Sunday 18 August 2024


18 Aug. 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam







“But that optimism faded when she arrived in Canberra and unknowingly entered a "slavery-type arrangement", says "David Hillard, a pro bono partner at law firm Clayton Utz”. "


I learnt about pro bono lawyers when I sued my seniors – including Ministers who failed to hear me. That was when I learnt about “Clayton Utz” also. As per my memory, they represented the then Prime Minister in IN THE HIGH COURT OF AUSTRALIA in matter No S49 of 2001. I recently discovered  when I searched under my name, that Austlii had published the transcript of the above hearing. Below is an excerpt.


MRS PARAMASIVAM:   The judgments delivered in the Federal Courts did not show their connection to the law.  It is human nature to keep following past practices until one is challenged.  Judges also being human are no exceptions.  One who is therefore consciously overriding past practices would show the flow of reasoning from the root laws and not take the easy way of saying that I had no gross proof to substantiate that the discriminatory actions were based on my race.  By requiring gross proof, the judges have confirmed that they did not inquire deeper.  All anti‑discrimination laws require deeper inquiry for the judges to first know the truth.


The reason why is in the dictum “no one is judge in their own case"/ Nemo iudex in causa sua .

Deep inquiry takes the mind of the seeker to stillness, which is the seat of belief. Belief has perfect logic. I recently declared as follows:


The only decision acceptable to me, would be belief based. Belief based decisions are always beyond doubt.’


In criminal cases ‘reasonable doubt is allowed due to laws that we do not believe in , but use on relative basis. To that extent, we need evidence. Belief does not need evidence due to ownership. This is the foundation of Prescriptive rights.

In management, we use Performance Indicators with internal managers/owners.

Belief is exponential. Money is most relative and often leads to entry into Dark money networks. You were especially concerned about this in terms of my share of the sale proceeds, and  mentioned ‘money laundering’ , until I stated that it would stay in Sri Lanka . I confirm that I wrote as follows to you on 30 July:

‘I assure you that I am determined to keep the proceeds in Sri Lanka. Towards this, I would be consulting with my Auditors.

When you urge me to accept Mr Wickremasinghe’s proposal, you are demonstrating a wakening of your own stand with me. I therefore urge you to NOT encourage Mr X to become the judge in this matter. Belief happens in the still mind. It has no form. Money driven decisions require ‘judgments’ because they are most relative. They need most form as per the stated law common to both sides.


In the case of the Sri Lankan diplomat, both minds were Sri Lankan. Hence Australian law has no jurisdiction. If it does, then I also ought  to have been paid    at  the same rate as  an Australian Charted  Accountant.  Is the Government ready to compensate me?  Is Clayton Utz ready to reverse its  own karma, by providing  me pro bono service against Australian  Government?

Sunday 4 August 2024


04 August 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam





As per Thiru  Valluvar, there is no redemption for the ungrateful. Gratitude leads to completion of experience. Completed experience is the root of Reliability.


As per my discovery, those who are ungrateful, but put on a show of gratitude, develop imaginary completion of experience.  That which is imaginary has no root in reality.  This influences bipolarism.


In Sri Lanka, politicians actively promote ethnic polarisation through false promises.


In his recent article ‘History of promises on language issue; politicians & 13A’, veteran journalist KKS Perera  quotes as follows:

Politicians promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.”– Khrushchev :Premier of Russia-1958/1964.


On 02 August, Economy Next published a report headed-

Sri Lanka to start on ‘River to Jaffna’ water scheme: President’.

As per that report:

[In 1954, Engineer Arumugam, former deputy director of the Irrigation Department, proposed a River for Jaffna for the benefit of the Jaffna peninsula water resources and environment.

Over the years, the irrigation department, Mahaweli Authority, various local and foreign consultants, and international agencies have contributed to and improved the proposal. ]


The Sinhala Only Act was passed two years after Mr Arumugam, made the proposal. It is highly likely that Mr Arumugam used English as his Official language. The value of the law, is as per the makers’ mind. True proposals carry their own minds. Hence the proposal needs a Common candidate of Tamil origin to lead it to success.


Until then it would be an imaginary river under the ethnic bridge that President Wickremesinghe promised but

failed  to build.

Sajith promised to implement the 13th Amendment in full. President Wickremesinghe is promising Jaffna River. Both are imaginary and therefore would strengthen polarisation.




Sunday 28 July 2024


28July 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam





A member of a social group dominated by doctors, stated as follows about a rebel doctor in Sri Lanka:


[Poor guy is elated but before some calamity. But how about his insanity?]

My response was


Yours or his?

When you , as a senior indulge in gossip, instead of correcting the likes of him in this forum,  you also become கிழட்டு அரசியல் வாதி/ haggard Politian.


The above was preceded by the following on 15 July:


Senior Doctor: [Archunas mental disability is taking him for a good ride.]


Gaja: It is unethical for someone from the medical profession to state this without appropriate tests and analyses. This morning, I shared as follows with my Strata Community of which Mr Bob Carr , former Premier NSW is now part of:


{ I wrote it in my book ‘Naan Australian’ which is now with our National library. In chapter 23, I mention Mr Carr as follows


[I heard Premier Carr say yesterday about arrest warrants against Terrorists – that the Judge would first need to have reasonable evidence that an arrest warrant is needed. But you, the Maroubra Police and the Waverley Local Court did not need this – did you? What did Premier Carr do when I educated him about it? NOTHING. We are on our own – each one for herself. That is the way it will be with you also Professor Wainwright – if you try to dictate to me. ]


Aleks, ultimately our truth is our inner reality. During Mr Carr’s time as premier, I was listed as ‘mentally ill person. If this  is not true, the charge is owned exponentially by those in the system that  so certified me.]}

As per my discovery, mental illness is an illogical state of mind. In maths it is an unbalanced equation. In accounting, it is an unbalanced Balance sheet. In physics, the balance is confirmed by Newton’s third law of motion. In learning, plagiarism brings about mental illness. In the Jaffna Tamil community those who receive dowry as well as males’ share, contribute to Separatism  genes of the Community.

Mental imbalance is stated as a cause of violence. A recent attack at Westfield shopping centre at Bondi, was attributed to mental illness.

Can the risk of mental illness be reduced through natural ways? Does pampering increase the risk?


As per the saying ‘No pain , no gain, one has to earn one’s gain.  The work pain of following the ethics of our profession, also prevents mental imbalance.


In Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, risk of mental illness is on rise due to ‘free money’ from the Tamil diaspora. One way to reduce the risk is to bring them into our circle of belief. Last night I wrote as follows, to a debtor who borrowed claiming to be a ‘son’:


If you disappoint me, your children will disappoint you, because I thought of you as a son to share our savings. Don’t let it become a sin’


In the case of my husband’s family, the sisters who claimed in court Equal share, after receiving dowry out of the Commonwealth, carry Separatism sin, due to taking over male leadership, in breach of Customary law. We opposed them in courts, but they insisted.  Now they share the genes of separatism with  their  children.


During the 2018 Constitutional  crisis in Sri Lanka,  political leaders were horse-trading with their seats.

In 2022 the President who  benefited from that separated from  Politics.


Where there is belief, there is Commonness. Where there is Commonness, there is natural protection from mental instability.

Thursday 18 July 2024

 18July 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam



My husband’s batchmate, Krishnamoorthi came to mind when I responded this morning to a Tamil Community Elder, regarding  the Hon Rajavarthiam Sampanthan who passed away on 30 June, at the age of 91.


Krishnamoorthi  had a scientific mind and expressed belief in Time and place being change agents. My expressions below are supported by his belief also.


Community Elder: You are entitled to your opinion ! Gaja


Gaja: An opinion could be a mere thought. In this case, I took Mr. Mario Arulthas’ work to based on academic research which when it is past. As Yoga Swami said ‘Eppavo Mudintha Kaariyam.’ – meaning completed matter.   There are two ways in which matter gets completed.  Permanent Time and Place changes.  Immigration & Academic research come under place changes. This requires one to take no benefits or feel responsibility for losses from the competed matter. My expressions were Belief based.


Etched in my memory is the following warning to former  President Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa, in Parliament:


‘..if you persist in this agenda, I want to tell you, Eelam will bloom, not on account of us, on account of your lotus bud’.


Is such a claim a reality? Recently, I shared as follows , on gratitude through Thirukural 110:


‘Kural – 110

This Kural confirms that every fact generates its pair/ other being.  Hence in junior gives birth to senior & v.v. in autocracy. If in autocracy,  junior caste was unjustly treated, then, in Democracy they would be distant from former seniors. Hence separatism – not from Sinhalese but from former seniors.’

Hence Hon Rajavarthiam Sampanthan’s warning effectively stated Newton’s third law.


Below are excerpts from relevant discussions based on  the report  Tamil politics in Sri Lanka after R Sampanthan, the elder statesman that never was by Mr  Mario Arulthas – published by Tamil Guardian:


Report by Mr  Mario Arulthas: ‘ I will make my people ungovernable!” Rajavarothiam Sampanthan exclaimed, banging on the table.


Gaja: This could be interpreted as Mr Sampanthan saying that we are already self governing. Such a belief is essential to earn the right to Oppose and form an alternate form of government in a Federal structure.

 Report by Mr  Mario Arulthas :He was at a private meeting with diplomats of a powerful Western state in 2016, his expression giving away his frustration over the failure of the ruling Sri Lankan government, then led by Maithripala Sirisena, to make progress on the Tamil national question. ]


Gaja: Not just the Sri Lankan government, but the would-be Tamil government, in the form of armed rebels who Opposed politics. Like Mr Gotabaya Rajapaksa who lacked Political experience, armed rebel leaders were structured  differently. Armed rebels operated to takeover power from politicians. Hence the  ‘ungovernable warning.


Report :R Sampanthan was one of Sri Lanka’s longest-serving members of parliament and the leader of the Tamil National Alliance (TNA), the main political coalition representing the Tamils of the country’s North and East. ]


He had promised Tamils ahead of the 2015 election that there would be a political settlement to meet their long-standing demands for autonomy by 2016 – and when that did not materialise in time he promised it by 2017.


Gaja: Politics, like emotions, is one way. The People who have the need would have naturally completed the ‘other’ side. Until then there is no completion, but – mere testing of waters. Hence I quoted  my friend KKS Perera as follows, on 03 July:

“Politicians promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.-- Khrushchev :Premier of Russia-1958/1964



Report : Since his death in June, glowing tributes for Sampanthan have poured in from politicians and diplomats in Colombo, highlighting his pragmatism and his undeniable service.  

Gaja: This confirms that there was a global need for Tamil Political promises that Mr Sampanthan competed on behalf of Sri Lankan Tamil Community.


Report :India’s prime minister and foreign minister praised his advocacy in pursuit of justice and dignity for Tamils. Some, including senior TNA figures such as M A Sumanthiran, pointed out his commitment to a “united, undivided, indivisible” Sri Lanka, pre-empting any questioning of his past affiliation with the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE).


Gaja: As per Hindu belief, we pray to Lord Shiva, the destroyer of the physical aspect, of our life, to free the Spirit. One is thus able to thus merge one’s own truth with the one who has departed, to render Common form.  In secular language,  this is presented as ‘Of the dead nothing but good is to be said." — Nil nisi bonum. Thus Sumanthiran has become a true Political Heir of the Hon Rajavarothiam Sampanthan.



Thursday 11 July 2024


11July 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam





Today is the birth anniversary of my brother/cousin  Krishna, who believed in me. Krishna bent rules through his own truth. This is a heritage  from Avatar Krishna. Yesterday, an Australian Tamil Doctor of Sri Lankan origin stated as follows, to another in the group, discussing the rebel doctor  of - Chavakachcheri in Northern Sri Lanka:


Australian Tamil Doctor : Arjuna or Archer, his name has nothing to do with his behaviour and the name too is given by his parents and not by any divine power


Gaja:  I disagree. I was named by my parents, with the blessings of Yoga Swami. It is an avenue through which belief is shared. Your name indicates belief in Shiva.

The doctor’s name is NOT Arjuna. It is Archchuna. It fits him because he does blind personal Archana, instead of following the Common Poojah as Arjunan, the hero through whom we received the beauty of Sage Vyasagar’s mind known as Bhagavad Gita, performed.

Below are excerpts from the discussion:

Australian Tamil Doctor :  Medical practice is different to accountancy…. In accountancy the spreadsheet can be adjusted and manipulated to suit the boss but here it involves human life.


Gaja:  That is obvious. The question is which one is better for that person. You remind me of Ram, a clever engineer who said to my mate VM Perambalam of Karainagar , that all accountants did was to add and subtract!


Take your own solution – investigation!   How will that investigation empower the patients? To them ‘Medical language’ would be like Hindi to a Karainagar permanent resident.

If the report said in Rupees, how much money value even the dead body would open the muuth (பணம் என்றால் பிணமும் வாய் திறக்கும் ) / If  we speak the language of money, even the  dead body would open its mouth .


Australian Tamil Doctor: Also Eelam is going down the drain.


Gaja: That is a strong lead. LTTE had its own system, in which doctors were certified by military personnel.  Had you lived with them you would appreciate that the young doctor also has inherited that culture.  Like allele, they have been inherited from our parent communities – one from your system and the other from militants who were in the de facto medical system. The young doctor has inherited the stronger militant parent. Hence the ‘show and tell attitude.

------End of social discussion.----------

The war genes have been inherited by Tamils as well as Sinhalese. If Sri Lankan professional elders seek to make a positive difference each one who believes s/he is Common Sri Lankan must seek and find their own heirs. Once we are in the same Energy circle, the Exponential sharing and balancing happens  Naturally.

Thursday 4 July 2024


03 July 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam





 On 28 August   2021, I wrote in my article - National Status for Tamil in Sri Lanka:

[Last year KKS Perera wrote as follows in his Daily News article ‘Colvin the fighter’

During the debate on Official Language (Sinhala only) Bill in Parliament in 1956, he stated, “… Do we want an independent Ceylon or two bleeding halves of Ceylon which can be gobbled up by every ravaging imperialist monster that may happen to range the Indian Ocean? These are issues that in fact we have been discussing under the form and appearance of the language issue… One language, two nations; Two languages, one Nation…”]


Today, I was drawn to his article – ‘History of promises on language issue; politicians & 13A’ published by Daily Mirror. As per my experience, an article beckons  me to read it to complete the ‘other side. I believe that every completed experience, becomes common energy at that level. As per my discovery, this is the way Democracy works.  The power is with the true citizen.

The beauty of this nuclear solution is that it spreads itself exponentially.  In Hinduism this Energy is known as the power of   Brahma the creator.

The true citizen, would own problems, as if s/he had caused it.  This leads to finding the solution that s/he is capable of driving.  Ownership comes with Divine power. We refer to the source  as  Soul /Ātma. Scientists refer to this as nucleus of the atom.



In his current article, KKS refers to leader of the Opposition’s visit to Northern Sri Lanka, as follows:

[During a visit to the Northern Province, Sajith Premadasa, while opening the 225th computerised classroom in the North under his ‘Sakwala’ programme, made a significant declaration to fully implement the 13th Amendment. His initiative to open ‘Smart Classrooms’ in backward schools is unprecedented for an Opposition leader and is indeed commendable, regardless of the funding source, whether it be casino tycoons or otherwise. ]

KKS quotes also as follows:

[ As Isaac T Kulendran put it [DM-5/09/19] “Sir John Kotelawala came to Jaffna in 1955, where he made his famous speech opening his lines with “I’ll give you parity of status”. However, at the Kurunegala sessions of the United National Party, held a month later, the party changed its policy to Sinhala Only.’]

Kurunegala is Sinhala majority area  and Jaffna is Tamil majority area.  The problem was imaginary and therefore the promise I’ll give you parity of status’ was imaginary.

The fundamental discovery used by KKS is Russian:

“Politicians promise to build bridges even when there are no rivers.-- Khrushchev :Premier of Russia-1958/1964

The Ethnic problem in Sri Lanka is an imaginary problem in the minds of Politicians.  Citizens independent of politics know this. Given that I am self-governing,  I do not need a bridge between my home areas of Jaffna & Colombo. Those who ‘see it’ own it and therefore they must find their solutions. Those who come into my circle of belief have automatic access to powers of Self-governance at global level.


Friday 28 June 2024

28 June 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam






I read with  interest, Dr Upul Wijayawardhana’s articleAll those deaths in vain!’ - at


As  per my belief, deaths in war are immensely valuable, for they are towards Common purpose. To the extent the person believes in the purpose for which s/he is fighting, that purpose is fulfilled. More importantly, the death goes towards fulfilment of the purpose for which her/his side was in the war. When such deaths are remembered and honoured by us, our Energy goes towards prevention of unjust wars.


The article concludes as follows:


The Indo-Sri Lanka Peace Accord’ resulted only in 13A and over 60, 000 deaths, the blame for which should be apportioned on the UNP and the JVP. Now that a presidential election is around the corner, the son of the president and successor of the JVP have made about-turns on 13A for expedience! Were not all those deaths in vain?’


On 25 June, I published as follows, under the headingCOMMON WAR HERO’:


The main feature of the 13th Amendment is reported to be:

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka (13A) is amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka, passed in 1987, which created Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka.’

One who appreciates the Truth that the armed rebellions by Sinhala JVP and Tamil LTTE were due to lack of employment opportunities in Junior castes, has ownership of the problem and therefore the Opportunities to successfully address them.  Had the 13th Amendment been genuinely considered, and  therefore devolution of power was a reality, the caste problem also would been addressed, by localising the issue. The  Indo-Sri Lanka agreement was an opportunity to access the solutions that is in the minds of Indian leaders.

Once we stop learning from our ancestors, we weaken our heritage-based intelligence. This often results in weaker relationships in democracy. Strong relationships are underpinned by trust. Those who trust themselves will naturally form reliable relationships with others who trust themselves. That is the way of the Soul.








Thursday 27 June 2024


27 June 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam







Today’s mail included two on Julian Assange:

1.   Assange freed as part of plea deal

2.   Patrick Cockburn: Julian Assange was monstered for doing what every journalist should

I felt free to respond now. Until now, I chose not to publish, my feelings in this issue, as I felt for Julian’s family.  Today, I was free of anxiety, and I responded as follows to the first mail:


[As a fellow Australian, I felt for Julian for the excessive punishment he suffered. But Julian acted in breach of the ethics of journalism. I relate to it through fundamentals of negotiable instruments. In essence stolen property is not negotiable. Julian did not do the work to have knowledge out of the information he published/leaked.  Ethics of journalism include respect for the original makers/owners. That intelligence published by Julian was government’s property.


[The right to  publish work/intelligence is derived by Opposing as Equal. That confirms our discovery through an alternate pathway. In this instance, it was journalism. The path of  Democratic Journalism includes Adversarial journalism which position I take often take to criticise governments.  Towards this, I need to be independent of the government. Such independence is confirmed by an alternate/diverse pathway. This requires Separation of powers between  the two groups – as between the  Parliament that makes laws and the Judiciary that exercises authority of the law. In Julian’s shoes, I would have followed the independent pathway of Adversarial journalism . I would have declined ‘plea bargain’.  I was arrested and sent to prison on the allegations of trespass. I independently studied the law, and freed myself by representing myself in court.  I thus became the Equal other side to the University Administrators. My book ‘Naan Australian’ found its way to National Library of Australia, via Congress Library. That is the way of Truth.]


Time and place of publishing facts is important to harmony in our environments. If as Patrick Cockburn has suggested,   if every journalist published governments’ secrets, our intelligence would be lowered due to all and sundry using the information at data level.  Data becomes knowledge, when there is order in the way we receive data is reliable. Knowledge becomes intelligence, through ownership . Julian did not own the information gathered by the government.


Those who lack institutional authority and seek the de facto , pathway, need to be driven by truth. Truth is the most reliable power known to us. When we identify with our truth, we would identify with others’ truth and this leads to natural mergers. In true love, the order happens naturally. Overregulated relationships fail due to excessive power at the top. If this was/is the case with the US government, then disorderly publishing would further damage the American order. This could happen due to excessive regulation,  which leads to idle authority. Truth is the lasting solution .


Wednesday 26 June 2024

 25 June 2024

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam



Five days ago Mr Sarath Fonseka, revealed an interesting discovery in Sri Lankan parliament. The Daily Mirror reported it as follows:


‘We as ex-military men strived hard to maintain the unitary status of this nation but there are others who are trying to create unrest just to win votes. These leaders have genes of those who made 600 police officers surrender to the LTTE. This leader was killed by the LTTE later,” he said.’

Fear of death is the enemy of any soldier. The soldier who fights to defend/preserve Sovereignty, is a winner in death also. Such a soldier becomes the Common Sovereign Power of all those who fight to defend/preserve their own sovereignty as individuals and/or groups. Hence, their actions during war are considered fair.  In life, they were two sides of the One coin, to the extent they were true to themselves.

 Sovereignty is a precious quality that is the source of  our inner peace.

Mr Fonseka was referring to President Premadasa, who collaborated with the LTTE to free Sri Lanka from the grips of the IPKF (Indian Peace Keeping Force). The LTTE was the balancing power and President Premadasa, being a People’s President, respected sovereignty of the ordinary man. He felt in 1983 July about that there would be trouble if the  funeral of 13 soldiers killed by the LTTE, were  held in Colombo. Wikipedia reports as follows:

Prime Minister Ranasinghe Premadasa, fearing violence, was against holding the funeral in Colombo, but was overruled by President J. R. Jayewardene

If the  then PM Premadasa had been respected, Black July would have been prevented.  His heirs carry those common genes.

I discovered this through belief and practise of Hindu philosophy which promotes belief in Elders. In Australia, we attribute that the Indigenous folks were the First Nation in Australia. This offsets  the Racial Discrimination sins of the past.


Tamil Elder Chelliah Kodeeswaran of Jaffna

 I stated recently about funeral rights – through  Mr Kodeeswaran who fought for his fundamental rights to continue working in the language he had already learnt:

[I searched and found a writeup at -

As per the article ‘  Though he was born in Jaffna Meesalai his heart was inseparably interlinked with Trincomalee.’

This has not been substantiated and if not true amounts to hijacking family’s rights to honour Mr Kodeeswaran.

Mr Kodeeswaran was fighting for his fundamental rights to continue working in the language he had already learnt. I believe that his contribution went towards  the following article in the constitution:

18  (2) Tamil shall also be an official language.]



 Our first opportunity to realise group sovereignty is the family we are born into. When we know the Truth of that family and  are led by that truth in relating to others in the family, in every relationship in the family, we lay the foundation to progressing towards group sovereignty , beyond the physical influence - at community, national & global levels.

As per my conclusion, Mr Fonseka’s gene  theory is false due to personal ambitions. My reasoning as  a commoner is as follows:

The order to surrender was preceded by the following bitter experience by the LTTE, due to unethical conduct by the  army:

[One noteworthy incident took place close to an army camp in Batticaloa in the first week of June. The army arrested two LTTE cadres and they were ordered to kneel on the road opposite their camp in the scorching sun for over six hours, amid bantering and other sorts of humiliation from the watching army personnel. One LTTE cadre bit his cyanide vial and died]

As per the above, the Sri Lankan Army failed to respect soldiers who were fighting to preserve sovereignty. President Premadasa valued Sovereignty and hence was ready to die for the cause. He effectively died as a soldier who did not fear death by another soldier. Hence he is a Common war hero, and his heirs, biological and/or through belief, will inherit the common genes. Mr Fonseka on the other hand, confirms his genes to be from Mr Gotabaya Rajapakse, who abandoned the position of President. This is indicated by the following, in the Daily Mirror article -  Sarath Fonseka to split from SJB; to run for President :

He is also expected to work with intellectuals and prominent personalities during his campaign.’


This was confirmed by the following:

MP Fonseka was critical of a pledge given by the SJB leader that he will implement the 13th Amendment to the fullest.’

The main feature of the 13th Amendment is reported to be:

The Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka (13A) is amendment to the Constitution of Sri Lanka, passed in 1987, which created Provincial Councils in Sri Lanka.

This recognises Common devolution of power on secular basis and not on ethnic basis. Indian structure is  already being shared with Sri Lankans, through Hinduism & Buddhism.  Since Buddhism is healthy in Buddhists , Devolution of power to provinces also would work for Sri Lanka.