Friday 5 August 2022


05 August 2022

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam



In Tamil literature, I learnt that when a good king rules nature recognizes it through adequate rain for farming. Later in life, I learnt through experiences that when I prayed deeply, my prayers were answered – often at a later time, when I am in solitude – feeling responsibility only for myself – which included those who believed in me. In public life, this helped me to stay within my home environments when assessing leaders.

There is strong discussion within Tamil Diaspora due to the new vyuham / strategic positioning in Sri Lankan politics. My feeling is that, when positive paths open up for me during a leader’s time in office, that leader is positive to my home environment and v.v. Here in Australia, I had negative experiences under an American groomed leader at the University of NSW which escalated to the level of then PM John Howard against whom I instituted legal action. The Courts failed me but the People dismissed Mr Howard. Mr Howard failed to discipline Pauline Hanson who was groomed by his party. The Mabo decision was delivered during the leadership of  Mr Paul Keating – an honorable leader.

Similarly, when I was in Jaffna at the same time as Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe, I had the direct experience of Mr Wickremesinghe overriding the advice of security personnel to meet tuk-tuk drivers out in the latter’s own territory. I believe that during Mr Ranil Wickremesinghe’s tenure as president Northern Tamils will find their own peace – something that ought to have happened in 2003 – after the ceasefire agreement. Now both parties are out of the scene and the time is suitable for Tamils to find their own solutions. One who expects to be ‘given’ will not identify with the opportunities.

Below is an excerpt from email communication with members of the Tamil Diaspora (TDM):

TDM 1 : I think Ranil is on the right path


Gaja:   I believe that Ranil is the most accepted Sri Lankan leader in North

TDM 2 : Ranil is a person who not only always failed but ruined the UNP party

Gaja:   False. Sajith separated the Party. Vajira stayed loyal to UNP and hence his reward. Those who leave to form new parties are separatists. Ranil has been rewarded for his loyalty.

TDM 2:  Maybe his planetary position or DNA is such that not only he fails but allows others to fail too

Gaja:   It is known as ancestral power. It ‘waits’ for current system to go down and then it surfaces – like Pongu Sani/Elevating Saturn.

TDM 2:  Even during the negotiations with LTTE with Norwegian assistance , you don't know how he sabotaged from behind the scene

Gaja:   What was YOUR experience of it? I myself got the call to go to Vanni in 2003, due to the ceasefire agreement. By living with LTTE cadre, I was able help them feel good about themselves and in turn they shared honestly with me. That happened due to Ranil. If you had sought to serve through your medical wisdom you also would have received the call and gone. You are revealing that you did not get the call because you opposed Ranil.

What matters to us is our experience under each leader’s governance. When we are wiser than them in certain issues – the facility happens. This was the case also in 2015.

TDM 2:  Youth want one country, one people and that is not possible while these racial politicians are around and also the misunderstood Tamil diaspora

Gaja: Youth desire. Hence the saying that their harvest will not reach home. They have to sacrifice that which they think is theirs. They need to own first and then expect

TDM 3 : Ranil was instrumental in providing a safe haven for Karuna ]

Gaja:  Rajapaksas made him Minister


TDM 3 : When KP decided to look after the children's care homes in Vanni guess who opposed it, Ranil


Gaja: So according to you KP is wise. Even if we accept that to be the case, concerns were raised by those in Vanni about parents abandoning their children at Kuru Kulam. The main concern was that they would be groomed to become child-soldiers. Some kids were miserable there and I brought this to the notice of Joy Maheswaran.

I endorse Ranil in this regard, because child-soldier issue was very negative for Tamils.

TDM 3 : Gaja, Kuru Kulam was not part of KP's; further he took charge of three homes in 2010. Joy Maheswaran was not in the scene nor did he ever care. For your information Sencholai was voted the best run children's home in Sri Lanka..

Gaja:  Joy Maheswaran, you say he did not care. Who recruited him? I was not asked to attend a meeting after Sivarathri in 2003. I went to Nallur after observing Sivarathri at the Murugan temple near TRO office.

When Maheswaran asked me at the following meeting at Vattakachchi, as to why I had not attended, I said words to the effect ‘you did not call me but Nallur Murugan called meso I went.’ Later, Balakumar – of  EROS origin asked me during lunch break ‘Nallur Kanthan ungalai eppadi koopitar? / How did Nallur Kanthan call you?’  Later when I wrote about this someone said that his family was in India. I continue to remember Balakumar with fondness in my heart.

---------------------End of Tamil Diasora conversation.-----------------------------

A Tamil Diaspora elder forwarded the following address leading to JVP writeup in Tamil: 

According to that JVP article – LTTE’s political head Mr Anton Balasingham who lived in the UK referred to Ranil as a fox. It states also that since 2009, all Sri Lankan politicians – including Tamil politicians were foxes.

About foxes – at

[Foxes do a lot of hunting at dawn and dusk, but can hunt anytime. They hunt by stalking their live prey. They have excellent hearing and use a pouncing technique that allows them to kill the prey quickly. They listen for animals moving underground or under the snow in winter and use a combination of pouncing and digging to get to it. With larger prey such as rabbits, they stalk until they are close, but wait to attack until the rabbit turns to run away.]

In the case of Ranil, the first part ‘excellent hearing and pouncing technique that allows them to kill the prey quickly’  was confirmed in the case of eliminating Rajapaksas. Why is the Tamil Diaspora upset about it? Is it because they could not do what Ranil did?

The latter ‘stalk until they are close, but wait to attack until the rabbit turns to run away’ ought to warn those who show off knowledge with no action in Public – as is the case with politicians like Mr Sumanthiran and TDM2 mentioned above, and activists like Dr Mahin Mendis at  Dr…(Phd) mahin mendis - YouTube.

In a free environment, we show ourselves through the apparent leaders.







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