Tuesday 9 March 2021


Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

09  March 2021




Yesterday, on International Women’s Day, I heard our Australian Foreign Minister over the Chris Porter matter say words to the effect ‘unjust discrimination begins with disrespect which is followed by violence’. I identify with it. Yesterday, I learnt also about allegations of racism made by Megan Markle against the British Royal Family. As in the case of Mr Chris Porter allegations, I could not identify with Megan Markle’s either. The reason for the former is that I had successfully protected myself from abuse at those ages with far less power and support than these ladies seem to have had. In both cases ‘what happened’ was not established independently. To my mind, therefore it is political and hence ‘group-driven’. The accused and the accuser would then generate different pictures in the minds of others reading and hearing.

Someone asked me recently about my work in relation to those I seemed to consider to be beneficiaries:

 Q1 : Do you think people are going to change? 

A: I guess I expected it at the beginning. But now I know that it helps someone in need who is seeking. Not even one bit of it gets wasted. Recently the daughter of a young couple known to us got her HSC (A.Ls) results. The father who believes in me as an elder rang me and during discussions about her choices I mentioned that she ought to have confidence that she would get a place at UNSW. They changed their preferences and the daughter was offered a place at UNSW where this week she would have started the course. The parallel of that in Sri Lanka was the success with Ministry of Health where in 2009 I remained silent when the officer who had to sign my papers to go to Chettikulam camps said ‘don’t go there and ask for separate state’. I needed to go and hence I did not react to defend myself. After regime change – I led a group of nursing staff who were new to Colombo – leave alone Health Ministry. They  approached many including Mr CVW but got nowhere. When I learnt that our mission was successful – I felt that my prayer to Lord Buddha in 2009 – not only secured the jobs of about 150 women most of whom were heads of their families but also confirmed that my forbearance in 2009 became Energy in waiting.

Q2: Did you change by reading books written by others or listening to speeches given by others?

A: Not really. But when I needed comfort – reading books by Swami Sai Baba helped me. More importantly – I get some direction when I need it, through someone else’s work. I therefore believe that others in need would also be helped by my work. One guy from Jaffna who was refused visa to come to Australia for his PhD contacted me through my work in the internet. I wrote to the High Commission and then asked him to apply again. He got it. Is there positive change - YES

 Q3: Did you change by reading any religious books whether it is Bhagavat Gita, or Thirukkural, or Vedanta or  Buddha or I mean any book ?  If you did, then the change was from  what to what?

A: I have not read any of the above books.  I read Sai Baba Swami’s work because kungkumum appeared on His picture to confirm the validity of my work – which came out as Auditor General’s work on the same day kungkumum appeared. I was not a devotee then. Right through that initial difficult period – I kept getting indicators that kept me going. I think I read my own work more than anyone else’s.

Q4: Did your political position or opinion change by reading or listening to media or books or speeches? If you say Yes! Then you are not original ..you are gullible!  You can be swayed.

A: You have expressed fear that I might say yes!  But as a governor I do not need to take political position. I usually begin with Administration and this is recognized in Vattukottai

Q5: What book or whose speeches did பெரும் தலைவர் ..கர்மா வீரர் காமராசர்/Great leader Kamran read or listen to ? None ! What education did he have ? Nothing! 

A: To me his ordinary conversation was his speech and his disciplined work was his autobiography.

Q6: You know reading and getting educated may give you 'Knowledge" but NOT "Wisdom".  Knowledge is no longer useful, we needed some Professional and Academic knowledge to find a job or to do business. That's is over.... We don't need knowledge anymore, in fact, Knowledge is a burden, it inhibits discovery and wisdom!

A: Knowledge is in wisdom as Energy


Q7: Here is another quiz especially for you. What is the one and only book,  one must read in his entire life? 

A: Oneself


Each one who is true to her/himself is right for her/himself. That is Self-Governance. When this is done as a group one needs common measures as per group belief. That is Politics. When it affects more than one group – it has to go through Administrative and Judicial processes – using measures common to all groups.

As per Sri Lankan medium Adaderana’s report headed ‘Way a country treats women, a social indicator of its true development – President’:

[President Gotabaya Rajapaksa in his message on International Women’s Day, says that the way a country treats and accepts its women is a social indicator of the country’s true development.

The President says that Sri Lanka has been exemplary in this respect, adding that women have gradually been able to occupy a higher representation in areas of economic, social, and cultural life in Sri Lanka today.]

It is misleading for a man to express this. Also, as per my experience – one type of unjust discrimination mutates into another form when it is left unaddressed and the make up of the environment changes. As written previously – to my mind, what happened in the Sri Lankan war where the common reason was Communism but was taken as Racism by most.

In his Exclusive Interview with Centre for Strategic Studies,  American journalist, anti-war and civil rights activist – Dr Ron Ridenour, highlights this as follows:

[No major power, neither capitalist nor communist, wanted the Tamils to win their own state. Look at Palestine and Puerto Rica, for instance. Had the Tamils succeeded then it would have encouraged those peoples and others to fight all the more for liberation. The U.S. only supports separate states when it meets their global domination interests as with Yugoslavia. Capitalist U.S./NATO/EU crushed the competing Serbian socialist direction. When the capitalists won that war, they separated Yugoslavia into five capitalist countries.]

The forms in which we give our reasons would change. But so long as we use our conscience based measures – we will redeem ourselves and guide others in need. .

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