Thursday 5 April 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

05 April 2018                                         

Belief over External Logic

[It is a simple matter of ethics. If Prime Minister Wickremesinghe hasn’t resigned, it is quite simply because firstly he doesn’t know right from wrong and secondly he doesn’t know how to conduct himself in public affairs in accordance with international norms, including those in Asia and the global South.] – Dr Dayan Jayatilleke -
My response to the above was :

[MR had to become the jungle boy from South to defeat VP the jungle boy from North. Ranil brought Mahendran who was the parallel of MR to defeat MR himself. If Sri Lanka is Sovereign then the relativity stops within Sri Lanka. Measure Ranil through other Sri Lankan leaders and not through unpractised global measures.]

The main issue against the PM was the Bond Scam. The parallel of that for the former President is the war-crimes allegations. The current President was part of that regime and strongly protects armed forces from external attacks. Those who read on the surface would not have the true experience. The ‘no-confidence-motion’ defeat, to my mind is a return of SLFP karma.
As per my experience I have enjoyed greater freedom in Sri Lanka since 2015 due to my belief in the Hon Ranil Wickremesighe and identified with his good karma for Sri Lanka as a whole. Hence yesterday  I shared my feelings as a ‘vote’ in the Natural Parliament – the Parliament of Belief.
After writing the above response to Dr Dayan Jayatilleke’s article  and my letter to the Prime Minister, I felt happy knowing the TNA which is the main medium for Jaffna and therefore myself was confirming that we were travelling together. This morning that was confirmed at the surface level also.
At the surface level Mr Wickremesighe may have seemed wrong to Dr Jayatilleke. But as a person who has invested deeply in financial management in Australian Public Service, it did not feel wrong to me. The driving force was my personal experience in relation to the verdict of the Civil Appellate High Court of Jaffna which ruled that the estate of my brother in law of Vaddukoddai was to be divided into two – on the basis of foreign funds and Sri Lankan funds. My husband and I argued for Administration and ruling as per Theswalamai Law – but the Jaffna Courts kept dismissing us. However,  while preparing for the Appeal to the Supreme Court – I realised that that division was the solution that we were seeking. At the final stages of the  Appeal hearing,  the other side lawyer submitted that they were seeking Grant of Representation / Letter of Administration in UK for the UK part of the estate. Hence like the hybrid court recommended by the UN, the UK funds were protected by British over whom  Sri Lankan lawyers would have lesser influence than they have so far demonstrated to have had with Sri Lankan Tamil judiciary.
So long as we are truly of global standards, our earned outcomes would also get raised to that level – including by the Opposition. In the case of the Sri Lankan Prime Minister also – that was what happened. The influence happened through the TNA also and the TNA is now more closely connected to global standards due to a good proportion of Tamil Diaspora practicing globally applicable laws. Beyond the point of maximum practice by governments, investors in global governance have the power to invoke global powers. Above that is Truth which is Universal power. One who is true to her/himself and has credit in global systems has the power to influence outcomes in her / his home nation.

I discovered through my personal experience that the Jaffna Judiciary lack genuine faith in English Law or the Dutch whose sense of Justice drove them to codify our Customary laws. This means that the Tamil Judiciary do not have roots in those laws. They use them without feeling. This has led to a situation where the Jaffna Courts have delivered judgment that there was no need for Administration of the Estate in Sri Lanka even though there are claims of liabilities. This has been based on a Petition which clearly shows deductions worth Rs675,000/- claimed as being due to creditors. They are all internal parties. Unless there is Administration these cannot be paid out of Sri Lankan part of the wealth. As per this ruling we would rank as creditors for amounts advanced on behalf of the Deceased to whom we have now been made ‘outsiders’. In summary we lost in Jaffna Courts but we won at global level.

This realisation happened at the same time the PM was facing the No-Confidence-Motion. I was able to apply the principles of global justice to know that Mr Wickremesighe was a winner – either way. The vote was what others said which is needed in Administration but not in good governance. Good Governance could be achieved by those with strengths offsetting weaknesses of their home-side.
If there were no such forces, we do not need to pray to Higher Powers.  As per my discovery, when our seniors pass away – those of us who continue to be led by their positive values are supported by the fullness of those positive values. Those of us who owe those seniors and yet fail to respect them – inherit their negative values which become exponential when abandoned by the next generation. Mr Rajapaksa used money to prevent Tamil votes and disrespected Tamil Political ancestors of Sri Lanka.  Mr Wickremesighe lost in the 2005 Presidential elections due to this. Karma worked to restore Mr Wickremesighe’s position as the leading Executive / CEO of Tamils also in 2015 and this continued during the threat from Mr Rajapaksa.

Buddhist Sri Lankan politicians owe Lord Buddha. Like the Testamentary case above, those who divide Buddha into Sri Lanka only Buddha – are not likely to have enough credit to defeat someone who is supported by Global Buddha who blessed the Lankan Prime Minister and through him Mother Lanka. 

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