Thursday, 18 February 2016

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam
18 February   2016

 Toppigala in the Eastern Province 

‘Balapitiya court. It was a Wild West style killing.
They came, they shot and they went away’

It was dark when I returned to the cottage in Thunaivi-Vaddukoddai – after an extended counseling session. I turned on the lights and they did not work. I recalled that the solar-power workers had switched off the mains earlier in the day and thought they must have forgotten to turn it on again. Got a bit irritated by such carelessness and tried to turn the switch on myself. Did not know which switch to turn on but turned on the ones that were down. Then rang our local electrician and explained the situation. He said push all the buttons up! I thought I had done that already. But even as I opened my mouth – I noticed the twin switches in the corner and knew that they were the ones! They did work. I realized then that I had read the mind of the electrician without needing to hear express words. It has happened before many times. I now fully believe that we can read each other’s mind when there is no friction at that moment in that issue. Some Medical Academics at the University of NSW, Australia did highlight that I had deep insight. I concluded that they were confirming that I had read their minds.  I believe all of us are capable of this one-mindedness. As per my discovery, our decisions and expressions are based on:

1.      Belief
2.      Intellectual Discrimination
3.      Hearsay

Use of Hearsay without roots to belief often leads to mental instability. The work/expressions of those who are allocated special areas of responsibility need to be read as per their position structures and duties and not ‘freely’. Politicians without belief as their root often become frivolous  due to such ‘freedom’.

Intellectual Discrimination is knowledge based and is consciously done. Human Laws help us use this pathway. The level of one-mindedness through this path – for example through Intellectual discussions on a particular topic or in Public Administration using Common Principles – is limited by the laws governing that structure. Devolution of Power is often needed due to the varying degree of investment in such Common principles and values as per Due Processes applicable to that structure. Priority is arranged hierarchically as per the contribution expected of a position to the structure. The higher the position the wider the range of beneficiaries. Hence one needs elevated mind to lead the whole. The visible elevation must happen through official structure and the outcomes need to be published through the official pathway.

The express pathway is Belief. Once we believe – the value is Absolute. We can work the system through Divine powers. The outcomes as and when needed by believers would however happen at different times – to deliver diverse returns. Hence Separation of Powers – so the respective cultural groups could make the connection between cause and effect – Karma as we Sri Lankans say.

I invested in the community of Thunaivi – which is one of the most disenfranchised villages in Vaddukoddai where the remnants of the caste system remain active. Recently there was discussion as to why work carried out traditionally by the lower castes was becoming more and more unreliable and expensive. I highlighted that the higher castes were not willing to learn the skills but were expecting the lower castes to remain in low social status. Eventually the two separate – and live in their own worlds. I am often asked by the higher castes as to whether  I was not fearful living in that rough environment. My response usually is – I separate myself when it is strictly ‘local’ based on their own form of sub-caste system and the qualities it breeds. The mind is first separated to become an observer. The physical separation at that point in time only – is confirmed by showing the observer status and listening when someone wanted to offload but not judging.

 I believe that it was because I felt ownership in University work that I contributed to the dismissal of the Vice Chancellor of the University of NSW and later the Prime Minister of Australia. This was possible due to me first fulfilling my duty as per my position and then going beyond. I could not have so contributed if I had prematurely expressed my dissatisfaction as the LTTE did by using armed power beyond the level needed to protect our independence/earned freedom.  I realize now that knowing the Truth was not enough but that I needed to manifest my contribution through the position available to me – however tiny that position may be against the Goliath. When such manifestation is direct from my root Belief – the Divine Powers existing in Nature manifest themselves through me also. It is their Natural Duty  to do so.

Given that the International Community, including the UN was removed from the war zone in 2009 – the ‘war’  became ‘Jungle War’.  Belief ought to have been the root of actions in such a war. THAT would have invoked the Natural Divine Powers to assist the Government that claimed victory. Tamils were entitled to International Principles and values when a part of their Community was listed by the opposition as Terrorists. Unless this ‘gap’ created by acceptance of the removal of International Observers - by the Government is filled through Policies included in the active parts of the Constitution – Sinhalese will get their returns along different pathway to Tamils.

The Island Editorial highlights this as follows:

[Needed: All-out war
February 17, 2016, 8:13 pm
The previous government used to pride itself on its successful war which eliminated Tiger terrorism. But, it failed or did not care to liberate the country from the clutches of other criminals. It drew heavy flak from the then Opposition for its failure to crack down on the underworld. Many thought the situation would improve significantly after the 2015 regime change. How mistaken they were! Criminals have since demonstrated their ability to strike at will on numerous occasions.
On Tuesday, a two-member hit squad opened fire on three suspects in a murder case, killing one of them and badly injuring another near the Balapitiya court. It was a Wild West style killing. They came, they shot and they went away before anyone knew what had happened. There is usually a considerable police presence in and around any court of law. How come the attackers got away so easily? Interestingly, on the same day, the police cracked down on an unemployed graduates’ protest march in Colombo by using water cannon and tear gas.]

Most Tamils would not be surprised by the description ‘It was a Wild West style killing. They came, they shot’ but  in our case the end would go as ‘and they stayed put’.

My ‘Devolution followed by Separation’ at Thunaivi protects me from Jungle culture. Relatively speaking the Southerners seem to feel unprotected as described in the following paragraph of the above mentioned article:
[Women cannot walk on public roads alone without fear of being relieved of their necklaces and handbags. Some of them even face a fate worse than death. Child abuse is rampant. Having a latchkey child is a nightmare for parents. There is hardly any ordinary house which hasn’t been burgled. Banks, finance companies, pawning centres or even wayside shops are not safe. Robbers just walk in and make off with millions of rupees. Successive governments have done precious little to remedy this situation. The underworld is emerging stronger by the day.]

If indeed, the LTTE were Terrorists – then using that measure - Thunaivi – a high risk zone – ought to show more of the above than Balapitiya in South. Is it each one’s karma returning as per their natural pathways?

Tamils who keep expecting from the Government – rather than doing their best within the official system and then leaving the rest to the Lord – are part of that system and therefore are limited to the human system. In Sri Lanka at Government level – the Lion mentality is promoted and hence the Jungle mentality continues. One who did not fight to have Buddha on the flag instead of the Lion – is not entitled to Divine manifestations of Higher Order. To so expect would be to ‘sow jungle and expect to reap UN benefits’. 

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