Wednesday 17 May 2017

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
17  May 2017

Was Mr. Modi Messenger of Buddha?

Our debtor repeated the excuses he had been over many months now – to explain why he did not pay his loan installments and promising to settle during my next visit. I said finally, that what he does to me is done to Mother Kali with whom we shared common faith. He seemed a bit shocked. But the secular principles did not seem to have any effect on him. Hence I had to resort to Common Belief.  I have noted the deterioration of his personal business but did not want to make a connection between our debt and his failure in business. But this time I was determined to have my say through my system of belief. The guy left soon, promising to pay at least one more installment within a week.

Talking to most of these folks through the official laws would not work, for the simple reason that they have not invested much in the official system over the war period. Many within the Sri Lankan community of Sinhala origin seem upset by the recent Sri Lankan visit of  Indian Prime Minister the Hon Narendra Modi. Island Newspaper’s reporter Shamindra Ferdinando for example has expressed this through the article ‘Is security of India and Sri Lanka indivisible?’:

[Obviously, Hindu nationalist Modi has conveniently forgotten how India caused regional crisis by destabilizing Sri Lanka to such an extent to compel the then JRJ government to accept deployment of the Indian Army in the Northern and Eastern Provinces]

How far back does one go into one’s memory to attribute causal reasoning of a manifestation? As per the above, the time border seems to be drawn as PM Rajiv Gandhi’s rule. Rajiv Gandhi’s mind obviously would have been connected to that of his mother who is known to have supported the Tamil rebellion. Did Mrs. Gandhi have responsibility at regional level, to maintain general order at Governmental level?  When are leaders entitled to use discretionary powers on the basis of their personal belief? The personal mind-influence is indicated as follows:

[President J. R. Jayawardene did not enjoy the same warm relationship with Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that he had enjoyed with her father, Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru. Thus, with the outbreak of Black July ethnic riots, the Indian government decided to support the insurgent groups operating in Northern Sri Lanka.[citation needed] From mid 1983, on the instructions of Indira Gandhi, RAW began funding, arming and training several Tamil insurgent groups.] Wikipedia

Is one just in resorting to personal belief when the common law does not work? To my mind, it is a definite YES! – as stated above in relation to our debtor. In fact, the Sri Lankan Constitution provides for this through Article 9 which states:

9. The Republic of Sri Lanka shall give to Buddhism the foremost place and accordingly it shall be the duty of the State to protect and foster the Buddha Sasana, while assuring to all religions the rights granted by Articles 10 and 14(1)(e).]
To be logical, the relativity needs to be to non-religious secular laws and principles. Hence, Article 9 permits the use of Lord Buddha’s mind the age of which is indicated as follows:

[The times of Gautama's birth and death are uncertain. Most historians in the early 20th century dated his lifetime as circa 563 BCE to 483 BCE]

Until therefore an Indian leader chooses the mind of a leader before Buddha – for example – Krishna or Rama to ‘show’ outcomes and reasoning, through that  measure of right or wrong in the case of Sri Lanka, that leader is not wrong in terms of India-Sri Lanka relationship. It is therefore understandable that Mrs. Gandhi acted as she did AFTER the open invasive entry of armed troops in Northern Sri Lanka which resulted in the 1983 program in Colombo.

‘Tradition’, Heritage and genes are all based on old minds activated in present. Once when I was discussing reasoning ‘beyond borders’ a nephew from Canada said ‘aunty please watch the movie 7aum Arivu’ (Tamil) which confirms that we bring forward our wisdom from past births.’  I did and it confirmed what others including academics at the University of NSW also commented on – that I was referring to a particular theory. To my mind, the soul is confirmed to be eternal when we are so supported by that which we are not conscious of but is within us. Taking knowledge to that level requires losing body/matter consciousness and identifying solely through minds and Energy.

Yesterday, as I invoked my family powers in support of my investment in a close relative who successfully underwent hernia surgery in Australia, I recalled with appreciation our daughters’ music teacher Mrs. Rita Ponnambalam who said to me that when her husband had a second heart-attack when she was away in USA for a family function, she did not come back rushing but prayed with her soul. Her husband Navam did recover and lived beyond the age of 90 to support and be supported by Rita and their children. Whenever I am physically away from family and they have health problems, I include Rita’s mind in addition to my own Parents’. Through my experience, I believe that we go into that virtual reality – as in meditation.

To judge Mr. Modi as per current measures of global democracy – the person doing so needs to have contributed more than Mr. Modi – in that current system – be it as a leader or as citizen. Where was Shamindra Ferdinando when Tamils were getting killed by Sinhalese in Colombo in 1983? We relied on our personal credit with the system of Natural Justice.

Sinhala Only, Buddhism foremost and Prevention of Terrorism are all confirmations that the Sri Lankan Government lacks the strength of Common Belief to cure ‘internally’. Hence they need to separate and that resulted in Tamils become leading Opposition in National Parliament. The more Sinhalese go back to Lord Buddha and King Dutugemunu the more they develop their other side – parallels. That is the way the system of Nature works and one who identifies with her/his own true position in the big picture – identifies with the other’s true position. When one takes that position (as I did at the University of NSW in relation to the Vice Chancellor, followed by the then Prime Minister of Australia) one takes the whole into that picture as virtual reality. Then the Energies influence beyond time and place borders – to empower the real senior in that relationship as if s/he were the whole power. In Mahabharatham the chariot driver Sanjayan gets insight to see from far, the proceedings of the war which the King did not get. This was because Sanjayan completed successfully his duty as chariot driver to the King. Sanjayan resigned when he could not see the King blocked by the father in the individual holding that position. Likewise, the ordinary citizens of Sri Lanka who complete their positions as part of minority have the insight that is lacking in those who support rulers who act more as individuals and less are common rulers.

The simple example that comes to mind is the picture puzzle (which our students here in Vaddukoddai like very much). The problem is one piece in the puzzle, which is our mind. If we fit that in its right place the picture gets completed. If not – we do not see the real picture and try to make that one piece the big picture. Neither Mr. Modi nor Mrs. Gandhi is part of Sovereign Sri Lanka of TODAY. We need to use UN laws and principles to define our borders of today’s big picture. 

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