yet, a Canadian
Tamil wrote to me on the subject matter of ‘ Tamils Have Earned Opposition Leadership’:
‘Your writings are replete
with catchy phrases like objective pathway and subjective pathway, Divine
Powers and Universal Power.
It looks though you are a
hotchpotch, mixing religion, politics, philosophy etc. Gaja Param, you should
know only a section of the UPFA/SLFP has joined the national government.
About 60 MPs have decided not
to join the government but remain in the opposition.
In that situation, surely one
of the 60 MPs must be appointed to the post of Opposition Leader.
For Sampanthan with 16 MPs to
function as Opposition Leader is extremely ridiculous.
The situation at the time
Sampanthan wrote the letter is different from the situation now.’
My response to the above was:
work may seem hotchpotch to you. But your interpretation of the law certainly
is miserable to my mind. Opposition Leadership is on the same basis of
eligibility to form government. Party as a whole is taken and the
Government Party cannot be split. They have formed a coalition and they have to
honor that. That’s the philosophical picture as well as the legal picture
which has been confirmed by Mr. Sampathan. You seem to dispute that
I doubt that many Tamils consciously know
why Lord Muruga is known as the Lord of Kali Yuga – the current era. But those
who pray with faith and/or believe through experience – have little difficulty
going Global through Democracy. Such
will respect Democracy in Public
Administration as well as Politics. Similarly – Leaders who believe in
Democracy would be comfortable with believers in Lord Muruga and both groups would
comfortably use each other’s work values by paying the due price. Once in the
other’s area/structure – they need to demonstrate respect. Then in common area –
where they disagree – they would respectfully disagree and demonstrate respect
as equals.
It is therefore important for Tamils to get
educated about democratic practices in Administration – now that the Sri Lankan
Government has announced that it is moving towards Zero Base Budgeting system
from 2016 onwards. My expertise in this was developed through Australian Public
Service based on my private sector experience. As written yesterday to the Sri Lankan High Commissioner in
Australia ‘As per my Australian
experience, I expect the Sri Lankan Government to face stronger resistance to
the changeover, than we face/d in Australia.’
As per my assessment in Northern Sri Lanka –
Tamil Administrators need much training to move towards Zero Base Budgeting and
this could result in Tamils not being able to take their win at the elections
beyond that point. This inability – as demonstrated by the above Canadian Tamil
could result in them boycotting parliament instead of taking their Equal
position. I get emails of congratulatory messages to the TNA being forwarded to
me but I am still waiting for TNA to claim its due place as EQUAL Opposition
Leader. Whether they are facilitated to do this or not by the Subjects in power
is another matter. If they respect the
Law above Politics, they would show that here and now.
But those who have to ‘see’ to believe –
will keep looking for political majority by looking to others – starting with
Indians. If TNA claims its position and files legal action, if another is given
that position – then that would be the promise to everyone that TNA would work
for Sri Lanka first and try its best to complete the experience within Sri
Lanka. Otherwise Sri Lanka would continue to be led by subjective power and
therefore majority votes and not by Reliable Administration independent of
As per Colombo Gazzette : ‘Mr Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary
for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor is reported to have stated that when the
report on Sri Lanka by the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights
is released, the Government must not be defensive and that that the US will
judge the new Sri Lankan Government, not by its promises but by its actions and
And in response to the question : ‘International probe on human rights
violations is expected to be in favor of Tamil people. What is your
opinion on this? In terms of the human rights violations that have
occurred [inaudible] what is your stand?’ – Mr. Malinowski is reported to
have stated:
important thing is that there be a judicial process that is credible to the
people of Sri Lanka and to the international community. For that process
to be credible, I don’t think it has to be a completely international process,
but it does have to be independent of political leadership. It has to be
led by people who are trusted by the minority communities and it should have
some degree of international involvement, even if it is a domestic process
organized under the laws of Sri Lanka.’
Now, if
TNA lawyers fail to make their claim of Equal Opposition as established
by Law – then they will continue to live in the past and isolate themselves. If
that is the way they choose to lead – then their followers would be unfit for
Democratic Administration which is more important to minorities than to
Now in response to the question as to how
equality is brought about where a section of one party has more numbers than
TNA ? According to Wikipedia accessible to the Common Sri Lankan:
‘The Leader
of the Opposition in the Sri Lanka is
the politician who leads main opposition. This is the leader of the largest party not within the government,
usually the leader of the second largest party in
the Parliament. The post of Leader of the
Opposition is a political office common in countries that are part of the Commonwealth of Nations.’
If UPFA seeks Opposition Leadership then not
even one of its members must be seen to be in Government. The other alternative
is for those members to cross over to UNP and known as UNP before taking oath. This
would still confirm that they fooled the public but structurally it would be
One who seeks looking for majority support
would stagnate at Political level. The problem in Sri Lanka has been this
stagnation. Now even Tamil Politicians seem to have acquired this disease and
as per Global Principles we are as guilty as the Government of Sri Lanka.
To be really Equal in position at the
physical count – one needs to have exact numbers – as in a game of cricket
which to be valid is judged entirely on merit basis starting with ZERO
advantage in terms of number of participants. Who bats or bowls first (time advantage)
is known through the toss. In Politics – at voting level – Time is frozen by no
Parliamentary activity during elections – and the votes are cast at the one
time. Majority leading Government is the parallel of the toss. The person with
stronger Administrative skills but minority numbers will choose to Lead the
Opposition (to bowl first) – so they can score points by defeating the
Government through the Administrative and Legal processes. Those who are
politically driven would tend to become complacent once they are in governance
without equals on the other side. God’s creation is such that – when we have
less but our aim is high –we would work more. If TNA is not ready to take on that
position – all our efforts to go global are wasted at the Parliamentary level.
Tamil Hindu Heritage of Global Democracy is through Lord
Muruga with His six faces. Five faces represent our five senses and the center -
our surface memory. When making our decisions – we use the inputs through these
five senses which is combined with our existing common memory of the past
lesson. If in Sri Lanka – we had only five
political electorates and a sixth (say Colombo) carrying common knowledge of
the past that would be the Federal capital – as Canberra is in Australia. With
that as the base – if the elections showed a result of 3,2 and 1 – the eyes, ears and smell saying
one thing and two others another and the last one something else – then the first group leads the FORM of the
decision. The second and third groups facilitate the ‘other’ side to make it
complete structure. The second group leads that Opposition. At the physical
level – every manifestation has equal other side as in a flat coin.
Since in Sri Lanka, the first two groups have joined forces – the right
to represent the Equal other side
belongs to the third one even if as Gandhi said if you were a minority of One. The Truth is
the Truth even if no one manifested it or recognized it. It manifests Itself to
support the genuinely needy – in this instance the Sri Lankan civilians who
suffered due to the war and the subjective powers that were taken by the
winners on both sides.
When we eat – we send our pleasures and
displeasures/pain of that activity
through our tongue, nose, hands to the brain. The eyes that see the food also
send their own message. They are all different in looks but Equal in power. To
this is added hearsay talk about that particular food or anything you hear
during eating time. The mother who cooked has the value in her surface brain
through her work of cooking. This may be zero for those who do not cook and/or
those who do not have knowledge of the work that went into the final product. Such
that is the sixth avenue. The value of the message that goes to the brain is
the net of these inputs. The rest is not wasted
if they also did the work. But they may not have been active at that
time. As per the system of Nature – we do not remember which particular organ
gave us that decision/ memory. The ones that combined to make the decision are
the governing organs and the rest are pooled as the Opposition – representing the
Governed – with the one that dominated being the Leading Opposition. This is
often the memory of the worker / mother with lesser voice.
Once the decision that the food was good or
bad – nice or bitter – goes to the brain – it is time for Administration – on the
basis of Health and no longer taste. Those who fail to so Administer – are limited
to the physical and often are unable to enjoy long term satisfaction through
food or other physical enjoyment. The mother who cooks without getting the
winning prize – enjoys better health – because the moment our costs are higher
than our benefits – we are service providers and when our contributions are
beyond our official positions – we are independent of the structures and yet
with the power to work the structures through that ownership power. A homemaker
who stays at home without going to temple and develops this belief through
every chore – works the family even though the money and status of others in
the family may be far more visible and exiting. Thus the power of the believer
is absolute. It is the Eternity promised in all religions.
In terms of National Governance – a Politician in Parliament
may be exiting to be associated with but the dull-looking citizen who BELIEVES – will work the system
through other believers in the system. This is often not visible but one feels
Truth being absolute – it would form two
Equal parts when manifested naturally at the physical level. Our laws take into
consideration this law of Nature and hence in democracy this is facilitated
through Equal Opposition at the beginning of the Administration and in autocracy
– it is known through time by freezing the position to particular subject/s.
Equality is that seen through time in the Subjective system.
use both in various combinations and that is fine so long as we do not do so to
draw more than our benefits and/or to not pay our costs. The best system for a
group is as per its own realized Truth. India due to its rich human resources and deep believers in Divinity
– can afford the Subjective system. Australia through its lesser human
resources but higher per capita money resource – better suits Democracy. Sri
Lanka as it is now, better suits the
subjective path which could be utilized better through devolution. But then
Tamils need to not claim Equal recognition outside their devolved area. Tamils
have Equal Rights at National level – ONLY IF they are ready for Democracy in
ADMINISTRATION. This leadership position is the test to Tamil Confidence to go
Democratic and be self-sufficient as Sri Lankan Tamils.
I believe that it is no coincidence that Mr
Tom Malinowski, US Assistant Secretary for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor
made this declaration in Sri Lanka during Nallur Murugan Festival when the
powers that work Democratic systems are
most active in Northern Sri Lanka. God Bless America for its Democracy which is
a treasure that would empower all democratic Sri Lankans who would also be believers
of Murugan Philosophy of which Nallur in North and Kathirgamam in South are strong
forms for Sri Lankan Tamils. We Northern Tamils do not see Kathirgama Murugan
as often as we see Nallur Murugan. But when we believe we feel the same.
Likewise Government and Opposition are both Political groups that give form to
One Public Administration. Once in Governance there is no distinction and there
is no need for Reconciliation.
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