Monday 24 December 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

24 December 2018

Diplomatic Missions

A good proportion of Sri Lankans actively participated in the political turmoil in Sri Lanka. Majority were/are  mental participants. To the extent we had the experience on the basis of our own Truth – we would have added our energy to the issue and others who were true to the institution of Parliament, would have added their energies to us.

When we go to holy places, we likewise share Energies. At Nallur Murugan Temple in Northern Sri Lanka for example, believers in Saint Yoga Swami and his guru Saint Chellappa Swami would have the deeper experience than the average because Nallur Murugan Temple was their home shrine. Likewise, when highly spiritual persons felt the Energy in Kathirgamam Murugan temple in South, they shared their Energy with us through Kathirgamam. Our ancestors have expressed their  experience in Kathirgamam in the form of songs. Others through simple stories / legends. I have shared mine and others have shared theirs with me also. Many Buddhist political leaders go to Kathirgamam and other Hindu shrines for blessings especially before elections. To the extent they are true believers they do mind-merge with other believers – majority of whom are Tamils. This is an ongoing sharing.

Likewise, those who believe in the Parliament naturally connect to all other believers. When one is true to the Parliament one believes in all others who are true to the Parliament. To my mind, that is what tradition is all about. Hence whatever happens now is not about current merit alone. Believers invoke the powers of other believers. Belief helps us to regulate ourselves.
As an Australian of Sri Lankan origin, my genuine participation in Sri Lankan issues, using global measures – facilitates fellow Australians to feel that energy when they are in Sri Lanka and/or invest in Sri Lanka. Had I been largely a money investor for profit – I would not contribute to this kind of Energy sharing.

Daily Mirror article ‘Geopolitics of Western interest in Sri Lanka’s political impasse’ presents  a picture of ‘interference’ as follows:

[Following the proroguing of parliament by the president, and then its dissolution, there was a raft of statements from diplomats of the US, UK, Canada and the EU demanding that Sri Lanka’s parliament should be reconvened. In moves that raised eyebrows, a group of them met with the ousted PM, and a delegation, accompanied by the UN resident representative for good measure, met the Speaker of parliament to influence him to this end. They warned of inimical consequences. The EU threatened to withdraw GSP+ concessions; a former US ambassador to the UN Samantha Power even suggested ‘targeted sanctions.’ Two outspoken former Sri Lankan ambassadors to the UN - Tamara Kunanayagam and Dr. Palitha Kohona have described this behaviour as unwarranted interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state, alleging the Western envoys’ conduct is in breach of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.]

When the Tamil Tigers were listed as a Terrorist organisation by the UN – that was largely due to the influence of the Sri Lankan government. As a community we Tamils were seriously affected by it. Rights and wrongs vary as per our environments. When Sri Lankan soldiers were reported to have committed crimes against humanity – the Sri Lankan government was not  held responsible and they have not been put through an assessment process on Equal footing even though they had greater responsibility to stay within the law than did the guerrilla fighters.

Once the issue went past its due-by date,  our common belief in Lord Muruga manifested the truth through the political turmoil in a weak parliament that paid lip service to ‘traditions’.

As stated above, if the two former Sri Lankan ambassadors to the UN had invested in the Sri Lankan parliament at belief level, they would not have raised objections through Vienna convention.

Using the law - Article 27 (1)  of Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations 1961, provides as follows:

[The receiving State shall permit and protect free communication on the part of the mission for all official purposes. In communicating with the Government and the other missions and consulates of the sending State, wherever situated, the mission may employ all appropriate means, including diplomatic couriers and messages in code or cipher. However, the mission may install and use a wireless transmitter only with the consent of the receiving State.]

But one who is truly global would not need the Vienna Convention to know rights and  wrongs in this issue. When one fails to follow the laws applicable in her/his/its  environment – the matter goes into the Universal environment governed by laws of Truth/Nature. Belief helps us to identify with the laws of nature applicable to a particular environment. It’s instantaneous and natural.

When Sri Lankan Armed forces killed civilians during the 2009 war – what did these two personalities do to comfort their community? Dr Kohona is seen by many Tamil leaders as an active participant in that war. When civilians to whom an area is ‘home’ are attacked by outsiders – it is interference by the attacker in an area of belief of the attacked. To the extent the Armed forces acted outside the law and without common belief in the people of that area – the government interfered in the People’s area. Unlike the diplomatic missions – the Armed forces do not have immunity from prosecution. Those who cover up – lose their own rights –in their home-institutions.  The quickest pathway to such dismissal is through the common believer in both cultures. Such is most confidential – like laser treatment. To the extent the Government soldiers acted outside the law - the Government lost its moral right to prosecute the LTTE. That is why the karma returned through the Parliament also. 

Diplomatic positions were awarded by the then Sri Lankan government to leaders in Armed Forces during the war. What did these two UN personnel do back then? A diplomat has to be self-governing in her/his home environment. Such a person brings the power of her/his nation – to be shared with those who are self-governing in the nations that they take their missions to. If that was more Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe than Mr Sirisena or Mr Rajapaksa – then they had the DUTY as global governors to support the self-governing Sri Lankan. To the extent Sri Lanka has failed to repay its debts – in becomes the lender nation’s junior.

All of us self-governing individuals with foreign passports who mentally participated and actively shared our true experiences are shareholders of global government. To the extent we believe in common – we enrich the investment of Sri Lankan passport holders in global governance. This is of positive value and Sri Lanka and indeed the world is in dire need of such natural partnerships.

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