Tuesday, 24 December 2024


24 December 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




I recently shared as follows:


[Owners are the causal forces of manifestations. Their sacrifices of immediate/short-term pleasures become the foundation of their own ethical structures. This permeates all structures developed and/or led by them. Hence I  identify with the following words of wisdom shared by my Spiritual Guru: ‘End of Education is Character’]

The conduct of young Tamil Parliamentarian Dr Archuna Ramanathan in national Parliament, confirms to me that Lankan Tamil community has serious problem with its political claim of self-governance. As per my belief-based mind structure, the  reverse of the above is  End of Plagiarism is loss of Character’


One who discriminates as per one law, develops steady mind. But in Northern Sri Lanka, we have abused the customary law of Thesawalamai and this has resulted in different versions of the same law. This has resulted in us becoming internally divided, resulting in loss of intelligence. In his own words Dr Archuna Ramanathan who claims to follow the armed rebel leader Velupillai Prabhakaran(VP), this member of Parliament claims to represent the whole Tamil community. https://www.facebook.com/watch/live/?ref=watch_permalink&v=1086764495917616

 He confirms plagiarism.


When we are heirs, we are bound by Common belief we are true to each other. Without belief one is stealing from the other. VP also claimed that the LTTE were ‘sole representatives of Tamils. But that was influenced by autocracy. Dr Archuna Ramanathan is a beneficiary of Democracy.  He is stealing V.P.’s status.  The result would be loss of intelligence in those who voted for him.


Ethics regulate the mind and therefore our thoughts  and actions. The unregulated mind weakens its intelligence and tends to steal, ultimately leading to loss of  sovereignty of the person and the group.




Saturday, 21 December 2024


21 December 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




Diversity is the cornerstone of democracy," says Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake on new culture.



I identify fully with the above. My recent work on this confirms this:

Reasonable (that which could be reasoned through common measure/law) Doubt is allowed for the external -merit-based component. That which requires proof requires objective ‘reasoning’ and therefore is external. Objective  reasoning is needed by outsiders. Hence transparency is a requirement in democracy.  Outsiders ‘observe’ and calculate ; Hence reasoning as per the law. Insiders feel. One is either an insider driven by ownership or is an outsider . The outsider needs evidence-based proof. The insider does not need proof, because the insider is an owner. Owners feel through intuition. Hence Performance Indicators in management and Facts in Public Reporting.

Who is an owner? One who is true to her/himself and the group about group issues is an owner. Australian government is responsible for protecting the sovereign borders of Australia. The reason is this feeling of ownership of  law-makers. The sovereignty of any group is the sovereignty  of its members. Sovereign members become natural common power, even though they  may ‘look’ different the leaders/ us and/or are of different culture.  A good example is the Opposition in Parliament. Such Opposition needs to be a Sovereign power  and therefore be Independent of the group in government position.

This was manifested through  Sri Lankan Politics in 1977 elections, when the leading Tamil political group, won second highest number of seats and became the Opposition in parliament. In 1977, as per published reports, the percentage of Tamils in Sri Lanka was 11.2% of the country's population. 

That is the strength of Sovereign power.

 A sovereign citizen is therefore far more powerful than a member of parliament who depends on majority vote.

Recently ANI reported as follows in confirmation of the power minorities:

Diversity is the cornerstone of democracy," says Sri Lankan President Anura Kumara Dissanayake on new culture.


When I am true to myself, I am driven by my sovereign soul power. Sovereign power is an inalienable part of me. My action based on my sovereign power is always right for me and for those in my circle of belief. It may not seem so to others, but I know deep within me. Those others to whom I feel wrong, are outside my circle of belief , in that issue.

Those in my circle of belief are my relatives. Likewise, those in any circle of belief are natural relatives. When they take/are placed in, their true positions the group, however big it may be, the would function effectively and efficiently.

Nations protect their sovereign borders, to preserve this absolute power of sovereignty.  Every sovereign citizen is precious due to the absoluteness of this power that spreads itself through its own network , internally. A sovereign citizen  who is marked wrong is more precious than a dependent citizen who is marked who is marked right.

I was repeatedly marked wrong in my Racial Discrimination actions in Australian courts.  But the sovereign power of my actions spread  through my book Naan Australian / I am Australian published in 2014. I wrote to share my experiences, so others in similar pain, would be comforted. I made no effort to spread the message. The message spread itself and found a home in  the National Library  of Australia, via Congress Library.  I still do not have proof of how it got there. But later I worked out that it happened through Dr Subramanyam Chandrasekharan of RAW(Research and Analysis Wing)-India .   Dr Subramanyam Chandrasekharan’s last words to me were on 30 March 2021 were:


A wonderful piece!  I wish others had been as frank as you are!’


Dr Subramanyam Chandrasekharan completed the my work and by genuinely appreciating my work as if he had done the work, himself. Dr Subramanyam Chandrasekharan raised the level of sharing to Absolute value.  This Soul power.

As per my own analysis through my own conscience as my Judge, I accumulated Spiritual credit/virtue by working and living with war victims, including combatants. RAW actively trained Tamil combatants, who waged war against the  Sri Lankan government, that was elected by majority. To my mind, they were the parallels of White Australian governments driven by majority, promoting White Australia Policy.

Given that indigenous Australians are dark skinned, and I felt discriminated against, I would have become part of the Opposing force, eliminating remnants of White Australia Policy. That is the way Truth says to us – ‘Why fear, when I am in you, as part of you?’

Friday, 29 November 2024

 29 November 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam



1.   Arjuna Mahendran noticed to appear in court over bond scam –

[Colombo, November 26 (Daily Mirror)- The Colombo Chief Magistrate's Court today issued a notice directing former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran to appear before the court on February 25, 2025.

The Colombo Permanent Trial-at-Bar bench has already issued a warrant through Interpol for the arrest of former Central Bank Governor Arjuna Mahendran in connection with the Central Bank bond scam case. 

However, he is currently evading courts by residing overseas.]


Does the reported action add value  to the Sovereignty of  Sri Lanka’s  Judicial system ?

To analyse, I am taking the other Arjuna/ Archchuna from North, who is at the centre of Tamil diaspora gossip:



2.   Arrest warrant issued against MP Archchuna Ramanathan-

[ Colombo Additional Magistrate Manjula Ratnayake has ordered the issuance of an arrest warrant against Jaffna District Independent Member of Parliament Archchuna Ramanathan, through the Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) in Jaffna. 

This order was issued during the hearing of an ongoing case today (26) related to an alleged incident of assaulting an individual after causing a traffic accident on the Baseline Road, Colombo in 2021.

Meanwhile, on November 25, MP Archchuna Ramanathan, who had unintentionally occupied the seat designated for the Leader of the Opposition during the inaugural session of the 10th Parliament, issued an apology for the incident. 

The apology was made during a workshop for newly elected Members of Parliament held on November 25. MP Ramanathan explained his actions and expressed regret for the misunderstanding caused by sitting in the Opposition Leader’s designated seat.]

Apparently Common in both matters are the dates of  Court orders, place (Colombo) and first names of the accused persons. The less apparent common issue is Financial mismanagement. Mahendran is the accused in one, and Ramanathan is the accuser in the other.

Did this happen due to both being members of the same Tamil community? Is this the case with communities that  separate themselves through apparent physical differences?


Is pain sharing a way to unity? A caring soul shared the analysis through rituals in worship of common deity Murugan by Sinhalese  also. The Most Painful Religious Rituals


Food for thought.

Sunday, 17 November 2024


16 November 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




On Sri Lankan election day, a Tamil Elder wrote in response to my article headed – Coalition  With Minorities:

‘[Your point is taken; let us wait and see the verdict of the ‘hoi polloi’]

I responded :

[Thank you Aiya. I stated in the article:

My spiritual vote is for the person in the current president.’


The spiritual vote is soul power of a true citizen. Like Universal  power, it could be invoked to save the whole. In Hinduism it is known as Bramma asthiram]


All Spiritual votes are Sovereign powers. They empower from within. They bring ultimate Peace and harmony to those who develop and share such powers. When I read news reports, that the president’s party was leading in Jaffna District, I felt ‘I was President of Jaffna.

That is how Democracy works. If the leader empowers the people, it is Autocracy.  

Which system suits us, is determined by the common nature of the group.

In return, for  declaring my truth, I had the opportunity to contribute as follows through  an NPP supporter:


[Thank you Npp


Npp: But your opinion that a country needs an opposition in order to develop is faulty.


Gaja: In true democracy, Opposition is the ‘other side of the ownership coin. The government is Equal to the People. Hence the Common member of a democratic government is = Common citizen.



Npp: China,Vietnam,Singapore has developed significantly despite having no opposition


Gaja:  Going by Singapore model, we need  a Sri Lankan Lee Kuan Yew.

This would weaken Democracy  as Equal Opposition in Sri Lankan governance would be weakened. As an individual, the current President is humble and democratic. But the Common Sri Lankan Citizen pampered by her/his is not humble.

Such a person would be against Democracy. In Democracy, each person/group needs to find and operate within its own sovereign borders. This is facilitated by various forms of devolution of power.

To the extent the other side feels Ownership, as much as the government,  there is natural democracy.

Autocratic leaders who produce positive outcomes, fill the gap with autocratic structure.

Where the fail to do so, there is high risk of idleness filling the gap.

Successful Autocratic leaders prevent formation of such idle gaps  through higher intellectual work and/or hard work. The Hon Lee Kuan Yew contributed through both.

Warm regards



As per my discovery, if we declare our truth when an outcome is being produced, we become a causal force. If we do not expect any particular outcome, our truth is an invisible force. Hence we become, the other side of the Ownership coin. In Democracy we are known as Equal Opposition.

The victory of NPP is considered  a landslide victory. In 1977, the UNP, led by Mr J R Jayawardene,  also won a landslide victory, leading to creation of Presidential structure. That structure failed us because Independent minorities were treated not as Equals but as juniors.


The current President became President first and there are expectations in some quarters that the Executive presidency would be abolished by the NPP.


 The 1977  collapse of the then government was preceded by the Vaddukoddai Resolution in 1976, through which Tamils declared Political Sovereignty. This was preceded by pain due to Sinhala only language law and Standardization policy, which was interpreted by Tamils, as affording lesser opportunities to Tamils to seek management jobs.

Genuine Pain when becomes shared ownership in th we do not draw our own benefits. Truth ultimately rewards us all as per our deservedness.

The current President will succeed through Executive Presidency, if he  treats minorities as Equals. One way is to be driven by Administration in Districts where minorities are by number a majority force.

Thursday, 14 November 2024

 14 November 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




Today, Sri Lankans have the opportunity to elect their representatives to make laws on their behalf.

 There are reports that the new President plans to form a government, by including minority cultures. This would weaken Democracy  as Equal Opposition in Sri Lankan governance would be eliminated.


Equal Opposition is essential in Democracy just as two parents are needed to make a family.  One is the other side of the other.

In autocracy, the opposition is invisible. Confidentiality is the strength of  autocracy. Armed groups, including official armies  are autocratic. The current president of Sri Lanka has his origins in an autocratic structure. As an individual he is kind and humble. As head of an institutional structure he would need to be autocratic within and democratic on the outside.

Former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa also faced this challenge. In his case the voters voted for the system he represented. If voters vote for the person in the current president, there will be Peace and harmony in Sri Lanka. My spiritual vote is for the person in the current president.

Tuesday, 12 November 2024


08 November 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam


‘I believe that those driven by majority vote failed to  place a ceiling on majority power by freeing themselves of the responsibility to act within the law. I believe that those driven by majority sans the ceiling placed by law, automatically lose the moral right to resort to the power of the Court, to punish a person who has demonstrated stronger commitment to the law/s  regulating the issue.- Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




A Tamil Social Media group forwarded a clip of the speech by Mr. Amidran Rajakariya under the heading: ‘very illuminating’. Mr. Amidran Rajakariya demotes Tamil political leadership-as failure.  

History has taught us that when we unite as a minority group to oppose majority, and are more law-abiding than the majority, we would become more intelligent than majority group.  This was recognised by the then government that introduced the Standardisation policy.

The reasons for the higher intelligence included our deep investment in higher education. The likes of Dr Neelan Thiruchelvam are part of that rich heritage.

Mr. Amidran Rajakariya seems to be part of majority. If he is, he lacks the moral authority to urge the Tamil community to support the current president whose elders fought an armed war. Tamil rebels who also resorted to arms to eliminate political opponents are their Equal Other side. It is their responsibility to oppose the current regime.

The message is headed:

Building Nation together we are for Malimawa (compass)!

The question is whether minorities seek to be juniors or equals due to their own sovereign power?  As per article 3 of the Constitution:

 “3. In the Republic of Sri Lanka sovereignty is in the People and is inalienable. Sovereignty includes the powers of government, fundamental rights and the franchise.”

Hence, every Sovereign Comity’s first duty is to maintain its own sovereignty .


Sunday, 18 August 2024


18 Aug. 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam







“But that optimism faded when she arrived in Canberra and unknowingly entered a "slavery-type arrangement", says "David Hillard, a pro bono partner at law firm Clayton Utz”. "https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-16/former-deputy-high-commissioner-sri-lanka-to-pay-unpaid-wages/104226080


I learnt about pro bono lawyers when I sued my seniors – including Ministers who failed to hear me. That was when I learnt about “Clayton Utz” also. As per my memory, they represented the then Prime Minister in IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA in matter No S49 of 2001. I recently discovered  when I searched under my name, that Austlii had published the transcript of the above hearing. Below is an excerpt.


MRS PARAMASIVAM:   The judgments delivered in the Federal Courts did not show their connection to the law.  It is human nature to keep following past practices until one is challenged.  Judges also being human are no exceptions.  One who is therefore consciously overriding past practices would show the flow of reasoning from the root laws and not take the easy way of saying that I had no gross proof to substantiate that the discriminatory actions were based on my race.  By requiring gross proof, the judges have confirmed that they did not inquire deeper.  All anti‑discrimination laws require deeper inquiry for the judges to first know the truth.


The reason why is in the dictum “no one is judge in their own case"/ Nemo iudex in causa sua .

Deep inquiry takes the mind of the seeker to stillness, which is the seat of belief. Belief has perfect logic. I recently declared as follows:


The only decision acceptable to me, would be belief based. Belief based decisions are always beyond doubt.’


In criminal cases ‘reasonable doubt is allowed due to laws that we do not believe in , but use on relative basis. To that extent, we need evidence. Belief does not need evidence due to ownership. This is the foundation of Prescriptive rights.

In management, we use Performance Indicators with internal managers/owners.

Belief is exponential. Money is most relative and often leads to entry into Dark money networks. You were especially concerned about this in terms of my share of the sale proceeds, and  mentioned ‘money laundering’ , until I stated that it would stay in Sri Lanka . I confirm that I wrote as follows to you on 30 July:

‘I assure you that I am determined to keep the proceeds in Sri Lanka. Towards this, I would be consulting with my Auditors.

When you urge me to accept Mr Wickremasinghe’s proposal, you are demonstrating a wakening of your own stand with me. I therefore urge you to NOT encourage Mr X to become the judge in this matter. Belief happens in the still mind. It has no form. Money driven decisions require ‘judgments’ because they are most relative. They need most form as per the stated law common to both sides.


In the case of the Sri Lankan diplomat, both minds were Sri Lankan. Hence Australian law has no jurisdiction. If it does, then I also ought  to have been paid    at  the same rate as  an Australian Charted  Accountant.  Is the Government ready to compensate me?  Is Clayton Utz ready to reverse its  own karma, by providing  me pro bono service against Australian  Government?