Thursday 2 May 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

02 May  2019

Early Warning Systems Ignored by the Media also
But Google did not forget

Not long after I wrote today’s articles headed ‘Islam  Foremost through Pakistan / IS in Sri Lanka’ and You want Big India or little india?   my attention was drawn to my article of 03 May 2014 headed ‘Out Goes LTTE & In Comes Pakistani Intelligence’ (  . As I read my own mind – as it was five years ago – I recalled Dr David Garlick’s comments about prophesies by me. In my mind I  thanked Sri Lanka Guardian – especially Nilantha Ilangamuwa and UK Tamil News – especially Karu who posted the article. Below are common values that confirm the credibility of my conclusions:

1.     03 May 2014 -  India is also the sacred land of my Spiritual Guru – Swami Sathya Sai Baba and the Independence leader I respect most – Gandhi.

02 May 2019 - By believing in Gandhi and by following in Gandhi’s pathway of truth – I have become member of Big India whereas those enforcing their own religious laws on others get restricted to little india.

03 May 2014 – Due to all these connections, I felt sad but did not know how I could expressly help. This morning I read the article published in The Economist, forwarded by Mr. Rajasingham Jayadevan. The subject matter of the article was ‘For minorities fleeing Pakistan, Sri Lanka is at best a temporary refuge’. As per this article :
Twice a week the pews of the Holy Rosary church in Negombo, just north of Colombo on Sri Lanka’s west coast, are filled with Pakistanis attending the country’s only Urdu mass, conducted by a Sri Lankan priest.’
Negombo is known for its illegal boat departures. In an interview with the Sunday Observer on 29 July 2012 , Dr. Shanaka Jayasekara, Lecturer, Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT), Macquarie University of Australia is reported to have said:

[In the absence of LTTE terrorists, who restricted the exodus of youth out of the Vanni as they required human resources, now the Vanni people were risking their lives to ‘earn more dollars’. He said the pro-LTTE lobby groups use the Sri Lankan asylum seeker issue to discredit the Sri Lankan government.
If you look at the Sri Lankans in Italy as a case in points, there is a flood of Sinhalese from Negombo who have taken boats and other illegal routes to reach Italy seeking economic opportunity. There is no persecution of Sinhalese in Negombo they are attracted by the foreign currency earnings in Italy. This is the same motivation that is driving all the boat refugees to greener pastures irrespective of their ethnicity, be they Tamil or Sinhalese.]

To my mind, any action against illegal departures needs to be on common basis. It would be in a country that respects the value of racial diversity and therefore racial equality. If powered by the desire to use the war for personal credit – and racial discrimination happens – consciously or subconsciously – then the effects at the deeper level happen to the person/group that motivated the action. The return karma is as deep as the cause. If even one genuine asylum seeker is punished by Sri Lankan authorities whilst the illegal departures for economic purposes are ignored – the return comes back at the level of suffering by the punished asylum seeker. There are false asylum claimants who are the parallels of the Negombo folks. But our systems that are not able to manage race related problems effectively through relevant laws, need to be such as to not seriously punish any asylum seeker above the level of the illegal departures for economic purposes – such as the Negombo folks who may have earned the punishment but did not get it due to Government’s preoccupation with Tamil militancy.
This possibility of return karma to Negombo – through Pakistani refugees seemed more and more credible when I read the report by Colonel Hariharan – published by the Sri Lanka Guardian under the heading ‘Who planted the bombs in Chennai train?’ Colonel Hariharan concludes by stating:

[So it would be reasonable to conclude that there could be a Pakistan intelligence link based in Colombo to the Chennai train blasts.]

Mine is intuition based to help myself and those who have faith in me prevent ourselves from deteriorating to unregulated behavior which carries high risk of injustice and anxiety associated with it. Colonel Hariharan’s conclusion confirms my intuition that Sri Lanka is reaping its returning karma. When we pray for anti-terrorism credits beyond our actual earnings and/or beyond the actual level of terrorism present – we pray also for terrorism. That is the way God’s system balances itself. That is the lesson from Krishna to us – that when we pray for the sweets beyond our earnings – we get the stomach ache also with it. Without ‘terrorism stomach-ache’ one cannot have ‘anti-terrorism sweet’ beyond one’s earnings. To the extent the sweet was taken from the global pool beyond the contribution to the global pool – the stomach-ache would happen – be it for Sri Lanka, Australia or the United States of America.

02 May 2019 - The then Government bought arms from Pakistan to eliminate the LTTE. Since they came without belief in Lanka’s Sovereignty – the current government keeps taking the husk even during peace times. That husk was from Muslim Pakistan’s paddy / work. Hence those who live off the husk of Islam are now attacking Sri Lanka – at the invitation of SLFP government’s cumulative value that has stagnated at husk level.  

Don’t look at IS without borders. Look at the Arms Dealer within the Government of Sri Lanka who in 2009  traded lives of Sri Lankan citizens in return for arms from Pakistan. Then Pakistan exported Christians who settled down in Negombo. Once we lose control – the Energies work of their own free will. The 2009 karma initiated by the Government in partnership with Pakistan returned in 2019.  

To point the finger at IS is evasion of responsibility.  I knew five years ago because I am true Sri Lankan. Not so those in Governments who are trading at lower levels.
I valued the work of  The Economist and Rajasingham Jayadevan; Dr. Shanaka Jayasekara, Lecturer, Centre for Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism (PICT), Macquarie University of Australia; Colonel Hariharan and Nilantha Ilangamuwa of Sri Lanka Guardian  and most of all Google – the virtual library headed by brilliant American Tamil – Sundar Pichai. If you believe – in the whole – the whole is effectively yours through Soul Connection.

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