Monday, 1 August 2022


01 August 2022

Gajalakshmi Paramasivam




As per Channel 9 report ‘Four 'illegal boat intercepts' in Australia as economic unrest grows in Sri Lanka’:

["Operation Sovereign Borders" carried out by Australia's Border Force released a monthly report revealing four boats with a total of 125 people onboard were intercepted in June.]

When is a group Sovereign? To my mind, when the group listens to its own inner voice, it is sovereign. We measure the ‘sovereign’ strength of a group, through its leaders. The previous Liberal  Government led by Scott Morrison is reported to have demonstrated weakening of its own sovereign powers, reported as follows:

Scott Morrison has breached his own rule against commenting on “on-water matters”, confirming an asylum seeker boat from Sri Lanka has been intercepted.

In a last-ditch pitch to voters on election day, Morrison told Australians they “need to vote Liberal and Nationals” for him to be there to stop future boats, despite Labor having an identical policy to intercept and turn back boats where safe to do so.

In that instance Mr Morrison confirmed that ‘stopping the boats’ was NOT policy from his heart and that he reacted to Labor’s pitch to win Tamil votes through the Biloela’s Nadesalingam family.

Labor’s bias seems to have infected the Australian media also during the Protest drama which resulted in Sri Lanka’s duly elected president being unlawfully  dismissed from office. The external media has to have balanced reporting  to deserve ‘freedom’ to Publish. Internal media is entitled to use its own truth to interpret what happened and publish its belief. Only those who publish truth/belief, have the moral authority to be ‘free’.

Unless Australia's Border Force is independent of the government, it is highly likely that it would have interpreted the government’s actions in the case of Nadesalingams to be the Policy of the current government. On that basis – their efforts to ‘turn the boats away’ would have been seriously diluted.

In turn those in Sri Lanka, looking to emigrate, would have seen the Australian media reports as invitations to come to Australia. So, the Australian media is responsible for the new arrivals.

Thus between the Government and the Media, we get new policies in action, which override the written policy for politics.

In terms of Sri Lankan government, the Australian government needs to recognize that the Ancestral Powers of the lawful Parliament is currently in charge. The depth of commitment to First Nation’s claim to influence its own cultural laws would be indicated by the way Sri Lankan issue is interpreted by the Labor Government. Mine is confirmed through my response to Tamil Parliamentarian M A Sumanthiran on his Twitter page:

Sumanthiran: ‘By recycling the same politicians who created this problem – RW and MR have alternatively headed govs from 2001 to 2021 with a combined parl experience of 95 yrs – and then expecting the same people to solve them, has only driven this nation deeper into the abyss

Gaja: Add to that the exponential ancestral powers of a lawful parliament. The insight would be deeper.



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