Paramasivam – 08 June 2015
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Global Tamil Leadership
I received with appreciation an email
response by supporter of Non-Resident Tamils of Sri Lanka in the UK. Some highlights of that are shared along with
my own responses to it.
Supporter (NRTS): Thank you for your Email. It was nice meeting you at the gathering
organised by the NRT(SL).
questions (which I thought I might as well share with you and the like minded
people) that need be answered on the news item, for now and the future, if it
is true and in the context of the fact that it is a high level meeting,
NRTS: Is GTF such a body that it could be
considered as " representing the Tamils" living globally (as the name
implies) or even the Tamils living in the UK ?
Gaja: If GTF (Global Tamil Forum) has at least one member who believes that s/he
is global – then the Forum does represent Tamil living globally – through belief.
It’s a Natural Representation as we do in families.
2. NRTS: If so, how was this representation brought
Gaja: Irrelevant unless
they claim that they Administer Tamils and not merely represent Tamils as part
of the Common Diaspora
(3) NRTS: Who is Suren Surendran? --
Exactly what and when was his contribution to the Tamil people?
Gaja: Irrelevant unless we accept them as OUR Administrators
(4) NRTS: How did he and/ or what authority has he to
represent and articulate the political aspirations of the Tamils in Sri Lanka ,
or in the UK, or globally?
Gaja: His belief. We have no
obligation to give it credit, unless we are within the GTF. If it is not within
their stated purpose any member of the affected public has the right to take
legal action.
(5) NRTS: Can anyone, just because he/she has
perhaps some time and money at their disposal, set up an outfit and claim
themselves to "represent the Tamils" to the extent of having
recognition by the higher echelons of the Sri Lankan and
international governments to decide the fate of the Tamils,?
Gaja: To the extent we are
sincere and true to our stated purpose – we have the moral right to make claims
within that Truth. But these may not always be within the laws of the country.
Where they are not, we have the right to
take action through due administrative and legal pathways. If we have cultural
clout we could use our vote within the community. Otherwise we have to treat
our disagreements as social dismissals which will show returns as per our depth
of investment in the common cause. To the extent we are true we would identify
with the return as the confirmation of the solution we have already written in
our minds and completed the picture through our Truth, the whole Truth and
nothing but the Truth.
(6) NRTS: Has the GTF
openly expressed their disassociation with the LTTE policies and methodologies,
which they have been vehemently articulating and supporting during the LTTE
Gaja: They don’t need to. Karuna is part of the Government even though
he was an LTTE leader. By conduct that is the law that the Sri Lankan
Government has developed not only with LTTE but also with Southern Insurgents –
the JVP. If majority British Tamils have not disassociated themselves from the LTTE methodologies and outcomes then GTF would
be acceptable to majority UK Tamils. Why would GTF need to disassociate with LTTE
and lose its importance as a group that
could harness LTTE support through the political pathway of belief?
LTTE days – they were the only Government known to most victims of war in Tamil
areas. Hence whoever performed the Government work would be the real government
known to these folks. Those who had/have
little understanding of the root causes
of the war would go by what happened to them at that time at that place. This is stronger in the case of those
families whose children were with LTTE and/or whose family members died due to
attack by Armed Forces. Civilians who were not protected were/are entitled to
so conclude. If LTTE is denounced – GTF would cease to represent them. These
groups would not have any government to turn to. The advantage of Social Groups
such as GTF and NRT is that they do not have to be regulated by strict rules
but rather through common beliefs. TNA (Tamil National Alliance) which also
includes LTTE does not have that advantage and therefore the requirements are
different – as laws are different in different countries.
The investment in Self-Governance through the Government in our
respective areas is valid as having been made in the Government position – be it
through the Sri Lankan Member of Parliament, LTTE or the Armed Forces. The
Administrative pathway through which we invest confirms the ‘system’ through
which we invested. The individual through whom we invest confirms the Political
pathway we follow. To the extent the
Laws of the Country were followed – habitually and/or by determination – Tamils
continued to invest in the Government system. Only where this value is weaker
than the following-of orders by the LTTE or other armed rebels – should one be
listed as LTTE supporter – needing to expressly renounce their investment in
such leadership by armed leaders – to become eligible for membership with wider
In addition, to the extent Mr. Douglas
Devananda’s group carried arms – all other political parties in that area were entitled to do so by virtue
of Mr. Devananda’s party EPDP being part
of the Government at that time. Also, to
the extent EPDP killed to attack or in defence – every other Tamil Political party
in that area had the authority of the Government to kill to attack or in
defence. Once LTTE joined TNA – they were
entitled to the same clemency as Karuna in the East.
(7) NRTS: Have they openly accepted their
responsibility and accountability on this and apologised for the disastrous
consequences of the part they played in cohort with the LTTE that has brought
about the ruination of the Tamils and the country as a whole?
Gaja: Majority Tamils would not
identify with the LTTE as being the root cause of the war. Majority Tamils
would point to the Government as the root cause. Whether this is right or wrong depends on the
measures used- especially whether they are common. One who has no other knowledge
is entitled to belief that the person who caused her/him the pain is the cause.
Politics is about belief and we need to respect the authority as per that
belief where there is no higher common law in majority minds at that place at
that time. It is self-judgment through belief.
If the Sri Lankan Government had accepted
the 1977 election results as confirmation from Above – that Tamils are indeed
an Equal force in Government – we would not have had the 1978 Constitution from
which the Government is now working to release itself. If Tamil leaders had stayed within their
circle of belief and upheld Political Solution as the preferred pathway and therefore
continued along that pathway post Vaddukoddai Resolution 1976 – they would have
observed Sathya Graham – in protest against LTTE and other armed groups. By failing
to judge our internals on the same platform as they judged the Sinhalese – Tamil Politicians dwarfed their own thought
structures in terms of Civil Administration.
If they had used their Belief only for political purposes they would
have used the level playing field. Truth is the most NON-VIOLENT uniting force
known to me. Death for that Truth alone –
makes the killer a Great Hero – Maha Veeran.
(8) NRTS: Apart from
the general, vague and ambiguous declarations of "Self
-determination", what exactly are the political structure and formation
that they are propounding for the Tamils in Sri Lanka?
Gaja: Diaspora Groups without
their physical presence in Sri Lanka –
do not have the official mandate to Politically lead Resident Tamils in Sri
Lanka. They could use their influence through other pathways to help Resident
Sri Lankans realize self-determination – each group as per their own level of
development. We – Australian Tamil Management Service - are doing this through
educational pursuits – including through lessons in Human Values. There are
others who are facilitating this through medical services. I did not realize
self-governance through the Political pathway. Political clout at global level
could help work the government system, but if we try to translate / express at global
political level – we would lead ourselves astray.
(9) NRTS:
Would that be acceptable to all the Tamil speaking people of Sri Lanka,
including the Muslims, let alone, the Sinhalese? If not, how are they proposing
to bring about this acceptance without which anything is meaningless and
useless and in fact time wasting.
Gaja: Language on its own would never be an
effective measure of unity and therefore of distribution of responsibility. Belief through common culture
is the measure. Hence I, an Accountant may find it more harmonious to live with
a Sinhalese Accountant than a Tamil atheist. It is the common belief that makes
us Diverse and yet not Divisive. A
family where at least one member invests in Commonness would be in union with
itself even where the members physically live far away. In contrast – a family
with large membership living physically close to each other – but without
common belief – would easily get scattered where money is the measure. This is
a serious risk within the Diaspora groups of both ethnicities. One such example
was highlighted by the Swiss National’s part in the recent rape case in
Northern Sri Lanka.
When we become models of Self-Governance in
our own local areas – including Tamils in the UK – we would naturally lead others
by example.
(10) NRTS: What are the exact political actions
they advocate for the Tamils living abroad and the Tamils living in Sri Lanka
to do (apart from pushing for a UNHRC resolution and 'war crimes' inquiries,
which they too know well have been part of the international communities
designs for change of Mahinda Rajapaks'e government and with the change they
can be seen to be diluted now)?
Gaja: Some of us receive the Sri
Lankan experiences through the Global pathway. Others use the global pathway
only for particular purposes. The latter are visitors and the former are citizens.
So long as the latter group does not desire to lead former – there is room for
The Sri Lankan Government which invested in
Sinhala Buddhism more than in Sri Lanka of Global values – USED the Global
Highway for its purposes as visitors and tried to lead the world in relation to
Sri Lanka. If Tamil leaders also do that, their fate would be like that of Mahinda
Rajapaksa’s Regime.
(11) NRTS: Who and
which organisations, if any, are they liaising within Sri Lanka, in UK and
globally, that is representative of the Tamils, Muslims and Sinhalese, as this
process is imperative for a meaningful, just and permanent political solution
for the vexed national question that has defied answer and destroyed the country
for the last many decades , and inevitably has to be solved amicably for the
country as a whole to progress for the good of all the people? What is the
understanding they have with them?
Gaja: Our organization –
Australian Tamil Management Service – with a branch in Vaddukoddai Sri Lanka has
no government affiliations. We are funded largely by immediate family out of
our hard-earned savings. The higher capital is Human Capital and Corporate
Wisdom. Through our regular work and interactions – we share our
self-governance energies with others along the non-political pathways. We are
very firm in our Administration and that is undisturbed by those who desire quick outcomes through
which they can ‘show and tell’. Ours is the bottom up path with Truth as our leader.
Just yesterday, after Bhajan (group singing of Divine songs) I
shared from Sydney, with our group at Thunaivi - Vaddukoddai – my belief that
two children of one family in that area went
overseas because the father prayed daily at our temple – in which shrine our
family – mostly part of the Diaspora also has faith. With this Shrine as the
Common Pool of Belief – we share our global values so that these groups do not
feel disenfranchised. Given that they were disenfranchised previously due to
their caste – they became a target group for exploitation by armed groups
including LTTE and EPDP. By living with
them I have learnt that they actually look up to the leadership by the higher
caste – under whom their fathers worked.
They may reject the current generation of that higher caste as leaders
but when it comes to customary laws and family laws – they continue to take
leadership from the higher caste in their areas, including through the life of
elders they trust/ed. To the extent they submit of their own accord – it is
belief based following and is not within the Administrative Jurisdiction of any
official authority. Often when I explained to youth groups the family protocols
– especially in relation to respect for parents – they say ‘Ammah we did not
know about this’. I do believe that the
pooling of belief by the Diaspora through Common prayers and living has
empowered young ones to use the official pathways to emigrate. Others who came
by boat to Australia are now discouraging their mates back in Vaddukoddai to
not undertake that pathway. This was possible because our group educated them
to follow their belief – however long it took to get the freedom they were
Due to the Testamentary matter in relation
to my brother in law Subramaniam Yoganathan of Vaddukoddai – I myself learnt
more deeply about the system of Thesawalamai – the customary law of Jaffna
Tamils, encoded by the Dutch. To the
extent the dowry system is practiced by Tamils – the highest known law suitable
to Jaffna Tamils is Thesawalamai for marriage issues. Even though I did
practice this Code of Conduct often by foregoing personal pleasures and
benefits, towards pooling in Common with
my husband’s family – and often even though I was often ‘forgotten’ after being
used – the system of Truth would not let me walk away. It insisted that I
converted my contributions into ‘system structures’ by escalating the matter to
the highest level through my own pathways.
In the above case – sisters who received
dowry are claiming equal share as brothers from the Intestate Estate of Subramaniam
Yoganathan. But as per Thesawalamai Law
and principles – Diversity & Equality are maintained through Separation of
Powers between the role of Father and Mother respectively as Equal but
Different Heads of the One family. To my mind, it is not different to the
Judiciary & the Executive Government being the Equal but Different Heads
of a Nation – with the requirement to
uphold the Doctrine of Separation of Powers. That Separation of Powers is built
into the Law of Thesawalamai through sharing of inherited wealth. That is how
highly civilized Tamils of Sri Lanka have been.
Recently, I learnt through Nihal Sri
Ameresekere’s book “Overseas Corporate
Structures, Which Hide 'real Owners'” and his detailed listings therein of the inheritance claims by the family of
Business Tycoon Upali Wijewardene – that the sisters, of Upali Wijewardene who
is not known to have had children, were entitled to 50% of the Intestate Estate
and that the wife was entitled to only 50% of the Estate. This to my mind, gave
recognition to the investment made by the
family whose genes we inherit and whom we grow up with. Under Thesawalamai –
sisters who received dowry from that common family are NOT entitled to share of
wealth of the brothers who die without children.
learnt also that the late Philip Upali Wijewardene was the cousin of President
JR Jayawardene. My mind asked the
question as to whether there was any connection between the disappearance of
Mr. Upali Wijewardene and his accumulation of excessive wealth which led to
Political Promotions instead of
Transparent Merit Based promotion to higher authority. The question
arose due to the ‘promotions’ that Mr. Upali Wijewardene enjoyed due to his
relationship with President J R
Jayawardene. On page 4 of the above mentioned book, Nihal states that he had
knowledge that Mr. Upali Wijewardene was returning from Malaysia to Sri Lanka
on 13 February 1983 to assume political Office as Minister of Finance. That was
when Mr. Upali Wijewardene’s plane is reported to have crashed. July 1983
becoming Black July not only for Tamils in Colombo but also for President JR
Jayawardene was to my mind no coincidence. The Business pathway and the
Political pathway when mixed indiscriminately – produce Separation2.
Belief is an exponential power. Politics needs to be belief based and business
needs to be transparent.
Family & National Governance when mixed
indiscriminately eventually hurts someone so badly that they would be empowered
by Truth to fight along their own pathways. One who operates close to Truth is
always protected by Truth and would naturally merge systems into common pool
and then draw from such common pools. I wrote in this regard:
Sri Ameresekere was my senior when we were both students learning to become
Chartered Accountants. I would have been about 19 or 20 years of age. It was
voting time for the student society and Yogi Sri Khanta from our firm (Satchithananda, Schokman,
Wijeratne & Co) was contesting to become the Treasurer. Nihal (Turqand Youngs & Co ) and Victor Rajakulendran
(Ford Rhodes, Thornton & Co) were competing for the position of President.
Block voting was organized between Victor’s supporters in his firm and Yogi’s supporters
in our firm. But I got to know Nihal as a person through Sunnelle de Silva and
hence decided that it was appropriate to vote as an individual. Yogi (my second
cousin) being the gentleman he is – confirmed that that was fine and the block
was for those who did not have individual preferences. The ‘independence’ power
of that Political vote at such a young age – I believe is returning Dividends
through the work done by Nihal of the same Profession. That I believe is the
way Truth works to support the self-governance values of individuals who often
make personal sacrifices towards self-governance. Nihal’s writings have added
support to my own sharing of my work related experiences through my book Naan
Australian. ] Beyond Consciousness
One who operates close to Truth will make the best connection between cause
and effect through her/himself. That is the highest and natural Administrative
pathway available to ALL of us.
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