Thursday 31 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

31 January 2019

Torture of Displacement

Today is the birth anniversary of my uncle Ratnam Durai, known as Sinnathamby within family. My uncle was part of United States Intelligence during World War II  and was caught and tortured to death by the Japanese. Below is an extract from my book about this painful experience:

Q:        Do you have any information concerning the death of one RATNAM DURAI at the New Law Courts Building, Rangoon, Burma? If so, please state what you know of your own knowledge concerning the incident?
Capt. Maloney: When I was placed in the New Law Courts Building, RATNUM DURAI was already confined in a cell adjacent to the one to which I was assigned, and was moved to my cell in about 10 days. On nearly every day for several weeks after I arrived, one or more interrogators, usually the interpreters, would come to the cell and ask him questions. I understood from the questions that they were seeking information as to the radio frequencies and codes he used as an agent for the United States intelligence, where he was trained, and the names of other natives trained with him. The interrogators would frequently beat him with a heavy club or rubber hose while in the cell. At other times he would be taken from the cell and be gone for a period of from a few hours to 2 days. When he was returned to his cell his body would show evidence of very severe beating, and frequently he had been so badly mistreated that he could not walk. About half the time he was given nothing to eat and did not recover. He died in January 1944, about 6 weeks after I arrived. He had no diseases or injury, except from apparent beatings, when I first arrived.

On days such as this, I remember as if my uncle’s pain was mine. My uncle’s income from this was saved towards dowry to my mother. Hence it is my duty to remember and keep that family structure strong and reliable.
This morning – in that mindset I read the Aljazeera report headed ‘Ten years after end of war, Tamils still waiting to return home’ about Keppapulavu, Mullaitheevu women:

[…Keppapulavu's residents fled their houses in 2008 during the bloody last phase of Sri Lanka's 26-year civil war, which was fought between the government and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), a separatist group that sought an independent homeland for the minority Tamil population in the Buddhist-majority South Asian nation.
The military occupied over 202 hectares of Tamil-owned residential land in Keppapulavu, subsuming the former residents' homes in expansive camps.
"I'm willing to die for the chance to go home," said Shanthi (name changed on request), a 52-year-old single mother of three, tears streaming down her face.
When the war ended in 2009, Keppapulavu's former residents were moved to Manik Farm, a military-run displacement camp plagued by widespread human rights violations, according to a 2015 United Nations report.
Manik Farm was closed in 2012, and the 560 former Keppapulavu residents remaining in the camp were resettled on small plots of the undeveloped jungle in Sooripuram, a village that borders Keppapulavu.
Shanthi says that before 2008, she would earn an ample income by selling the mangos and coconuts that grew on her two hectares of land, which now lie within the premises of the army camp.
But displacement left her family impoverished. "My children had to stop going to school so that they could work. It was the only way to survive," she said….]

I identified with their pain as if it were mine. They are protecting their dignity as self-sufficient human beings. TNA leader Mr Sampanthan wrote as follows to the President on 09 November 2017:

[There is plenty of other land available for the Army to use –if they so need, without the payment of any compensation whatever.
In the context of the determination that these civilian people have shown to get back their land, denial of their legitimate right to their land would be immensely harmful to reconciliation .This would have an adverse impact generally on reconciliation.
I would earnestly urge that this extent of 73 Acres be returned to these Civilian people at the earliest.
I request Your Excellency’s intervention in this matter.]

But there has been no solution to this problem through the External process. I thought about what I did in 1998 here in Australia – at the University of NSW when such external measures did not work. I went direct to the Vice Chancellor’s office on the basis of my belief based entitlement. No, the Vice Chancellor failed to deliver – and I ended up being charged unlawfully for Trespass. So long as the authorities in power had the ‘outcome’ they liked – I was a ‘forgotten’ person. But my victory happened and is continuing to happen through other avenues. At no time did I act in breach of the law – even after the courts sometimes upheld the trespass charges and dismissed my claim that the reason was racial discrimination. But I believed in Gandhi and relative to Gandhi’s sacrifices and difficulties mine did not seem unbeatable. It’s the Iru Kodugal / Two lines philosophy. How do you make a line shorter without erasing it? By drawing a longer line parallel to it.

‘Waging Nonviolence’ reported about a similar experience in Iranaitheevu in Sri Lanka:
[While such a victory may seem unlikely or even just lucky — given the risk factors involved — the WDS actually employed a methodology developed and honed by civilian peacekeepers. Known as protective accompaniment, the practice involves positioning a respected third party to be visibly present in close physical proximity to vulnerable civilians in order to deter potential perpetrators from engaging in violence.] - How women led a peaceful flotilla to reclaim their island from the Sri Lankan Navy

In 2016, at the Sri Lankan Ministry of Health, I played the role that  WDS - Women’s Development Society  and civil society leaders played in the Iranaitheevu experience. I placed myself as the interpreter of a group of Nursing Aids who were warned that they employment would be terminated. As a working woman – I was able to identify with their belief as mine. Had they gone on their own – they would have been fooled and denied their just expectations. I presented our case at the escalated professional level – where the warning happens intuitively from mind to mind – belief to belief. Towards this one has to feel common with both groups. I have done that at individual level, many times here in Australia – resulting in the other side withdrawing.

In Australia, I distanced myself from institutions that according to my interpretation were disorderly and failed to identify with the other’s belief or at least respect the other’s belief. Given that my pathway was as per the law – my belief was healthy for Australia. So, I continue to believe, undisturbed and adversely as the opposition of the custodians of power. That was how I was able to identify with TNA earning the position of Opposition Leadership in 2015.

I identify very much with the torture of displacement experienced by the  Keppapulavu folks. TNA and the Diaspora needs to become the ‘protective accompaniment’ needed by Keppapulavu folks who would function best in their home areas of belief. Sri Lanka needs that to protect it from wars. The Diaspora needs to believe at that level. I know of some who do. But they lack the global status as individuals. They need institutional support of NGOs who must be passive  - which then paves the Truth to manifest Itself as the combined belief of all participants.

Wednesday 30 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 January 2019

Sri Lanka’s Ali Baba

A dancer merges Bhavam, Raagam, Thaalam / Feelings based Attitudes, Music, Rhythm. The music could be external or internal. Likewise, Governance merges Feelings, Law and Environmental Influence. The Law could be external or internal. When the law is internal – Governance is Divine.
Sri Lankan President’s brother Dudley Sirisena is reported to have stated :

[I mentioned during my speech that there were various proposals put forward from various sections of the society to give leadership to Polonnaruwa district or to become a Presidential candidate from a majority area. However, I will not join politics without the invitation of my brother, but I will be with him and support him. ] Daily Mirror
The above means that Mr Dudley Sirisena’s governance is ‘external’ i.e. – he is not self-governing but is governed by Mr Maithripala Sirisena. Mr Dudley Sirisena states about that governor:
[Maithripala Sirisena is a leader who was born to perform such duties diligently. Unfortunately he was not allowed to carry out his programme at all. My prime objective is to organise things in such a way that he would have obtained the required strength to continue with his work in future with the support of the masses. We have to make a clear judgment to create awareness among the people about it. In order to do it, we have to identify the rubbish and discard them. Environment-wise, harsh laws have to be introduced. President Maithripala Sirisena joined the Government honourably as an act of gratitude for the support extended by the UNP supporters and tried his best to work cooperatively. 
Mahinda Rajapaksa was removed as he was perceived as a thief. But we were robbed of the clothes we were wearing. That is the real story. I worship the people and beg them to select a good, patriotic group of politicians at the forthcoming elections, who can support the President in governance. I appeal to those who take foolish decisions not to level allegations against anyone, but question themselves. When a country is being governed, it should not be with wrath, jealousy and malice. If so, no government will prosper.]
The above description ‘who was born to perform such duties diligently’ confirms  Thaalam / Rhythm / Environmental Influence. It automatically dismisses the picture that  the music/law  needed to Govern was internal.

The declaration ‘Mahinda Rajapaksa was removed as he was perceived as a thief’ – if true,  the question arises as to why he was honoured by the President – on 26 October 2018 after the rest of the UPFA – United People’s Freedom Alliance – members in government - left the Government. The Thaalam / Rhythm of President Sirisena’s governance was by these members. According to that Thaalam / Rhythm – their boss was now the very person described as thief. Thus with that group as government – Mr Sirisena became the head of thieves.

Ranil became Ali Baba  through the Bond scam. TNA became the pretty little maid who protected Ali Baba from the thieves.

Mr Sirisena did not have the music of law in himself and hence relied on the Thaalam / Rhythm / Environmental Influence and changed his performance accordingly.

In the case of Opposition Leadership position – Ranil has demonstrated attitude/Bhavam towards TNA maid as ‘once a maid always a maid’.

Ultimately we need to dance to our own internal music. The higher the level of actual performance the stronger the consolidation – so we would dance like Nadraj / Dancing Shiva. In terms of music Common Law is external music and Truth is internal music. One who is satisfied that s/he is ‘right’ when her / his Truth is passed through Common Law – dances as per the internal music – as Gandhi did.  

The choice that wise Tamils would see is to invest in global governance and become Divine Self-Governors to global audience who would observe, appreciate and inherit.

Tuesday 29 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

29 January 2019

Government of Buddhist-Sinhalese by the Buddhist Sinhalese for the Buddhist-Sinhalese

Yesterday I received the report that Mr K.Arunthavabalan had resigned from ITAK and therefore the TNA:
[K.Arunthavabalan, an ardent member of ITAK, the main component of TNA, has now distanced himself both from ITAK and TNA, as it has abandoned the principles enunciated by Thantai Chelva when ITAK was formed.
Although they stood for elections in 2013 and 2015 under the ITAK symbol, 'House' and set out the manifesto on the aspiration of the Tamils, they abandoned those principles set out in the manifesto, the moment the election was over.
Justice C.V Wigneswaran, noticed the change in policy of TNA by August 2015 SL general elections and advised the Tamil voters to get out of the 'House' and vote for those candidates who are trustworthy.
However, the voters' trust on the 'House was so great that they still voted for the 'House'.
Belatedly they regret their to trust on TNA's promises in the manifesto. They are particularly angry with Sampanthan and Sumanthiran for leaning towards the Sinhalese partys' schemes.
Sumanthiran was trying to get Wigneswaran sacked from the CM's post, but the people's response was so strong, that they had to withdraw from their intentions.

I said last morning to someone whose children’s education in a private school in Sri Lanka is resourced by us – that  he and his wife, lacked the founding experience to project the future of their children at that consolidated level. Our minds need to be included for such a reliable base. This happens when the beneficiaries  are grateful and/or demonstrate respect. The pattern observed by me in Northern Sri Lanka is that many  want our money but not our mind. This was observed and expressed also by other professionals serving in Northern Sri Lanka. This I believe was also the case with politicians who wanted the votes but not the mind of the voter. Politicians who expect money returns or pay money bribes – contribute strongly to this kind of weak structuring. Every bit of self-sacrifice by us for the purpose we are most in need of and/or are conscious of at the time of sacrifice,  brings us the outcomes needed by us. That was how Gandhi’s self-sacrifice had exponential value for the whole of India.

 To me, Mr Wigneswaran, leave alone Mr Arunthavanbalan lacks the Political wisdom to project into the political future of Tamils unless he includes mature minds already in politics. Yesterday, Mr Yogendra – the lawyer who represented our opposition (relations) in a testamentary case apologized to us after my husband said Mr Yogendra had erred in insulting our marriage in court and claimed that our children were not part of the family. Mr Yogendra said that he had said as he did – in the heat of the moment. If Mr Yogendra had not stated as he did – he probably would not have won the case in the highly disorderly District Court of Mallakam in Northern Sri Lanka. For our part – the case surfaced the Truth that our relatives whom we invested in were driven by the benefits that would come from us and not the love nor family commonness.

Had we not escalated our investment in law and order through this testamentary case, the ‘show’ of family would have continued. We based the escalation on our consolidated truth in respecting our family elders. In this instance for my husband it was largely his father and the deceased brother. When I, as a witness, stated in Mallakam District Court – that my husband was very appreciative that his brother (the deceased) resourced him for one year to complete his university  education when their father died – the judge Mr Gajanithibalan stated that my husband could not look after himself – so how could he claim eligibility to Administer? I was shocked that this judge could not see that the point being made was that both brothers had followed in the way of Thesawalamai – and that between the married sister and my husband – my husband was the one with higher entitlement as per the law of Thesawalamai. The judge dismissed our objections and awarded that no Administration was needed. This was upheld by Judge Elancheliyan at the Jaffna Civil Appellate Court. But when I sought to collect my husband’s certificate of Heirship – I learnt that the Registrar of Mallakam District Court was behaving as if the Court had the authority to Administer!!!!! I doubt that the judge and the registrar who hold responsible positions in the Community - had Thanthai Chelva’s mind as their base – any more than my apparent heirs at Air Lanka carried me or Singapore Airlines,  into Sri Lankan Airlines. Mr Wigneswaran would, by his mere presence in court environment – add his Energy to other legal professionals. His judicial energy would not manifest in political environment unless the latter is very orderly. Mr Wigneswaran’s relationship with Politics is like a wise old gentleman marrying a physically attractive young lady. The risk is that they may produce children / heirs who look like Thanthai Chelva but with the unattractive brains of the good looking partner! / business voter.

Whether we like it or not – we are the heirs of our yesterday’s elders grooming OUR heirs of tomorrow. The way politics has become unreliable to some politicians – the Judiciary is also unreliable to us citizens. Yet, we have to do our best to maintain the system that supported us. That is the base that would render reliable projections. Any grander projection  than that would lead to cheating.

Mr Wigneswaran who himself would have experienced unjust discrimination to rise to the status he did – as Judge of the Supreme Court – carries that ‘gap’ between his true entitlement and the received entitlement as - Energy. The blessing of being minority is this opportunity to develop that sacred power. Someone  said recently – the usual – that we Tamils have been asking for years and years – but we have not received anything. Like in the testamentary case above – I identify with our success – a small minority becoming Equal half of Sri Lankan government. This happened through the Truth that  the Government of Buddhist-Sinhalese by the Buddhist Sinhalese for tomorrow’s Buddhist-Sinhalese  lost that position to Tamils all by themselves. That is a realist projection that happened in my lifetime twice.

This risk producing old looking intellectually weak children -  is now with Tamil Politicians  also – because they are copying instead of independently producing their own wise outcomes. Some Tamils as well as Sinhalese -  copy Westerners while chanting Tamil Only or Sinhala only mantra.

Monday 28 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

28 January 2019
UN Peacekeepers

Who are true Peacekeepers? They are of two kinds – internal and external. Internal Peacekeepers influence quietly and often through common belief. They do not need arms. They share Peace naturally and often prevent wars. External Peacekeepers are those who have to show outcomes to wider world. Hence they often carry arms.  As per the Daily Mirror article ‘UN Chief condemns attack on Sri Lankan troops in Mali’ :

[The UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, strongly condemned the attack which led to the deaths of two ‘blue helmets’ from Sri Lanka and injured six others.
Mr Guterres conveyed his “deep condolences to the Government of Sri Lanka, and the families of the victims”, and wished a speedy recovery to those injured.]
The UN-Sri Lankan Government partnership in terms of the attack on Tamils without clearing civilians – in 2009 has been a bitter experience for us Tamils. That was wrong kind of partnership so far as we are concerned. To the extent the UN was part of that operation UN’s karma in terms of Peacekeeping is negative. Why did the UN not distance itself expressly from the Sri Lankan government when the Sri Lankan government declared that it was not responsible for the safety of the UN staff? It pulled out its own staff in September 2008 but failed to replace them with  UN’s armed Peacekeepers into the combat zone to protect war-ethics. Their mere presence would have prevented the war-crimes shame that both sides to the Sri Lankan war and therefore Sri Lanka now suffers.
UN has very much been ‘external’ in Sri Lanka. An internal elder would have disciplined quietly. UN would have stayed on within the war zone in 2009 and endured the pain as if it were part of Sri Lanka. Without such participation it was not ‘common’ but outsider without experience from the victims’ side. This makes them ‘tellers’ when they do participate in the happenings through theories and resolutions.

To be ‘common’,  one needs to become one with others concerned. When we stay within our true ability to provide services we would identify with the true needs of others in a common interest group. Thus we develop the  common ‘customer/citizen/victim’ naturally as per our own true ability to serve naturally. Obviously such ‘common customer’ was not in the mind of the UN in Sri Lanka.
To the extent war crimes were committed in Sri Lanka due to such withdrawal by the UN, the UN carries negative karma in terms of peacekeeping. Likewise at the local level – the Sri Lankan government whose troops are unable to identify with the true needs of the victims in war-affected areas. Those who do not feel such commonness would need strong commitment to laws that would act as scaffolding until we develop such commonness. Sri Lankans who failed to use their own laws – including the laws of Buddhism which is part of the Constitution of Sri Lanka – to discipline themselves in Sri Lanka – would carry such wrongs as negative energy / sins – outside Sri Lanka. Sri Lankan armed forces are taken as One institution and hence the sins of few would naturally be shared by others.

Undertaking such global missions is not for Sri Lankan Government soldiers. Recruiting them was the mistake that UN made – while preaching Accountability, Reconciliation and Improvement of Human Rights to the very same government that these soldiers represent. Unless Mali was considered to be less sovereign than Sri Lanka by the UN’s calculated measures it was wrong of the UN to use Sri Lankan armed forces in Mali. If the UN had sought and discovered the Truth in the Sri Lankan war – and included that Truth when including Sri Lankans in its staff and armed forces – those who died would have been honoured as heroes and there would have been no reason for the UN chief to condole. Such deaths release the heroic spirits upwards so they would bless their heirs with positive energy.

The UN’s role is to facilitate Sovereignty of the People by the People for the People. If one side or the other ‘wins’ and the UN was part of the Government – then the UN failed in its core mission.

Sunday 27 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

27 January 2019
Tamil Prime Minister of Minorities

A couple of leaders forwarded the following call by Ms Waduge : ‘Sri Lanka’s Opposition Leader - Defend Our National Army’

Ms Waduge opens her article with the conclusion ‘We finally have an opposition that doesn’t support the government in power

This then means that to this group the Tamil National Alliance was, the government until now. Accordingly in Ms Waduge’s mind,  Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa who is Ms Waduge’s hero has been awarded his due place as leader of the Opposition. Ms Waduge is not alone in this. Mr Karu Jayasuriya as well as other Parliamentarians including the President,  who did not oppose the transfer of title from Mr Sampanthan to Mr Rajapaksa also have demonstrated such attitude. But the actual power did not shift from Mr Sampanthan to Mr Rajapaksa. It will manifest at the right time at the right place. All we have to do is to continue to develop that into transcendental power. At that level we carry our true investment in governance as energy. This is the reason why many young Tamils who fled Sri Lanka during the war are blooming in politics in the West. Our true investment matures as Energy and rises to support us in the right environment.

Recently, a Muslim spiritual leader who speaks excellent Tamil warned former LTTE deputy leader Karuna against Karuna’s opposition to the latest appointment to the position of Governor of Eastern Province, by the President being a Muslim. The point that I identified most with in that warning is -  that it is the Lord who decides.

Truth is always there. Truth that we identify with comes with us wherever we go. What is the Truth that I identify with in Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa recruiting LTTE deputy leader Karuna over to his side? The change was through bribe. One who offers the bribe is as corrupt as the one who is bribed. Mr Rajapaksa is reported to have  already had that experience with Karuna’s boss Velupillai Prabakaran who in 2005 prevented Tamils from voting in the Presidential elections. We do not know the exact cause of such blockage of Tamils  exercising their rights to govern. But the effects would confirm that the people feared LTTE and therefore facilitated the presidency of Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa. Where people are dependent on leaders / seniors – the effects they produce/produced through them are the causal forces. Where one is driven by her/his own mind and is open about it – so her/his heirs would learn – those are the causal forces that one is entitled to take as reliable.

Ms Waduge claims that :

[Sri Lanka’s conflict is TERRORIST not ETHNIC]
In support Ms Waduge lists also the following:
[LTTE began its killing spree in 1975 when it assassinated the Mayor of Jaffna – Alfred Duraiappah (a Tamil) LTTE next targeted Tamil policemen on duty to scare them from joining the public service.]

To my mind, to the extent LTTE killed Tamils including Muslims to whom mother language was Tamil – they were Terrorists. If the Government did not punish them back then – then the government is guilty of failing in its duty to the victims. When such failure rate is higher than in the case of Sinhalese – the government is guilty of waging an ethnic war. Psychologically speaking, the defeats that the Sinhalese government suffered at political and administrative levels would lie in waiting for the next round of conflict. If not for this reality – there is no reason for Ms Waduge or the Rajapaksa government that declared victory over in the internal war – to refer to LTTE examples to show Mr Rajapaksa’s strengths. In democracy one has to ‘wait’ until the other side produces its own independent outcomes. One needs the bowler to bowl before one bats. Otherwise it is imaginary and imagination leads to disorder of the mind.

The Rajapaksa government won militarily but lost politically to Tamil National Alliance in 2015, when Mr Sampanthan whose political energy kept accumulating during war times also – became the Prime Minister of Minorities / Leader of the Opposition.  Mere number count does not render one the minority status. One needs to have the insight into issues to see and project the other side of that which is produced by the Government. One should not wait for time to tell. Mr Rajapaksa ‘tells’ and does not even wait for time to tell the other side. Before time could ‘tell’ he changes position.

Ms Waduge states about the UN Resolution A/HRC/RES/25/1 on promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka passed by the 25th regular session of the UNHRC on 27 March 2014:

[In 2014 Resolution 25/1 authorized an investigation by the UNHRC (OISL) which ended in March 2015. Citizens of Sri Lanka never had a chance to counter the allegations made. It was obvious that the objective was to present a case that system crimes via chain of command was committed. They were not interested in individual crimes. The report covered 4 IHL crimes and 4 human rights charges – the GOSL without assessing its credibility or truth went & co-sponsored the controversial resolution (30/1). Was the co-sponsorship with the mandate of the President & with the knowledge of Parliament or was it simply on the acceptance by the then foreign minister. The Opposition should officially demand an investigation into the legality of co-sponsoring 301/ as a priority. ]

Between March 2014 and March 2015, Mr Rajapaksa declared Presidential elections well  ahead of schedule – without waiting for time to tell. When an elected leader confirms ahead of schedule, it confirms that s/he believes that s/he would lose if s/he waited until the whole terms was completed or s/he wants to reinforce to the wider world that the People consider her/him to be ‘right’. Given the UNHRC Resolution and the reports that this led to, the global minds in Sri Lanka and outside influencing Sri Lankan voters – it was highly likely that the UN intervention was the reason why Mr Rajapaksa declared elections before the end of his natural term. In his shoes that is what I would have done as a politician facing global criticism.

The minister of  foreign affairs that Ms Waduge refers to above was Mr Managala Samaraweera who was also minister of  foreign affairs during Mr Rajapaksa’s time as President. With such politicians who keep changing sides, their own personal beliefs and truths would drive them. They confirm weak institutional relationships. The question is why Mr Rajapaksa who was part of the Parliament at the time of Resolution 30/1 – did not question the government over the actions of the foreign minister? Was it due to individual loyalty being stronger than party loyalty? Whatever the reason – it confirms lack of Opposition Energy to question at that level. Mr Sampanthan had that Energy.

All of us work best in positions that are natural to us. As per my observations, Mr Rajapaksa becomes most active as a leader using armed forces. Sometimes these are positive and at others they are negative. The value of the net outcome in terms of positivity or negativity depends on the other environmental forces – the strongest of which are the karmic forces in the case of environments in which we are not active. Mere politics is not an environment in which Mr Rajapaksa becomes strongly active. Ms Waduge confirms this by invoking LTTE which is part of our horoscope. If they are invoked after Mr Rajapaksa declared victory over them – then politically, Mr Rajapaksa becomes weaker and weaker. This is why the Paava Kirahams / Debilitated planets – in the horoscopes that denote our uncorrected mistakes in the past – should not be activated but respected and diffused through Parihaaram / compensation and/or  repentance.

If Mr Sampanthan and therefore the Tamil community confirms outstanding improvements in promoting reconciliation, accountability and human rights in Sri Lanka – then they lead Sri Lanka at the global level. THIS is what we as a community are doing – by ourselves for ourselves.

Saturday 26 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

26 January 2019
Sampanthan & Lotus Formation

[The Speaker said one could not compare the Sri Lankan Parliament with the British Parliament, which functions under the Westminster System while Sri Lanka’s system of governance is based on an executive presidency elected by the people] – Daily Mirror article ‘Opposition Leader's Post - Speaker rebuffs Sampanthan’s claim

The structure of government confirms the National Administrative picture – the big picture. As per this Plan – Sri Lanka is Unitary State and the UK is Unitary Monarchy. But in reality – they are both Unitary Monarchies – as demonstrated by the current president and the immediate past president of Sri Lanka. Such structures are like Vyuhams / Military Formations. In Hindu epic Mahabharatham Padmavyuham / Lotus formation was most challenging. Arjuna’s son Abhimanyu was butchered by the unruly leaders of the Opposition:

[The ChakravyÅ«ha or PadmavyÅ«ha was a very special formation (vyuha), and knowledge of how to penetrate it was limited to only a handful of warriors on the Pandavas' side, namely: AbhimanyuArjunaKrishna and Pradyumna, of which only Abhimanyu was present when the Kauravas used it on the battlefield. In the Mahabharata it is mentioned that Abhimanyu learnt about the ChakravyÅ«ha while in his mother's womb but he was not able to hear how to escape the formation. After Abhimanyu had penetrated the sixth tier of the formation, all the Kauravas' commanders attacked him simultaneously, which was against the righteous rules of warfare Dharmayuddha, and gradually exhausted and killed him] - Wikipedia
There were many such Abhimanyu’s in the Sri Lankan war against itself in 2009. When Sri Lankan kills Sri Lankan – that is death penalty without any judicial hearing. This is murder  of Article 9 of the Sri Lankan Constitution.
Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa’s Lotus formation – SLPP has trapped Mr Sampanthan who got butchered including by the speaker Mr Karu Jayasuriya. Mr Sampanthan
[Demanding a snap general election – an impossible demand under the provisions of the 19th Amendment according to legal experts – and recognition in Parliament as the official Opposition, JO Group Leader Dinesh Gunewardane agitated for an adjournment debate when the House met on Monday on the ongoing political situation.
When the debate fell flat, following an announcement by the SLFP that it would continue within the national unity coalition, it was the 84-year-old Tamil National Alliance Chief and Opposition Leader, Rajavarothiam Sampanthan who stole the show.
In a widely publicized speech, Sampanthan pitched into former President Mahinda Rajapaksa, whose proxy party, the SLPP, he said had run a racist local polls campaign.
The octogenarian parliamentarian said he had been alarmed by Rajapaksa’s remarks in the run up to the elections that “Tamil Eelam would bloom after the LG election.”
Sampanthan called it “abhorrent” for responsible politicians to play the racial card. “If you continue to behave the way you have, Eelam will not bloom on account of us, it will bloom on account of your lotus bud,” said the Opposition Leader, who punned on the SLPP ‘pohottuwa’ symbol to illustrate his point.
“We have made our position very clear that the Tamil people want a solution within a united, undivided, indivisible and single country,” Sampanthan asserted. He said it was wrong to instigate communal feelings against a single community which was demanding a political solution. He also accused Rajapaksa of trying to deceive “innocent Sinhalese people in the South” during the elections campaign.

“There was no campaign carried out anywhere in the North and East which talked of division of the country. We only talked of a solution that is acceptable to our people, that is reasonable, with substantial power-sharing within the framework of a united, undivided, indivisible single country. That was the propaganda we carried out in all our areas and when we did that, how dare former President Rajapaksa say that Eelam could bloom after the election. This is not merely deception of the innocent Sinhala people in the South, but it is the deception of everyone including himself,” the TNA Chief raged during the debate.] 25 February 2018, Sunday Observer article ‘Sampanthan steals the show in Parliament’

The ‘Tamil Terrorism’ mantra  and ‘Buddhism foremost’ slogan are both trump-cards used by Sinhalese Politicians for their own political gain. It’s the formation they use to unjustly isolate and butcher individual Tamil politicians who are part of their opposition – i.e. – those who confirm Tamil Nationalism. In their minds therefore – Tamil Nationalism is a reality confirmed by the LTTE. So long as they do not recognize the development of democracy in the Tamil community especially through the strong influence of the Tamil Diaspora – they will see in their mind’s eye – that which brought them the votes – the war against Tamil militants.

Had these Buddhist leaders meditated on the issue until the problem was owned by them as Sri Lankans – they would have had the combined vision of Sri Lankans. The more they are accommodated the less democratic Sri Lanka would be – as there is no democracy in the use of arms to attack. This applies also to militants who went beyond defending  and attacked.

If Tamils withdraw from Politics – their youth  would resort to attacking the government which keeps inviting them to do so. Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe failed to support Tamil Politicians in this issue of Leader of the Opposition position. He was beneficiary of the minds of such Tamils who have inherited the British philosophy. That British philosophy was a big part of the reason why Mr Sampanthan disciplined Mr Rajapaksa a year ago. Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe and Mr Karu Jayasuriya have confirmed that they are lacking in that heritage from our ancestors.

We become heirs of our own work by spending less than the benefits we received. It is that ‘saving’ we make that matures as heritage and supports the next generation. We become heirs of others’ work by being conscious that we are their juniors and therefore by genuinely respecting them.

Mr Sampanthan has been actively in politics for 62 years, relative to Mr Karu Jayasuriya’s 23 years. In his mind, Mr Jayasuriya needs to submit to Mr Sampanthan in terms of political heritage including from the British. Heritage is the root that supports our current structure. That structure may look different but the deeper root is needed for a higher structure. That certainly is the investment Westminster system and not the Presidential system that was introduced in 1978. The latter is continuing to struggle – unable to balance itself and regulate the parliamentarians, leave alone support the people.

Mr Karu Jayasuriya has the duty to apologize to Mr Sampanthan and facilitate a vote – the same way Mr Wickremesinghe was facilitated. Otherwise – whether the government accepts it or not – Tamils will have their own nation as per their own cultural norms which will include strong investment in Democracy due to the Tamil Diaspora.

It’s time Mr Sampanthan formed the Lotus Vyuham with Lord Krishna and Gandhi in his heart. That is my prayer on this Australia Day when we celebrate British arrival.

Friday 25 January 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

25 January 2019
Tamil Class Action against Wartime Killings

Until recently, not many Sri Lankans demonstrated interest in the Constitution of Sri Lanka. Majority would not know the provisions of the Constitution in their lifetime.  Most of us know about the constitution from the effects produced at a level that the ordinary citizen has the capacity to comprehend. The energies that underpin the values that we develop at our respective local levels – are then raised to the national level through identity with such outcomes. That to me is the network of  ‘souls’ and hence Gandhi’s message:

[You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.]

Last night I read the Sri Lanka Guardian article ‘Sri Lanka: On Draft Constitution placed before the Assembly’ by H.M. G.B.. M. Kotakadeniya  and  Lt Col Anil Amarasekera (Rtd). This couple were in effect opposing any change to Unitary State & Buddhism foremost articles in the Constitution. I felt a little upset and went to bed thinking about it and more importantly praying to Lord Buddha. I prayed to Lord Buddha in 2009, when my application to serve the needy in the Chettikulam camps where my brother in law died was being processed. The delegated officer said to me ‘Don’t go there and ask for separate state’. I felt upset but stronger was my need to be there with the needy. So I waited silently under the  large Buddha statue in that officer’s room. I looked up and prayed to Lord Buddha to facilitate my ‘visa’. I was blessed with the approval that very day. Yesterday, I drew on that direct experience and contemplated on the ‘Buddhism foremost’ issue. Then during this morning’s meditation – the solution was clear in my mind. – Class action.

Yes, class action against those responsible for killing - which is prohibited by Buddhism. Whoever ‘killed’ acted in breach of  Article 9 of the Constitution. Then later this morning I opened the email which directed me to the report at

As per that report a Buddhist shrine has been erected at the site of Semmalai Neeraviaddi Pillayar temple in Mullaitheevu District. Mullaitheevu is the area where the final stages of the war in 2009 happened. I was reminded of the large Buddha statue on  Kathirgamam Hill top in front of Hindu shrine. To me Kathirgamam  structure confirms the difference between Federal structure at ground level and unitary structure on the hilltop. Buddha is foremost at Hilltop now – blocking the original Hindu shrine. Likewise at Mullaitheevu.

At ground level – the shrines are separated. At Hill top – a new Buddha  shrine was erected in front of the Hindu shrine. I wrote about this as follows when Mr Sampanthan protested against the Buddha statue in Trincomalee: at

Sampanthan accuses law enforcers of bias against Tamils

23 Jul 2005 03:20:53 GMT
Thank you Pera for using my experiences to help fellow Sri Lankans. I worked with Mr. Sampathan`s brother and he would therefore better relate to this through his brother who would know of my credibility.
Mr. Sampanthan needs to point objectively to a Sinhalese who is as guilty as an arrested Tamil but who has not been arrested. …………..
As for the Buddha statue I did find a similar temple in front of the Hindu temple on the sacred Hill at Kataragama, an act of violence. If the Buddha statue was placed to obstruct a physical identity of another religion, it is wrong. Otherwise, the government has the right to place the statue. Lord Buddha would answer only to those who pray sincerely, with or without a statue. If through this statue, the government violates the rights of sincere devotees of other religions those who invest in this place of worship would have their merits reduced to that extent. God balances where we fail.
Gaja Lakshmi Paramasivam from Australia

After 2009 – my cousin Visvanathan Kathiravelu who inherited his father’s farmland in Kilinochchi shared his difficulty when he found a Buddha statue in front of the Vairavar shrine adjoining the farmhouse where his brother was killed by militants. My cousin said he did not mind Buddha statue being added but rejected Buddha blocking the Hindu Deity.

When I read the news that came to me today – I received it on the basis of my own pain as per the above. But this time – I identified with the solution:

Wikipedia presents the Four Noble Truths of Buddhism as follows:

[The truths are: dukkha, "incapable of satisfying," painful; samudaya, the "arising" of dukkha together with tanha ("thirst," desire, craving); nirodha, "cessation" of dukkha by "confinement" of tanha; and marga, the path leading to confinement of tanha and cessation of dukkha. They provide a summary of the basic orientation of Buddhism, namely dukkha and its ending, and are traditionally identified as the first teaching given by the Buddha]
In the case of Pleasure Drugs that the President of Sri Lanka is allegedly committed to addressing -  the above are :

·       Pain that automatically comes with pleasure drugs (Dukkha)
·       The craving for more drugs (Tanha)
·       The arresting of the craving by meditation/confinement (Nirodha)
·       The cessation of such craving by filling the mind with the confined problem which gives the insight that we are capable of doing without such pleasure (Marga to Nirvana)

The Sri Lankan President has expressly promised to activate the death penalty against drug traffickers. The users are part of these traffickers. Hence killing the drug traffickers is killing the drug users. In any case if the President’s pain – Dukkha is drug trafficking – then imprisoning them confirms Nirodha/confinement.  But killing them is to release them from the problem. Has the President not acted in breach of Article 9 of the Constitution?

Let us take Terrorism and the Government of Sri Lanka which killed not the problem but the bodies. Let us accept that their pain was from the killings by the LTTE. The four noble truths in this matter are:
·       Pain due to exercise of armed pleasure (as in civil riots) and/or pleasure of doing one’s job
·       Craving for more such exercises which resulted in the 2009 war and killings
·       Confinement of the unarmed in camps and prisons and meditating with the imprisoned and civilian victims as part of them – filling the mind with the imprisoned and victims and nothing else.
·       Identifying with that part of  the problem as having been caused by us and therefore curable by us through our goodness.  

Again, as in the case of death penalty for drug traffickers, killing armed combatants and civilians is not part of the above four noble truths. Imprisoning – yes. Killing no.  The President does not want an external inquiry into alleged war-crimes. Neither has the President followed the Buddhist pathway of meditation to finding the Truth as if he were a victim.

As per Buddha’s teachings – the victims who meditated with the government – found the – marga / pathway to redemption – and that is to remove advantage to any ethnic group that desires authority above any other ethnic group. For myself, I have been recommending the repeal of article 9 from the constitution. But if this is not acceptable to the wandering minds of rulers – then Lord Buddha says to me –  that my community with whom I meditated must take legal action against the President and those responsible for killing  - including my brother in law.

That is the class action needed to test the Independence of the Judiciary. Given that Mr  Anil Amarasekera worked in the armed forces – his heirs would be found guilty of acting in breach of the very Article 9 that he seeks to keep in the constitution.

Tamil citizens have to not waste any more time ‘hoping’ for the Constitutional amendment. They need to act – by filing appropriate action in Court. Towards this we now have Mr C V Wigneswaran and Dr Suren Raghavan with high level intelligence in Judicial process and Buddhist philosophy respectively.  That is the pathway / marga Lord Buddha has shown me.