Monday, 30 July 2018

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam

30 July 2018

Australian-Indian Common Roots


Today’s mail brought directions to the article ‘Does Australia need a lesson in Indian economic strategy?’ at
The author Dr Amitendu Palit is presented as Senior Research Fellow of National University of Singapore. The author states:
[The recently released Indian Economic Strategy to 2035 report outlines three core objectives for improving the Australia–India economic relationship. These include making India one of Australia’s top three export markets by 2035, making India the third-largest Asian recipient of Australian foreign direct investment by the same year and bringing India ‘into the inner circle of Australia’s strategic partnerships and with people-to-people ties as close as any in Asia’.Recommendations for achieving these objectives are driven largely by the choice of states and sectors, 10 each respectively, that the report considers top priority for Australia.
The report is candid in its observations and does not fail to consider the challenges that such a pursuit is likely to encounter. But it also emphasises that India is unique in the growth trajectory that it is likely to follow and in the scale of its domestic market (shaped by its youth bulge), which together point to the importance of Australia ramping up its economic engagement with India.]

Any relationship is a combination of matter and energy. The deeper the common roots, greater the Energy component and therefore wider the coverage.


The strongest challenge that I ‘see’ in my mind’s eye is the forgetfulness of both political leaders in terms of racism. When one is not grateful for the good that has happened, one forgets the intelligence, the lesson, the law of Truth. This happens by leaving behind the Energy and carrying forward more of the deteriorating matter. That is self-inflicted punishment. Gratitude by the junior completes the experience for the junior. Inclusiveness by the senior without taking any return completes the experience for the senior. Matter may or may not move from one to the other in the process. In business matter is not enforced by one on the other. Towards this one side needs to be independent of  the other.


One who is genuinely grateful never forgets. Likewise one who includes the junior  at the base/root.


India lost its Prime Minister to the bomb of a group that ‘forgot’ the contribution made by its own intellectual leaders. It’s a clear example demonstrating the science of karma. Mrs Gandhi invested in Tamil armed rebels of Sri Lanka, who eventually killed her own son. The death happened in Tamil Nadu – where Mr Gandhi came for votes – the political parallel of money in business. Had Mr Gandhi included Tamils at root level of his regional governance investment, he would have been protected from leaving a damaged heritage for his heirs.


These are lessons from which Australian political leaders need to learn and so they would carry the wisdom with them when investing in India. Likewise, Indian leadership needs to learn from the Bali bombing tragedy during Mr John Howard’s leadership of Australia. Had Mr Howard included indigenous owners – not merely to ‘show’ but to feel and share – Australian’s would have been protected from that Tragedy. Indigenous Australians are the common root to a relationship with spiritually driven nations such as India. During my time as Australian, out of the Prime Ministers -  the Hon Paul Keating has shown the strongest common feelings with Indigenous Australians.


Mr Keating has brought out through his analysis in regards to the takeover of Fairfax by Channel 9. Some may call it merger but I also identify with it as takeover. Separations help preserve diversity. Where a restructure leads to major loss of diversity, the first casualty is Independence. I foresee this risk in the Australian-Indian collaboration under the current leaderships in both nations which failed to genuinely preserve and honor indigenous rights.


My mother nation Sri Lanka is currently the investment ground for both India as well as China due to the failure of  Sri Lanka’s political leadership to resolve the ethnic issue. Initially the opportunity was through our common investment in British Administration. That was the two way path of intellectual discrimination. But when the British left and Sinhalese majority took over, the majority relied more on emotional ties due to attachment to majority power. Majority power IS matter power. Eventually, Sri Lankan Tamils who were pampered by India including through the Cinema business in Tamil Nadu – also matched majority power by becoming India’s spoilt children. Greater the matter in a relationship less the shared Energy. Now those children of India feel more at home in India than in Sri Lanka – including Northern Sri Lanka. This is the lesson that Australia needs to learn – so the ‘African Gang’ type of emotional labelling does not end up costing Australian lives through ‘Indian mafia’. There are pockets in Tamil Diaspora who would naturally join forces with the ‘Indian mafia’.


Emotional pathway and Intuitive pathway – operate in one direction only at any given time. Greater the matter – greater the likelihood of emotional one way decisions to ‘show’ quick outcomes. Greater the Energy component in the relationship – deeper the common root and therefore the protection to both sides.


The author of the above report states:


[Whether the outcomes outlined in the report can be achieved will depend on the interest, sincerity and enthusiasm displayed by businesses, institutions and policy authorities on both sides of the Indian Ocean. Australia’s goal of making India one of its topmost export and investment markets cannot fructify unless India shares the same vision for its own national strategic interests. Unfortunately, there are gaps between Australian and Indian perceptions of the direction of the Indian economy.]

The statement ‘Australia’s goal of making India one of its topmost export and investment markets’  confirms a ‘takeover’ mentality – as if India’s business could be ‘made’ by Australians. A deeper common root would inform us that it is the current Indian Political leadership that is showing tendencies of ‘taking over’ and making Australian business. Adani group is such an example. Mr Turnbull has become the medium through which these Indian takeover energies are invading Australia. Refugees who go through pain and suffering are rejected by such leadership while Indians who made business out of Tamil ownership are rewarded by current Australian leadership. What a tragedy! It’s tragedy due to loss of intellectual powers driven by ownership energy.


Dr Amitendu Pali if he is of Indian origin living in Singapore, is not likely to feel Australian. Hence his analyses need to be self-balancing. I do not have the high intellectual knowledge in such affairs. But I am a feeling Australian and a feeling Hindu. Feelings give me intuitive direction. As an Australian I do not feel that Australia has the strategic goal of making India its topmost export market. The true and lasting commonness between India and Australia is the same as that between India and Sri Lanka – Spiritual ownership of the Nation. When we operate close to those common roots there are no takeovers; but Natural and harmonious Mergers.

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