Thursday 14 March 2019

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

14 March 2019

My Freedom or Our Independence?

I learnt through Daily Mirror article ‘What does freedom mean to you?’ that today, CNN celebrates  ‘My Freedom day’.   Freedom has positive as well as negative aspects. Freedom without independence, to my mind is negative.
The most recent value of Freedom was manifested recently in the case of Cardinal Pell, here in Australia. The judge separated the individual from the institution through whose power the abuse surfaced. Channel 9 news,  reports as follows:
[In his sentencing, Judge Kidd said Pell was not to be held responsible for other abuses within the church.
"You are not to be made a scapegoat for any failings or perceived failings of the Catholic Church," Judge Kidd said.
"Nor are you being sentenced for any failure to prevent or report child sexual abuse by other clergy in the Catholic Church."]

It may not be the role of this particular court to look into the failings of the Church in this regard. But is the Church not responsible for failing to seek and find its own Truth about itself? Is the Government of Sri Lanka not responsible for crimes committed by its soldiers during the war? Are the People who promoted their sons and daughters to fight for ‘freedom’ not responsible for the damages of the war? Are they entitled to expect the benefits of higher institutional values that bind us together towards enjoying benefits without denying others their earned benefits and opportunities?

Freedom at the primary level, to my mind, often places a ceiling on shared values. Often when large institutions are in the custody of unearned benefits – including status, they naturally promote abuse of  power which has the effect of being worse than expressions of freedom by those who are outside the influence of such institutions.

I believe that when we are naturally bound by common commitment and/or grief, we are more likely to develop tall structures that would protect natural rights of all concerned. This requires the ability to take as program, that which is not recognized through cash and status benefits. Recently one of my students in Public Service was lamenting that the position she was currently in, was not directly benefiting that particular institution. I then said that I saw it as a program to confirm the Government’s investment in law and order. The Mother’s contribution in a traditional family often becomes Program that shows no visible value for the contributions. It goes towards the cohesive nuclear force that binds the family and works the ‘system’ – often towards development of heritage.

The fact that this issue of child abuse was addressed here in Australia, is healthy for Australia. The place gets purified by the Truth that is shared. Unlike in the above case, the Australian courts ‘dismissed’ many of my claims of racial discrimination. But I continued to share my belief and this purifies all the institutions that I shared my Truth with. I now realize that  I was strongly empowered to work the system of Equal Opportunity, more effectively than those who opposed me and those who dismissed me. The opportunities happen at the higher common level – as in ‘Knock and It Shall Open’.

In a recent interview with IBC Tamil TV – the current governor of Sri Lanka’s Northern Province, stated that once we embrace democracy we needed to keep up the pathway of dialogue  even when we do not see any outcomes. Freedom fighters often would tend to produce the outcomes as per their emotions. This prevents the escalation of our contributions to the higher common level. Programs often represent such escalation and help us mind-merge. As per my discovery, the citizen who is mind-connected to a law-abiding politician through common belief would comfortably contribute to such reliable structures.

The Church in Australia – has been found to be lacking in such institutional strength due to suppression of freedom of expression to which the judiciary also contributed by ‘telling’ the victim instead of listening to the Truth. Some fail to ‘report’ because they took pleasures at their level of freedom. One who conquers her/his desires becomes independent and is naturally promoted to the higher level.  Our Truth travels with us – as Energy – be it positive or negative. It is part of the causal reasons of manifestation of an outcome at a particular place at a particular time.

The media is an active promoter of ‘freedom’ of the individual. But independence benefits all concerned and confirms that we identify with our inner divinity to govern ourselves as individuals and/or as a group. Ultimately all systems need to confirm the system of Truth to qualify as reliable paths to happiness and independence.

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