Tuesday, 2 January 2024


I acknowledge, the Traditional Custodians of the land of Koojah / Coogee, on which my home building, Coogee View, stands  and pay my respects to our Elders past and present and emerging.




The Hon Anthony Albanese MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House

Canberra, ACT 2600

01 January 2024

Dear Mr Albanese,



I seek to share with you, my feelings on how to prevent Racial Discrimination, by listening to and respecting ‘The Voice’ of Elders

Please see attached a list of ‘facts’ in chronological order.

I invite you to go through the experience as a citizen with zero  status, except that you are Australian, but with knowledge of the law. In other words, we begin the journey with zero advantage over the other.

1.   The Common Measure

As you go along mark yourself ‘right or wrong as per the law/theory, common to both sides. Remember at all times of this journey that you are a citizen without portfolio. As per that measure with me as the measurer, I score 100%.

If you also get that , then ask yourself, why you were not heard. The possible response would be ‘they are ignorant’. But, what if we interpret the same law differently, due to the inner voice that says ‘be smart and win for the benefit of the whole, as you would in the position of PM.

Initially, I also concluded as an Equal. Hence I set out to educate.  This will be confirmed by the ‘facts’. I wrote as follows in relation to my pain which induced me to walk out of the AGM on 20 December 2023 at 8:10 PM:


‘…But last evening after you confirmed ignorance, of higher knowledge of Accounting and were ‘telling’ me, I became Kali. Hence I walked away. This is like ‘Dream-time visions that our indigenous folks go into.  Our Truth resides there. When we invoke ancestors, we believe in, we go into their world. Hence I took Kali form. The hotel guy with the tattoo joined me outside when I was arranging the papers, using the floor as my table. My decision to complain was influence by Mother Kali. Rowena ridiculed my book ‘Naan Australian/ I am Australian.  That book got carried to Congress Library  because of my belief . In response to  my warning of Legal Action on the basis of Racial Discrimination, you have responded ‘Thank you for your email it has been noted and filed.’  I interpret it as ‘I lack independence in these matters because I am medium of the Treasurer Mr Tony Quigly – the Oligarch  who caused the Admin Fund to be overdrawn by $52,359.77

When I stated that this was NOT approved by the Owners’ Corporation, you stated that it was in One Account and that the law allowed it . When I asked you which section of the Act, and you did not know. When Ms Felisa Piper asked you whether it would be put back you said ‘yes’ and Ms Felisa Piper accepted your answer. Then Ms Felisa Piper engaged with Mr Quigley and seemed to eagerly accept his responses. Thus Ms Felisa Piper also contributed to subjective power of like-minded folks making decisions through majority power by hurting minority who follow the law. I am waiting eagerly for that section that authorises ‘borrowing’ from Capital funds. Your assistant who ‘shared’ the Management table of Power with you, also seemed as bereft of higher intelligence as you.



Conclusion: We were interpreting the same law as per our respective positions to lead or to oppose



2.   Autocracy or Democracy


Dear PM, you sought the Voice of the of Indigenous Australians to be recognised in our constitution. Those who believe, in their Elders will hear their voice intuitively. I heard my ancestors’ voice. Hindu Indigenous cultural beliefs are merged in me with Australian Indigenous cultural beliefs as well as British ancestral values through my education, including as a Sri Lankan Charted Accountant. The deeper we go into our own belief through any form, including secular law or psychology, the closer we are to merging as One.

As you would know, in  law, there is the Adversarial process and the Inquisitorial process. In Hinduism, they are known as Dvaita system and Advaita  (No Dvaita ) system respectively. In Democracy, the People are taken to be separated from the government. Dvaita means dualism.

In Autocracy, due to the Monarch being responsible for the People as if the people are her/his children. Hence it is begins with One. This is why our monarch is treated like god – a Sovereign Power.

The destination in both systems is Oneness.

Our Australian Parliament is based on the Adversarial system with Equal Opposition.


3.I am or We are Sovereign

The Coogee View Strata Committee, except for a few like Mr Con Kotis who consulted with me as if I were an Equal, treated me as Junior. But by continuing to take my position as Equal I upheld Dvaita / Adversarial structure. This says ‘I am Sovereign. But until I include my Opposition in me I am incomplete, in terms of the whole. This tends to promote separatism. To become complete I need to be conscious of my other side, as if they were my spouse.

In that structure, Indigenous folks who felt discrimination pain but did not take revenge were of my culture. Hence we merged as One half.  Why not as One? Those who caused us the discrimination pain, were came from another culture/family. Hence we need to continuously look at ourselves, using them as our Mirror. This is the purpose of Equal  Opposition. If an independent member is treated as junior, while the benefits of democracy are being enjoyed, it amounts to betraying Democracy itself.


A true Opposition of Equal status would be like a mirror. The mirror shows us ourselves but in Opposite direction – as in Newton’s third law according to which ‘For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction

When the two sides are recognised at the same time at the same place, Truth is present. Truth being a Sovereign power spreads Itself exponentially.

4.   Elders

Every person who believes in their Elders will invoke their Elders’ virtues. Those who desire to profit from majority power, by taking it as Superior power, inherit the negatives of their own Elders. Hence there is disturbance to Peace through them. Once we become heirs, we become the media through which our respective  ancestral  powers flow in to our current environment. When we fully practice the current laws, our past Karma would be passive. It would ultimately merge with other Karma – positive with positive and negative with negative. When we neglect current laws, our Karma/Truth of the past, finds Its way through the gaps, into our current environment. Where past truth is positive, it fills our mind with Peace and our Environment with harmony. If negative, it disturbs our own Peace and causes disharmony in our home environments.


5.   Preventing Racism

1.   Use officially accepted merit basis  with impartial mind to determine rights and wrongs

2.   If the laws were made by one side’s ancestors, facilitate the ‘other side to use their parallel customary laws to be used on them. If the results contradict the results through step 1, determine that the laws are irreconcilable and facilitate both sides to find their judgments from their respective communities.

3.   When this happens, declare the customary law to be the official law of that community. This would minimise majority in a group using their desire-driven customs as laws.

4.   Where there is no parallel Customary law, take affirmative action to facilitate more time for the minority in that group to be allocated relatively more time to present their case.



6.   The Voice & Commonness


The real Voice is from within us, as per our belief in our respective Elders. Elders are by their very nature Common souls, due to their feelings of Ownership. One who fully owns becomes One with the object/place being owned. Hence Tat Tvam Asi/Thou Art That in Hindu philosophy. The mind that is still is the seat of Elders.


Yours sincerely


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam


CC: Race Discrimination Commissioner

Australian Human Rights Commission

Owners of Coogee View

Others Concerned

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